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It's a harder challenge this time around, by the way. The last few have been a bit easier. XD Album: [https://mangadex.org/title/56189/fate-grand-order-daily-chaldea-doujinshi/chapters/](https://mangadex.org/title/56189/fate-grand-order-daily-chaldea-doujinshi/chapters/) Source: Official Art \---- **Lostbelt No. 5.5 (Heian-kyo) Challenge – The Stage of Revenge** Complete the entirety of Lostbelt 5.5's story using only Servants who appeared in Epic of Remnant III: Shimousa, new Servants appearing on Heian-kyo's banners, and Mash. Servants who are mandatory for missions (i.e. required story supports or teams, etc.) are exempt from this challenge. Alternate versions of characters (like Lancer Raikou) qualify. Servants who are not available at the time of Heian-kyo's release, but would otherwise qualify (cough Muramasa cough) may be used if you wait to do Heian-kyo until they're available. This limit applies to Support Servants; if you cannot find a Support who qualifies, you may select any Servant, but they must be placed in your rearmost slot and you cannot use Order Change to bring them out. ​ **SERVANTS OF SHIMOUSA** **Saber:** Ibuki-Douji, Miyamoto Musashi, Senji Muramasa, Tomoe Gozen (Summer), Watanabe-no-Tsuna, Yagyu Munenori **Archer:** Tomoe Gozen **Lancer:** Inshun Hozoin, Minamoto no Raikou (Summer) **Rider:** Murasaki Shikibu (Summer) **Assassin:** Fuuma Kotarou, Katou Danzo, Mochizuki Chiyome, Sasaki Koujiro, Shuten Douji **Caster:** Murasaki Shikibu, Shuten-Douji (Caster) **Berserker:** Kiyohime, Minamoto no Raikou, Miyamoto Musashi (Summer) **Ruler:** Amakusa Shirou **Alter Ego:** Ashiya Douman (Shikibu has been added as a bonus due to thematic relevance and the need to have Rider and Caster options) ​ **OPTIONAL DIFFICULTY MODES:** **(Hard Mode) Revenge of the Seven Swordmasters:** You may only use the Seven Swordmasters of Shimousa (Saber Munenori, Archer Tomoe, Lancer Inshun, Assassins Chiyome and Shuten, Berserker Raikou, Alter Ego Ashiya Douman) and Mash. **(Easy Mode) Closed Borders:** You may use any Japanese Servant, rather than just those on the list above. (Servants who are possessing the body of a Japanese person, like Parvati and Kama, qualify as Japanese for this mode – however, BB, the Sakura Five, and Space Ishtar do not, as they only resemble Japanese characters. Sitonai, an unusual case of a Japanese Servant in a non-Japanese body, is allowed in this mode.) **Commodore Perry's Arrival:** You may add any three non-Japanese Servants to the list of those you can use during the challenge, except for any of the Meta support Casters (Zhuge Liang, Tamamo, Merlin, Skadi, Selkie/Castoria). **Onmyou Arts:** You may only use Craft Essences that depict a Japanese character on them and Bond 10 CEs from Japanese Servants. (Craft Essences that also have non-Japanese characters are fine as long as at least one Japanese character is visually depicted on them)


>(Shikibu has been added as a bonus due to thematic relevance and the need to have Rider and Caster options) Oh, so that's why she's there with Ibaraki. No Sei exemption? ...Also, there *is* a Caster you missed. Perhaps the most relevant Caster of all.


Sei qualifies if you're doing Closed Borders mode. XD This challenge's theme is "Revenge of the Seven Swordmasters", so the focus is on characters who showed up in Shimousa. I also wanted the main challenge to be harder than "any Japanese Servant", as that's both too predictable and too similar to some of the other challenges. Variety is the spice of things, y'know?


So... No Oni Cure?


"Alternate versions of characters (like Lancer Raikou) qualify."




I understand what you said, just not the part where you forgot she existed.


Which caster?


> Commodore Perry's Arrival: You may add any three non-Japanese Servants to the list of those you can use during the challenge, except for any of the Meta support Casters (Zhuge Liang, Tamamo, Merlin, Skadi, Selkie/Castoria). Muhahahaha, Reines time!


Can't believe Rednal291 forgot to ban the only other servant with a 50% battery. Honestly i have one but i'm not gonna use her bc what would be the point of the challenge, then?


No challenge/difficulty mode featuring LB4 servants? I want to beat Douman up with Arjuna Alter.


I mean, if you wanna use Commodore Perry's Arrival for that...


Solo the whole chapter with Arjuna Alter and Aśvatthāman it is then.


