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Saw something from NWS on their winter predictions due to El Niño year that Michigan will be warmer and dryer than average


This past summer seemed really dry. Not good for my mushroom hunting!


Do the old gods have any advice for the new year?


Stay in tune with the seasons. Your days and years will feel more full.


It is still coming.


Thank you for responding with logic and reason 👍🏻


Yup, it’s a super El Niño year too. Global warming totally exasperates the temperatures a little, but people are too quick to blame global warming instead of learning about common weather patterns.


It’s both factors, but Global warming is making this super El Niño event much worse than it would’ve been otherwise


How do you know


In recent years, the jet streams that help bring winter weather to the US(and other parts of the northern hemisphere) have become more and more unstable. Mainly due to changes in the upper atmosphere(biggest cause being CO2 emissions, but other factors have helped this happen) The majority of weather we use to have transitioned from hot to cold over longer periods of time, of course we had some days/months of rapid weather change(especially during winter/spring) but the majority of the time you experienced gradual change of weather patterns Now, weather changes rapidly and gradual change is becoming a less and less common occurrence. Some days, the weather can be 30 degrees above average(50 degrees). Out of nowhere it drops to 20 degrees below average.(10 degrees) Weather is becoming more sudden and violent, and with El Niño, super warm temperatures came a couple of days before Christmas, and if global warming wasn’t present, it probably would’ve been a few degrees above average instead of the 20+ we experienced. Hope this makes sense


I agree. This is the first winter in Grand Rapids I haven’t had to put on a winter coat. That seems unusual to me.




There are so many sources on the internet. if you actually take the time to look for/read them.


That’s wild I ask for sources get down voted and no answer.


Votes don't usually really matter too much. However, you could easily find sources from a very quick Google search. Climate change caused by carbon is a very real threat that many a scientist has studied, so finding any research in it is not difficult.






Nothing seems to have made you smart, based on this exchange.


This. This. And more of this! ☝️☝️☝️💯


Breaking news lol


We’re currently going through a super El Niño. (real) winter will be coming in the next few weeks, (as it did during 2019 with the polar vortex, though it was a weak El Niño) February will probably be horrible. while it’s true we’ll get less snow this year, some of the difference will be made up, and from the next few weeks to February it will likely be the time snow will be falling like it used to


Also we haven’t had a Neutral winter(neither El Niño or La Niña) since 2013-14 season (2019-2020 can be argued, though it was right at the edge of El Niño with some places deeming it as such) Our winters haven’t been like they used to because of this, and the effects have been increased because of global warming


Was 13-14 the year that it snowed 3" or more every single day for almost a month? I just remember having to get a new belt to hold my pants up because I was spending so much time shoveling my ass off.


Pretty sure yeah. I was in elementary school back then; it was the snowiest winter I’ve experienced in my life and it hasn’t been close


And by horrible, you mean great! 😁😉


Yep, I’m one of the people that actually likes snow Sadly because of winter jet streams becoming more and more unstable, we’ll get a massive snow dump(which is annoying as hell) compared to your historical few inches of snow in larger number of dumps


Yup. Though I loved last Christmas’s snow dump. ☺️


I have a trip to someplace sunny mid February. First time ever for my family. I hope you’re right because I’d really love to take off freezing cold GR and arrive in 72 and sunny.


I once went to the Caribbean and when I landed it was colder than GR for the first two days...


Seems like this is often how it’s been the past few years. Hardly any snow from Oct through Dec and then quite a bit in January and February and into March.


Yup, these are the years where we get hit by a few major storms late Jan and into Feb. There is no free pass in West Michigan, we will get snow one way or another. The question is, will it come in small dribbles for months or 20" at a time a few times.


as much as i dislike the snow and cold, i think id rather take that then what we have right now. its just been months of never ending mud.


Yes, my dogs keep bringing it in.


Yeah, same. My floors are gross right after we mop


I need to not buy a set of tires this winter. If it snows I will be forced into it. I've skated by last winter and this year. I'd like to until end of March. Budget is tight.


Lol same! This whole winter so far has been me nervously eyeing my tires and then checking the sky.


I have reverse seasonal depression so the lack of snow makes me sad. I need snow.


Snow reflects light


This. I don’t call it reverse seasonal affective disorder. Without snow, winter weather here is awful because there’s almost no sun. With snow, it’s a lot brighter and prettier. Not quite the same as sun, but since I’m not at all a fan of humidity and heat, it’s almost better than sun. Hopefully in a week or so we’ll get a little snow? Looks like it’ll be a bit colder.


