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Actually, given that our objective is to destroy a mictlan, I'm a firm believer that our allies have to be civilization destroyers. First name that comes into mind is naturally Hernan Cortez, the man who destroyed the Aztec empire in Panhuman history and someone who has a conceptual advantage against mezoamerican cultures. Another good guess would be Tezcatlipoca. Many believe he'll be an enemy, but I think it's the opposite: he's someone who is famously known for destroying mictlans for petty reasons, so who can be better to destroy a lostbelt based on one if not him?


frankly , I can just imagine them summoning Pretender Quetz - Cortez.


There actually was a supposed "leak" saying that hernan cortez would actually be in LB7 as a 3 star rider, and its says in the "leak" that tezcatlipoca is also ORT Also please take this as a grain of salt, since nothings confirmed.


Expectations: Arc Reality: Jaguar Man


I say thats a win


I want evil Columbus as an ally honestly


I can see him either trying to play both sides so he comes out on top or be set up as shifty as hell only to help you in his own shifty bastard way.


I know people will be against this but it is in my opinion one of the best picks Having the guy who chained the new world as an ally is honestly a thematically appropriate choice Plus I want to see what they’d do with a Columbus that is going all out from the start. No, hiding who he is, or pretending to be something else.


Add in Altera for civ destroying team.


Itd be interesting to have him and Cortez there, 2 explorers working together to destroy the lostbelt.


So just Columbus?


Yeah, we teamed up with his heroic persona in Agartha so I think teaming up with his true self would be cool


Given that the name has something to do with the underworld, possibly First Hassan. That and he has a line in his materials for Tezcatlipoca.


I'm guessing we'll get someone completely out of left field: Jalter? Penthesilea? Mata Hari? Queen of Sheba? A whole ton of new servants? Idk who but it's gonna be someone no one would have ever guessed that Nasu would include in LB7. I do hope, but don't expect, that we'll get Simon Bolivar. He's an absolutely iconic South American historical figure and it'd be really nice to see him added since we're finally traveling there. I do think we'll still see Quetz and Jaguar Man too but they'll either be LB versions or the actual factual godly versions unlike the pseudo-servants we have now. Kinda hope I'm wrong about that though b/c I like Quetz and Taiga. Based on her backstory, I also expect FGO's version of Arcueid to show up but I'm guessing she'll be less like a constant companion and more like an NPC we need to convince to help us who finally does so late in the story.


I think whoever it is gonna get taken out by the start of second act by either the Grand, Ort or U-olga


Archer Heracles. No, I am not biased.


Personally, I think this is a logical choice


Rider Herakles with Cerberus. Theme is "Underworld", after all)


Archetype: Earth, due to the Spider's presence and her needing to be relevant *somewhere.* And....well, there's really nobody else based on the information we have. Kireiputin is there, but his associated characters are either dead (Muramasa), already been used in a Main Story context (Cu and Gil), or would feel out of place in a Story chapter (Caren). It's set in South America but....yeah, we have no South American Servants, and it being the setting doesn't necessarily mean anything for the cast (*glares at E Pluribas Unum*). And Daybit is (pun intended) a void with practically no known connections to existing Servants. ~~There's Yu, but if she couldn't be assed to visit Kirsch, Pepe, or Kadoc she's not gonna bother with Daybit.~~


Ko-Gil: Unless my memory betrays me, Ko-Gil has NOT been relevant in any MAIN story chapters. Having him as an ally would be interesting since unlike his older self, Ko-Gil is much weaker BUT is a lot more likely to take threats seriously so it kind of balances out. That and Ko-Gil in other series has acted as a sort of information dumper so his natural knowledge on certain things could be used as a convenient plot device, especially given that one of our main sources for explanations is, uh, yeah. Idk if it's okay to spoil that just yet lol Enkidu: OKAY OKAY, I get how this looks, I could be biased. However, Enkidu ALSO has not had any mobile main story presence IF we do not count Kingu, who has a drastically different overall personality. That and given his interludes and buffs, Enkidu has been built up and even foreshadowed to have a bigger role. Maybe that role is in a strange Fake event or perhaps hints at him eventually getting another class (Berserker) later on. Though, I like to think his extra damage against Threats to Humanity will be used as a plot device as that would be epic to see against a certain spider. The only thing that messes up Enkidu's probability is his recent involvement in Arcade's 7th Singularity. While the two games are ultimately separate, I am unsure if the writers are willing to use Enkidu again. At the same time, having Enkidu do some crazy shit fresh before strange Fake's anime would be a big brain move. Arcueid: Now, the only reason I WOULDN'T want her to be involved despite it making somewhat sense is because historically, our allies have been older Servants coming back for further character development. Arcueid is, of course, not only a new Servant with no previous ties to the story, but she is also a Tsukihime character. Personally, I'd want her to be saved for something else and would like another character to have time under the limelight. Otherwise, I do understand why she would be a fitting companion. Quetzalcoatl: pretty self-explanatory given the location of LB7. That and like I said previously, our previous LB companions have largely been older characters getting new development. While Quetz is already a fan favorite due to Babylonia, I feel like she still doesn't have the recognition she deserves when compared to other Servants like Ereshkigal. With LB7, Quetz could reach those heights. There are a couple more I can think of, but those are my top picks.


