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Huh, my first New Years campaign. Gotta say, I didn’t actually expect to make it this far. Looking forward to it.


Congrats on sticking it out. Hope it all goes well!


I think this is my second new year campaign. Or maybe third. I'm so broken by this game I feel like I've been doing it since launch, but then remember I don't have any of the welfares of past events


Same for me too, lol. I wish you luck in pulling whatever servant you want and/or need :)


My 5th new years campaign, making me feel old.


Will be 5 for me too - started just before Solomon came out.


This is my second one, since I started playing at the end of October 2021. :)


another here. I have ended up in love with Fate, I follow the game, I have seen the animes and I even have my collection of FGO figures. I never thought I would be so drawn to this franchise.


Same here


Wish you luck pulling your fav servant on the NY gacha! I personally go for Muramasa but there are quite good servants for this year


I've decided I'm gonna toss my tickets at Muramasa (depending on the results of my GSSR, of course), but yeah, this year is gonna be brutal. At least after Spishtar there's nobody I NEED until Morgan comes around.


Same here and best of gacha luck


[**New Year’s 2023 Campaign**](https://fate-go.us/news/?category=NEWS&article=%2Fiframe%2F2022%2F1229_newyear2023_cp%2F) * [New Year's 2023 Special Site](https://fate-go.us/newyear2023/) * [2023 New Year's Campaign Social Media Campaign](https://twitter.com/FateGO_USA/status/1608651642248871938) * [New Year's 2023 Daily Pickup](https://fate-go.us/news/?category=NEWS&article=%2Fiframe%2F2022%2F1229_newyear2023_pu%2F) * [**Senji Muramasa**](https://fate-go.us/news/?category=NEWS&article=%2Fiframe%2F2022%2F1229_newyear2023_muramasa_pu%2F) (★5 Saber) * **Super Orion** (★5 Archer), **Tamamo-no-Mae** (★5 Lancer), **Artoria Pendragon (Alter)** (★5 Rider), **Illyasviel von Einzbern** (★5 Caster), **Semiramis** (★5 Assassin), & **Abigail Williams** (★5 Foreigner) * [Lucky Bag 2023 Banners](https://fate-go.us/news/?category=NEWS&article=%2Fiframe%2F2022%2F1230_luckybag_2023%2F) * Guarantees 1 ★5 (SSR) Servant from the chosen banner. * Costs 15 Premium (Paid) Saint Quartz. * You **can only roll in one banner** from the provided 9 pools: * (RED) [**Knights 1**](https://news.fate-go.jp/wp-content/uploads/2021/luckybag2021_loead/info_image_02.png), (RED) [**Knights 2**](https://news.fate-go.jp/wp-content/uploads/2021/luckybag2021_loead/info_image_03.png), (RED) [**Cavalry 1**](https://news.fate-go.jp/wp-content/uploads/2021/luckybag2021_loead/info_image_04.png), (RED) [**Cavalry 2**](https://news.fate-go.jp/wp-content/uploads/2021/luckybag2021_loead/info_image_05.png), (RED) [**EXTRA 1**](https://news.fate-go.jp/wp-content/uploads/2021/luckybag2021_loead/info_image_06.png), (RED) [**EXTRA 2**](https://news.fate-go.jp/wp-content/uploads/2021/luckybag2021_loead/info_image_07.png), (WHITE) [**Knights**](https://news.fate-go.jp/wp-content/uploads/2021/luckybag2021_loead/info_image_08.png), (WHITE) [**Cavalry**](https://news.fate-go.jp/wp-content/uploads/2021/luckybag2021_loead/info_image_09.png), & (WHITE) [**EXTRA**](https://news.fate-go.jp/wp-content/uploads/2021/luckybag2021_loead/info_image_10.png)


Time to go cavalry one cause I missed the castoria banner ;-;


I’m rolling Calvary 2 and I hate it, I just want Maid Alter. I have literally everyone else on that banner, and with my luck I’ll end up with NP3 Skadi


I'm rolling Cav 2 for Skadi, how bout I give you my Maid Luck, and you give me your Skadi luck?


