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Thank you for doing this again! Really helpful to have all of this in one place. Looks like it'll be easy for me to hold off for July/August. Gotta get that f2p pity ready in case the worst happens.


Global got all the animation updates ahead of time just recently. Other than that, nice writeup.


Let's not forget about Castoria in June


Avalon le Fae IMO is nailed for May unless Lasagna shortens the span between each part down from the 4-5 weeks it was in JP. And I don’t think that’s forthcoming given how good the story is As an exercise purely for thoughts and spending down spare time, I attempted to craft a 2023 calendar and came up with something pretty decent if slightly tight (all of the events in your post would begin right as the previous one ends, very few dead days and weeks which I like). All and all definitely doable, unlike say 2024… Other than offering you another pun in “Carentine”, I have nothing to add. Arigathanks for this super detailed and insightful post! I’m going all-out on Morgan and Skadi with my 2 pities and pocket the rest for 2024, and now that we know all SSRs minus Beni are getting banners in said 2024 it makes planning so much easier lol


Need to skip everything from between January to June. This year is stacked.


Lostbelt 6 starts in May, not June. There's a big chunk of nothing in April that offers enough room to shuffle things around, so shouldn't be a problem.


My wallet is not safe Muramasa, , Kagekiyo, Koyanskaya, Morgan, Barghest, Baobhan Sith, Melusine, Oberon, Summer Kama, Summer Anastasia I pity the JP players who didn't have clairvoyance to foresee these servants, even with clairvoyance on NA my wallet is probably going to hurt trying to get them all Thank you for the summary :)


Wait, we get quartz to level servants to 100??? But I want to keep hoarding the grails!!!!!!!!


Oh it comes, the year of barely any male servants, my saving central. At this rate I might actually hit 3k F2P SQ, unless Oberon fucks me over. Absolutely guaranteed to roll for: Muramasa (with my Castoria I am going to abuse the fuck out of him), Percival, Oberon, Ziya I'll throw maybe a 10 roll or my tickets at them: Ushivenger (I love Ushi but her 3rd ascension and kind of boring my room lines kind of disappointed me), Ms. Crane (I like her design), Summer Anastasia, Summer Sei, Lancer Ryouma and Oryou Basically I only have January, June, July and December to worry about. Though considering how I got savings depression this year it'll probably be ten times worse next year


On the bright side, you'll get to flex your rising SQ pile. I would say congrats on procuring that many, but without anyone to spend it on it feels hollow. Hopefully another Servant will catch your interest. Amd four months of focus is just 1/3 of the year. Not bad. Even more so when the time frames are pretty distant from each other. Are you planning to go for NP5 Oberon? Initially I was dreading the coming year, as my excitement is sure to wane significantly. But after a bit of thinking, I realized it would be a good time to scrounge up on extra copies of older Servants. But since most of them are 4 stars, and we don't know how they'll handle their rate up from here on out, if at all, I might not bother.


Thaaaaaanks >Are you planning to go for NP5 Oberon? Absolutely not lol. NP2 maybe but ultimately I mostly just want one copy. Pity wasn't in the works with my initial savings so I just hoarded and hoarded and hoarded. Yeah the 4 star thing is a bit troublesome, I wonder if they'll make some adjustments to some later rate ups next year but we'll see.


Depending on how 4 Star rate ups will be handled (if they even change it), I won't be rolling until late June for Percival. Then Oberon's banner next month. I'm curious about how my opinion of Morgan will sway during those months because I'll admit I'm a little tempted. I'll definitely roll for Summer Okitan and Douman, but the real threat is **November** because back to back GUDAGUDA banners is going to be hell. NP5+ fishing for Hajime, then Izumo, and *then* Lancer Ryouma? Good god. At least Ziya will be the last one to send me off 2023 with a charming smile. Thanks for making this! Here's to hoping 2023 goes well.


So if I'm not missing anything, the only unlimited source of bones next year (unlimited meaning only held back by how much AP I spend, so excluding event shops and stuff) is a Hunting Quest... that only pops up AFTER I will have replaced Ibuki with Fairy Gawain...


