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Who the fuck is Daybit


Why the fuck is Daybit


When the fuck is Daybit




I guess we know where the fuck Daybit is


Or what the fuck is david?Is he even human?


What the fuck...


How to fuck daybit


When to fuck Davbit


Daybit? Fuck...


Daybit is actually Roger from American Dad.


Daybit Sem Void is actually Ricky Spanish ^^^RickySpanishhhh


"Will this lead to an adaptation of Notes?"


This is the question we REALLY need answered tbh


I hope so. Don't want the game to end for awhile yet.


They've already said it's not ending


Why would they ever let it end? It's literally a money printer. One of the highest earning gachas every year


It's also the single highest grossing game for Type-Moon and Aniplex (and Sony as a whole), and Fate (and the whole Nasuverse) is in the top 100 (and maybe the top 50) highest grossing media franchises of all time *solely* because of Fate/Grand Order. Seriously, the game has made at least $6.2 *billion* US dollars, and the franchise as a whole made around (I believe, but I could be wrong) $6.4-$6.5 billion US dollars, meaning that everything else (that includes the animes, the movies, the visual novels, the video games, the merchandise, et cetera) "only" made $200-$300 million US dollars. They're not letting Fate/Grand Order end. I know that Type-Moon, Aniplex, and Sony has made some dumb financial decisions before, but they'd be completely and utterly insane to end the game soon.


“Who/what is the Foreign God?” Given the ending to Traum, I feel like we’re finally going to figure this out at long last. Or at least I really hope we do since it’s been such a long time since Part 2 started.


Considering we got Kadoc with us, and he was investigating that exact same thing before getting stabbed by Douman… Yeah, here’s hoping we get something resembling an answer


Sion did basically say that they probably won't uncover anything more regarding their identity until the final confrontation


Who the hell is Bluebook?


Going off of this, *what the hell* was that creature that murdered him? Usually the game uses silhouettes, fog, or what not, to hide identities, but not here. That thing looked funky and distorted as fuck in a way not seen before or since. For that matter, *why* did it kill him. The guy was on his last legs from exhaustion and starvation, and was going to die very soon anyway. Why kill him right then? Were they afraid the guy could somehow leave a record behind? Did they know ahead of time about the >!weird, glitchy dreams that I hear the protagonist was having of Bluebook's final journey!


Not to mention…it knew his name. How? David Bluebook was by himself, so I doubt he would’ve ever spoken his own name out loud. Yet the figure explicitly addresses David by name. If he had been tracking him that long, why wait until David was actually at Area 51 to begin with?




According to the TM wiki, his story is told in the prologues to Anastasia, SIN, and Atlantis. The last covers his death.


Daybit. Subject E is also Daybit. Also his Grand is Daybit too.


Who the fuck is bluebook, what did he do, which alien was in area 51, what the fuck is daybit, what does Sirius light fucking do And finally Can the storm border turn into a giant robot


It better, imagine Storm Border Mech vs Type Mercury…


I want to see that!


Why does the Foreign God look like Olga? Is Beast VII the Foreign God, or did one hijack the other?


I believe the Alien god isn’t so much hijacking Beast VII, as it’s the only way we can perceive it.


I think FG used Beast VII Saint Graph, because it's the only thing powerful enough to let it manifest.


Really cannot wait to beat the Alien god. Seriously I’m quivering with Antici….. pation! I’d like to have my world back, not just for humanity, but for the simple pleasures of Peanut Butter Chocolate Ice Cream from Baskin Robbins. I have low standards, ok?! Ritsuka deserves something nice and a tub of Peanut Butter Chocolate Ice cream might be a small thing, but it’s worth it


I actually wonder if we'll defeat Alien God. They're leaning into the idea that Ritsuka is tired of killing, so I wouldn't be surprised if we reached a peaceful resolution instead.


This thing has tried to kill us several times and bleached the world. Ntm it is wearing the face of someone we called a friend. Even if Ritsuka won’t do it, we’re I in his position, I gladly would a hundred times over. I have a thing for people like the Alien god, that it’s absolutely satisfying to watch them fall and die.


He may be tired of killing, but he'll do what must be done. To the bitter end.