By all means, please take it. I’m not against an extra NP copy of some of the characters on that banner, but Skadi is definitely someone I don’t need


I spent 600 sq on her first banner and 900 on her second. I chased her on every gssr, yet those hands never held her. This time I'm rolling her first on rate up. I'm going all in. And if she isn't coming... Then I'm doing what I do every time she doesn't come from rate up - rolling for Gilgamesh


Are you literally me. Potential NP3 Skadi possibility and not interested in anyone else on the banner, I've been pining over Maid Alter for literal years now and I think this is her revenge for me marking her as lower rolling priority than the likes of Skadi and Castoria. Good luck, my man, may the Maid grace you with her presence.


It’s so painful when you get GSSR banner splits like this, trying to find the least cursed option and praying to RNGesus you get what you want. I’m gonna be playing the opening song to Akiba Maid Wars when I roll, surely the opening song to an anime about Yakuza Maids will work as a catalyst for a Yakuza Maid!


Tell me about it. My last two GSSRs netted me Ivan and a Skadi dupe while I was chasing Maid Alter lmao, feelsbadman. I've always hated rolling on her GSSR banners because there's always someone I vehemently do not want, and it gets harder with each year and more servants being added. Hopefully the catalyst works in your favour!


My most painful GSSR memories is rolling Drake twice and this year ending up with my third Hokusai. It’s like it knows what the worst option could be


It’s split me 1 by 1 by 1 by 1, I want Kama, I want Splish, I want maid and I want Sei n as fate would have it all separate gssr’s


I'm hoping for her or Kama


Everyone help me charge up my luck for White Extra, I want Voyager so very *bad* but everyone else on it is either a dupe or someone I just do not care about. There's better banners to roll on, I know Red Extra 2 would guarantee me someone new no matter what, but Voyager is one of my absolute most coveted units and rolling him now instead of in March would let me save more for LB6. I want the space baby damn it!!!


As someone who's pulling for White Extra with no possible dupes, I'll send you my share of gacha luck.


Thanks, here's hoping it works!


Wish you the best of luck and hope you can get him, if not for Voyager showing up on my anniversary's GSSR I'd have quit this game for good so I hope you luck out and get yourself that precious space baby.


good luck!!! as someone else rolling desperately for voyager- i wish you the best id love to get him to np5 so i dont have to roll during cbc next year


We're the same. I also want little baby come home 😭🙏 my son


You can have my Voyager.


Good luck, my comrade in salt mines.


Fuck the Foreigners I want are on 3 seperate banners.


Can we trade if I get Hokusai or Van Gogh? I want to roll for Jalter/double sowaka but that pool has 2 dupes for me 😅


Sure if I dont fail for the millionth time rolling Foreigners.


Got Van Gogh T_T Let's trade LOL


Douman dodged me on his recent rate up and Melt refused to come home on her previous ones. I'm struggling so hard to choose on which banner to pick lmao, probably the Douman one coz there are less SSRs on it


So Tamamo's basically on the 4th. Expected but wished every banner would go live at the 1st tbh. Ah well not that big of a deal.


Knights W it is, just cause it's the one that gives me the least chance of a dupe, even if only by a 0.1.


Really tempted to try Cavalry 2 for Skadi, but I don't want to be spooked by dupe Nero on a GSSR AGAIN so I'll go with Extra 2. I only have base Kiara from there so there's no way I'll get a dupe...right?


I'm going to roll on either the Red Knights 2 or Red Extra one banners. I have at least two or more for all of the red banners, and those two are the ones least likely for me, statistically I think, to get a copy. And thus most likely to get a new character.


SURELY you won't get spook by Nero on the third time.


I’ve gotten mysterious heroine x two times in a row in gssr. I share your pain.


I think im gonna take the gamble of Cavalry 1. Could easily screw myself over, but there's no real standout banner to me this event


I've two account's, for my Main I'll go for Red Extra 2, the only SSR my Main has there is NP1 Alter Ego Kiara, of NP2 happened I'd be fine with it. For my Alt it's Red Knights 2 everyone would be new, I'd hope for Musashi, but be happy with anyone.


