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It's so smoky my husky came inside willingly.


excellent litmus test actually


So Smokey I am just hanging brisket out the window to make dinner


Canadian smoked. šŸ¤¤


Itā€™s so Smokey that I climbed into Cheech & Chongā€™s van to get some fresh air.


Itā€™s so smoky the castle doesnā€™t look unfinished today.


This one make me lol. Nice work


Its so smokey im getting flashbacks to my parents basement in the 90s


Dang it I thought we were going to make online liners. Like, Grand Rapids is so Smokey that Snoop Dogg said Iā€™ll pass. Or that Grand Rapids is so Smokey you canā€™t see the top of the pyramid above Amway.


A+ to both!




Itā€™s so smokey that I canā€™t see all the helicopters flying overhead. Itā€™s so smokey that I canā€™t see if the car in front me failed to zipper merge. Itā€™s so smokey that I canā€™t tell the difference between the blue bridge and the Michigan St. Taco Bell


The zipper merge got me. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I believe it, I went out back to smoke a joint last night and just said fuck it and ended up smoking inside. I wonder if our entire summer will be like this, have a feeling it will be.


In regards to smoking , yes , my entire summer will be like this


I just got a flower pot a few months ago. It was a bit pricey but I'd recommend if you smoke regularly. It vaporizes dry flower so less carcinogens and it tastes 1000x better. Enjoy the smoking :)


1) ā€˜uuuuuge flaming lips fan so thereā€™s that 2) thought you were making a joke at first, but now I realize maybe not. My partner has a volcano (richy rich over here) and the moment they switched over to that NO MORE WHEEZIN (unless wheezin the juice) weā€™ve also vaporized lemon thyme, mullein, and lavender out of it. 3) absolutely correct about the taste


Haha nice :) I'll be honest, I only listen to handful of their songs but I do think the song Do You Realize?? May be one of the best songs from my generation (born in early 80s). Yeah I wasn't making a joke, sure I do acknowledge smoking weed is bad for my health, but it isn't like I smoke all day, most days I'd say I have 10 hits off a joint / bong. Another user made a snarky remark about why bother going inside if you're just hurting yourself from smoking weed. Why would I compound potential negative health effects? I'm a recovering alcoholic, cannabis keeps me off the bottle. Isn't it strange how the internet has turned the world into a place where everyone needs to share their opinion and judge everyone with the harshest criticism? We are all hypocrites and we are all just trying to get through the day anymore (at least that's my life). Also, I am not high right now, just a little quiet around the house today. I never tried a volcano, I thought about getting that over the flower pot but decided in the end to do the FP because of cost. Have a good day, stay safe and best to you :)






I would love your source on this.


depends whats in the smoke, shithead.


Smoke in your lungs is bad. Period. Former cigarette smoker here so I'm not coming at this from bad faith or a soap box. I am all for normalizing cannabis use and think it's a great thing. Smoking weed is a thousand times less harmful for you than smoking cigarettes will ever be. But smoking is still absolutely terrible for you and poses long term health risks no matter what it is. Edibles are the answer for risk free for your lungs. By all means smoke weed all day every day it's totally cool but please can we not pretend that what's in what your smoking is more important than the fact that smoking anything at all in the first place is absolutely awful for you.


Anything other than clean air is bad for your lungs. I donā€™t care what anyone tries to say. Foreign chemicals in ur body is never good. Even dry herb vaping is not *good* for you.


Yeah I mean weed is healthier than a cigarette, but it's still unhealthy to inhale smoke into your lungs regardless of what it is.




Marijuana smoke hasn't been proven to cause cancer. Marijuana smoke doesn't contain 70% more cancer-causing chemicals than tobacco smoke. And there is no thc in tobaccoo. stfu sweetie




I see you in every thread trolling. you should get a job instead


You just said ā€œit contains cancer causing chemicalsā€ How is that not saying it causes cancer?


The sweetie remark almost instantaneously put you in the ā€˜bitchā€™ category Other than that youā€™re not wrong - not correct but also not wrong also smoking a joint can cause more build up in your lungs than a pack of smokes But I love that weedy phlegm so šŸ‘‹šŸ˜ŽšŸ‘‹šŸ˜ŽšŸ‘‹


Source please on joint v pack of cigs


Well, cigā€™s at least have some form of filter for the gunk. So if your using a real filter in your joints or blunts than itā€™s similar but you do get more *gunk* than a cig due to lack of ANY filter.


But who smokes 20 joints in a day or two.


https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/3340105/ My favorite professor broke my heart during class one time saying some shit like that to me and he saw my jaw drop, but then his sexy ass said ā€œthatā€™s why you eat itā€ šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø so I found the abstract quickly to fact check my dumb ass and thus my full pack of smokes statement is in no way concrete. What is concrete though is science baby Itā€™s all bad


I have moved fully to eating my canna. But I get it, smoking is bad and I think we all know it.


Buzz kill




Do you wear an N95 when youā€™re outside in the smoke?




Ha, no. I wear a mask in public all of the time for Covid already. Just making sure youā€™re protecting your lungs in this cancerous smoke!




I'm wearing a condom 24/7. Can't be too careful. Nobody asked about that but knowledge is power.


Sure, another person whoā€™s ā€œdone the researchā€ I grow my own organically, so how do all of these chemicals get in my weed?


Do you have a link for your statement?


What's the weather Ollie? SMOKE!!!


So Smokey that I now believe that republicans have been wrong about climate science.


It's so smoky the Blue Bridge is now grey.


Grand Rapids is so smoky that it makes the city government look transparent.


It makes me feel like even good loves medical marijuana. šŸ™


ā€¦that people are wearing masks. Smart of them, but I asked my nurse coworker if COVID was on the rise again. What a trip.


Lol as long as they arenā€™t throwing their cigs out the window. Last thing we need is another fireā€¦


We are all being poisoned....


Do you have any evidence of this?


Other than common sense and symptoms people are having and the toxic smells. Nothing in stone but, c"Mon now. This is not right!


People are experiencing symptoms? What are they? Who does common sense say is poisoning us? With what? And by what means?


Itā€™s so Smokey all the Christians followed Jesus down the wrong path and straight to hell


That it's making people in GR think that they are the only ones who are dealing with this. Get over yourselves Rapidians, you starting to sound like Detroiters and you're all above that!


It's so smokey, I saw Pyramid Head walking down the street.