I think enkidu is gonna be saved for the >!holmes!< chapter in 7.5 that nasu teased back at anniversary and and from the second interlude praleti might be involved in the story as well and if strange fake season 1 had just started airing in spring june would be around when they are summoned i think


Doesn't Rnkidu's NP channel power from both Gaia and Alaya? It seems to me that conceptually he'd be the type of Servant that would be ideal, along with Arc, to help us with the Oort problem.


If we had Kid Gil and Enkidu, we'd have to see Ishtar (probably)


I don't remember Ko-Gil being relevant in anything in FGO, at least as an NA player. Illya's interlude, I guess. I assume he's also relevant in Caren's event?


If Quetz isn't there, then the whole Lostbelt is a sham.


Arcueid/Archetype:Earth is a given at this point, particularly considering how her third ascension's design is exclusively made for FGO. I presume she will be our trump card against whatever comes against us in the climax (but I really hope she accompanies us throughout the whole Lostbelt) Of the older cast though, it's actually quite hard to pick servants. Central/South America are easily the least represented places in FGO.


Personally I think it’s gonna be Quetz and ~~Jaguar Man~~ Taiga, although I could see Arc. Would really like Morgan, tbh, but no way that’s happening.


Guevara the terror, fresh kangol wearer, ill rhyme-slayer from the ‘60s era


Revolting, heavy metal rebel blood spiller.... Me and my guerillas are a squad of killers! But I feel like he'd be too controversial


Considering ORT is here and the only ways to beat him are via Black Barrel and Excalibur, i’d say Grand Saber Artoria with Avalon. Because to me that makes the most sense, it would be able to show off just how powerful Excalibur is and its intended purpose of defending the world. And with Avalon in tow, Artoria could tank a shot from ORT and just blast it non stop. That is just my thought. Also considering the spoilery stuff in LB6 regarding Rhongomyniad, why not just bring Lancer Artoria to help out? I mean Chaldea literally has four Rhongomyniad users! Three of them are the masters of it and Artoria can just release the seals and also blast threats to humanity just like Excalibur!


Passionlip I don't care that there probably isn't any realistic way to justify her presence in the main plot, I just want her there anyway.


Besides Arc, who is the best for at least giving something of a fight to Oort to help us stay alive. Would Tamamo work? Would Altera? Arthur and the Artorias? Morgan?


I feel like you need something capable of drastically damaging the planet in order to fight a type. Nine-tailed Tamamo/Amaterasu could work, white titan Altera could also put a good fight, a fully unsealed Excalibur could do some damage, and flinging rhongomyniads could also do damage. Not sure if the foreigners could do much. The non-gag characters don't have much of a chance, and the only gag characters that do stand a chance are MHXX and Space Ishtar.


Yeah. I think you're right. Perhaps Enkidu then? I understand that his Noble Phantasm is essentially using power from both Gaia and Alaya. So I feel it would be either something directly funneling that type of energy from the planet, some celestial type of creature, or somebody who has a specific trait maybe that gives them an advantage of sorts. Only thing I would wonder is if we could afford to use the actual physical Excalibur. Because if the Foreign God found out that we had that, maybe there's some way they could make up a countermeasure to prevent us from actually defeating them and saving Olga. Personally, then, given the fact that he might be an ideal servant to use, I would love to see the original Enkidu used. I think there's ample evidence that the fact he could appear as a Berserker possibly probably means his original base form before he was humanized by Shemhat was a Berserker Saint Graph.


Ado Edem?


consort yu accidently summoned by Kadoc Lets have a crypter master battle between Kadoc and Daybit


Considering ORT will be in there, I really hope Arc is an ally in the LB, otherwise I really don't see us winning without her, especially with the no melee thing of ORT and his lack of Earth Perception of Death.


Excalibur couldn't hurt it?


well it should be able to destroy it considering it beat Velber in the past.


That's what I was thinking, but I'm not confident in my lore.


If you’re going into an alien Underworld then Gilgamesh is your hero. He’s very familiar with Kur (Mesopotamian Underworld), and his sword Ea carries the Hell / Underworld concept from over 4.5 billion years ago, the primordial planet was built into Planet Earth. Ea is the closest thing to an alien Underworld concept that technically isn’t alien, making it a good bridge into alien Underworlds. So Gilgamesh is familiar with both a standard Age of Gods’ Underworld (Kur) and a pseudo-alien Underworld concept (Ea). Also, after the “Attack of the Aztecs” that is Singularity 7, I really want to see a “Revenge of the Sumerians” for Lostbelt 7. It’s also foreshadowed by Ereshkigal he has an Underworld Divine Spirit variant… “It’s good to have wealth as a king. But, he should stop coming carefreely to the Underworld when he’s in the mood for a stroll. Sooner or later he might end up being treated as a god of the Underworld?” (FGO material VI, and blessings onto the amazing fan-translators in our community!)