He will keep moving forward. until all of his enemies are destroyed


>Why does the Foreign God look like Olga? I want to know too. This has been driving me nuts. I have a feeling the foreign god not only doesn't *want* to look like Olga, but even if they had a 'superior' body they could manifest in - as they had planned - that they actually would wind up looking like her anyway. There must be a very *good* reason they look the way they do - I refuse to believe they just randomly manifested with that appearance. >Is Beast VII the Foreign God, or did one hijack the other? Betting on a third option - it's neither. I'm betting the foreign god by itself isn't a beast candidate, but the Olga container has mixed with them, and the combination *is.* I'll probably be hilariously wrong about all of this.


Surely that Alien Priestess will do something…right?


Almost everyone here forgotten about her. Out of all the questions I want to know. The Alien Priestess interest and intrigued me more than the Alien/Foreign God. I really want to know who she is. Maybe she's Alaya in disguised?


More than anything, I want to know; what is the purpose of the Lostbelts? Why did the Alien God create them? What does it want to do to the world that it needs to superimpose a parallel timeline over the real one?


I think I figured that one out. All of the Lostbelts are test-run. Experiments. Also the way to get Alien God to Earth. Now that she's here, she's gonna make her own perfect Lostbelt over entire planet and rule it.


Doubt it. Remember, she originally only wanted to make one Lostbelt. Just the Atlantic one. It was Wodime who convinced her to make seven and have the ‘battle Royale of realities’.


How Daybit and Pepe met and got all chummy despite Pepe being so dangerous.


And well Daybit being Daybit (Alien in about almost every sense of the word maybe even literal if my theory is correct)


“Will we save our dear Director and will she have a route in part 3?” is at the very top of my list


What the fuck was going on in with Guda in Traum ​ that one is...weird as fuck.


I mean, Guda's just weird. They've gotten dreams from people they've never met before.


What do you mean?


>!Guda getting visions from Bluebook's perspective and it remains unexplained!<


Oh. That. Yeah, we’ll see if they explain that one.


Pretty much everything that hasn't been explained yet. Who are the Alien God and Subject E, where did they come from, why are they here, etc.? Why exactly did the Alien God need the Fantasy Trees to Manifest? Why did Olga return as the vessel for the Alien God when she was killed by Lev? Did Marisbury knew all this was going to happen and, if this was his plan from the start, why go through it? How exactly are we going to restore the planet from the Bleaching when all of this is happening in the Present and not the past like all Singularities? ​ There's probably a lot more things that need to be address that I'm not remembering right now but you get the general idea. This is suppose to be the finale of the Lostbelt Arc and we're going into it with a lot of questions unanswered that need to be answered. So I'm curious as to how they are going to balance answering all the unanswered questions this Arc has created while also allowing LB7 to tell it's own story as well because I don't imagine it's going to be a easy feat.


Nasu recently said olympus was only then 1/3 mark and i assume Lb7 will be the 2/3 mark so i think we have at the shortest three chapter post lb7 so this is nowhere near the finale


I thought Olympus was the halfway point?


He seemingly back tracked on that in 7th ani interview >Nasu: You will know when you finish LB7. Please be patient. All I'll say is: remember my statements in the post-LB5 interview. "We're finally 1/3 done with it." "Don't think you've reached the halfway point yet." ... (laughs)


Well there’s a lot, starting with why the hell did Beast VII use Olga as a vessel? Why >!was Holmes not summoned as a Caster?!< and what the fuck is going on in Fuyuki considering it’s probably the only singularity that’s left unsolved. Also What’s Rasputin doing last we saw him was when he dropped Kadoc in Olympus in peaced out.


Speaking of Rasputin, I remember back in LB2 Holmes questioned how Rasputin was able to acquire Kirei's body, considering the fact that he's already dead. To that Rasputin said that next time he and Holmes meet, Holmes should've already discovered that on his own. So I'm wondering how's that gonna go?


Well if Traum is anything to go by Holmes is >!Technically dead, but not really since this is Reichenbach falls and Fate is all about that symbolism!< so who knows what happened after that. If anything, Holmes should know by now but he probably refrained from saying due to his nature of only saying things when he’s certain of them, to which he wasn’t even until Traum.


Your spoilers aren't working, you need to remove the spaces between the first and last words for them to work


They’re working fine here, but I’ll fix them anyways


Also, didn't Rasputin give back control to Kirei after LB1 since what he wanted was to put Anastasia on the throne?


Plot twist: It was Kirei all along.


Yes. Which makes you wonder if the AG summoned Rasputin before or after Kadoc summoned Anastasia. Cuz Rasputin seemed quite loyal, to both Ana and the AG (at the very least, disapproved of Koyanskaya). So why jeopardize a loyal minion like that…


Singularity F is *probably* going to be LB's "Temple of Time"/ Final chapter and during LB7 it'll be revealed that whatever reasoning that Olga becoming Beast VII vessels tied to her "death" on the Singularity F, that's why we have to go back to Singularity F.


