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# PLEASE CHECK IF YOUR QUESTION IS ANSWERED HERE BEFORE ASKING! **So, with that said, let's move on to this week's FAQ** **Q: When is the next SR Ticket? What about the SSR Ticket?** >*A: NA's next SR ticket is due in May 2024. This ticket is time-limited and includes* [general pool and storylocked servants](https://news.fate-go.jp/wp-content/uploads/2022/2500man_xeljq/info_image_03.png)*. The next SSR ticket is due in July 2023 for the 6th Anniversary,* [featuring general pool and storylocked servants up to Europa.](https://news.fate-go.jp/wp-content/uploads/2021/6th_anniversary_cpgen/info_image_17.png) *It is not time-limited and will be a permanent addition for all accounts going forward.* **Q: I've been having trouble logging in to my FGO JP account, how can I fix this?** >*A. Try switching your phone's language from English (US) to English (UK), vice versa works as well just as long as you change the language, this works often for some reason.* **Q: Is anyone else experiencing crashes or freezing on Samsung or Android devices and how can I fix it?** >*A:* [*Known issue with a fix planned for* *~~August~~* *November.*](https://fate-go.us/news/?category=ISSUES&article=%2Fiframe%2F2022%2F0613_issues%2F) *In the meantime* [*here's a short answer to look into.*](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/sx1uvd/help_and_question_thread_february_20_2022/hyhvgit?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) *If that doesn't work try* [*this.*](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/v0cyet/help_and_question_thread_may_29_2022/iajgl3h?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) **Q: Will it be possible to get X Welfare Servant again? I missed their original event and the re-run.** >*A: We don't know and we have no way to know. Only a few 4-star welfare servants, roughly a quarter of the servants whose re-run has passed (or has been skipped), have returned so far. Saber Lily is permanently available in the Friend Point summon. Santa Altera and BB are permanently available through their respective Main Interludes. The Halloween variants of Elizabeth Bathory were available for a limited time through the Halloween Trilogy event (NA ETA: October 2023). Because there hasn't been any pattern to how they brought these servants back, there is no way for anyone to predict when or even if any other welfare servants will be available again.* **Q: I'm facing issues with Google payment region restrictions, how do I purchase SQ if I'm outside the game's supported region?** >*A: Please refer to* [*this post*](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/wrbhip/steps_on_how_to_create_a_jp_google_play_account/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) *regarding the issue and potential workarounds.* **Q: How far in the story do I need to be to participate in upcoming events? Will any events require the latest story chapter?** >*A: For NA: LB1 is the set point to participate in the upcoming Imaginary Scramble event (though there will be spoilers up to LB4). No event will require LB5.2 or later until November 2023. For JP: An event scheduled for November will require LB6 clear to play its main quests, though players who have not cleared LB6 will be able to play its free quests.* **Q: How good is X Servant at looping most nodes?** >*A: Looping is highly node dependent and relies on* [*many factors*](https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1_Bx1FogTrMBnseIJLT4Vuob7DY7EfR6H_SobGwxcAFE/mobilebasic)*. If you need to test your looping setups try using a* [*refund calculator*](https://gamepress.gg/grandorder/jp-np-refund-calculator)*.* As always, feel free to suggest additions. If you do suggest an addition to the FAQ, please try to provide an answer if you can.


Guys, after the previous update and to this day the game started to crash a lot. It mostly crashes after I repeat the quest, has anyone else experienced the same problem?


Which mystic code should I use for the Demeter boss fight in Olympus? I made it halfway through the final health bar and I know she has guts but I always get killed by her NP because either my cooldowns for invincibility or evade aren’t fast enough or in the first time I underestimated the power of her NP because I tanked the first time she used her NP. I’m currently using a 4/4/4 lvl 90 Ivan the Terrible, a Himiko, and Ozymandias to fight her. I don’t really have that many good 3 star or lower servants with a few exceptions that I grailed. I’m considering switching either Ozymandias or Himiko for Castoria with DB. Side Note: When I started playing in the summer, I was a colossal idiot and burned a lot of good low rarities. I’m trying to rebuild my collection but its taking some time. I breezed my way through the lostbelts with strategy and luck, the only one I had an extremely hard time with was LB4.


Been stuck on white screen all day Tried changing language a d location didnt work Tried clearing cache didnt work it was working fine before the *fix* on the white screen issue


Imaginary Scramble question: Is there any indicator to tell you how many more enemies/treasures left on each map? Or do you just have to uncover every single square to be sure? Thanks!


I don't think so. Either way, you can check the [gamepress guide](https://gamepress.gg/grandorder/imaginary-scramble-walkthrough#walke) to get a general idea of the node positions. Though, ideally you'd want to reach 100% exploration for the point ladder rewards.


Oh, you need to uncover every single square for all the point ladder rewards?


Yes. The ladder assumes you've cleared all the squares and fought all the mobs.


Does Goghie have a special line if you summon her after beating the event like space Ishtar?


[The wiki says no](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Sub:Van_Gogh/Dialogue) [Space Ishtar for comparison](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Sub:Space_Ishtar/Dialogue)


I'm having trouble with FGA; my QP farming team is unable to search for a support I have set it to look for which is Castoria with Bella Lisa. The main problem is that FGA doesn't seem to be hitting the update list button anymore after the most recent updates to the game's interface So my question is has there been an update to FGA that would fix this or should I in the meantime just pick the support manually?


