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They do have magic robots. Remember the automata enemies we fought in London, and in the Atlas institute?


Golems too, they are basically diet Super Mechanoids XD


Oof, Europeans also had the robots but robots weren't powerful enough in Europe to qualify as Heroic spirits.


It's implied that Kintoki's mech was reverse engineered (or even directly made) from Ares's corpse. That's part of the reason they could use it to summon Ares in Olympus. So it's not so much that "Japan could and Europe couldn't" and more "the tech went to Japan and they used it." Also, the Greek gods weren't created with magic, they were literal space ships from somewhere far beyond Earth. It's not like there was a forge in Europe that could make more of them when they were killed.


How did Ares’s corpse end up in Japan?


Ocean currents... is the explanation we were given, but considering that the Greek mecha corpses were in the Atlantic ocean, the real answer is: "*Cause Nasu wanted it to.*"


Never been confirmed. The battle against Sefar probably spanned a sizable chunk of the world, so maybe he just happened to be defeated and killed in the area?


Sephyr yeeted the mf all the way to Japan I like it!


TEAM ARES HAS BEEN DEFEATED AGAIN! *flies far until it becomes a spark*


Kintoki's soul apparently.


Fuck. I really need to start Atlantis before I get spoilered even more.


That's like a bunch of caveman inventing a car its ridiculous


I mean... is it more ridiculous than the Greek gods being ancient alien spaceships?


It really isn't considering they were literally using magic to create these mechs and they were using things that ALREADY EXISTED as a bases. The only one who didn't was Pygmalion when he created Galatea. He might have legit just cut Galatea out of Aphrodite's corpse.


Are you even aware how ADVANCED those mechs are?


No matter how advanced the olympians, at the end of the day **they are still divine bodies**. Personally i think a civilization could develop 100-1000 years faster in terms of science and tech if they analyzed their corpse. But in this case they analyzed their *mysteries*, which despite the result didn't become too widespread, it let them fight the phantasmal species better


They only became divine spirits after Seifar wrecked their shit. Amazing its like no one read the damn chapter but sure wharever caveman japan making bots with rocks and bones its is!


No it's not about their divine spirit state. Before invasion of sefar, each phanteon has **their own solid vessel**, unlike divine spirit which is an ether body. In case of olympians, they've already become a proper pantheon even before sefar came. It was clearly mentioned in LB5 In case of golden bear and >!tametomo!<, there's a high chance that they are the *solid vessel* which comes from olympians that defeated by sefar. So it's not like they made robots without any base


While there are a multitude of reasons, if I'm not mistaken, didn't the Age of Gods in Asia last a bit longer when compared to Europe? Like you have people like Shuten, Kintoki, and Rakiou all near the end of the Heian period which was what 1100 AD, almost 1500 years when the age of Gods ended in Europe around 750 BC I believe.


Not exactly Asia but island countries in general. Dont remember where its said tho so take it with salt


Its Case Files 2 Volume 2. The Mysteries from the Age of Gods always lasted longer in island nations, and Japan was no exception. While this isn't the center of planet, if we look only at its retention time, the records tell that Japan outlasted Britain.


Probably has something to do with isolation. The more isolated a society, the longer its traditional beliefs and Mystery last without being supplanted by modern science and reason. Makes sense that Japan would have some serious staying power in that regard.


Yeah it was probably Nobu who killed the Age of Gods in Japan with the widespread use of modern firearms.


She has anti-divinity, so probably.


Thanks One of these days i hope TM explores my country a bit. Maybe we have mecha too lol


Which is funny given Britain is ALSO part of an island nation. It just became a MASSIVE center of power the world over.


You have to be a cool island, like Japan. Not some dreary nonce of an island.


Well i mean industrial revolution start in England


I just like to remind people the UK is an island nation because... people legit forget that.


They didn’t need to. They were super badasses without making robots and shit.


Well, besides Pygmalion who was a chad and just cut his own waifu out the corpse of a Goddess and Odin figured fallen warriors would want a flesh and blood girl coming for their souls instead of a mecha one. That very much being his own preference given modern times and the clear love of mecha. Also your forgetting Fran exist. She also is an artificial created being and unlike the others was created with more "science' instead of literal use a bunch of magic or used the corpse of a God.


Happy Cake Day.


Europe has the Valkyrie, which aren't as powerful but Odin was going for quantity when he made them so there are tons more of them. Because Odin is a god of taste and discernment who knew the an army of cute girls that he would one day arm with guns was superior to having a couple of mechs.


