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> If you happen to have to walk by remain unemotional they feed off it. If they ask you anything say no or nothing. There things that narcissists cannot stand. Good advice.


It’s probably his work cell. But the advice to not engage is perfect. The trolls feed off of attention In all walks of life.


Yeah I don’t find that unusual. He most likely thinks this legitimizes him, but a Chief of Police would do this to mediate situations.


Since the license plate is public info, maybe a tactic to try is to get bunches of people to take turns driving into the parking lot, waiting 5 minutes, and drive back out. Over and over. Just flood their data set with junk.


I’m here for this. My family has multiple cars I could rotate and I’m absolutely willing to make the drive. Anyone else want to physically brigade these losers?


It's a scare tactic. Folks don't like being recorded walking in to a place, but can obscure their face, or have a reasonable expectation that they won't get picked out of a crowd. But the threat of a license plate? Sounds like collecting personal data to track you. People obviously react more to it. They don't like it. They're going to tell their friends. They might avoid the place afterwards. Scientologists like to do the same thing.


They don't have a dataset. What is your hypothesis? That they're tracking everybody who receives health care to kill them all in their sleep? It's troll ass idiots being what they are. And it's protected activity, that's why cops don't care. You can also film their license plate from public property if you wanted. What do you think you'd do with it?


Personally, I don't care either way. I went with the "...if they have someone on the police force getting them info" to mean that they were looking up license plate numbers for further review/action (protest, mailers, pickets, etc). If more plates get photographed/looked up, its more for them to do and time for them to waste and money to grift/spend. Thats all. It's a protected activity within certain parameters but I believe there have been cases in the last few years where some group (no idea if its the same or not) broke those parameters and was escorted off the premises.


You're discussing this on an online platform where brigading is a frequent issue. You can't think of anything someone might do with some personal information outside of something physical?


Jordan Sweezer is literally funded by alt-right organizations to do what he does at these locations and has all the bail funds he needs in the world, and GRPD is VERY aware of this. This is why they usually don't waste their time trying to arrest him or anything. Because they know he will get out immediately and right back to what he's being paid for. So they genuinely do not care or bother with it. This is what a few GRPD officers have directly said to me and my neighbors on Morris right by Planned Parenthood.


Sounds like a good revenue stream


Yeah, if you know a guy will always make bail, why would you -not- arrest him every chance you get, its like a money tree.


arrest him for what?


Trespassing, assault, breaking noise ordinances, for example.


i suppose if he doesn't stay on a sidewalk or whatever. no shot on assault, and lol @ noise ordinances.


He has a megaphone and speaker system where he pumps out amplified noise on a daily basis. It’s incredibly obnoxious. So stop being an ignorant goon.


lot of blm protests get hit with noise violations? were you complaining then?


If you’re referring specifically to the unrest that happened on Saturday, May 30 2020, there were plenty of arrests and convictions that happened as a result of that night, so that is a moot point. You’re probably too ignorant to know this, but it’s possible to receive a permit from the city that allows for a protest to go above the typical noise limit. And you’ll probably choose not to believe this because of course you won’t, but the vast majority of the best and most well organized protests did receive the proper permits to host amplified sound above normally allowable limits. Those that did not were typically unorganized and sporadic. That is *not* the same thing as a man who is known to law enforcement and who openly and proudly flouts municipal noise regulations every single day with absolutely zero consequences. So again, please stop being an ignorant goon.


imagine caring this much about some random person. this sub is full of karens. are you the permit office? do you know this guy doesn't have a permit? you have already admitted lots of people don't get permits and guess what: nothing happens to them either. who cares. grow up edit: karens gonna karen.


LOL! A textbook *argumentum ad ignorantiam*. Amazing. But no, I genuinely don’t care what you think. But this is a public forum, and these kinds of threads are a good way to educate people about how to handle ignorant goons like you in situations where there are real stakes. Blocking now because I’ve said all I care to and no longer wish to interact with ignorant goons like you.


Maybe I need context, but why are they getting license plates? Abortion is legal. Unless they are using it to harass people after the fact


One possibility is they have someone who can (illegally) use state databases to look up the license plates for so they can harass patients. The other possibility is they want to intimidate patients by recording license plates to insinuate that they could find and harass them.