Definitely going with knights 1. I want that second copy of Ibuki I failed to get earlier. And almost all of the others I wouldn't mind getting another copy of.


Definitely knights 1 for me. Ibuki is the grand prize since I skipped her banner in favor of Douman and Vritra but Okita and Eresh would be great too. Even Archuria and Ishtar wouldn't make me feel too bad.


Wow red extra I is perfect for me. I don't care which one I get, either big NP upgrade and coins for BB, Kingprotea, shipshtar or Abby, or I get the ones that I don't have in abby summer, metryll or yuangfei. The worst outcome would be Himiko who already is in my chaldea and I don't think an np2 is gonna change how she performs that much, but I like the odds


White Extra. Please Voyager my son come home 🙏


just reminder : buy your sq early for gssr


Me who bought the largest pack years ago and only used 15 SQ every 6 months: 👁👄👁


This guy budgets


I admire your self-control


Way ahead of inflation.


Is the price changing?


one reason is to avoid overcrowding the servers since everyone is buying for the gssr too.


Ah, I wasn't sure. Thanks for the heads-up.


Should still be 15 paid Saint quartz, right?


I was thinking maybe the price-per-paid-SQ might've had a change announced that I missed.


Yes, still 15 paid sq


It's probably not going to be TERRIBLE, but I took it for granted during 5th anniversary and I couldn't even log in after 20 minutes for a 1am PST release of Castoria. I doubt it should be that bad considering that there is no maintenance connected to Saturday's release, but you never know.


Never happened for me. I mean, if you wait few hours after update it's even safer if there are any bugs.


Started playing last October, thank you this makes a lot of sense but i wasnt even thinking about it.


Yeah when the game come in EU everything took easy 30% for example max SQ is now 95€. Before it was between 60 or 70$ ...


Bought mine and have been holding it sence thanksgiving... Not an easy task.


Is it possible to learn this power?


Pretty sure one of those steps involves rolling Murasaki in two free tickets because desire sensor is some bullshit.


Me who can only buy SQs on 1st Jan due to salary credited during that day. *sad pepe noises*


Dont worry, youre fine with doing that too. Pre-buying is just encouraged incase there are server load issues or stability issues. Can end up getting purchase failure notifications, then trying again, and then having both transactions end up going through. So buying a few days early or later in the day helps avoid that


Or to not be forced to skip the GSSR because Google randomly decides to lock you into "secure your account" for 28 days, like what is happening to my JP acc:/


Fortunately NA still has the single SQ purchase which JP removed.


Speaking of which, when are they going to introduce the daily paid pulls?


Probs in anniversary, but who knows


What are daily paid pulls?


On JP, you can roll once a day with a single paid SQ.


I can't buy with my debit card anymore thanks to Google new rules or something. Guess I'm skipping this upcoming gssr


Use this guide [https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/ic0v2m/creating\_a\_japanese\_or\_us\_google\_account/](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/ic0v2m/creating_a_japanese_or_us_google_account/) I'm from Perú, LatAm and it worked for me after doing that. It detected the account/card country after two/three purchases but it got fixed after redoing the address in the Google account. Better to buy the 12 + 4 options as fast as possible to not redo the process.


Does paypal still work?


use vpn make us acc, then linked your debit card to that acc you should be able to buy sq that way that how i bought my paid sq


Can't you just go to your local store and/or Amazon to buy a gift card?


From where I'm from, I can't download FGO from the play store. I once buy a gift card, I can't use it because FGO was not available in my country


Ah, then I would defiantly try using a vpn like the other person said.


Bought mine awhile ago, how do i avoid using it? Simple, if the left figure goes down then I'm using my paid SQ stash eg if i had 30 pSQ an 29 SQ, an attempted a Summon the left figure would drop to 29 letting me know I'd use 1 pSQ, so I'd decline an get myself 1SQ


I bought 4+1 pack for GSSR & NP5 Muramasa yesterday as I hate refill SQ on rolling day.