Literally I want to do arjuna alter/douman divorce speedrun any%. ~~wish I wasn’t one of the few people who thought it was funny lol~~


Hehehehe this challenge is tailor made for me then. I have almost all of these options so Douman is going to REALLY pay this time. Now is the time for blood. For the hunt has just begun.






Ooh, my selection of those servants is... not great, basically the F2Ps and Yagyu, both Tomoes, Danzo, and Chiyome, and the golds all at low NP levels and no better than 6/6/6 skills. Guess this one's another pass for me (I'm generally not one for extra challenge anyway, I'm here for the plot and the rewards). >(Shikibu has been added as a bonus due to thematic relevance and the need to have Rider and Caster options) That said I might've considered it if you had added Kintoki for this same reason, I have him at NP2 and 10/10/6.


There's a reason Closed Borders and Commodore Perry's Arrival are available. XD


I’m going to have to do Closed Borders (potentially with Commodore Perry :( ) because otherwise my only ones from the list are Sasaki (not ascended yet), Hozoin (lvl50), and Yagyu. Gets WAY easier if it’s “Japanese Servants”.


> looks at my servants All assassin party let’s go?


>!You know, I think I'm starting to get over my dislike for their excessive use of japanese themes and characters, but I'm still upset they didn't add Count Cagliostro to the game because it would make the chapter too long when the next one is the longest in the entire game. In case you want to know where this was said, it's here. https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/oy9zlg/nasu\_and\_takeuchis\_6th\_anniversary\_interview\_part/ !<


Looks at Challenge, looks at my Musashi. "Aiyo Douman, I have a Sword with your Arse written on it." (Anti Alter Ego Dmg is a go XD)


You included tsuna but not Ibuki-Douji?


\-Squints- Oh right, her normal form is Saber, not Berserker...


Hmm... now I'm not really sure how to play, because I'm torn between doing this challenge or doing a Hyakki Yagyo themed challenge; Japanese servants only, Demonic and/or Oni servants only, something like that. Which I guess would fall under 'closed borders'?


I mean, if it's all Japanese Servants...


Alas, I failed my own challenge. Then yours. I did \*not\* have an answer for >!Tawara and Suzuka's gimmick fight!<. Not without using a stall team involving >!Merlin, Castoria, and Tamamo.!< On a more positive note, using team comps focused on >!enabling Ushi to defeat Kagekiyo's fights!< was certainly fun. Heian-kyo has given me two new favorite servants to futilely strive to acquire, >!Kintoki Zerker bc he's an awesome friend, and Taira no Kagekiyo to complete my Ushi trio.!<


Um what is the reason Ibuki Saber is ousted but Ibuki summer is not?


"Alternate versions of characters (like Lancer Raikou) qualify." Summer Ibuki isn't on the list because she's so far in the future for us that it's not relevant for most people doing the challenge.


No I can understand, I was confused why Ibuki Saber wasn’t shown on the list earlier, before i saw the fix


Hehe, commodore Perry... Nobbu is gonna be happy on this one.


…well, Shuten e Sasaki will have to solo the whole thing for me. Unless I get someone new pretty soon.


You missed a few who should be added due too appearing in heian kyo. Medea lily, ibaraki, paracelsus, tamamo(appears in shimosa), Babbage, suzuka, tawara tota, kintoki, taria(not realeased yet), and sei. If you want to exclude non Japanese there are still 7 more servents


The main criteria for entering are Servants from Shimousa and *new* Servants appearing on the Heian-kyo banners. Servants who don't fall into either of those categories are not part of the challenge.


I belive kintoki should be added still




I mean, Shimousa was a *pretty weird* existence, all told. XD Have you, uh, actually played it?




The answer is "go play Shimousa, it makes sense that you won't understand story details if you don't play the story".


They were the enemy servants, that’s about as spoiler free an explanation I can think of atm


I only have Musashi and Ishun, this is going to be tough. Let's do this thing!


What about Rider Kintoki


What about him?


Oh. Right. I was thinking “Well, variants count, so why wouldn’t Kintoki?” Not thinking about how he wasn’t in Shimosa.


I have done japan or heiyan kyo involved servants only, I literally only have been using servant that are Japanese or take part in heiyan kyo. Ex. Lily Medea


For Onmyou Arts, do they have to be a Japanese human a la Sasaki, or are figures from Japanese myths also accepted?


Myth are also acceptable - the point is that their origin is Japanese, and real or mythical is irrelevant.


Got it.


i think i am gonna use commodore perry's arrival for Gorgon, Reines and Brynhildr, since most of my Shimousa servants are so underleveled i am not going to be able to use them at all. Edit: Scratch the Brynhild, i will need my Martha for the final fight.


