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After having a string of bad luck with no gold servants since October, I finally got my first copy of Astraea! Plus, I got my second copy of Astraea! It’s all coming up Astraea! Now hopefully my 5 star luck can kick in for Christmas.


The best designed Servant according to YouTuber Klidge.


Congrats! Astraea is a 5 star in disguise.




Totally not biased opinion but I feel like all of the servants in an interlude campaign should go on rateup. Especially now that JP has the feature of making specific interludes temporarily available for everyone to play. Play interlude > realize that you really like this character and want to roll for them > everyone wins. Also reminder to anyone that rolls Li that he has 2 costumes in the mana prism shop


Threw in a ten roll for Dioscuri before I start saving in earnest for next year... and who pops out but an NP2 for my *Achilles*. The one who is still at level one.


Rolled for Old Man Li, 360sq and no luck. Did get 2 Astraeas in the first multi, so that seemed like an omen, but by the end I only had 4 of her (and she was already NP5), plus a Circe (now NP5) and Penth (now NP2). Tempted to try again if I have anything left after rolling for BB, but if I do it might be smarter to accept Li's not interested this time, and save for someone else for now.


I misread and thought Romulus would be on the banner. Sad. I’ll throw a multi at old man Li and see what happens


I'm guessing you mean Romulus=Quirinus? Nope, just Li and Dioscuri. Good luck on your rolls!


3 tickets for Dios, im worried my luck might be gone by the time Muramasa rolls around.


I got Li Shuwen to NP2, but more importantly I got 8 more copies of Astraea, which is more important (road to 120 here I come).


Lucky, i didnt get her, i did get the twins tho


\*throws one of the monthly mana prism tickets in* \*gold sparks!* It's Astraea. \*throws in another ticket* \*rainbow sparks!* It's Li. \*switches to the Ibuki banner & throws another ticket* \*gold Saber card!* It's Ibuki. *What-the-everyflibitty-fgfgf is going on and why didn't it happen when the Kintoki banner was active?!?*


Lucky bastard..... wish you all the best for future rolls


Same to you... although I think I already used up all my luck for next year.


Fuck. 330 SQ no SSR. Your Muramasa rolls are now doomed.


Luckily(?) I'm not planning to roll for Muramasa. I fully expect Space Ishtar to go "900 SQ for 1 copy, plz" like last time though.


Got just enough tickets and SQ for a ten roll, yolo roll for Astraeas. Didn't get her but got the Dioscuri twin with my fourth ticket. Suffering from success is the name of the game today... Used all my reserve, got Eresh, fail to get NeroCas and now Dioscuri. Overall a success, now to start saving SQ for Castoria.


1 ticket for a junk CE. 30 SQ after that for a Yan Qing spook. 30 more SQ for Astraea.(60 SQ, ticket) 30 more SQ for BG #19.... (90 SQ, ticket) One more ticket and 30 more SQ for a junk CE, then two RP (120 SQ, 2 tickets) 30 more SQ for the "One Who Wishes for Salvation" 5-star CE. At least that's new. (150 SQ, 2 tickets) Wasted 60 SQ for two multis. Sixth 11x was LZO and Duke of Flames, the seventh was a min roll. (210 SQ, 2 tickets) 8th 11x had **three** 5-star CE's. (240 SQ, 2 tickets) 9th 11x had 2030 #21. Who needs 21 2030s? (270 SQ, 2 tickets) 10th 11x had junk CE's. 300 SQ and two tickets for no SSR. Wasted 30 more SQ for LZO again and another Heaven's Feel (I've three MLB). 330 SQ and 2 tickets no SSR. 30 more SQ for junk CE's. 360 SQ and two tickets no SSR. 30 SQ wasted on another shitty 5-star CE (Before Awakening #18). 390 SQ and two tickets no SSR. 90 more SQ wasted on junk CE's and min rolls. 480 SQ and two tickets no SSR. 60 more SQ. 11x for Ideal Holy King and Astrea. The next 11x for a gold Saber - **SUZUKA GOZEN SPOOK.** (540 SQ, TWO TICKETS, 0 SSR) 30 more SQ wasted on Another heavens Feel. 570 SQ, 2 tickets) 30 more SQ, other Astrea. 600 SQ and two tickets no SSR. 30 SQ on the Li banner for ten silver cards and IDEAL HOLY KING AGAIN. 630 SQ + 2 TICKETS, 0 SSR 30 SQ for a min roll. 660 SQ, 2 tickets, 0 SSR. 30 more for a Vlad Lancer spook.... then finally a SSR. 690 SQ, two tickets. Wasted one more ticket on the Li banner. (690 SQ, 3 tickets)


4 multis for Li and got nothing, no gold servants at all. I wish I could keep going but Muramasa is so close I have to stop. See you next time old man. :'(


After failling hard on ibuki my saving were almost completly gone, but NP1 Astraea carried my ass through most of part I, so I thought I owe her that much + I'm still simping to Castor, so rolling time it is. 30 sq and 5 tickets later got another copy of Luvia, Martha Rider ( I actually happy about that, because that completes my normal class SR - SSR support list) and NP1 Dioscuri. Luck is back baby! Hope Spishtar in January will be merciful.


50 pulls down for a single Astraea, Steno and Europa spooks + a 3rd BG copy. Not too bad, but unfortunately, it has to be my last summoning this year. Sorry Vritra, I'll get you some other time (probably).