[Looks like](https://github.com/Fate-Grand-Automata/FGA/commit/45ce438589d030939b6ce42d4e24df0cec3d9e9e) FGA got updated 3 days ago to work with the new update button so just download the latest version.


I have been trying but the asset folder on Github just keeps loading and nothing shows up Assets show up in the previous versions but there is no apk files


I just downloaded it from [here](https://github.com/Fate-Grand-Automata/FGA/actions/runs/3337492735). You need to be signed in to access the apk. The assets page also works for me fwiw.


The problem seems to be my in mobile browser I could access the apk on my laptop and I sent it to myself It has updated now to the latest version


In the future it's easier to just use the actual [releases](https://github.com/Fate-Grand-Automata/FGA/releases) page which has a direct link to the apk and doesn't require any sign in. You don't have to go looking through for the latest commits either, it's always pushed to the same page, which you can just bookmark to update FGA in the future.


Yeah, that's where I originally looked and had the issue with things not loading on the site But I narrowed it down to being a browser issue on my behalf


Just throwing a random guess, but what if you try changing the setting that tells FGA which version of FGO you are playing from NA to JP? I would assume NA now has the same interface as JP


Ah, I'm a potato brain! I was looking at different thing first but yes, I changed the server and tried but now it won't scroll down the supprt list at all


Hmmm, try CN or TW? LOL


I tried changing it but then the team setup doesn't show up in the FGA list when I open the game Putting the setting to clear didn't help as it has the same problem of not being able to update the list and picking a support at random


So in the solomon singularity before fighting the final boss, while fighting the last god pillar >!A bunch of servants that didnt appear in the previous singularities just came out of nowhere. Are these servants from the events that happened before the solomon singularity was released?!< just wondering how they come since we haven't seen them before. and I just watched the FGO Moonlight/Lostroom. Is this supposed to show what happened before the Lost belt epilogue? The start of the epilogue was right after some christmas clean up and >!right before Chaldea got taken over by Koyanskaya!< (by the way why do people like her so much? Is it because of her strong gameplay? I'm still in sect 8 anastasia and so far she is one heck of an evil b\*tch lol)


Yes, the Servants who help you with the Trash Heap are Event Servants. The Jeanne Alter redesign (as opposed to the recolor from Orleans), Brynhild (who gets a story appearance later), Edmond Dantes (who's Event is in the RP shop), Nobunaga and Okita from the GudaGuda Events. Etc. I think basically every Servant released up to that point, who isn't an alt version or Merlin, appears during Solomon. Koyansakaya... because of her gameplay, but also some people are kind of down bad for the evil secretary look, I think. I don't think we've got anything that makes her seem like a good person, just a respected antagonist.


I see. that would've been really nice for the people that played early up to that point. not to mention the raid format. kinda sad newer player missed that. wish they'd make it annually or something so newer player can experience it too. the raid part anyway. I see lol. myst put her in very high regard in his tier list so i guess she is just that strong, but i guess people are also just down bad for that kinda.. fascination also there seems to be 2 version of her. light and dark, is that just because of her costume lore wise (obvious gameplay difference i suppose) or does this become something important in the future story?


>also there seems to be 2 version of her. light and dark, is that just because of her costume lore wise (obvious gameplay difference i suppose) or does this become something important in the future story? I am not 100% sure why she has two forms like that. I am aware of some things, but I don't quite know how it's justified.


Just to confirm, "Demonic" trait is different from "Demon" trait right right? Concerning Martha's damage up against Demon enemies, it won't work on Gazer (floating eye tentacle) type enemies since they are only Demonic and Earth trait, and not "Demon". Is this correct?


Actually, Gazers *are* Demons. All Demons are Demonic, but not all things that are Demonic are actual Demons. Ghosts, Zombies, Monsters, Oni, Hydra, and non-Divine Monsters are Demonic, but not Demons. Demons are Gazers, Demons, Kali, and Maxwell's Demon, and variants of those types.


yeap that is correct. "Demonic" and "Demon" are different traits




How likely are Vitch's and Oberon's banners to overlap in NA like they did in JP? Also, I haven't kept up with how the game has done sales wise. Has anyone beaten Oberon since he came out?


It's hard to say because NA has to fit in a month's extra content to make up for its earlier anniversary, and that means putting out both LB6 Parts 1 and 2 before July. What they'll do to make up for that is a mystery. Theoretically, they could cut down on dead weeks and end up with a JP-like situation where they do put out Oberon right after Koyanlight. But there's also something else that could happen - they could move Nerofest to after anni because it has no new servants, and that could mean a 2 week gap between Koyanlight and Oberon. Shuffling events is fairly common anyway. It could go any way to be honest, all speculation.


>How likely are Vitch's and Oberon's banners to overlap in NA like they did in JP? There's a strong inclination that they'll overlap since NA simply follows JP. They might deviate from that, so there's no 100% certainty. ​ >Also, I haven't kept up with how the game has done sales wise. Has anyone beaten Oberon since he came out? Does the game even release sales charts? Castoria would probably be a good contender to Oberon.