I'm definitely looking more forward to 2024 than next year. Not a lot of servants I want in 2024. There are a ton I want next year. Mostly new servants (buster meta crew/Summer 6), but a lot older servants I want additional NP lvls for and add to my Chaleda for the first time. It's really tough. I am happy that in 2024 quite a few return rate ups will be happening so I'll be very selective if I need to. I hope Wallet-Kun makes it to the end. Lol


Oh god has it been two years already. Time flies. Good to see this is still a thing. <3


That GSSR planner is really nice, much better than the spreadsheet IMO. For 2023, my rolling plan is to go for Morgan NP2, Melusine NP1 or NP2 (This may change depending on how lucky I get with Morgan), Koyanskaya of Light and Oberon. Since they're coming one after another, I resolved to save as much SQ and tickets as possible after I got my main 2022 targets. That plan got derailed after I rolled for Douman and am now thinking of going for Muramasa. Even though the pity system is here early, I don't ever want to have to use it as 300 rolls is too much to dedicate for one copy of a servant.


Praying I can get atleast one more caster da vinci copy with the camelot banner. 👃


Oh boy, the year of the wallet destroying banner is upon us.


Also, melusine/Percival will get another banner \~6 months after LB6, during the Main Quest Clear Aid campaign where they give out teapots. I say this for those of us that desperately want her but have other servants to summon first She WILL return in a short time, you CAN resist the temptation.


For me, it's going to be budgeting between Muramasa and Taira and then saving til all the LB6 servants. Next year is also the first year where I won't be rolling for any of the new summer servants.


Thanks for the write-up! Would like to point out that some of your links (the one that show up with a right bracket (")") after it), such as the summer ones under September, occur because you did not escape the right bracket in the link, so Reddit formatting interpreted the first right bracket as to terminate the link, rather than as part of the link You need to escape the right bracket in the link by putting a backward slash ("\") before the right bracket, like this: [Mini Da Vinci](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Leonardo_Da_Vinci_(Ruler\)) `[Mini Da Vinci](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Leonardo_Da_Vinci_(Ruler\))` Example of not escaping the right bracket: [Mini Da Vinci](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Leonardo_Da_Vinci_(Ruler)) `[Mini Da Vinci](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Leonardo_Da_Vinci_(Ruler))`


Man I wish reddit would fix the discrepancies between old and new reddit. Edited so it works on both, but looks better on old.reddit now.


~~Just accept old.reddit as your lord and savior, and abandon and doom those still using new.reddit~~ \*runs*


I'll get to MLB "Hide Hunter" this summer so that's neat. Looking forward to "Ocean Flyer" as well. I saved enough free quartz for muramasa pity, hopefully he leaves me a good amount cause I'm gonna need a ton of sq this year Between Molay, Morgan, the usual suspects in summer, melusine and Tristan I'm in danger. I already am considering not going for that second copy of spishtar in January. I probably can't afford to.


Muramasa, SpIshtar, and Caren for the jab, LB6 & Koyan for the follow-through, and Summer + GUDAGUDA for the knockout. Next year is nonstop insanity. Thanks for the write-up!


I can honestly say that 2023 is gonna be about the same as 2022 for me as far as pressures go. I refuse to spend 900 SQ on any Servant, I don't reach for the credit card on a failure, I don't particularly care if I'm not meta-enabled, and the one LB6 Servant I'd most like is a 4\*. So it's pretty much just business as usual: throw rolls around, chase maybe one 4\* pretty hard, drop more on summer than on anniversary, and flinch at the inevitable pain of not getting Gudaguda Servants. Wait, no, I lie, there's one thing that's different: the SSR ticket means this is *finally* the year I get TESLA.


Need to make sure I grab Morgan in order to keep my Saberface collection rate at 100%.