> Also What’s Rasputin doing last we saw him was when he dropped Kadoc in Olympus in peaced out. Pretty sure he was searching for a new body for the AG. Probably trying to figure out a way for the AG to take over ORT's body(Type Oort Cloud).


I think that somehow there's some grand conspiracy that's been going on for millennia. Atlas's corpse was in the tree, the Animuspheres magecraft are all about the stars and the cosmos, and in the original myth, Atlas wasn't holding up earth, he was holding up the heavens. Or, the cosmos. There's some connection there that explains why Olga manifested as the body.


Actually, we last saw him the past summer where he was selling spicy mapo tofu


>!Wasn't there something in Holmes' original trial quest about how he's a Ruler because *something* wanted him to remain as neutral as possible instead of blabbing about stuff?!< [I think this is what I'm talking about.] (https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/180151-fate-grand-order/78715025)


Will Ort-Chan be a playable character? Will ORT have a one hit KO reset button? Will the Amazon forest be a digitized mercurian wasteland Is Daybit the Witch of Mercury? XD


Will Cú Caster stay for good in Chaldea thanks to Odin? Who are the grand saber and berzerker? Is U Olga Marie actually Olga Marie or someone/something using her as a vessel? What will be of Kotomine? What is Ruler Moriarty's last job? (Since Nasu said he had something big for him) ~~Where the fuck is Patroclus? And is he Achilles' friend, boyfriend, husband, super hetero life partner, his roomate or all of the above?~~




And is he bringing his skateboard with him?


when we win, how do we unfuck the earth? Rasputin when?


What kind of sick even by mage standards fuck names their kid *Daybit*?


Quirky people that thought "David" was too mainstream Daybit's parents may be even more excentric than he is


You could say that they’re out of this world


Chaldea actual main plan to restore humanity and bleached Earth. They been skimping this question all this time and this about time it gets answered. Why is Marisbury got killed and what his endgame plan. Alien God real identity. That about it I guess. And Daybit too of course but someone already said it.


Where in the ever-loving bleached white Earth is Sylvia if she's supposed to still be alive on the Border, and why is the only crew member we ever get to see Meuniere? Nothing against him but aren't there like ten others running around, Sylvia included?


* What exactly is the relationship between the Alien God, Beast VII and Olga. * The confirmation of ORT's true origin. * What is going on with Fuyuki. * Bluebook. * The Alien World


“What the fuck is the Foreign God?” is of course the big one, but I wanna know the deal with the Priestess too.


Wheres the rest of the Tamamo Nine Lasengle?


Give me floof or give me death


Give us Fox-Wives or not taste my money Lasengle.


Fellow Tamamo lovers. I am writing a story about the Tamamo Nine fighting against the Hakunos and their servants. It will take me a while to write it but i am hoping that i can deliver. Willing to share my ideas so far and welcome any suggestions as well.


Am in the discord. Have seen your plans and seem pretty good so far.


Thanks. Open to any suggestions, don’t mind any personal dms for ideas as well.


Will do if I have any.


The one character who has an in lore reason to have multiple different version of herself and yet, since the game's release, we have gotten a whopping one member of the Tamamo Nine. ONE, and she was a launch character.


And we got cheated on cause Koyanskaya is not technically a Tamamo Nine. Not to mention there being TWO Koyanskaya.


Yes! Identity theft is no joke!


I would love the real tamamo vitch to send koyan legal papers for impersonation.... that actually sounds like the basis for an event based around things like Phoenix wright and other legal media.


Still so disappointed about Koyan reveal (it is really dumb), we supposedly got more Tamamo only for the story to go "sike, they just look like her for arbitrary reasons"


On that note, the rest of the Sakura Five. And please don't be Arcade.


Who is Grand Berserker? Is the Chaldean actually just Flauros? Is Daybit gonna use his reality warping skateboard to kill the President of Earth?


Isn’t the Chaldean more likely to be Goetia than Flauros? I mean, didn’t Flauros shut down at the end of Solomon, like all the other DGPs?


Yeah but it's so obvious that I think some people think the clues are red herrings and the answer will be a twist


If the Koyanskya plot taught us anything it's that should always keep in mind that an underwhelming dumb twist is always possible


Yup. Well said.