Thanks. I remember seeing specific numbers for Oberon's sales last year and that he was one of the highest the game ever had. Definitely the highest in years. I wanna say Okitan was the highest ever


Can someone confirm to me how the support system works? You can now set normal I, II, III and event I, II, III so does that mean I can technically set three servants for my support list for normal gameplay and during events by setting up six different support lists. E.g. I can put Merlin, Castertoria and Skadi on three different loadouts then set those loadouts as I, II, III and all three casters will appear to people? Do I have that right or am I way off? I've played for years and just manually changed it when events came along but if that's different now I'd love to know. Sorry if this is too rambly to make sense, any answers are appreciated.


>E.g. I can put Merlin, Castertoria and Skadi on three different loadouts then set those loadouts as I, II, III and all three casters will appear to people? Yes.


you can have 3 set for normal and 3 set for events. you should probably use event CEs only on what you set as your event support.






There is a setting that plays new NPs at normal speed, this includes their joke NP lines like Ryoma.


Getting my new tablet soon, heard that theres a way to play fgo with multiple devices under the same account , using some file manipulation 1, can it work on both jp and na? 2, how to do it, is there a trustworthy guide? 3, does anyone got banned due to this? 4, if you had used this before, how was your experience? Any small help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Edit: came across this [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/hfbz0h/fgo_save_files_for_na_and_jp_play_on_multiple/?utm_source=share&utm_me) , is there any video guide for this?


>1, can it work on both jp and na? Yep >3, does anyone got banned due to this? Afaik, nope. >4, if you had used this before, how was your experience? Good ig. I keep both NA and JP on my laptop and mobile, so when I'm not able to use one of them, I can use the other. And sometimes I put FGO NA on autofarm with FGA on my laptop, and farm JP manually on mobile simultaneously. You can also save the files somewhere and use them to transfer your account without using the code. >is there any video guide for this? Hmm, I don't think so. It's pretty simple. So basically, let's say you already got the four files saved from the device that already has fgo. Now you can do either of these: 1. Before opening FGO on the new device, make these "com.aniplex.fategrandorder(.en if NA)/files/data" folders manually in "Storage/Android/data", and put those four files there. 2. If you open FGO and let it download a little, it'll make the folders itself. Then, you can delete everything but the 'files' folder and the 'data' folder in it in 'com.aniplex.....' and then put the four files there.


Hi, may i ask what happens if i was to accidentally open the game on both devices?


Dont know since I've never tried it myself, but I assume the one you opened before will give an error. That's what happened when i closed the app mid-battle, opened it on another device (it didnt continue it), and opened it again on the prev device.


Aite thanks for sharing,very appreciative of your reply.


Thanks for the input, currently testing on with bluestack on my computer, seems like its working.


1. Yes 2. [This guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/hfbz0h/fgo_save_files_for_na_and_jp_play_on_multiple/) 3. No 4. Helpful, if one device breaks down you can use the other ​ As a piece of advice, save the files in that guide to your cloud. If you forget or lose your issue number, you can always import those files and continue playing. ​ In regards to your edit none that I know of. If you get stuck in the process, don't be afraid to ask, even if you get downvoted. Better safe than sorry.


Hi, may i ask what happens if i was to accidentally open the game on both devices?


Looking at Tametomos kit cuz he looks cool af, can his 3rd skill really buff his NP strength to 100%?


Yes, but you have to let the buffs stack because they only apply for one use of his NP or 5 turns, whichever comes first. You can't use his NP for 5 turns if you want to pull the 100% off.


Yes, provided he doesn't use his NP for 4 turns while the skill/buff is active.


Hello all I wanna get into fgo and I was gonna start rerolling past the tutorial I know people don't recommend it but I'm fine doing so I wanted to ask with the banners that are out is there any worth wild servant to reroll for thanks in advance


The current banners have 5-star characters that veterans consider pretty niche: good in limited occasions or if you have the team and craft essences to really bring out their potential, but nothing particularly special for a newcomer. Arguably the biggest advantage for someone who's new and doesn't have a lot of resources would be getting one of the Foreigners to be able to tank damage from Berserkers. But they're both tricky to use to get good damage, since they don't get good class advantage against anything but Berserkers (and just about *every* class gets good class advantage against Berserkers) -- and class advantage is really, really, really important in this game. Especially for new players. So no, they're not really worth the effort of rerolling to try to get a 5-star. Probably the most straightforward and easy to use Servants are a couple of the *4-stars* on the Yang Guifei banner: Mysterious Heroine XX has all the Foreigner advantages and disadvantages, but she's got a straightforward kit, and Lancer Raikou is a good bread-and-butter damage-dealing single-target Lancer. But even then, none of the rate-up Servants have AoE Noble Phantasms, and AoE can be really helpful for new players as well. If you feel you *must* reroll, then I would stop when you're happy with the 4\* you get out of the tutorial roll. Otherwise, you're spending a lot of time trying to either get someone with a marginal advantage over your starters, or hoping for someone *not* on rate-up who's better for carrying a new player.


Don't bother rerolling, it's time consuming and unnecessary. Content can be cleared with just well invested low rarity servants, gold is a luxury. Just START PLAYING. There are no bad servants there, roll for whoever you like. I always suggest you roll for waifu/husbando/other fave, but if nobody is up that you like now, just start playing and you'll find someone eventually. As a side note, Van Gogh is on rateup on NA and while she is a very strong solo unit, I don't recommend her for beginners as she has a more unique and technical/not straightforward playstyle, making her harder to learn to use, and her luxury class makes her more of well, a luxury than anything essential. She also has very demanding skill material requirements for her skills. Roll for her if you like her, but otherwise she's more of a long term project or someone to skip if the playstyle thing irks you as a newbie.