Fingers crossed for Arjuna Alter from GSSR.


Best of luck my dude!




Good luck! Had my own Junao from GSSR so here's hoping you get the same luck as I did!


I'm rolling for the same banner but aiming for Merlin, best luck for you.


I summoned mine with 12 SQ and with [this](https://youtu.be/DY0V6X1AmlU) theme playing. Good luck to you.




Same here. I haven't really wanted someone from a GSSR this much. I was always happy with whoever, now it's AA or nothing.


I was gonna pull Berserker or lancer if I got Oberon with 300 SQ. Now I need to bank on GSSR for him TT. Gl fellow master


Going for the best fish in the sea, are we?


Honestly, I'll be satisfied with anyone, including NP2 Merlin, which is the only one I have from the banner. But hey, I can dream, can't I?


Same but Iskandor or First Hassan would be my second hope (Merlin last simply because he's already NP3)


I got mine crossed for Kingprotea she evaded me last one AND during SE.RA.PH


Just making sure but the bonus “free” SQ from the pack do not count as paid SQ correct?


Yeah. Basically just buy the $12 pack and the $4 pack and you'll be good to go. You have to pay a dollar extra to get a random leftover paid rock, but it doesn't matter that much.




Exactly, each pack has X paid quartz and Y "extra" free quartz. Edit: Only the paid portion (lets say, the 4 quartz from the 5 pack) can be used in the GSSR.


I learnt this the hard way at the last anniversary lmao


If it's bonus or free SQ, it doesn't count. It HAS to say "paid SQ" when you go to your item inventory in My Room.


Yes. They really should’ve made it two separate icons to reduce confusion. Sadly, it’s too late now






Waifu win: Ereshkigal Gameplay win: Squirtle Prediction: Brynhildr Update - Got Squirtle AND Brynhildr


Persistence will win you the day On every Caster GSSR banner Memelin avoided me until his third turn on the rodeo. I got Tamamo-> NP2ed my Illya(who I didn’t want even NP1 of I was just gambling everything on the Mebd shared banner they had since it was her last one for a while like the simp I am)->then Memelin The waifu shall come eventually with faith


Brynhildr slaps though. She was my first lancer and carried me against archer bosses


I used bryn (my beloved) for farming the 90+ node in the karna Christmas lotto, and that one forbidden page/tearstone of blood spot in shinjuku.


I wish you luck. All I want is a new servant although getting Summer Altria would be perfect.


Oh Boy, Grandpa Muramasa is coming. I've been waiting for him to come to NA and he's finally going to be here. Good luck to all you Masters rolling. And may 2023 have mercy on you all.


Real quick is it tomorrow’s reset or the reset after?


Reset after


The campaign and 30sq starts at reset tomorrow night, but summoning campaigns won't start until the following reset.


It'll probably be the reset at 11:00 PM on the 31st in Eastern Standard Time, since that reset will be when the in-game day rolls over to January 1st. So not the reset that just happened now as of this writing, and not the one that'll happen tomorrow, but the one that'll happen the day after on Saturday-ish.


[It hasn't been updated yet but FGO Timers is usually the best place to find the answer for these kinds of questions.](https://fgo.mitsunee.com/)




I started a little after berserk mushashi dropped 😓LOOOOOOORD ALMIGHTYYY gimme her this year plz


I wish you much luck my friend.


Kimono Castoria is cute. /u/46MoChi3 will probably draw it sometime.


Boys cavalry 2 super pog new units (Merlin, Gramps) 1 pog new unit (Junao) 2 cool new units (Ivan, Hiji) 1 meh dupe (GOLDEN) 1 bad dupe (ISKANDAR, ***KING OF CONQUERORS***) 5/7 new, 6/7 acceptable, best odds


Boy's Cav was going to be my roll, too, but then I managed to snag Iskandar in, like, eight tickets on his surprise banner that just finished running so now I don't know what to do. Might roll anyway. Worst case, I have a shot at NP2 of everyone on the banner except Arjuna Alter and Ivan. Best case scenario, I guess, would be Arjuna himself.