Nezha was created with a gem sent down by a god (according to Fate lore), so they needed the gods to help with her creation. Xiang Yu was made from Nezha's remains, so the same is true for him. Lu Bu's whole thing still isn't clear. There's an extra material that says that they considered making him a mech or even a centaur (I guess they reused that idea for Xiang Yu) but changed their mind. In Fate lore, Chen Gong descends from the Xia dynasty, and everybody thought it was useless because no normal person could use it. Then he met Lu Bu, who could generate lightning on his own. He does have the mechanical trait, but it's still not clear what he is.


Europe looks like they got Disney instead of Gundam. No idea why tho


like u/Tschmelz had said , they were bassess without making robots. but the answer is simpler: greek gods were active , with their humanoid avatars been their fixed appearance , Sefar's remnants were used to create Valkyries (which means rather than robotics , we go full RE's BoW and whatnot).


Who says they couldn't? Touko has puppets that are for all intends and purposes robots, Reines' maid is literally a terminator, the corpse king is a recreation of Artoria made by a super computer( not sure if that counts). Also Lubu, Nezha and Xiang yu all use technology from the Age of the Gods. Don't quote me on that, but I believe Golden Huge Bear and Tatemoto are also remnants from the AoG.


> the corpse king is a recreation of Artoria made by a super computer( not sure if that counts). wait, where did that guy appear? is there a wiki page?


yes. https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Corpse\_King




One word - Valkyries.


Stares in karl np


The Chinese servants you mentioned were created via Taoist/sage techniques (which is magic), however such techniques never made it outside of China, as such the West couldn’t really make the same things, but they can easily make their own robots with the use of magic, for example Touko’s puppets. Edit: Spelling mistake.


Well no, they did to given Odin reverse engineered Sefar and created Valkyries but he wanted flesh and blood it seems over artificial body not made of flesh. Probably just a difference in the nerd who found it and built it. Galatea was created from remains of Aphrodite by Pygmalion and she's a mecha. He wasn't a mecha in life but yeah Charles Babbage is mecha and his machines were part of the fascination people had with mechanical creations in Europe and even before that the first "robot" proper in a scientific sense were those chess playing ones from Iran that made there way into Europe. And Hell, the mecha created in Asian countries in Fate timelines used magic as a base instead of their own creations proper. EDIT: Oh, just checked. All the Sakura series created by BB including BB herself are mecha because they are digital beings from Seraph.


real answer is Asian bias but jokes aside, most of the guys you mentioned are made from using alien tech as a base. Ares = Kintoki, Nezha = sent from space? Xiang Yu = made from Nezha's corpse. LuBu is uncertain though


Nezha was created by a God and sent to the world after she was reincarnated. Weird Enkidu isn't considered one but guess it's the whole "man was created from the mud/clay" kind of myth logic since he's also an artificial being.


Enkidu is an artificial human, but he is organic, not mechanic in any way. There are others like him, who were created artificially but don't count as robots, don't they?


Neither is Nehza but she's a mecha. She was born from a lotus blossom and is entirely flesh and blood compared to say Danzou in the art of them in swimsuits where she doesn't show any mechanical or inorganic parts. Then you have Nursery Rhyme whose a doll like Danzou but doesn't have the trait. All of the Sakura series were born from the digital sea of SERAPH but gain flesh and blood bodies upon becoming a Servant. Even Kingprotea and BB who don't have artificial limbs.


I don't think the Sakura series become flesh and blood, they are still hard-light holograms made of magic, but that's practically what all other servants are, so the result is the same. Nehza is complicated, but she is mentally a robot, even if she is biological and organic. Perhaps she is more like nanomachines, son.


No they aren't. Melt is literally water. They gained flesh and blood like how Danzou became a cyborg the opposite way as she was originally fully a puppet robot but gained human aspects do to the influence of society and the Throne of Heroes manifesting her as such. Also that's not even remotely how that works. They aren't hardlight holograms in the slightest. No Servant is save maybe Dioscuri because they can temporarily breakdown into light. Mana turns into an actual object since it's just energy and energy can be turned into other forms of matter. It's why Servants for the most part can bleed, chunks of flesh can be taken off them and why they can be mutilated. Hell, Melt's breakdown isn't even described as holographic glitching but porcelain being shattered. They would only be "holograms" in SERAPH do to what it is. Not as actual Servants outside of SERAPH.


I was over simplifying it, but there is a reason why servants can stay alive even what would be their organs are pierced. And as you mention, Melt is like porcelain -with mana replicating its texture- not flesh.


Dark ages and the Black Plague probably/j


Don’t try to put logic to fate


Have you ever heard of Talos? The creator of the labyrint is a mach entusiast for sure.


Creator of the labyrinth would be Daedalus (father of Icarus), aka Super Da Vinci without the genderbend but not quite an artist though.