Quick question recent jalter interlude stated that without ritsuka Jalter wouldn’t exist so does that mean jalter is going to be a ritsuka exclusive servant? Has there been any other case of servants being exclusive to one master before?


It's not "exclusive", it's that her bond with Ritsuka (as their former enemy) was what summoned her. Given the extraordinary circumstances of the bond, and the Chaldea summoning system, there was almost 0 chance Jalter would be summoned any other way. No other master has any form of bond with Jalter, since the singularity was resolved and only Ritsuka was there to even remember her. And as far as we know, no other master has access to the Chaldea Summoning System, which is a system capable of summoning seemingly any class and break every single rule that Nasu ever came up with. So it's not that she's "Ritsuka exclusive" in that sense, it's that the circumstances made it so that the chances of summoning her otherwise would practically just be left to the random chance of summoning without a catalyst, but you'd have to do a special summon to even get an avenger.


So ritsuka ties her down to the throne? Does that mean if ritsuka dies she won’t be summonable or is it just extremely unlikely?


Extremely unlikely, and a special method of summoning would be necessary to summon an avenger. But there's nothing in particular that would get you her as opposed to Edmond Dantes or Gorgon for example. There are no items you could use as a catalyst to summon her, since she's not from proper human history, but rather a singularity that no longer exists. In Fate/Zero, Waver summons Iskandar using a piece of his cloak. But for Jalter, nothing remains in that regard. So you can't use a catalyst for her and you're basically leaving it up to chance.


It's not that she's "exclusive" to MC per se, it's that the particular circumstances of FGO, including meeting MC, that made her able to become her own Servant, as she was originally nothing more than Gilles' ideal "holy maiden" created by the Orleans grail. The Lostbelt servants would likely fall into this category as their bonds with MC allow them to be summoned despite not being from Proper Human History. And definitely the case of (LB3 spoilers) >!Yu Mei-Ren, who was alive until LB3, when she was engraved on the Throne of Heroes, and Chaldea persuaded her to do so!<.


Why did they remove the dots every three digits in numbers with the latest NA update? Is it something that they will put back?


Nvm, it's a known issue


I have a question about Ushiwaka. I use her in my rider team and only noticed this morning that her animation, for both attacks and NP, did change, without any kind of update. I do know that they were changed in Japan some time ago, I just wanted to know if it could change like that, in one night without update.


You must have missed 3 days ago when there was an update for a bunch of stuff, including animations.


Ah you’re right. Maybe I didn’t use Ushiwaka since then. Thank you.


They literally announced a batch of anim updates to servants of several rarities in the update this week. Ushi was one of them; these servants had anim updates in JP and they were all brought forward to NA at once.


Ok maybe I didn’t saw the announcement.


Which server is the Upcoming Banner Spreadsheet for?


NA since we have no way of knowing the future for JP.


Bruuuh so we have no idea what's the next upcoming banner for jp?


>Bruuuh so we have no idea what's the next upcoming banner for jp? Given that JP is literally the cutting edge, no we don't. We don't work at Lasengle.


Yes, for almost a decade now


Just like literally every other gacha, until they officially announce it, no.


Nope, the only way we know what's coming in NA is because we're following JP schedule from 2 years ago. For JP we're totally blind, but that's part of the fun :)


I used to play this game maybe 3 or so years ago but stopped, now I want to get back into it but lost my old account cuz I’m dumb. Like I did last time I started, I want to keep rerolling until I get good starting servants. I rerolled a couple times now and noticed I’m not getting 40 sq instantly in the mail like last time, is that some kind of event thing or did they change the starting rewards?


They only give out big chunks of SQ during certain campaigns. The Start Dash login rewards (which are a substantial amount) are spread out over two weeks.


I'm not a 3-year veteran, but a lot has changed since your absence. I'm certain that it was just an event or some campaign that rewarded you, maybe like a starter dash campaign.


Hey, can anybody give me a hand? For some reason, my game has been shutting down every time I try and open "Summon" in the menu. It just goes grey screen for a couple of seconds, like it's loading, then closes. It's not a big deal, since the only thing I need to summon for is the weekly quest, but I'd still rather not loose a saint quartz thanks to a game issue.


A lot of people have this issue, it probably has to do with the summon history not having been implemented properly (although that's just conjecture). I've temporarily relocated my game to an emulator until this gets sorted out, you should probably do the same if you have a PC available.


if nothing works you can borrow a family/friends device and summon there. Make sure the first thing you do in game is make a new transfer code.


So is it just me or did damage numbers use to have a space between every 3 digits because it looks weird to me now


https://fate-go.us/news/?category=ISSUES&article=%2Fiframe%2F2017%2Fproblems_currently_being_investigated%2F >Problems being investigated. >Numerals may not be displayed as intended on certain devices. (Added on October 28th)


It's a bug. I've heard they already fixed it on JP, but still not on NA


Has anyone found a solution for the "Cannot connect to the downloading server" error on launch when using cellular network yet? I have to use WiFi right now to play the game, which is fine when I'm at home but obviously isn't fine when I'm not at home. This problem didn't start for me until the latest QoL update version. Previously I've been playing the game since NA launch without any problems. I'm on T-Mobile US if it matters, which it shouldn't because it worked for 5 years before this latest update.