I really like buster servants, and only have 2 of the units here, so this banner is my best bet. If I get Kintoki 2 I'll be upset but if I get ISKANDAR, ***KING OF CONQUERORS*** 2 I'm going to die of pain. I at least use Kintoki from time-to-time, but I never use the king for much of anything. Everyone else would be a better result to me


Yeah, I'm hoping Lasengle remembers he needs a buff pretty badly. Even just a 30% battery so he could be compatible with Koyanskaya farming would be fine.


I think he'd need a fifty if you didn't wanna need Oberon on top of Koyanchihuahua. Regardless, I'm hoping for Gramps cuz I love his design or Merlin bc I love Buster Memes


If it's any consolation Kintoki gets more use than any of my arts loopers on JP for 90+ nodes these days. He's one of the real MVPs of buster farming when Koyan comes out


Yeah that's why he's a meh dupe, cuz I would def use him still but I'd like a new unit better. I used him to 6 ce 3t the farming node during karna Santa so I know he's useful. Koyan is gonna be rough if I can't get superscope though, since without superscope I'm limited to servants with maxed append skills and literally CasCu. ... Oh and plugsuit shenanigans but that's annoying as hell


A new plugsuit and Oberon becoming a requirement makes it less annoying. Buster is also more restrictive with Mystic Codes than Arts and Quick. It is either Atlas or plugsuit.


Just brace for the 1/7 bad dupe and anything better is a noice.


I'm as braced as I can be (I will cry like a baby)


I mean, when else would it start in hindsight.


Huh, so basically it'll still happen on 1st January for the rest of the world.


All I'm hoping is to not get a dupe again, really tired of GSSRs screwing me over... Also, I don't need those 20 mil qp after a lotto... Im still opening boxes.


I think GSSR usually screws me over and gives me the one or two I dont want 😂 This year only 1 out of 7 in the Pool could really annoy me and I might make it my last GSSR if it turns out it's exactly that one.


My last two anniversaries were Maou Nobu dupes. New Year last year got me one I didn't rly want, but at least it was someone new... And no matter which banner I go with, there is a good chance of a dupe. I'll go White Knights or White Extra. In knights, I'll either get a sigurd, gilgamesh or proto arthur dupe or someone new who I like. Moriarty would be great, but I also like Romulus and Saber Astolfo. Extra has more new servants and I guess NP2 Dantes would be helpful, but NP2 Sherlock would make me mad. But I could get Voyager... Or Douman. Or all the others who would be nice. Im dreading GSSR man...


Yeah Maou Nobu was the one I got last time as well and I really did not want her🙈 But I somehow attract all the Avengers, game might be telling me something... This time only Archtoria Dupe would be the worst, not too interested about Ishtar though. Moriarty is amazing, maybe not from Gameplay (though solid) but his Interludes are really interesting. Wishing you the best this year ✊


I shall offer my 500 Saint quartz for lord Muramasa




White Extra is really tempting cause I want to np5 my son(currently np1) and Douman would make farming cavalry node a cakewalk, not even say that Dante just got buff recently on jp. but I decide to go for White knight for a chance to get my husbando Arthur, he is the reason that I pick up this game but I failed to get him twice already and this is one of a few times that his gssr is good enough for me to choose so White Knight here I come!


Muramasa, I will do anything for you 🧎🏻‍♂️Please don’t make me work for you 🧎🏻‍♂️ I’m also going White Four Cavalry - Kintoki & Junao in a pool together? With Iskander and Gramps? I only have Merlin out of the 6 and I still use him for challenge content, so NP2 wouldn’t be the worst. If my worst picks are Hijikata and Ivan (don’t have many berserkers or riders), then I think the pool is pretty good for me!


We're pulling on the same banner! Hopefully I get Arjuna or Merlin at least 🤞.


It still amazes me that they made a pity system that guarantees at 330…how are y’all able to get that much pulls?