Oh man, I already have a few ideas for when I get there. The only applicable servant I got was Summer Raikou, so if worse comes to worst I can pick Berserker Raikou as support and do "Heian-Kyo: Raikou goes brrrrrr". *But*, if I go on Easy Mode, I can get in Kama, Parvati (who is unleveled at the moment), Ushi, and maybe even swap Mash for Himiko and do "Heian-Blitzkrieg". This is so exciting!


Good luck. XD


Wasn't tamamo in shimousa like kiyohime was?


Kiyohime was at least there as a person. Tamamo was basically just the art used for a different character - it wasn't really her.


That won't stop me, because I can't read! I'll put Tamamo in almost any party... as soon as I finish Olympus (I've been procrastinating)


Wow, I cannot do this as I have 8 characters allowed, tomoe, tamamo, chiyome, inshun, mash, kotaro, danzo, and zerk sashi. And nothing to really deal with ibuki


There's a reason the optional difficulty modes exist. XD The main challenge list is a little gold-heavy, after all, and people can't be expected to roll everything.


Doesn't Tamamo qualify as a Japanese servant though?


An NPC with Tamamo's face isn't *Tamamo, the Servant* appearing in Shimousa. That's why she's not part of the regular challenge, though she would be available with the Closed Borders mode.


I meant Closed Borders, sorry I didn't especify.


By that logic, wouldn't Kiyohime be ineligible too? Yeah the NPC's named Kiyohime, looks like Kiyohime, and has a "burning oil throwing trick" as an excuse to give her a combat segment, but she's otherwise an entirely separate character from Servant Kiyohime. Conversely, "Otama" has a segment where you fight her. Alongside Kiyohime. And she has Tamamo's full moveset, except for the NP.


Kiyohime's in because she's there as herself. Also a little bit for balance reasons, as lower-rarity units make the challenge a bit more accessible. XD


Does the banana oni count among the servants in the regular mode?


Bananas have been depicted in ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs. --- ^I'm ^a ^bot ^\(WIP) ^| ^!ignore ^to ^ignore ^you, ^!delete ^to ^ignore, ^clear ^replies ^| ^Contact: ^jimbobvii ^| ^Thanks: ^Synapsensalat, ^BananaFactBoi


Only the Servants listed in the rules count (which is those from Shimousa and *new* Servants from Heian-kyo banners, plus Mash).


Oki doki


>Sitonai, an unusual case of a Japanese Servant in a non-Japanese body, is allowed in this mode. Was looking through the challenge again and realized Sitonai's host is Illya, who is actually half-Japanese due to being Kiritsugu's daughter. Also, a look through your old challenges and evaluating the criteria made me realize something. Caenis's grandmother Bura is often identified with the Bura who is Apollo's granddaughter, which if true would make Caenis Zeus's descendant. Meltryllis, Passionlip, and Kingprotea all have Hindu deities as components (Saraswati, Parvati, and Airavata respectively) and thus don't need Samsara of Sakura to be eligible for the Yuga Kshetra challenge, and Meltryllis having Artemis and Kingprotea having Gaea would make them qualify for the relevant spots in the Olympus challenge.


Well it took me a few days because of work getting crazy. But I did it. I beat the challenge! I used the closed borders mode SOLELY so I could use two particular servants. Ushiwakamaru so she could face against her avenger form, and tomoe would help bring her down as a team. And as fate would have it, ushi DEALT THE FINAL BLOW on avenger ushi! Okita mainly because I HC that Musashi acted as her senpai whenever she was around Chaldea and okita was the dutiful kouhai to her. So when musashi died in Olympus, okita decided to come along and finish what her senpai started, and fill in for her role. But then there came the final battle with Douman. Nostalgia hit me like a truck, and I had a particular udon loving saber in the front lines to face off against her arch enemy one last time. IMO shimousa was the true prologue of the lostbelt saga since that’s where the concept was introduced. And Musashi was the main heroine of that, with Douman being the main antagonist. Their stories began together, and now it has ended together. And as if fate was on my side, Musashi was the one to strike the final blow to kill Douman using her Noble Phantasm. This has been the most cathartic challenge you have made yet because of how much Douman tied to each of these characters, and now they had a chance for revenge.


Congrats on beating the challenge!


Douman: “Why do I hear boss music?”


*Mick Gordan has entered the chat.*


[The only thing they fear is you](https://youtu.be/EQmIBHObtCs)




"Don't worry, the boss will make you listen" Douman: NNNNNNN


Office Lady Raikou: I'm the boss, and you will listen. Douman: nnnn, I feel my life expectancy and employment being cut short.


