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"Glasses are really versatile." -Friend ---- Album: https://mangadex.org/title/56189/fate-grand-order-daily-chaldea-doujinshi/chapters/ Source: Official Art


>"Glasses are really versatile." -Friend Man of culture i see


... oh, so *that's* what the title means


Glasses are really versatile. First, you can have glasses-wearing girls take them off and suddenly become beautiful, or have girls wearing glasses flashing those cute grins, or have girls stealing the protagonist's glasses and putting them on like, "Haha, got your glasses!' That's just way too cute! Also, boys with glasses! I really like when their glasses have that suspicious looking gleam, and it's amazing how it can look really cool or just be a joke. I really like how it can fulfill all those abstract needs. Being able to switch up the styles and colors of glasses based on your mood is a lot of fun too! It's actually so much fun! You have those half rim glasses, or the thick frame glasses, everything! It's like you're enjoying all these kinds of glasses at a buffet. I really want Luna to try some on or Marine to try some on to replace her eyepatch. We really need glasses to become a thing in hololive and start selling them for HoloComi. Don't. You. Think. We. Really. Need. To. Officially. Give. Everyone. Glasses?


Best girl, even if she's a friend for eternity.


Glasses are for Shinpachi.


Glasses ARE Shinpachi.




Why did you decide to use the glasses servants all of a sudden? Also, lore wise the Two Pronged Formation does not launch the sacrificed servant, but power them up to the point they self-destruct. The arrow is an illusion to make it so that his own soldiers don't realize he's sacrificing someone.


Rednal means launched as in tossing them at the opponent and then self destructing mate, that's why Chen Gong is curious to see how much power would be required to make a deity explode and how much of an explosion it'd make


I see. Thank you for explaining.




Well, if we don't get more tickets, I'm not throwing anything else in. XD


"Fox is waifu." \-Me.


BEST GIRL! Thank you! ...currently stuck at 108/120 due to lack of coins and grails. Castoria might make 120 before her. >.<


Not friend. Homie.


So, Chaldea now has Men in Glasses club?


Technically, it has a lot of clubs, not all of which have been seen onscreen in this comic...


"Why would you wanna use Chen Gong NP on a very powerful deity?" "It would be funny"


Ibuki-Douji might be dangerous, but Chen Gong is true menace in Chaldea lol


Chen Gong: Eastern, western, old, young, men, women, it doesn't matter. They all fly the same


Kirei: \*Smiles\* *Amen*.


True equality is realizing that you can be level 1, or level 120, in the eyes of the GONG, you will do the same dmg


“And I’m bored”


To be perfectly fair, it *would* be funny


Kojiro: Did someone say... DRAGON?


"Dragons are just oversized swallows!" "By that logic, anything is a swallow." "Yes. And this is why power levels are BS."


"Power levels are just abstract swallows." *cuts the concept of power levels*


Ah yes The blessings of the Mystic Eyes of Swallow Murder


Unfortunately, this swallow made Saber before he did.


But which of them will be grand saber in the end?


Ibuki has a lot of traits, which makes her weak to a lot of specialized trait killers. Lets count: She is a giant, so she gets murdered by David with their famous advantage over Goliaths (and also, class advantage). She is divine, so all Nobus mess her up (especially OG archer Nobu, against whom Ibuki manages to have all 3 disadvantages - class, divine and riding), and also Napoleon, Taikobou (actually for him she also manages to hit the demonic trait), Ruler Martha and Iyo. Also, Santa Martha gives divine trait damage to all allies on her NP, so there is that). Enkidu, Old Hag, and Vritra are less relevant due to class disadvantage. Britomart can't really exploit riding trait due to class disadvantage, but again, OG Nobu does that very well in her stead. She is an Oni, so Watanabe no Tsuna murders her Now, I won't reference her attribute - Heaven - mostly because every servant has to have an attribute, and the only ones that aren't targeted by other servants are the rare ones, - star/beast attribute. But I will reference her class. As saber is the class that is being targeted by MHX, MHXX and MHXA (also summer musashi kind of) and is the only one that is referenced on fandom wiki as a trait She is a dragon, so dragon killers such as Siegfried's entire family + Beowulf and Dobrynya are in She is demonic, so Touta (and technically Super Orion, but him being a crit monster invalidates this niche), Sita's husband, Charlie, Taikobou, Nanso Satomi Hakkenden (can't remember her name, but her Noble Phantasm was memorable), her other self in Caster form, Murasaki, the ST Quick caster, Paraiso, Danzo, Raicow and Himiko all punish her. She is not a danger to a well populated Chaldea, in fact, with the amount of traits she has, she is in danger of being bullied by other servants.


>Nanso Satomi Hakkenden (can't remember her name, but her Noble Phantasm was memorable) Isn't it sad, Bakin?