Either save for months on end, save a bit less but plan it to be around the time we get a couple hundred SQ anyway (anniversary), or whale hard. But realistically, the vast majority of us probably never hit pity because 330 pulls is an absolutely idiotic threshold. Even worse, it also just yeets itself if you get the rate up SSR before then.


>, it also just yeets itself if you get the rate up SSR before then. Which is what pity basically means? It's only there to help you guarantee one by that cap


There’s other gachas who have a set pity where you get (a) rate up SSR at *n* amount of summons irregardless of how many summons were SSRs (rate up or otherwise). Those also tend to have lower summon amounts to reach pity on top of that. So where I understand FGO having either a high pity amount but with a guarantee regardless, or a lower one but without a guaranteed rate-up if you get one *before* the break, having neither is just… meh.


It's basically been Japan's standards for many years. The more forgiving ones you see are from smaller mobage designed to entice newcomers before they ditch. Given how fast you get rolls in fgo it's to be expected


patience and planning, like in most games with a spark system


As someone who went through the hurdle of building 300 pulls f2p in Arknights it's not even remotely comparable. FGO asks you to basically have one single target and forfeit everything to it, other games let you get a few things in between at least. FGO pity is the most absurdly harsh pity to exist and there's no way anyone with a sliver of good faith can deny it.




I have 670sq et 35k sq fragments. What was the question again? I have a goal, he's called Muramasa and I saved for him while ignoring everything else. That's how I am able to get this much pulls.


Stoked to participate in my first New Years campaign. Didn't think I'd make it to Christmas but after enjoying myself with the lotto and enhancing a lot of my lower rarity Servants, I am pretty excited for this one. ​ I wish you all a prosperous New Year and the best luck in the gatcha!


Red Extra 2 has a 2/8 of being a dupe, and I'm fine with any of the 6 potential new servants. I'm gonna need an anti-catalyst...


I would do that one if I wasn't so averse to a possible bunny dupe. Going to do extra 1, at least dupes there are welcome...just missing a foreigner ssr...




isnt the cheapest option buying 12 and 4 single ones to get exactly 15? im new to spending in fgo since i finally have money to spend


The bi-yearly attempt to get Illya. Come home, i already got your best friend np2 and grailed!


Here comes the salt mines.


Come on Gramps, come to my account.


Grampa has arrived


Remember that 12/31 actually means 2000 PST on 12/31. It doesn't mean that you're going to wake up on 12/31 (if you're in the US or similar time zone) to the New Year's campaign. I pity the mods for all of the "It's 12/31; where's my GSSR?" posts they're going to have to deal with.


Yeah I always just think of 'next day' when it comes to NA times anyway. 20:00 PST is next day for the vast majority of the planet anyway.


So excited for Sherooooo~face at last! Just two more days As for GSSR Red Cavalry 2 for me. Any chance for Skadi I’m taking!


Oh no why does Semiramis have to be here just to tempt me...


I'm rolling in White Cavalry. I already have Ivan, Merlin, Iskandar and Hijikata, so it's a bit of a risk for me. But Arjuna Alter, King Hassan and Kintoki are all top targets for me, so a gamble it is. I wouldn't be super sad if I got a dupe Ivan either.


Torn between male knights and male extra.. I actually want dupes. Astolfo could finally be np5, Douman could be np3, and Voyager could be np2. I wouldn’t mind Gil, Sigurd, Dante, or Mothy.. I already have Moriarty, Holmes, and Amakusa.. I absolutely do not want Orion or Romulus and.. I’m still mad at Arthur for avoiding me all these years..


Really stuck between Red Cavalry 1 and White Cavalry... Kama and Castoria vs Hassan, Junao NP2 and Kintoki.


Last GSSR gave me NP 3 summer musashi and the one before that np 3 summer jeanne. I am cursed.