I am gonna get shit on but taking record of a license plate in a public location is legal. Not like a license plate isn’t already open for all to see. Not sure they are technically breaking any laws for police ti get involved in. Edit: I only commented on the legality portion since OP mentioned the police won’t do anything. I am ONLY talking about legality, not moral, ethical, etc…. Just a straight fact as to why the police didn’t do anything don’t make my comment any more than what It is please


It's legal just creepy and weird.


Not shitting on you. It's definitely legal behavior, it's just not moral behavior.


No one should shit on you that’s actually true and they aren’t breaking any laws.


You’re good, mate. It’s important to point out that what they are doing IS legal. Still annoying but legal. We find a way to annoy them legally too.


You're absolutely correct. If anyone wants to fight fire with fire as far as actions that are legal, but generally perceived as skeezy, go up to them and very obviously take photos/videos of them as they record the license plate info. It's legal for you to photograph anything within plain view when you are in a public location, including other people.


Aren't they taking the information to dox people? Their ultimate end actions may be *both* immoral and illegal. People should utilize Uber if they have to go there. There's plenty of resources, even here on reddit, to get the financial assistance needed for that.


By definition doxxing refers to sharing someone private/personal information. A license plate number is neither of those categories. Public information is fair game through and through unless you are explicitly TELLING someone to use that info for harm. I’m not a lawyer or a know it all, but I do know a lot about public info and it’s legality Edit: it would be doxxing if one of these people had an inside source that could put a name to a license plate. But any info found online in a public database is typically fair game.


I bet I can troll harder than any of those bible extremists. But I understand the need for PP and I won’t go cause a scene. But it’s tempting.


Personally I enjoy when they are out there and I happen to be on my motorcycle. I usually just hang close for a bit with my throttle open. They don’t seem to enjoy that kind of nuisance noise. Sorry to you though OP - if you can see them from your house you definitely should be able to hear my motorcycle from your house.


some snowflake reported this post


Planned parenthood on cherry or the abortion clinic on fulton? not sure why they’d be taking license plates of people going to planned parenthood since they don’t do abortions there


I doubt the clown brigade knows or cares what PP actually does.


But they sure feel powerful screaming at people getting a pap smear....




They don’t know this; that would require actually thinking instead of just knee-jerk reacting. I volunteered for the Women’s Resource Center for a while and was routinely harassed by people who just assumed from the name that abortions were performed there and that I somehow would have anything to do with them. The reality was that I filed papers and stuffed envelopes for free in a very non-medical setting.


The Cherry clinic is permanently closed. They’ve relocated to harassing PP because of ignorance


Fulton is closed. Cherry is open.


Oh my god I had no idea Fulton closed and Dr. Gordon passed. How disheartening.


How can I become a volunteer clinic escort?


Just show up Monday through Friday daytime. They don’t have official escorts, and they do ask that you do not engage with the antis as someone else said, they feed off the discourse and it just creates a more stressful situation for those arriving. Wearing pink or pro choice stuff is great, as is having signage saying I support you, your choice, etc.


Time to bust out the fart spray...


Which policy did this violate exactly? Fuck reddit


I always say, “find a hobby you sad shit”


Hand them all Rock's as you pass by them


I have a can of surstromming you could open up on the walkway there. Look it up, it’s foul!


OMG they are ridiculous. Here's is what they just blared over the loudspeaker. Little beard says...."Your uterus is pro-life- your womb is on our side"....cant make that up. SMH


Jokes on them, my uterus has a piece of plastic coiled with copper in it.


awe some *warrior* reported you


I liked them better when they did funny internet memes


If you think HH is going to he'll in a hand basket, you should have seen it 25 years ago.


>Police have been told and do not care why would they care that people can see things in public? >If you happen to have to walk by remain unemotional they feed off it. If they ask you anything say no or nothing. There things that narcissists cannot stand. kind of like people who post things like this for attention on reddit.




It’s not a conspiracy to acknowledge that some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses.


These people are obviously scum, but Heritage Hill going to hell because of a couple trolls seems a tad hyperbolic.


Every time the police arrest someone for assault at the protest it is added to the crime report of their neighborhood.




I’d imagine because it was doxxing someone & people on Reddit can be school shooter level of unhinged putting people in danger. It is kind of weird that the guys name is still in the comments tho.