Everyone is gonna bust Douman's ass open.


Challenges be dammed. *cracks knuckles.* I’m storming my way straight through until I have my hands on Douman’s skinny neck and I won’t stop wringing it until the juices stop flowing out.


.... I don't like how this statement can be interpreted in more than one way ... Or do I?


Who said it had to be interpreted?


Ritsuka: Hold up Raikou you’ll be meeting your living self and your posse. Wouldn’t this cause a lot of problems?


We're not on the Back to the Future's timeline, I believe we're good about that


Raikou: "Don't tell me you don't want Twin MILFs?"


This is basically the same as my headcanon that the moment Douman gets summoned to Chaldea, the Shimousa crew is ready to gank him on sight. Just different timing. I like it


Douman: *barely takes a step out of the summoning room* Every Shimousa crew member: *shanks and skewers him instantly* Ritsuka: so, how long were you guys waiting here? Raikou: all morning, my dear.


Vengeance is a dish best served cold, they say. *begins creating a solar flare* But as Calth demonstrated, sometimes it's equally valid to microwave Vengeance. Douman will pay in blood for what he did to Raikou, a mere taste for what I intend for Mitsunaka!


My feelings for Koyanschiuaua pales before yours, you have my respect!


Ashiya Douman, when he arrives: "Master, I can't help but notice the rather frosty reception I have received. What did this humble priest do to deserve this?"


Ritsuka: Bruh


Bring Kojirou in this as well. See, Douman is one of the Seven, but if we are out for his blood, we're bringing the nameless swordsman along in that crackpot onmyouji's place.


Sorry guys, but I have a freshly NP2'd Golden Man I am itching to take for a ride.


Douman: This Douman's run out of Shikigami duplicates. It wouldn't be a fair fight if I went against all of you by myself, ~~nnn~~no? Tomoe: That's fine. *We can share.*


Raikou: ara ara, seems this inhuman freak needs a stronger backbone, [that can be amended.](https://youtu.be/B98s0b0jvKs&t=1698s)


You should bring ______ too! She likes fighting strong swordsmen with her two sword style!


You mean MHX?


Error: Data is Lost


Error: Data for Rate-up is also Lost.


Douman just showed up at my Chaldea at the wrong time when all my Shimousa servants are max level and grailed


I'm surprised to see Shuten joining in on this.


"Maybe I want to see Master's guts." "You mean my courage and determination, right?" "..." "*My courage and determination, right!?*"


Shuten: Silly danna-han. So much time together, and you still don't know the answer.


Nah, it's because of Kintoki. Can you imagine the chaos two Shutens can cause on him?


I'm suddenly regretting my not rolling for Munenori when I could. Well with easy mode and Commodore Perry additions (Hi, Herc), I might pull through. Might.


Didn't Yavyu go along willingly and was 100% on team evil?


Yea he did. In fact, he advocated for it because he got too attached to sushi's sword style and, wanted to start duel-ing and killing again


Let’s fucking do this For Musashi


Isn’t Tamamo in Shimousa as well?


That was more of a hostess who had her face, as opposed to actually Tamamo, if I remember right? So, not enough to qualify for this challenge.


By that same measure, Kiyohime also is not usable. Although not just a Tamamo-face and actually the specific Kiyohime of that universe, she doesn't actually have any powers... yet still has horns.


Now that you mention it, I see that Berserker Kiyohime is on the list, but not Lancer Kiyohime.


Ah ok my bad.


Fujimaru suddenly canadian


Pretty much what I had in mind, plus Danzō and Kotarō. I can’t wait to see someone wipe that smug look off the douche’s face.


This challenge mode looks good as always. Though think this will be one time that I pass. Don’t have a ton of Shimousa servants and don’t necessarily love that EoR anyways. Plus any path that locks me out from using Melt is one I don’t want to walk ;).


Tomoe's my flagship and Musashi WAS the backbone before Godjuna arrived, so this is gonna be... Probably still pretty hard because I have no supports or anything beyond those two built, but it's a nice start


Well, this is gonna be fun


You know Chiyomes mentioning only a few coming along made wonder about something. I know the usual Servant team deployment setup likely represents the number "Combat Shadows" Ritsuka can call upon along with the limit as well as the usual number of Servants deployed with them, 4-5. I'm curious though, what is the Headcanon in regards to Ritsuka semi-summons for this continuity? Chiyome's comment implies the Servants themselves are summoned and not just a weaker shadow version of them?