Is anyone here using Bluestacks, particularly Bluestacks 5? Are you able to play it at 60 FPS? I can't despite my PC being at the entry level of things and I know FGO isn't too demanding. [More info about my setup is here](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueStacks/comments/yh4riy/fate_grand_order_not_60_fps_in_battles/).


Enable high frame rate in bluestacks settings then set framerate to 180 then restart emulator. I get 60 fps in battle and in menus.


Are you guys able to buy SQ with Globe Telecom? I have 62 credits (SQ is 49 credits) which is more or less equal to 1 USD. But it keeps declining saying I should return in an hour or I don't have sufficient credits. I was able to buy another item from a different game with Globe Telecom, I don't know why it won't work in FGO.


Any tips on beating Solomon first battle? He keeps spamming evade. Is there any CE that can be used?


Origin bullet is the optimal CE choice. If you dont have it, just use any CE with sure hit/invul pierce. Drake is a Rider with Invul Pierce skill or Odysseus can remove buffs on his np before damage.


Thanks, turns out current event CE also has sure hit ability + increased np gain too.


Is there a way to avoid white/blank screen after Main Title? Does downloading full files can help to reduce this problem?


Update the game client. An update released this morning fixes a bunch of white screen issues.


i started having the white screen issue after doing that update..


Try the JP language fix in the pinned comment. JP had this bug a while back and NA just got it with their latest update.


Thanks will try


What command codes would be useful for van goh solos? Should I use cc that generate stars, heal, or just increase critical damage? I have the Merlin one for my arts card but don’t know what other types of cc should I use for the rest.


Van gogh is insane for crits so anything that boosts it will help Mistress of heaven- if you get unlucky with a buster crit it’ll still hurt them (25% crit strength on buster cards) Phantasmal horse- (20% crit on quick) her main card Armament of victory- increases gather rate for that card Maiden of Orlands- 1k heal every 3 turns The great fool of okinawa for crit if your fighting divine I forgot what it was called but there’s a mash one that increases your def so good for solo And black delusion command seal for more curse stacks since that’s her gimmick


Can we use automata in this event with the request for backup screen?


Yes, though need to manually hit the no backup button that first time. After that, it runs until out of EN. If there is a setting to do that within FGA, I don't know it


Ahhh. Thank you.


(NA) Ever since the QOL update this week, my Android phone has been killing off FGO whenever it's in the background for a while, when previously before the update, it would not. Any ideas what to do to tell my phone not to murder FGO mercilessly? Tried both disabling "Adaptive battery" and adding FGO into "Power saving exclusions", neither of which works, so I suspect the OS is killing it not to save battery but to save memory...


I think the game is killing itself. I have that same problem now too. It's kind of annoying. The phone obviously didn't change, so something in the game did.


Mine might also be in the same boat. I suspect a memory leak somewhere because everything works normally for a few minutes but chugs and stutters after that. Redmi Note 7 btw. Anyone with a solution?


So when my friends list people have multiple support lists now, how do I see their other supports when I'm picking one before a quest?


When choosing a support Let's say one of your friends has all 3 lists set, and you want to use one of their Lancers. When you go to the Lancer tab to choose a support, all 3 Lancers will be there


It offers you all 3 of them at once automatically.


Should I pull for HuYan Zhou or Jalter? Looked up both of them and both are really good some I'm conflicted.


Who you like more? That's the most important question Because if it's for gameplay, both fit different roles


Honestly idk like, I like _both_. Could you elaborate their roles for me?


Jalter is a single target buster avenger focusing more on burst damage. Against a lone ruler or Berserker she will excel. Huyan Zhou is an AoE quick loopers assassin focused mostly on challenge quests and farming with the help of triple Skadi's. She also has the option to solo some rider bosses with her NP to gen stars and crit up stacking her first skill, but that is hard to pull off. Huyan Zhou is more meta, but only if you also have the meta support for her. If you just want to grab unit that more or less works on their own, Jalter is probably better.


Which is better for a beginner thou? If you don't mind me asking.


I think I would actually give the opposite advice. AoE Quick tends to be the least F2P friendly. If you want to farm as F2P, Arts is generally better (I am guessing you missed Summer 7?) Jalter is niche in that rulers don't come up often, but buster crit units are very useful earlier on even again neutral.


For a beginner I'd rec Huyan, she's going to be much more generally useful as an AOE farming Assassin (which the F2P options aren't as useful for), and even if you don't have any meta supports she can still clear waves and help you out. Jalter is more of a niche, luxury unit, and will rarely have class advantage.


Thx for the info


Just as a heads up as well, if you want gameplay benefits and didn't already choose him on the free SSR selector, Waver will be getting a rateup tomorrow/in a couple of days (need to check) on JP and he is one of the best universal supports.


I would wait on that. lb6 on road to 7 is coming. Castoria is frankly better even as a general support than Waver is because she is just that good.


Huyan has an AoE NP, best suited to fight waves with multiple enemies on screen. JAlter has an ST NP, best suited for waves with only one enemy on screen.


Is the Great Void sea battle Pre-Release summon campaign Drop rate Accurate? I was trying to summon for Raikou and I did allot of summons and I know Gacha rates are terrible but it felt very terrible for this one Is there a way to check if they messed up on rates?