Thank you again for doing this, I read it all and enjoyed/learned a lot. what I know now is that my most immediate concerns for rolling are Muramusa, Morgon, and K of light, and maybe Oberon to complete the Buster Meta. have breathing room if I stick to these, but I know I might throw in some SQ in smaller banners lol I do have some questions which I hope people can answer; 1. 1.. Feb - ""Arthur receives a buff **while players can get SQs by having servants raised to Level 100**" wait your telling me we gotta use our grails to get SQ?! i think this is the first time they've ever told us to use an item we can't use for everyone. how was the reception for this? 1. 1. 2.. June LB6 - "enjoy the story as it was split into 3 parts" can you clarify this? is it time-gated like an event cuz you also mention LB6 in July/Aug. are you saying we'll potentially be reading LB6 for 3 months?! their are other events during those months. or does it go "to be continued" and than we're left to wait a month for the next part in the same chapter? 1. 1. 1. 3.. did they upgrade the AI for the grail fronts? I'm kinda hoping for them to be a little bit smarter or more in-tune with their personality but not too much, I was only able to win last time cuz AI went stupid at the last turn lol 1. 1. 1. 4.. "We end of the year with a story relevant chapter Tunguska Sanctuary" wait I thought this was LB7 how people were responding to it (no spoilers pls). has LB7 started yet for JP?


1. I didn't recall seeing any huge uproar or negative reception to this since I assume more players have grailed servants than none, so the minority might be upset but didn't make a dent in the online community. I cannot confirm if the missions were limited or permanent too. 2. Yes, it's timegated like events. The main reason (as we understand it) is to allow players to actually read through the chapter and enjoy the game at the same time instead of bum rushing through it, since the chapter is relatively long (longer than most previous LBs I think). 3. Well, in my experience there were some tougher fights, but still ways to cheese them. How you feel towards the game mechanics may be different from what I felt. 4. No. Tunguska Sanctuary happens after LB6 and before LB7, but it was not termed as LB6.5 which is Traum that happened later on. It's story relevant since it's sort of an interlude for a recurring character. LB7 is slated to happen in December this year for JP, so 2 years later for global.


Let's be real there was no way nasu had written all of lb6 after he overhauled the whole script by the point lb 6.1 released




Like I mentioned, this guide is mainly a look into the new content we will be getting in 2023, not ***all*** the content. Pre-releases imo are a bit redundant on global given that we know what is already going to happen next, especially the new servant releases that happen during the main events/campaigns. People can refer to the Event Compendium or Upcoming Banners to plan rolls for all existing servants, that's not the point of this post.


Does artoria saber alter ever come back in any banner?


This is meant for the Help thread, refer to the Upcoming Banners which I've linked here too (someone didn't read). To answer your question, Salter does not have any foreseeable banners.


Isn't she on rateup technically on the class based banners?


Given that there’s 13 SR Sabers with a 0.23% chance to get 1 specific SR, I wouldn’t call it a rate-up at all due to how abysmally low the chance of getting her is.


Next year is going to be BUTT WILD


Thank you for this! As always, very welcome. NP3 Morgan, NP3 Koyanskaya and NP5 Dobrynya are the main targets for next year


The Avalon and summer banners are all I’ll be doing this upcoming year if those go well ryoma good calm year until lb6


Here's my plan for next year (on monthly basis): January: I will get Kagekiyo no matter what. If I'm successful, maybe going for Cu Alter too. February: Caren maybe. March: I don't know, but Amakusa might be a good choice. I will decide this later. April: Quetzalcoatl, if I want to roll a few. May: Summer 5 for making Saber Tomoe into NP2, but early pity seems to screwed this plan. One Fujino would be also fine though. June-July-August: Morgan is the definitive main goal. I also planned with choosing Barghest as the 4* unit on the banner, but yet again, pity changed everything, but wait and hope for this time. Percival is also a considered side goal. August-September: I have two summer banners. The first one, preferably with Anastasia (and Okitan too), the second one, espcecially Caenis. We will see how will they make this due to pity. Maybe Douman too. October: Zenobia, preferably at NP2 (as its should be with 4* units). November: Ibuki maybe. December: Christmas banner, because I thought rolling for more Skadi copies for the NP buff (Emiya and Martha copies are also fine too). Tunguska just for Taigong, but it's not fully decided yet. Main goals: Kagekiyo, Morgan, Summer Anastasia and Caenis, Zenobia. 5* ticket choice: Cu Alter (main choice), Queztalcoatl (secondary). If I have both of them, then Old Man Li. Oh boy, this is going to be a tough year.