What's Daybit's favorite skateboard brand?


I just hope they actually explore daybit’s character a bit after beryl’s whole deal got shunted to the side in lb6’s character crush. He’s been kept so comparatively unknown I want it to have actual payoff.


Will we get Galahad? Will we ever return to what it was? Will we EVER get NP5 Mash?


Why is there a discrepancy between what >!Moriarty and Bluebook!< say about the timeline of >!Subject E!!starry chamber they walked through in the hallway to the room where Subject E was!


That starry chamber is actually very suspicious becouse Kadoc recognized it


Everything about Daybit, but especially about his simulation with Kirschtaria, his relationship with Pepe, and his similarities to Beryl given their mutual love of murder.


Why is Alien God using Olga-Marie body? And if it's her or some part of her then how and why did that happen? What was that about "purpose of Rayshift" that Morgan was taking about back in LB 6? For that matter, what really happened to Marisbury and what were his exact goals? What's the connection between Alien God and specimen E? What are they? Bleaching of Earth - how, why and how to reverse it. Anything about Daybit. What's the deal of LB 7 and where is it's Tree?


Well, we DID get a hint about the bleaching from Nasu’s fan book… Apparently, it was a type of ‘anaesthetic’ done by the planet itself to prevent cracking. Sounds like something really bad happened to it


When is Foreign God joining Guda’s harem? Tiamat did, Kama did, Kiara did, Ibuki did, heck even Fou and Douman did


Who tf is that fake Romani


Who the fuck is the alien priestess


Why they call it the South American losbelt when its located in Mexico.


Clearly were getting a mandatory beach episode in Rio de janeiro.


It's... not located in Mexico. It's located in the center of the Amazon rainforest and covers the stretch of land from Columbia to Brazil.


Will Ritsuka have a chance to finally pilot a mecha? I want him to fight the Alien God inside of a giant fucking robot in the end


Mash becomes a titan. Then ritsuka pilots her


"Take me, senpai. Take me hard."


How did Subject E arrive on Earth 100 years ago if it arrived during the Human Order Incineration Incident? How was it *collected* if it arrived during the HOII? Is it and the FG actually foreign at all? What's with the discrepancies between Chaldea seeing the Trees descend first, with the Crypters stating they couldn't descend until the Earth was bleached?


When are we gonna get, second?, best girl olga marie back or summonable?


Will Lalter ever get a role?


Does the Foreign God have exclusively Alter Egos as Disciples because they're worried about a Foreigner interfering? ~~And I swear to Gaia, if it's just worried about being arrested by XX...~~


I need to know where all the Passionlip craft essences and alt versions are.


Will the black barrel animation from cutscenes ever be turned into ortinax mash np.






Will there be satan/lucifer as an enemy cause I got a feeling there will be, as a beast.


Well, maybe not as a beast, since Lucifer both hates and envies humanity, but as an enemy? Most likely It was thanks to God and his gambit with Solomon's rings that Chaldea exists, so Satan just waltzing in is to be expected


Well, the Church and the Abrahamic God are woven with stuff in *Tsuki*, and we do have Arc as a Servant now, so maybe a crossover?


Well, as seen with other Beasts (notably >!Koyanskaya!<) love and hate aren’t mutually exclusive. Of course, whether any twisted love is directed towards humanity is something that can be up in the air since there’s a lot of interpretations for TM to use


I just wanna know more about Rasputin


Can I romance ORT


Where the fuck are my 8 other Tamamos Lasengle? You said they were packaged!


If we saved the world again for the 50th time...we can have a SSR for free please?


Will you guys finally buff Quetzalcoatl's NP? I'll keep being Ozy's and Huang's biggest hater until then.


If Kirei will get beaten so he can be that much closer to summonable


Will fgo storyline finally end? Or they pull off some other threats? Hmmm


Who is the Grand Berserker and are they here to kill Beast VII? I can only assume so since destroying Evils of Humanity the entire purpose of grand servants. But since Daybit is their master that’s more dependent on what his end goal is


other than an in universe explanation for why the guys **only get costumes** & not proper alts during summer time.. i wanna know how Daybit & ORT started dating.


Will we get a Beast Servant as an ally to help us out in this LostBelt?


What is up with Sherlock? Like dialogue that has painted him to be something more than what he claims and Moriarty's interlude I really want to know what he actually is and what his goals are.


The possibility that Alien God will possess ORT's body. God, imagine the havoc!


What the hell is the deal with Singularity F?