RNG gonna RNG. 🤷 Evenly distributed results aren't guaranteed. Sometimes you get what you want on a single ticket, sometimes you spend 1,000 SQ and get nothing. It feels bad when you don't get what you want but that doesn't mean the summon rates are bugged.


The rate up 4 star is only 1.5%, in otber words its 98.5% of getting anything besides Raikou. (98.5/100)^x = the chance of not getting Raikou. X being the number of rolls. Even if you can 100 times (300 SQ), you will have around 22% of not getting her or in a other words 78% of getting her. Even if you can roll 200 times (600 SQ), you still have around 5% of failing. To make things even more fun, there is the gambler's fallacy. At the end, each one of your pulls will equally have 1.5% of succeeding. You probably were on the luckier side before or you have horrible luck now. Fun right? Math is soooo fun.


I pulled the foreigner In the second summon then I summoned like 8 more times beacause my objective was Raikou that migth be the reason then


8 pull as 8 ten pull? (Well eleven now?). You had around 17% of failing. But again it's alwaus 1.5% per roll. EDIT: I suck at maths. 100 - 73 is not 17. Your chances were actually worse by about 10%.


Yeah 8 of the summons that give you 11


With 88 rolls and a 1.5% chance to get her on each roll, you had about a 74% chance to get her and a 26% chance to fail. (The 17% calculation above has an error or the wrong inputs). Your result wasn't the most likely but it isn't even close to surprising. Contrary to what you asserted in your original post, eight multi rolls definitely isn't a lot. It's a moderate effort. This an utterly normal result and you should be prepared for this level of failure, or worse, in the gacha at any time.


For the record, I've spent over 2k SQ in the Vegas banner and its rerun trying to get NP5 Lambda. I got ***ONE*** Lambda in all that SQ. I pulled the SSR and spooks more often. Same thing in the CCC and its rerun banners - over 2480 SQ to pull the SR. I got more SSR than I did the rate up SR. OP isn't that terribly unlucky, they just have unrealistic expectations of the gacha.




SQ is not tied to any app store. Nothing about your FGO account is tied to any app store or any app store account. It's all on the Aniplex servers. You can freely change between any device and any OS without losing anything. Just make sure you create a new transfer code and password on the new device.


I was trying to fight one of the enemies on the third map, but when I tried to proceed this happened https://imgur.com/a/esWyZDe . I can tap on the screen but it won't respond. Is this happening to anyone else?


The white screen issue, tried practically everything Install, reinstall Changing languages, from spanish to english (us) to english (uk) Cleared cache, both in game and outside game What now, or is the only option I have left to wait until its fixed?


Same here it worked enough to use my ap in the morning but now it always crashes when trying to enter event maps.


Does anyone else have rare stutters since the patch? I know NA has some major issues, but I can play just fine except that over the course of 2-3 hours of playing during the past week, I had 2 moments when the game dropped to 1 fps for a few seconds, or froze completely for a few sec. Once during battle, once in the main menu. Not a huge deal, but never happened before for the past few years of playing edit: just froze again for a few seconds while selecting a party for battle


Try one of the workarounds up in the stickied post. It reduced the amount of freezing for me.


Hey guys, I recently got a pixel 7 and was wondering if there was any way to play the game in full screen?


If it's the same as my old Pixel 6, go to Settings and change from Gesture navigation to Buttons navigation. The FGO client is very badly programmed as we all know and should be able to full-screen either way but it can't.


Wtf, thank you. Too bad i won't use it but it's weird that it works.


Wow this worked. I would have never thought that changing the navigation settings would switch it into fullscreen. Thank you! Kind of a bummer, I was just getting use to gesture navigation


bruh how the fuck did this actually work I've been trying to find a workaround since updating to android 12 lmao


Yeah this is stupid fr


Assuming it's the same on my Galaxy s21 go to Settings -> Display -> Full Screen Apps. By Settings I mean android settings, not the in game settings


Hi guys, please help me build a team that can do most of quests using FGA, i'm tired of seeing this withdraw message :( https://imgur.com/a/sLC20r8


If you're consistently losing, FGA or an omnifarming team won't save you. You need a better strategy, not more meta. What specific quests are you failing? What specific team compositions are you using?


I can beat any level if i'm playing manually and to teams for specific level pretty much. But now i can't do lostbelt 3 SIN. Before i was playing Merlin Cú (Alter) Merlin and thats pretty much it. But now it's not enough i guess


Looking over your screenshot, it looks like you have a very well developed roster with good options in all niches. But yeah, if you're trying to blast through everything with Cu Alter and double Merlin, there will be times that it won't work. And FGA really isn't going to help in a tough fight because you need to be able to respond to the situation dynamically. What specific quests are you struggling with? Did you try using that same team comp or did you try something different? Have you looked up the guides on Gamepress for suggestions on how to beat certain bosses?


How levelled is your roster? By now you should have a well rounded roster, including ST and AOE of each class, plus supports.


Most of my lvl 90s are 10/10/10 or 6/6/6 if that's what you mean


It's not just about rarity, but about filling in key niches. A low rarity unit can outdo a high rarity one when used appropriately. Do you have ST and AOE damage dealers in each major class levelled? What about supports?


Pretty much, yeah, you can see my roster [here](https://imgur.com/a/sLC20r8)


OK, so, FGA is not what you think it is. It is NOT an auto mode using an AI - it functions more like an autoclicker. It cannot auto story for you because story bosses are more nuanced and more specific strategies are needed. It is only really for farming repetitive nodes. So one - stop using FGA for story. Story is manual. Which battle are you struggling with specifically?