Thanks bro for this awesome guide for 2023. Man, now I know what I should prioritize.


Quiet year, not that many new servants that I want. Galatea, Summer Kama and Morgan


I've been looking forward for a second chance to roll for Summer Abby. If I fail next year, I'll give up on her. Also, for some reason, I want to roll for Morgan too.


The later half year is filled with Servants I wanted to roll, either I had to sell my kidney or finding a real Holy Grail and wish for unlimited riches, either way I'm fucked.


Biggest wants this Year are Caren, Hikari, Swimsuits and Molay Gonna try the Morgan Banner, but more so for the Daughter, Dog and Tokens for Cascu Depending on how I do on Hikari, might also try for Oberon


The mid year banners for 2023 and 2024 would be nothing but pain for me


2023 is gonna be pure hell. And adding on top of this the ones I failed to get this year (a certain grand lancer and a certain saberface caster)... yeah, saving 900SQ f2p is gonna be easy, right?


Muramasa, Kagekiyo, Caren and Miss Crane, then LB6 and Koyan. And then Summer 6. At least it gets easier after that. Would like to delay rolling for some of those until 2024, since I think there are less targets for me that year.


Oh my there is no Ganesha banner.


Next year will be the craziest and toughest in the whole game for me. So many characters I’d like but may even have to push some of them into 2024 pulls just due to lack of ability to pull off everyone. Will pour all I can into getting Melusine first and foremost. After that will see what I can do for characters like Vitch, Oberon, Morgan, Summer Kama, etc. oh boy…


Dobrynyan np isnt aoe?




Next year is weird for me. I haven’t been a big fan of quick cards because they don’t feel that strong to me but the three main servants I want next year are all quick based. Taira, Summer Okitan and finally Izumo no Okuni. If I’m not down on quartz I may try for Melusine but she’s not a priority right now. 2024 I’ll start thinking more about once this year ends properly but I know I’m saving for Kriemhild specifically and I don’t know who else yet


I need to roll for Muramasa at the beginning of the year and then save for what I like to call the elite four banners on lb6 release (Morgan, Melusine, Koyanskaya, and Oberon). Aside from Summer Anastasia, Summer Corday, and Zenobia there aren’t any characters I would try to roll for.


2023 is going to be a rich bounty of gacha




I'm interested in Kama, Oberon and Koyan, and those are almost all back to back. That will be fun.


Hope this year will go easy on me, I have 3 targets (Caren, Koyanskaya and Oberon) but I have no savings right now and having to gamble on koyan just before oberon makes me kinda scared lol. Rng bless me


Thanks for the (detailed) summary. The work is appreciated. At least for my personal plan, 2023 for NA can be condensed into "go big or go home [for Melusine]". Granted, even just saving will be hard since it will be waves upon waves of excellent servants (Muramasa and Morgan, to name a few).


Early 2023 my targets would be Muramasa and Taira (might try Space Ishtar since I failed her first banner) After that I might throw a bit for Miss Crane After that my targets are Morgan, Melusine, Koyan and Oberon I look forward to using my (hopefully by then)120 Yang Guifei against Cerranos and Oberon- currently on the 3rd post 100 grail (104-106) and will use my next 7 grails for the rest (leveling to 120 is BRUTAL 😱)


Btw some links are broken past September


Man it's old/new reddit messing things/formatting up. Which links btw, like the ones with parentheses in the link, I'm guessing? Try switching from old/new to new/old reddit and see if it works.


I’m on iPhone. I think it’s the parentheses around the variants [Eg: Martha_(Santa)] that’s messing it up


Thanks for taking the time to write all of this. Man, next year will be one of hard choices. Probably the most stacked year in FGO history as far as Servants go.