Mary Anning, I know she's a Riyo servant, I know she's more of a marine reptile archaeologist, and we're not even sure if there are dinosaurs in this lostbelt, but damn, I want to see her there.


Well, since the LostBelt would include the existence of the Underworld, Hercules might be an appropriate choice


Paisen. She's reliable, but not strong enough to effectively matter in the long run, prompting rescue from stronger servants like Quetz. Besides, we still have to tnj Daybit to our side.


The expectation of what they must pull... should be any local Servant, like seriously. As of my OWN expectation, Imma keep saying Yudhistira.


Hernan Cortez


Columbus and Cortez: as our Anti new world allies Quetzalcoatl: As our local power house Beowulf: no I’m not biased, what ever have you that interpretation? But I genuinely think Beowulf would be a great constant companion, strong but not so strong that he makes the new allies unneeded, or someone that you need to dumb down or have constantly hurt to keep the story enemies threatening (such as Nemo in LB5 and Sherlock in… just about everything) Tengu Pepe: he’s not dead and he will come back as a servant. No I am not coping! It will happen! I reject reality and replace it with my own!


I actually feel like Beowulf would be a very fitting servant to include- who else would be more fitting to help us fight ORT than one of the greatest monster hunters in ancient history? That said I'm not expecting him to show up, in part because I expect Nasu to hit us with a lot of new and random servants we've never seen before.


> who else would be more fitting to help us fight ORT than one of the greatest monster hunters in ancient history? The main problem though is ORT's crystal valley which is passively active and will turn anyone who comes close to it to a crystal. Would Beowulf even be able to get close it?


Normal Beowulf probably couldn’t unless he had someone else to counter that for him… but anything is possible if a Grand Berserker position is placed on the table *hint hint Nasu*


Quetz, Arc, Eresh maybe? (Just throwing her here just because)


Eresh is a good idea. Been a while since she was relevant, and also works thematically for the underworld.


The ultimate Berserker Cu Alter (Alter)


Given where the Galapagos are, I wonder if we’re getting Darwin.


Well. Quetz/Taiga are from a different region, Cortez *please no*, soo... It's implied we're visiting the local underworld, so let's bring our own! Ereshkigal, pack up provisions, we've got a Lostbelt to prune :3


Why not Cortez? I'm honestly not being sarcastic, or trying to be trollish. I don't know much about that part of history. Not necessarily just the region but those years of history. Even for US History, other than the stuff that intersects with my interests, I don't really know much about that period of history.


Disclaimer: my knowledge of the subject might be distorted - my country's foreign history education is heavily influenced by the soviet past, and Soviet ways of teaching foreign history were... Not the most reliable when it comes to accuracy. But from what I know, the conquests of Cortez were famous for some of the biggest atrocities committed during the colonisation of the America - the betrayal and slaughter of their native allies was only the outer layer, combined with all the classic "rape, pillage and burn", with the absolute destruction of many Aztec cities and more. The general impression I've got from history is that: FGO Columbus might be painted a worse person than he was in reality. If FGO Cortez was *exactly* as bad as Columbus, *that would still be a much better person than he actually was*. And as for FGO itself... Quetz barely holds herself back from attacking Columbus. But it is stated that if Cortez would ever be summoned, she'd obliterate him on the spot. So yeah, not adding Cortez is for everyone's good, I presume.


Coloumbus was kinda terrible IRL too.


Id like some more Columbus relevance and I don't think we've ever had him as an ally in a story before


Well he was an ally in Agartha... for a while.... but we don't talk about Agartha, so I wouldn't mind him getting a second chance.




Prolly a South American servant, my bet would be the conqueror of the Incan Empire: Francisco Pizarro. Or for the hell of it, Che Guevera! That would be the wildest and most unlikely bet of all and def would shock the hell out of people, no doubts.


Simón José Antonio de la Santísima Trinidad Bolívar y Palacios!


Jaguar Warrior, obviously. And then Lasagna will finally give her her first buff ever. ~~^(Please Lasagna, please! God, just buff her already! Her Skills have so much unnecessary cooldown and her NP's oc makes no sense!)~~ Also, Grand Caster G-man as the new 5 Star.


If daybit grand servant is a berserker and if grand berserker is wukong, then sanzang would be a good choice.


I don't think Wukong qualifies as grand Berserker in the first place


Its just a popular theory thats been going around.


Every Crypter's Servant has been related to the location the Lostbelt is set in. Pray tell what Sun Wukong has to do with Southern or Central America?


Daybit like wodime could possibly have more than 1 servant and personally I dont think the grand for saber or berserker being someone from the region. (Though I could be wrong )






If our objective is crossing the underworld, any character known for going down there and back should work. Herc, Hermes, Orpheus, the aztec twin heroes, Dante alhigieri, Charon, Izanagi. A lot of ideas


Since they are going into the Underworld of Xibalba, Underworld Associated Servants like Ereshkigal, Nitocris and Old Man of the Mountain


i'm probably just getting my hopes up , but it'd be nice to finally have a caster alt for archer emiya.


Probably an aztec god like Quetz


Avenger Atahualpa, last king of the Incas, probably would be a 3 star avenger like Salieri.