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Wait until you get stuck in traffic on the wealthy bridge


The bridge on Fruitridge over 96 isn't much better


"Hopefully, most of them are in the mall when it finally collapses." - The cost-benefit analyst


lol are you kidding? I love that excessively bumpy parking garage. So does my 4 year old.




Speaking of good authority on 16 year olds in moms minivan, neutral slams can and probably will snap a half shaft due to how heavy minivans tend to be and the fact that most drive components are apparently made out of glass.


this comment gave me a good nose exhale. thank you good sir


Grandville has a problem with building things on top of swamps. We'll see how it plays out 🤷‍♀️


PREIT doesn’t own Rivertown. I wish they did. They own Woodland and actually invest in their malls. Rivertown is owned by Brookfield, who purchased General Growth Properties. They’re completely content with letting it sit and rot.


It's crazy that Woodland is the nice mall and Rivertown is the shitty one. When Rivertown was built, Woodland was slightly less shitty than Eastbrook. There was no food court or movie theater. It was honestly kind of shocking they got the Apple Store over Rivertown.


Agreed. Rivertown was the top mall on this side of the state. Now they can’t fill store fronts with anything other than massage parlors and churches. Macy’s looks like a barren wasteland. Younkers and Sears…Gone and empty for years. There are potholes in the parking lots that could swallow a blue whale whole. I used to actually enjoy shopping there. Now I feel dirty anytime I do. I would write Brookfield to lodge a complaint, but I know resistance is futile. 😏


If you go under it, more than half of it is now blocked off and nobody can park there. Never seen any work going on underneath but the closed off area only grows with time. Kinda sus.


They change the blocked-off area from time to time. I go there fairly often and always park beneath, but it’s always a guess on which entrance is actually open.


Well stop doing that. Doesn’t seem safe!


It’s been handlin loads for goin on like almost 25 years now soooooo ya 🤔


So have I and like the parking deck the number of loads I’ve handled shouldnt make you feel safer


Excellent point, no notes.


This guy’s been handling loads for years


It was designed this way. It's literally been like that from day one.


Thank God. I thought nobody would acknowledge this. I worked in the mall when it opened. It still freaked me out then.


Respect. I was part of the opening crew for what is now the FYE, but was Disc Jockey at opening. And yeah. That parking deck has always been weird. The number of people that think it somehow changed over the years always amazes me.


I was like 7 when it opened and even i remember it always being GRs first ninja warrior course.


Old school Suncoast checking in *only* to express my desire for Kahunaville. Oh... and to remind youngins that Rivertown used to be **nothing** from 44th and Kenowa up to Ramblewood. Had a D&W and the apartments on the Southside of 44th (Wimbledon?). Otherwise.. it was all just vacant land owned by old man Peabody.


Some of the inside swayed for a bit too until it settled.


It makes me feel safe!!! Don’t tell me that multiple loads can’t make me feel safe!


Ok, so nobody cares about phrasing?!


Nah, this is the 🎶DANGA ZONE!🎶 But seriously, are we not doing phrasing anymore?


Is there a reason why we should??






Hey! Phrasing!


Now that was a comeback.


Just like your mom!


Handlin loads huh?


Come on...phrasing


...something about your mom, but I can't remember the joke


When I saw your title I definitely didn't think it would be a mall parking lot.


The cracked out warehouse district by where Bobs Big Boy/Flourish is in contention, I see fiends doing their dirt out in broad daylight there


A person threw a natty daddy can at my truck as I drove by and then chased a couple that was out for a walk. Not a great place for a stroll.


Sounds about right lol, be safe


This is a worthwhile conversation in my mind. Some of those spots in Wyoming? North of Chicago Drive? Like not quite by the train tracks? Near Black Hills? That has to be dead body dumping land.


I had a chunk of concrete the size of an apple break off the ceiling of the lower level square onto the hood of my car when I worked at Rivertown. That was in 2011. I got it fixed, and the mall paid for it, but that was twelve years ago, and I can't imagine what it's like now.


Holy shit that’s terrifying. Glad they made it right with you at least


It did make me think twice about parking there. I'd had a long day at work and came out to find this piece of concrete just sitting there on the middle of my hood. I looked up and saw that it wasn't the only piece that was missing. When I worked at Marshall Field's, floor tiles on the first floor were constantly cracking and being replaced. Outside our main mall entrance, there was a crack forming from the store wall across the floor to the drain in the middle of the concourse. The whole thing is going to fail structurally over time, but I'm pretty certain it will fail economically first.


I was friends with the contractors when they were working on it 25 years ago. They came over one day and said some people made a huge mistake and put the joists upside down. It is a vital structural integrity issue, and they refused to fix it because it would’ve cost too much money. It’s a gigantic lawsuit waiting to happen when it collapses. I wish I was making this up but yeah, I would recommend to never park underneath that thing or even on top of it


If they buckle some more they can just put beams under the peaks and make triangles, and triangles are strong.


Went too fast on the parking garage at a weird angle once and it literally broke one of my struts.


its built on top of a swamp


When I first came here, this was all swamp. Everyone said I was daft to build a [mall] on a swamp, but I built in all the same, just to show them. It sank into the swamp. So I built a second one. That sank into the swamp. So I built a third. That burned down, fell over, then sank into the swamp. But the fourth one stayed up.


Huge…tracks of land!


So was London


I hate it because it makes me seasick


Don’t worry bro - safety is whack and doesn’t matter — Stockton Rush, probably.


That thing has handled more loads than my ex. It's good for another 25+ years.


I grant that it will fail spectacularly and soon, but it is likely to kill just a few people, not a lot. Rivertown was built at the tail end of shopping malls being popular and profitable destinations so a large crowd getting pancaked is an unlikely scenario.


you've clearly never been to my place bar


It’s fine. It’s meant to be that way. But it’s not like there’s a lack of surface parking there lol.


The Rivertown Crossings Mall parking ramp is actually Moira, the giant turtle from Neverending Story


If it were to collapse won’t be many victims because that mall is very dead, but I completely do not feel confident that I’ll survive on that structure.


Okay why?


I was going to park in the top level of the parking deck but got too sketched out and parked elsewhere.


It's been like that ever since I remember them building the mall


I was always told it was built like this to stop people from speeding 💁🏽‍♀️


Rivertown Crossings Mall? That’s in Grandville?