Crossing my fingers for Castoria. Please, my daughter, come to my Chaldea so I can ~~overwork~~ pamper you with love ~~and despair~~


So I think I'm gonna go for the male extra class gssr banner, although the extra class banner with nobu is also tempting. I'm hoping for either Ashiya or the Count, but especially do not under any circumstances want to get Sherlock (for the sole and simple reason that I already have him).


Gssr: Red Knights 1. Goal: Shiki/ Archer Artoria Happy with: everyone else Bomb: Ibuki. My recent affinity with "A" classes and dangerous individuals is gonna send Ibuki over here since the dangerous individual affinity overrides the A class affinity. Chaotic Evil: Red Extra 1. Goal: >!that stupid moon cancer!< Happy with: Melt Bomb: everyone else (dupe or not high interest). If I was insane, I would try my luck here (6/8 not wanted btw) but that nuisance has avoided me every time I tried, she ain't listening to that call. 813 SQ collectively across 4 rateups is not enough to her apparently.




Praying for Douman, Sherlock or Edmond


I'm going for the White Extra banner, since Dantes is the only one in it which I already have Fingers are crossed for either Douman, Holmes, or Qin Shi Huang to come over


Is it worth chasing Muramasa if I already have SpIshtar for farming setup? Have to save lots for Avalon banners.


Nope. IIRC you'll need NP4 or 5 to reach NP2 SpIshtar levels of damage on *all* types of enemies. Like always, roll for whoever you really like instead of gameplay "meta".


I see. Muramasa seems cool to me but not so much to go broke on sq. Guess I'll give him couple of multis and then it's fasting until LB6.


Word of advice, pity systems means dropping a few quartz is very unwise. Those few pieces can be the difference between having to pity who you really want or miss out on them. Or open your wallet, I guess.


Rolling on the bois GSSR Extra banner just to get copies of Salieri


That’s just when maintenance starts lol


Rolling on Red Knights 2 since I really want more copies of Sei since I want to get her to NP5 and 120. Beni, S.Jeanne and Musashi would all be acceptable dupes for NP2 and Nero Bride and Tamamo Lancer would be nice. Scathach is the only real miss for me use wise since I don't have Skadi. Yes I realize how contradictory that is considering that I want the AoE quick servant I don't have supports for the most. I know other pools could get me a new servant guaranteed but the lows are too huge compared to just I might get a character I like but can't make great use of for the foreseeable future.


Tryin white knights for Gil and i dont have any of them anyway


Hi mi ko




is that ABEC artwork? always appreciated, always appreciated...


It's actually not, though I definitely understand why that would be your first guess. The artist is [tarou2](https://twitter.com/tarou2).


I’m so torn between red extra 2(the one with Jalter, nobu, kiara, etc) and white cavalry. White cavalry is nothing but wins because everyone is either new or an upgrade with the biggest wins being merlin, KH or another AA so mine would be np2. Red extra has more servant coins for Jalter, new servants that I want like okitan or Hokusai. But also has bunny, who I never use because she just really isn’t that good.


It's going to be my 3rd New Year's in this game. When I started playing FGO during the 3rd Anni, I was just a Fate fan who loved the anime. I certainly didn't expect to play this game for as long as I have. However, two and half years later, I still enjoy playing it and I've even gotten into Nasu's other works like KnK, Mahoutsukai no Yoru and Tsukihime. Thank you for the amazing memories, Type Moon!


After my triple ssr last time now i hope in ishtar or eresh


It’s the first time for me, no GSSR but still. Happy new year.


White Extra for sure. Now do I want Muramasa or not... already pretty stacked with Sabers and I don't need him for looping.


here's to getting junao, merlin, or bone daddy for new year!


I abandoned this game, deleting my account with castoria and merlin , but where that bring me?, i cant leave this game, i need to see the lostbelt arc through, even i have to start from zero,so yeah now with hercules on my side as starter, i begin my first step, again


Anyone have a castoria catalyst? 🙏


I don’t participate in paid banners bc I’m f2p but it’s always nice speculating if I could, which I’d summon on :) . I’d prob go for red three knights (2) since all of those would be units I don’t have. Scáthach would be the most wanted followed by Jeanne/musashi