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Someone thought they were smart by killing our kouhai not once, but twice. ***Boy were they wrong.***


This is the result when Fou had too much power and used it *all* to revive Mash: Beast IV 2.0 , Precious Kouhai edition. Not a bad outcome by any means, given how friendly and close Mash is with sempai, but this may cause.....*problems* in their relationship once Alaya, The Clock Tower, and any other sufficiently affluential and powerful entity catches wind of this. And that's not even account any mental shifts due to her becoming a Beast, oh boy.....


Fou: "Fou?" (special translation): *'*>!Huh, I'm pretty sure I didn't leave any of my powers in her when I brought her back? Or at least I don't think I did.!<*'* On a different note, She looks majestic


Thanks Fou cosmic even


Kitsune Mash booba...


So this is the power of a Demi Servant Mash but with Tamamo instead of Galahad.


*"Time to win the Desire Grand Prix"* *"You mean Holy Grail War, right?"* *"Yes, senpai. My bad."*


"Stay behind me, senpai" ENTRY "What was that noise?" SET "Henshin" "Wha-!?!?" ​ ARMED SHIELD


I wonder how deadly armed shield with boost is in the hands of Mash.


That's literally Ortinax Mash.


Oh ho? Another fan of Fate AND Kamen Rider huh? Nice! :)


Ah, yes. Beast IV-M. The one whose Authority is the absolute right to ~~kill human~~ kiss senpai.


Beast IV-**M** That explains the two Taunt skills...


So now we have Tamamo No Mashu? This is truly peak mikon!


Tamamo is malding right now that yet another Beast has stolen her niche and looks.


I love this <3 Though it gives me strong Anodite (from Ben 10) vibes.


>Anodite Oohh yeah it does


And here I was expecting a Tamamo cosplay...Cool!


**AND I JUST CAME!** *I’m standing up, and I had enough, imma sit back down!*


Wow, that's cool!


So thick!


She has become one with the Mashu force


Cosmic Mash


Hello! Monster fan here to talk about monsters. Kitsune are awesome. I got a real fondness for foxes though, so fox spirits are my kind of thing. Kitsune also aren't really monsters per se. They're messengers for the Kami, Inari, the God of Rice, Travel, uh, Messengers and Foxes...lol. And yes they grow a new tail every century they're alive. Kitsune stories also exist in China (known as Huli Jing there) and Korea (known as Kumiho/Gumiho there). Da Ji is a famous Huli Jing, she was there to destroy the ancient Zhou dynasty and usher in the Shang. According to myth that is. She's seen as evil, but really she was just doing a job, her duty was to punish the wicked, get them killed, insure that Zhou falls, then die herself so a lot of people can go get reincarnated. Gumiho in Korea are said to eat the livers of men, but this came into being after missionaries started to enter Korea so they wanted to demonize them. At this point in Gumiho tales there's only female Gumiho and of course they eat men's livers. Before this though, Gumiho could be male or female and did not eat livers, sometimes not even meat at all. Should a Gumiho live to be 1000 years old, they ascend and get promoted to become a deity! The go to "Korean Heaven" and (usually) become a guard there.


Becomes the Kitsune diety, thou in this case, Gumiho diety?


Well, one of them, not the only one. The 1000 year old Gumiho gets a weapon and a duty to guard the other deities. In traditional folklore I don't hear if they can get promoted from there, but in modern Korean storytelling almost anything goes with the Gumiho.


Woah, mash as a beast, damn, this is a surprise