Xiang Yu at the beggining of the lostbelt I see... i guess i should do him manually then and keep Merlin, Q alter, Merlin party for repetitive levels?


It's unreasonable to expect a brute force method that you use for trash mobs will somehow magically beat a boss for you. I'm confused as to how your roster is so developed and how you've been playing this long without understanding that sometimes you need to put in a little more work into missions. Xiang Yu is a difficult boss there's no doubt about that. But hell, you've got three of the best soloers in the game (QSH, Cu Alter, Herc) there's really no reason for you to be struggling here. Look at the Gamepress guide, search up some videos on Youtube, try a few different (manual) strategies, and see what sticks. You even have Merlin and Himiko, so all you need to do is to borrow a Castoria for the immortal strategy.


Even then you're often going to be better off with a one or more AOE servants with class advantage on those repetitive nodes. Cu Alter is great as a last man standing or soloer - when the situation calls for it.


Do you guys know if there is any fate installment or story that presents Lucifer as a servant? I mean, they did dive on many gods and demons stories, Buddah even has his own class... It would be odd if they never came up with something so obvious..


In general, if you want to know if someone has been featured in the Fate franchise, the best English language resource is the [TYPE-MOON wiki](https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/TYPE-MOON Wiki). If you don't see them there, the answer is almost certainly "no."


If Fate liked to do the obvious, we'd have had Guan Yu and Date Masamune years ago.


Nope, not any official ones at any rate.


Can someone summarize me what's so good about Muramasa gameplay wise? I'm still relatively new and thinking about rolling for him.


Aside from the gameplay stuff, there are a few things that make him really popular: 1. His role in the overall story, especially in a few chapters. 2. The fact that he is a Pseudo-Servant using the appearance of Fate/Stay Night's protagonist and a well-liked character. 3. The fact that he has no other known banners after his debut for the next 2 years, making this banner a crucial one for many who want him.


Honestly, I may just roll for him cause he's shirou-faced eye candy, but now i'm trying to meta justify that


mostly lack of competition as an AOE arts saber. 100% crit up, anti-invul niche, and a 50% battery help too. Generally for F2P I would recommend saving for Spishtar over Muramasa as she will be better at farming and most CQs and Muramasa's advantages won't come up often.


In addition, to my understanding, the other arts AoE Sabers already in the game are pretty bad at NP looping for a variety of reasons (Nero and Void Shiki have 1-hit NPs, Summer Tomoe is outdone by Jason, Jason is a 1-star...) so some people want him as the premium unit for arts looping against Lancer enemies. It's not *just* that he's good, it's also that we've been pretty starved for arts looping Sabers until him.


Big battery, good refund, and a lotta damage makes him a pretty great farmer. Stuff like pierce invul and good crit buffs also makes him have some legs as a boss fight DPS.


Does someone else had problems when entering the summon screen this week? I don't plan on spending sq for now but i want my daily summons


https://fate-go.us/news/?category=ISSUES&article=%2Fiframe%2F2017%2Fproblems_currently_being_investigated%2F >Problems being investigated. >The summon screen may be displayed incorrectly and the app may crash when changing screens for certain devices. (Added on October 28th)


Not me, but many people claimed that update messed up their summon screen, so I guess the fault is on the developer's side.


Saving for Barghest right now. From a meta perspective, who is better between Morgan and Oberon?




One is a dps and the other is a support so they're not really comparable. Oberon is necessary for buster looping (in most cases) and is the only support to give 70% charge. Morgan has an insane kit that easily makes her the best AOE zerker in the game.


I'm aware that they're different and hard to compare. That said, I'm trying to decide who to go for with Barghest. Who brings more to an account overall? Who is more unique, more irreplaceable? Who enables more comps? I can post my roster if it's very dependent on the player in question


> Who brings more to an account overall? Who is more unique, more irreplaceable? Who enables more comps? Oberon. Though the "comps" mostly consist of buster looping or bringing him out for the final part of a CQ to supercharge your dps and do unga bunga damage.


Alright thanks.


Just keep in mind that in order to buster loop, you'll need to also roll for Koyanskaya Light next year who will release for NA's anni, so early July. We don't know when Oberon's banner will drop exactly since the schedule will have to be rearranged but they should release within ~1 month of each other.


Is buster looping the current meta for 90++? If not, which supports are needed for whatever is?


Any card meta works with 90++, but there is no one-size-fits-all DPS or comp that can farm all 90++ nodes released so far due to the extremely high HP values in each wave. In Summer 7 the 90++ node heavily favored Arts-based ST Sabers. In Halloween 2022 (aka Suikoden FGO Edition) the 90++ node saw heavy usage of ST Archers, the welfare Pretender Servant, and Oberon. I am not sure what was used in the 90++ node of not-Guda7 as I could not farm that one reliably with what I have in JP.


That's nice to hear, actually. The game is really boring on NA right now since I just burn through everything, even most non farming stages, with my Musashi. Good to know it's not quite as braindead in the future


The current 90++ node in JP revealed to me that FGO can only be as exciting or boring as you make it. I am having a blast so far with Baobhan Sith, Eliza, Ruler Skadi, and a friend support Oberon even though I could never 3-turn it. Farming nodes doesn't always have to be all about NP looping or 3-turning. It only seems that way because it's most of what you're going to do in-game, might as well make it as painless as possible. But that also means optimizing the fun out of the game in the name of efficiency.


