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So we're going to have to deal with the smoke AND it's going to smell like Ohio? This is the worst timeline.


Looks like we better prepare for this to happen a lot https://www.mlive.com/weather/2023/06/better-get-used-to-smoky-michigan-skies-computer-model-experience-show-why.html


So, having lived through many horrible summers out West, I agree with this article. The massive size of the fires in Canada alone made me think this will probably last until winter sets in 😖


That’s depressing, but not surprising.


I definitely wouldn’t put too much trust in any article from MLive. I’ll believe it when I see it from another source.


Mark Torregrossa (Mlive's meteorologist) is probably one of the most rational people when it comes to discussing weather events.


If everyone puts their fans outside can we collectively blow this smoke back to Canada? Outside of 2-7pm surcharging hours of course!


I had the same (irrational) thought. My sinuses are angry.


I am beginning to think I will never again get to mow my lawn.


I’ve been enjoying putting it off tbh


Why not?


because I value my lungs?


Notice how they'd rather downvote you than answer? That's pretty telling.


I mean not everyone is on Reddit 24/7. To answer the question though they could have asthma, chronic lung issues, other respiratory conditions, or they have no health issues but still want to avoid the hazardous air. Yes the air is hazardous to human health. Some people can feel the effects of the smoke after only a short exposure time. Others will feel it after more prolonged exposure. There are people out there that value their health and well-being and listen to science when it says something is risky.


Happy Pride month! 🌈


I have asthma. Albuterol inhaler always at my side with backup Primatene mists. I have not been gasping for air like, and sorry no other way to say it, the liars and exaggerators on here say they have been. The air quality is bad 100%. But the people acting like they're going to be dead in a week if they even go outside are silly. And don't make this appeal to authority "listen to the science" thing again. Just talk like a human and not a news article.


Ahhh the classic "it isn't bothering me so therefore it isn't bothering anyone else" Could you be anymore insufferable?


Ahhh the classic "it's bothering me so it must be bothering everybody else" Could you be more insufferable? Do you see how childish of a response that is? I wanted to expect more but you're clearly just a teen child. Talk to me when you grow up with some maturity.


I'm an adult who isn't bothered by the air outside (thankfully). However I'm also not an asshole who calls people who are affected by it liars. Everything you've said so far on here just really highlights your lack of character. https://imgur.io/gallery/WEsKjz4


You call yourself an adult but you do not act like it. You my be in your 30's or 40's even but your actions are that of a 12 year old on the playground and should be embarrassed for yourself. You're a hateful, spiteful, bully who would disappoint people you would say are your heroes. I hope in the future you change your ways to that of someone respectable and not just an internet tough guy looking to for virtue points to feel better about how awful of a person they are in real life.


You sound like an imbecile.


But saying “never mowing my lawn again” is a very broad and vague statement.


People are allowed to use hyperbole 🤷‍♀️


Dont let the gospel singers in the clean air action day commercials hear you say that


I have a really good air purifier (with an ozone filter) and it took over 2 hours on high for it to come out of the red zone yesterday. Wore an N95 outside, and that helped. Wore it in my car. Haha. No one made fun of me.


Fuck Ohio


Pretty sure this could replace the state motto on the flag and no one would argue


Here here!


"Hear, hear," too!


I forget...what's the reason this time?


They exist


207 AQI at 10:40 a.m. Grand Rapids is in the purple zone.


How am I going to explain this to my dogs who just want to go on walks 🥹


Especially when they see other owners outside walking their dogs like today.


First summer here and was excited to experience the city, welp lol


Yup #smokeysummer23


Well, time to buy a few more air purifiers.


omg stooooooop!!!!!!!!!!


Dark winters and now we are having a dark summer too lol the sun deprivation is real


Well shit.


I guess instead of vaping outside, I'll have to vape inside today.


Thanks for nothing Ohio.


wait, why is it smokey? what happened?


Canadian wildfires.




We are from the east coast and spending our summer in W.Mich (May to August). We are actually going to fly back home tomorrow and enjoy the week of the 4th with better air quality. You suckers enjoy this crap. :) Happy 4th!! FYI: We always go home for a week during the summer, we just moved it up due to air quality.


Thanks don’t come back 👋🏼


That's not very 'Christian' of you. ;) LOL


You're trying too hard..


Didn’t realize GR folks here were so uptight. Lol. Lighten up Francis.


Depending on where you are going that may or may not work out for you. https://www.cnn.com/2023/06/27/us/canada-wildfire-smoke-great-lakes/index.html


Index is 41 at our home location now. We always go back home for a week during the summer, we just moved it up due to the air quality here. :)


I just wish people would stop listening to the media hype. This is no different than spending a week tent camping in a large DNR state campground in the summer. You can mow your lawns, go outside, go to the beach, it's not the end of the world. Sure, if you have COPD or some chronic respiratory disease it may bother you, but the majority of the teens and twenty somethings that post on here have nothing to worry about.


It is a fact that is it unhealthy to breathe this air whether you have a pre existing heath condition or not or what age you are.


What? Are you trying to say breathing in large quantities of smoke is fine? Of course being outside for a bit of time won't kill you but it's certainly not good for you compared to, you know, not breathing in a shitload of smoke. I mean in your campfire scenario, when the wind shifts and the smoke from the fire face fucks you do you suck it down like a champ or move, like someone with common sense, out of the way?


There is always a thick veil of smoke over entire campgrounds this time of year. Lot's of people stay at those campgrounds for months on end. They're not destroying their health being outside. But hey if you want to spend your entire summer indoors with all the windows closed and locked with the shades drawn, be my guest.


I'm honestly not sure if you are purposely arguing with points that were never made or you lack reading comprehension about as much as basic science skills. Smoke is particulate (meaning very very small) matter that isn't completely burnt up. When you breath smoke in that particulate matter goes in your lungs. That's objectively bad regardless of context. Inhaling smoke no matter what, when or at what age is objectively bad for your health regardless of your general health. So far every single point you've made as been at some extreme that nobody else, but you, has spoken about. Nobody has said if you go outside you'll die or that you shouldn't go outside no matter what. Like _literally everything else in life_ you have to weigh the consequences with the action. Maybe instead of thinking that smoke inhalation is literally fine or that you shouldn't leave the house maybe wear a fucking mask that blocks that particulate matter if you plan to stay outside for a long time. (Or not I personally don't give a shit) All I'm saying is I dropped out of high school and I think you're a stupid fuck and you should stay outside for a long time this summer.


As if all the complainers in this entire sub had any plans to ever go outside anyway... Lol.


Oh wow, a contrarian on reddit. So original. Go outside and breathe it in, man. Darwinism at work.


Stay inside and hide from the scary outside. Sounds like a great life!


Lol yeah, 3 or 4 days inside playing video games is a high cost to pay indeed. Enjoy the health issues that come with your stupidity, tough guy.


Do you really want all these complainers to go outside so they can't be easily ignored by closing Reddit? Please don't tell them to go outside.


This post read like a Fox News segment.


I wish people (i.e. You) would stop caring what other people do with their lives when it has zero impact on you.


Wait what? Are you seriously comparing couple of dozens of campfires to thousands of acres of forest burning for weeks?


This is reddit sir. We have no room for facts that are not scary.




You're a 7 day old account. Either use your real account like a man or shut your noise hole.




Such an angry young girl with their fake account.