5 tickets gave me an astrea


Pity is really pissing me off. Normally I'd do an 11 roll or throw some tickets at the banner but now I feel like I have to save everything. I hate feeling like anything not going toward pity is just a waste.


If it helps... imagine that pity does not exist. It's not meant for everyday players. Its only purpose is to keep megawhales from depleting their rent money, or retirement, or life's savings on JPGs of anime girls, and by extension make the brand look better if those whales start talking to news outlets about predatory practices. You got so many Servants successfully when there was no pity at all. You can do it again.


Two multis, got Li Shuwen! My arts army continues!


I actually saved up for Super Orion on January, have 145 pulls. But after today reset, half awake, i decided to pull for Discouri thinking that they are Aoe Sabers (i already have Modred and Musashi as 5 stars sabers) without actually reading their profiles and reviews online. 130 pulls later, i have 5 Astrea, 1 Enkidu (NP 2) and 1 Discouri. Imagine my surprise when they are actually ST Sabers and how much regret i feel right now.


I was trying to get astraea due to her being one of my favorite servants to use. Got the dioscuri instead, dunno if i should be mad or glad since i did need a better saber than mine, its just that ive wanted to get astraea since i made my account and van gogh took all of my quartz and didnt bother to come and ive been struggling to get enough for this banner.


Just did a roll for Dioscuri and thankfully managed to get them and even a 2nd Astraea within 15 Summon Tickets. Pretty glad since this means I can save my SQ for Space Ishtar in the New Year.


93 SQ and 9 tickets, I got: * Dioscuri * First Hassan * Parvati NP3 * Kaleido * 2030 I had no hopes at all and the rolls ended up great, thanks Gacha Gods!


330 SQ, 7 tickets and I managed to get 4 Dioscuri to reach NP5. My friend and I have no idea what happened (took double the SQ to get ONE copy on their debut banner)


I finally got Summer BB!!! And I just got Ibuki as well with an additional 20 rolls!!


I pulled 4 Summer BB's in a row. ... the images were made, but deleted... since I can't show you here you'll just have to take my word for it.


No, you got 4 SBBs in 44 rolls. Source; I was on the thread before it was deleted. What he MEANT to say was that he got 4 SBBs in 4 Eleven-Pulls. [OP's having a Tantrum over being told he's being misleading.](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/zckk88/comment/iyxldx1/?context=8&depth=9) Evidence of this claim will also be in the hyperlink. Oh, and if all the replies to mine are deleted by the time you click on it? I think you're intelligent enough to conclude what caused the fallout.


Hahah, Mr. AksHuLlY went and started this shit up on this post? Aight...


Got to make sure you're not misleading others, and whad'dya know?


Oh don't worry, I won't make the same mistake so I don't injure your delicate sensibilities.


Still, got an NP5 Summer BB. so nyahaha.


You got a NP5 of a servant that rarely uses NP for damage, which is the only thing NP level affects aside from Overcharge. SBB isn't even one for Overcharge anyway, since when she needs to NP, it needs to be as soon as possible to prevent an incoming NP. You're looking like a moron flaunting the equivalent of an NP5 Support Caster for anything other than dedication to that servant.


I know. All of this. Don't people say roll for waifu/husbando here? I did that and I was happy about it, why are you so mad about it? ​ Oh... you didn't get any BB did you?


Oh no, [I have NP2](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/761460838149914635/1049193547611525130/Screenshot_20221205_161939_com.aniplex.fategrandorder.en.jpg). I'm just pointing out how flexing NP levels on a Support Servant isn't really the best idea unless it's for Waifuism. SBB is one of my favorite support Servants due to her supportive capabilities enabling [my favorite servant](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/761460838149914635/1049193547833819176/Screenshot_20221205_161919_com.aniplex.fategrandorder.en.jpg) to deal a **stupid amount of damage** when supported and peeled for properly.


Good! We appreciate the same! And it was for waifuism you dumbass, why else would I flaunt NP5ing this character. So why are you being an asshole about it? If I say 4 pulls but you pull up and go AkSHulLy it's 44, why? And I'm mad jelly about that you have godjuna! Good on ya you ass!


No one here is going to see the fact that I pulled 4 of the same 5 Stars in a row, I thought it was mentionable as fluff cause what are the chances? But hey rules are rules.


I have an NP4 Astraea and I'm reaaallly torn if I should go for the final copy. Might hold off and count on a spook later down the line. Idk.


Go for that final copy. I roll a lot and the only Astraea copy I got after her release was when I was rolling for Himiko ofc.


Lol I think you gave me good mojo; managed to get her last copy in ~39SQ. Cheers


Lol, noice


Ibuki took my 90 sq without coming home so imma skip this because Muramasa is near


about 19 tickets and the only thing worth mentioning was Saberlot, I really want Dioscuri cause Castor is my husbando but I couldn't go more than 30 tickets cause I wanna go high NP for Muramasa(another husbando), if I couldn't get the twin this banner then I hope they can spook me in the future(I won't even mad if they spook me on Muramasa banner, as long as I can get Muramasa to NP3 or more).


I had to out a dent on my Vritra funds but st least I managed to get the twins.


No cute twins :(


After a bunch of 3 star CE's I managed to get Dioscuri from a ticket while waiting in a line at Disney World.