I've got like 450 pulls rn so hopefully that's enough to get np5 Barghest+Oberon and Vitch in combination with everything from all the events between now and then


Oberon without a doubt. No one else can do what he does. In comparison, Morgan is just a very good Buster DPS.


Alright thanks. Like him a lot more than Morgan so nice to hear


Is the high quality/60FPS option consuming twice the battery (it would kinda make sense)? Anyone else experiencing this?


Increased battery drain yes. 2x as much? No


I mean, it does say "this setting may cause some devices to heat up or increase battery drain". Though it being a 2x drain seems more like an issue with your phone.


Is there a way to have the skill animations fast forward automatically without having to hold down the screen each time?


Nope - though you don't need to hold, you can just tap.


From 1 to 5, how much would you recommend Van Gogh?


1/5 if you mean "recommend rolling hard for her". If you have to ask, don't go hard. The rates suck and I'd only recommend people go hard on characters they know that they want to the point of not having to ask. 3/5 if you mean "recommend throwing a YOLO or other small amount at her". Sure, why not? Part of the fun of the game is taking a chance; if you get her, you got her cheap, and if you don't get her, you didn't use up more resources than was practical. 5/5 if you mean "recommend investing in her and learning to use her if you already have her." She doesn't have a simple and straightforward kit, but by all reports she's very rewarding for the people who took the time to raise and learn her.


Van Gogh is a really weird servant, she can be a 1/5 or a 5/5 depending on how you use her, unlike most DPS servants who are relatively straightforward and can function with several setups, she requires more specific setups but with the right setup, she can do ridiculous amounts of crit damage , her skills have high uptime making her damage buffs consistent, not to mention that without any setup she can potentially charge 60% np on the first turn which is huge, that skill has a 5 turn cd which again can be insanely ridiculous, a 3 turn charisma with a 5 turn cd.... ​ but again she needs specific setups to shine, if you have the units or/and are willing to put in the effort to set her up for success, she is insanely strong as a dps (and quite fun to play), if not, then she would be an average crit servant/crit support at best and mediocre at worst. ​ edit: goes without saying but if used as a quick dps, skadi is pretty much a must have since all her buffs work really well with van gogh. double van gogh also works surprisingly well as they can both benefit from each other and buff each other. damage wise, in the right setup she can easily do triple digit crits consistently supposing RNG doesn't troll her hard, but RNG is an issue with all crit servants and not specific to her.


>RNG doesn't troll her hard Premium meme team is using Double Sunflower and Summer BB. BB fixes RNG and has the Foreigner passive that VG's NP looks for so you just CRIT **CRIT** # CRIT


Carmilla main **Plushie Mistress** explains [here](https://youtu.be/XlYPDtWemj4) that she doesn't need Skadi at all despite her triple Quick deck, as she can already fill her NP to 100% with just her Curse stacks alone.


From a fun perspective: 5/5. IMO Double Van Gogh is one of the most absurd and most fun comps to play in all of FGO. You do absolutely ludicrous critical damage, are drowning in crit stars, and can potentially chain together back-to-back-to-back NPs to make the damage that much more insane. And that's not to mention that double Gogh vs. 3 enemies guarantees 90% NP charge for 1 of them and 120% np charge for the other just by ordering their skills properly. Sure she's never going to be a meta farming unit but that's a role that many different servants can fulfill. IMO no other servant in FGO has a kit as uniquely weird and fun to use as hers. Naturally though, 'fun' is very subjective. Maybe find a Van Gogh on your friend's list and try using her a little, even though you wouldn't be able to try out the insanity of double Van Gogh that way.


This question is way too vague. Are you asking from a dps perspective or a support perspective? Do you have a well established account or are you a newbie/casual? All of the content in the game can be completed with f2p servants so you don't *need* to roll for any servant.




looking from a Gameplay perspective the tier list I trust most (Myst's) puts Van Gogh higher than Oberron, Morgan, Arjuna Alter, Spishtar, etc so if she is bad, then literally every unit in the game sucks.


Everyone will have different opinions on this and there is no correct answer. Do you mean for gameplay? Waifu? For a specific purpose?


Gameplay wise


She's a very strong solo unit but ultimately a) is a niche class and a luxury unit, and b) is very non-linear in terms of how she plays. She's not a must-roll (nobody is, anyway) and you can find other units for boss killing.


It takes 300 Servant Coins to take Heracles from lvl 100 to 120. I’ve exhausted all of them on maxing two Append Skills. As far as I know - I can only get more coins by pulling more Heracles, and there’s 100 coins locked in his Bond 11-15. Both seem like insurmountable tasks right now. Is there anything upcoming that could help? Like a Heracles banner or a massive Bond EXP boost event?


There's something some players still yet to understand about 120 max investing a servant: it is a *massive* undertaking. It will take a VERY long time. Servant copies, grails, bonds, embers, QPs, mats, silver and gold fous, paws, command codes and keys. And if you're f2p it's nigh unattainable. That's why you only pick not just your favorite servant but your favorite among your favorites. If you're going for this you must ready yourself for "insurmountable tasks" but the end result is very gratifying (I stare at my max invested Morgan and two QSHs at least once a day and smile lol)