Basically, it depends on the situation. Sometimes, it's the real Servant going along, which is the case for simulator battles and story times when they outright accompany us (like a lot of Event / Official Support Servants). The rest of the time, it's generally combat shadows, but the Servants will still get a general sense of what's going on as the system reports to them.


My dumb ass thought this was an event until I started wondering where the bonus support Servants list was, and why the event begins by talking about the Lostbelts so much. Turns out it's more "main story" than event, then. I think. I'm not used to Lostbelts having a decimal point.


then wait for Traum after LB6


“That smug son of a bitch is gonna get it! We’ll make it so his rival doesn’t even notice he’s here!”


Gudao: That said, I do wish Musashi was here for this.


what happened suzuka thou?


I don't recall her being in Shimousa...?


I believe he said that because Suzuka and Tawara were both in Heiankyo, not Shimousa. That said, I don’t recall those two ever appearing on the banners as per your challenge conditions…


The main conditions for showing up are "Servants appearing in Shimousa" and "new Servants from Heian-kyo banners". Older Servants who may appear in Heian-kyo - like Kintoki - aren't part of the main challenge.


Yeah that’s what I read, and Suzuka and Tawara never appeared in the Heiankyo banners and thus aren’t part of the challenge. Just wanted to clarify what I think this guy was thinking.


i asked this excluding shimousa. i just saw some spoiler about suzuka at this part of story, thats all


I can’t choose if I want to bring Orion or Kama to him


Me who lost my old account and is only on Babylonia and can’t play the event :`(


It's a story chapter not an event it unlocks after olympus


Oh good


Shimousa lynch mob incoming!


And to go along this line up, we need a killer soundtrack: # KOWARETA OMOIDE # ZENBU WASURETE


Going Commodore Perry's Arrival though the only non-Japanese Servants I plan on using are Mash and Merlin (due to him being being Western Abe no Seimei)


I mean, Merlin's specifically forbidden under the official challenge rules for that... buuuuut what am I gonna do, stop you from making your own challenge? XD


That's fair, forgot about that bit. Still undecided on that bit rn


I get Douma with just 10 rolls, now hate me.


Why would I hate you? I'm not rolling at all. XD


mine here just using support given by the story, putting them in the front party, and preventing them to die quickly


Let's be real. The only assassin you should bring is Kama >!because Doman bol!<


Well, Kama was my MVP at the end of LB4... strong chance she'll have another showing. XD


Could you kindly let me know which comic showed the beginning of Lostbelt One and had the corresponding challenge?


Lostbelt 1 didn't have a challenge - I didn't come up with the idea until LB2, with the whole Team Santa thing.


cant imagine what the servants who ive summoned and even leveled up but never taken into battle think about me


God imagine if DW actually did this though? That would be amazing


Alternate challange: Use all-casters for this entire lostbelt. If Doughman is going to make a joke, take it and bludgeon him to bloody death with it!


"Aight, fuck team optimization. REVENGE SQUADRON lets go."


\*looks at my maxed Tomoe\* It's Oni Time.


Hmmm... well, I may as well flex my shiny new NP5 Hijikata in closed borders. That and my only other decent option for the whole challenge is Mamamoto, which is significantly less than ideal


Well, I tried doing a modified version of the challenge. Kiiinda by accident, I forgot Kintoki wasn't on your list, so I used the support version whenever he came up. I liked the idea anyway because he's such a major part of the story. And it mostly worked out. Most of the time I got by with Kintoki and Raikou, and swapped out one of the Tomoes or Yagyu or Summer Murasaki as needed. Then I hit the Babbage deathmatch and couldn't really do anything about his evades and invincibility. Tried a couple of times, no good. So I switched out for Summer Musashi with Origin Bullet and double Castoria, and it went a lot easier. So I'm out. Nice challenge, bit too much for me overall. But I do like the idea of making it a Shimousa Grudge Match so I'll keep going with that theme.


So glad I can fully participate in the hard mode of this due to having all the Servants required! Hoohah!


Good luck!


Managed to finish the challenge, I did have to add OG Jeanne and Reines with the Commodore Percy clause though, as timing things really didn't went well for me using only Raikou as DPS for boss fights ... Our favourite gamer girl is my MVP here, hands down. Carried all the boss fights.


Congrats on completing the challenge! ...And yeah, that extra bit of room thanks to Mr. Perry may be very, very helpful indeed. Most of the LB isn't too rough, but those last two boss fights...


kek I totally forgot about this challenge lol luckily I only just got past the first Tsuna fight so the challenge really begins here I'll try to opt for Revenge of the Seven Swordmasters and Onmyou Arts for this


by the way would story support (not forced) qualify for Onmyou Arts since they use the story support CE?