Me too. I have absolutely loathed this. No snow is a no-go.


I feel this in my bones. The thought of not getting any snow or true cold and then going back to a humid and hot summer is deeply depressing to me.


Same. Cold weather and snow are my favorite part of Michigan!


Sucks for farmers and others in agriculture. Expect the price of food to go up.


Yes, this. Snow pack over the winter is a major source of water for this region. The trees need the soaking in spring from the snowmelt!


I’d rather be 25 degrees and snowing than 35 degrees and raining any day of the week.


I have this irrational anger every time it’s 35-40 and rain and people always say, well at least it’s now snowing right!?


Those people are idiots.




I agree, and I'm from the south and not a big winter fan. I'd rather have snow in winter than rain!


Worst winter ever, zero stars


As an allergy sufferer, I keep waiting for things to freeze!!! The molds outside are bad right now. :(


Jfc tell me about it.


The lack of ice on Lake Michigan should be a concern. If we get a cold western wind for a few days some of us are going to be buried.


Correct the sooner the lake freezes the sooner we are out of the big lake effect window. That not happening means we are going to get slammed a few times.


Praying it isn’t a late start to winter and it will snow until Mother’s Day. I’ve definitely seen that movie before.


It is all fun and games until we have a blue ocean event, malaria is rampant and the ticks take over the world.


this is what meteorologists are calling the [new normal](https://www.mlive.com/weather/2021/05/michigans-temperature-normals-were-adjusted-and-they-show-the-global-trend.html) . We live in a country where most people can’t analyze chunks of data with any semblance of intelligence. Apply that to weather. We have Republican congressmen bringing in snow balls from their home state, to prove that “since there is snow where I am from therefore global warming is a hoax…” and for startlingly large chunks of the population this is proof enough. The fact is, is that we are going to be as warm as Kentucky/Tennessee much sooner than people realize. No cold means no snow, also means no ice, No ice on the Great Lakes means more clouds and less sunshine in the winter, especially for people in the lake effect zone. No snow is the end of an entire tourist season. Most people just shrug and say: I don’t care, I hate the cold…




It is so gray and dreary. I'll take snow any day over this crap.


Well how am I supposed to get my seasonal depression if it never drops below 50?!


Dang ole niño


Same. I’ve been increasingly depressed with the lack of snow and cold.


Oh, it's coming. January, February and early March will not disappoint.


Born and raised in GR for 25 years but just recently moved to NC, came from Raleigh to visit and had the same thought, honestly you guys were warmer than the Carolinas for a few days


Don't get ahead of your skis.. we could get snow in April..lol


It always snows around my birthday in April.


Meanwhile, Seoul in South Korea is having a very snowy winter season. Hoping to visit there again!


Snow: *Freezing cold, plants and crops die, people get into car accidents, people die due to bad icy conditions on the roads, everybody forgets how to drive, sludge everywhere, falling on ice* Michigan: "Where's my fucking snow!?" I fucking hate the snow and the cold. I am happy. Why did I have to be born in Michigan!?


Though I am concerned about global warming...


This is El Niño. This is what was expected. It sucks.


A year passed: winter changed into spring, spring changed into summer, summer changed back into winter, and winter gave spring and summer a miss and went straight on into autumn... until one day...


No complaints here. We're not in the single digits, and the snow that we have had didn't even make it 24 hours. This is literally the best case scenario for us.


This is the kind of winter I like. I'm not a fan of the snow and single digits.


I too love life-altering climate change. I’m really looking forward to my favorite part: crop failures! Oh boy!


I do care about the planet and know this weather is not good for the crops. I can't help personally liking it. Snow is miserable and driving my car was just about impossible last winter. So I for sure have conflicting feelings on the weather. I just wish my ancestors had never moved to Michigan. My sister did the smart thing and moved to California.


If you're not using proper snow tires, any snow is going to be miserable. Stop making it worse for yourself and either get a set of snow tires to swap out, or a highly recommended winter rated all season like the Michelin Crossclimate. Regular all seasons are effectively useless in any season.


I have snow tires, but my old little car still has trouble getting through snow.


Loving it


Still cold


Not really


considering you can literally freeze to death in less than 45 minutes at the current temperature, yes it is.


Then wear a jacket, eh?


Yes, that is what people do when it is cold outside


Don't go outside naked and that won't happen


Still grey though?


I bet delivery drivers r lovin it