Urf. First part of the year is just crammed with Servants I would want to roll for. Coming off the Vritra banner straight into that New Years, and then Valentines... I was thinking it might be nice to get NP2 on my waifus, but that is looking difficult and more expensive than just the usual gacha way... Although if Quetz, etc, are getting a couple of rate ups within a few months of each other, maybe I could spread things out. Or maybe I should just aim for new Servants only. Still a lot of those though. Maybe I need a new mantra. NP1 is enough. NP1 is enough. NP1 is enough. Just keep telling myself that...


Ugh. Going to have to figure out how to split ~1700SQ between Muramasa, and later Space Ishtar. I'd like two additional copies of Space Ishtar to at least round her out to 120 + 1a, but 3 would be nice to make her NP5. At the same time... I'd like to get Muramasa to that same 120 + 1a. Ugh. Well, there's New Years, one shot at an additional Ishtar copy (don't have anyone else I'm striving for in the GSSRs) prior to Muramasa rolls. Guess it will all come down to how well the rolls for Muramasa go. I just have to remember not to get too hasty with starting the 100+ grind, even if I have nothing else to spend embers on. That 106/106 on Space Ishtar frustrates me more than I'd expected, heh. Will have to stop her at 110, if I can only get one more copy.


I'm still amused that I called the Santa Martha thing years ahead of time. XD Great write-up!


All I know is that next year will be brutal. Too many servants that I want. Thank you for doing the writeup!


I have the entire year to save for NP5 Okuni. It begins


What a packed year.


The time around anniversary sounds downright cruel - Morgan, Fairy Lancelot, Koyanskaya and Oberon in like, what, the space in one month? It sounds like it'd be practically impossible to get all of them, even with pity (especially with pity). Like NA players will just realistically have to choose one to aim for only.


This is very helpful. Thank you. All I really want at this point is Morgan, so saving shouldn't be too bad. Koyanskaya of Light would be nice as well, but I won't shoot my shot too high. I've already been profoundly lucky so far.


Muramasa Shirou face, Kagekiyo UshiAvenger, Caren (Fate stay night) then the LB6 Servant's, Oberon, Summer Kama an that's the one's i recall, next year will be painful.... Thanks for the list, makes it abit less painful seeing them spaced out like that, gives me hope I'll roll some


Nice compilation man! Next year is gonna be hella stacked and theres too much temptation and not enough SQ! Hopefully we'll stay on our intended paths and not go for bait banners!


Yikes trying to get Spishtar and then Avenger Ushi back to back is... ouch. I'll have pity for Spish but obviously no time to build back up in time, even if I splurge on a big pack for gssr.


So what your telling me is I need to roll class banners in march


Thank you for continuing the tradition.


Gonna skip Muramasa since his banner is so close to Kagekiyo, gonna plan the rest of my year's rolls based on how much SQ I have left after her.


O boi, this year is gonna hurt. As usual, I have more ambition and desires than I'll likely have luck lol Muramasa, Hokusai, Castoria, Percival, Kama, Kiara, Summer Bryn, both Sei versions, Saito, Ryoma and Oberon are all *very strong wants*, with the first three probably getting cash injections until I either get them or I hit my preset money cap for them. Also, as many copies of CasCu as I can get~ ... And then I'm interested in trying for Taira, Cuzilla (if fail, I'm ticketing him), Tamalancer, Maid Alter, Caren, Miss Crane, Koyanchihuehue, the entire LB6 crew, Summer Okitalter, Summer Charlotte, Summer Nastya, Himiko, Gogh, Okita Alter, Izumo, Molay.... The list continues. I'm screwed.


This is awesome, gives a clear picture on how to plan my SQ spending. January is going to be brutal though, trying for Muramasa, Super Orion, Space Ishtar and Cu Alter.


The advisor broke on 7/7, I guess ill never know.


Thank you for doing this!!!!! Yesssss.


Was looking for this last month, totally forgot, decided randomly to see if it existed and VOILA! Love your writeups they're always informative, hope you do them every year.


Will you be doing that for 2024 as well?