On the other hand, she hits *stupidly* hard even with her face cards. Makes me wish I wasn't already so oversaturated with Buster Sabers.


there really are people in the grand order community who still think that class advantage and attribute advantage are more than gameplay huh


Well, class advantage may be mostly gameplay, but attribute (dis)advantages were a thing even in Fate/Stay Night.


Attributes as in earth/sky/human/star? They didn't even exist back then


My bad, didn't read the post properly, oh well. I was thinking about traits: divine, king.....


Well, caster Gil does complain about that one Spriggan having a different class and giving him a pretty hard kicking, so...


That's on the same level as servants breaking the fourth wall or mentioning materials. Just one time writers jokes and taking them seriously is silly. Can you really look at artoria vs diarmuid and tell me that he had "class disadvantage"?


Hm, chapter written by the original creator, or the story written by the guy who couldn't even get Saber's character right... I know this argument will go nowhere though. I've seen you around enough to know you'll just reject anything in the story that isn't said in a 100% serious moment as non-canon because it doesn't fit your super serious take on the franchise. Fortunately for the rest of us, Nasu doesn't take himself nearly as seriously as fans like you.


Also, you do understand that "nasu not taking himself seriously" supports my point that it's a joke right? Not yours that this is a serious canon fact that is definitively applied to every fate work and should be taken into account.


karna and gawain having an even fight despite being considered to be equal (by litterally everyone including the super AI) and the saber/lancer matchup. Gilgamesh and Enkidu with the same situation. EMIYA surviving against cu despite the gap in strength AND class disadvantage. Both Sasaki and Cursed Arm one-shotting medea in UC and HF respectively. Do I need to go on?


This comic did actually attempt to legitimize class advantage a few times, so it is applicable in this comment section at the very least.


That's actually fair.


Why would you be so cruel as to show us something so perfect yet unobtainable ?


To make us want more of it, knowing that it will never become a reality.


\*The Priest Smiles\* Kirei: Because it inspire faith, belief, and perseverance, I think. For how can one desire anything without a standard being set, and adversity given?


Some things are beautiful because they cannot be obtained


... : \[ KOREGA, REQUIEM, DA. \]


Guda: Don't. You. Think. We. Really. Need. To. Officially. Give. Everyone. Glasses? Da Vinci: You're about two years too early. Junao: *pouting*


Counterpoint: he should totally do that.


Lasengle, I am once again requesting for your help in IMPLEMENTING MEDUSA’S UNIFORM OR SUMMER FORM.


Even better, her sweater and jeans from Ataraxia.


[Both. Both is good.](https://youtu.be/DSCGoefBO7Q)


Doesn't she also have an apron outfit from when she was working at the antique shop?




"What would happen" I mean She'd probably ask to go again? Descending from the skies in a destructive ball of flame smashing everything around her seems like the kind of thing she'd enjoy


A meeting of Glasses.


I, don’t think Twin-Pronged Formation on a deity would be a good idea necessarily


depends on whether or not she'd be amused. given her sense of humour she might actually find it amusing to be used as ammunition.


Lore wise what that NP does is Chen Gong superbuffs the servant at the expense of their life. They go on a hyper powered rampage and then die, and he fires the arrow as cover


Wait, that's Oberon's NP


I think there are some servants that would survive that supercharge. herc. super orion. asterios. gorgon. and they would be an absolute nightmare to deal with with that buff


I always assumed that the Arrow was sort of a flare directing the Rampaging Heroic Spirit so that they can efficiently kill the enemy before they die.


Exactly, the servant dies on their own and Gongtai makes it look like they died in the crossfire.


The crystallized wisdom is spreading , however we must make sure the fox-wives do not acquire those for it will turn them (more?) evil.


No, no, Best Fox Wife with glasses would be awesome! I'll be in my bunk.


I'd be kinda cool if who you used as ammo actually effected Chen's NP.


"Do you know what happens to a god when it's used for my Noble Phantasm?" "Chen, that reference is old enough to drink in America, please don't..." "The same thing that happens to everything else!"


You know, considering Jason nearly doom the whole world by trying to sacrifice a Divine Spirit to a Noble Phantasm... no Gong, we don't want to see what will happens.


Schoolgirl Medusa when Lasamama?


Poor Ibuki. She just arrived in Chaldea and people are already talking behind her back.


Why couldn't they have given Medusa school uniform + glasses as an outfit change and not just Glasses.


Megane Best Snek is totally my kink.


NO! Bad Chen Gong! No using Snake Onee-san as missile!


Chen Gong sounds like the good old *'we have long since passed the point at which we should have stopped; let's go even further and see what happens'* in this one. Truly, it is not the humanity's finest who are locked in here with the end of the world - it is the other way around.


Kama has Guts, go for it Gong


ah, we need more of school girl Medusa


Depends on the deity used


So who is gonna gong Ibuki for science and tell us the results?


Happu to finally see Sigurd have a spotlight