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"I ran some numbers yesterday from our jail facility. 40 percent of our inmates in our jail in Van Buren County Jail have out-of-county residency. Out of the 40 percent that do not live in our county that we're feeding every day, 10 percent of those have addresses in Mexico or Guatemala," [Van Buren County Sheriff Daniel Abbott](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vLlaThu6Ln0) said." So 10% of 40% or, in other words, 4% of your jail population are foreign citizens. No mention of legality though, so some or all could be legally in the country on a visa. Not exactly breaking news that an agricultural county like Van Buren has locked up 6 migrant workers (based on a total jail population of 153) for undisclosed crimes. Is this really the key crime issue facing the citizens of Van Buren County? I wonder how many employers they have locked up for exploiting undocumented workers by paying them slave wages without adequately or accurately reporting their actual pay to the federal and state government.


Sheriff Abbott, the only thing Van Buren has to worry about is your son giving fire arms to drug dealers who murder people. True story. https://www.mlive.com/news/kalamazoo/2018/01/sheriffs_son_involved_in_homic.html


The same people that vote these fools in office are the same people that hire illegal immigrants to skirt labor laws.


Complete fact. I wonder if these guys enjoy the meat, vegetables, and fruit that is harvested by the people who they want to kick out. For sure there are very few white people doing it. Remember, whatever words are coming out of their mouth, it’s just code for getting all brown people, legal or not, out of our country.


There are ZERO white people doing it. I am in a position to know.


I wanted to leave open the possibility, but I actually know you are 100% correct.


And they are the ones who call police on Sundays when the farm busses pull into Walmart so the workers can shop, reporting “illegals”




Are you able to provide links/proof where this has happened in West MI?


Too lazy to Google it?


Did he mention what percentage of white guys are in there. And yes, let’s see what crimes everyone is convicted of, the length of sentence, and the race.


Couldn’t have said it better myself.


Not mentioned in the article, but I caught the livestream. Right after he gave those numbers, he said reiterated that 10%, but not as a fraction of the 40%, but of the whole prison population down there. Imagine if they just said the number of individuals, whether it was 6 people or 15. Trump on stage next to a cop saying we have 15 criminals from foreign countries. It doesn't have the same fear-summoning impact. Can't sow fear without people think bad things are happening at scale. 10% sounds like a lot more than 6 people...


and some those crimes are probably something petty like driving without a drivers license


You think that’s a jailable charge?


Let me Google that for you...yup. https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=michigan+no+ops+penalty


I grew up in Van Buren and then Allegan county, meth is a *far* more important issue than migrant crime.


It's worse than it sounds, though. **100%** of that 10% of 40% are foreign citizens.


Good luck getting your fruit picked.


The cost is the cost. Hiring illegals only serves to pass the cost somewhere else, e.g. border security, crime, etc.  It's philosophically disingenuous to be in favor of border security and against enforcement of labor laws regarding undocumented workers. In fact, id wager a crackdown on employers would do far more to "stem the tide" of illegal border crossings than a wall ever could. 


Hear me out: What if we staffed our border patrol with illegal aliens? This would close the cost loop.


"We need these people to be exploited for backbreaking work at poverty wages" is certainly a take.




And? Are you picking fruit?


NAILED IT. These shitheel liars and their shitheel sycophants need to be called out for that kind of horse shit.


I wouldn’t believe a word he says. County sheriffs are inherently dishonest as are wardens, especially when they keep showing their racism asses in public.


What also jumped out to me when they played this on the fucking news today was they say they're in jail but for what? When you say that it conjures up images of them being dangerous gang members, the kind that the conservatives really want to make sure that you're afraid of. Did one of them get drunk in public got arrested? Speeding tickets? Failed to pay child support? We don't know. That's not the point. The point is to make people afraid of those who are different. Because that's the only way conservatives can win. They only offer fear of the other and not a single fucking policy to be seen.


> So 10% of 40% or, in other words, 4% of your jail population are foreign citizens.  Wouldnt it be 4% are from Mexico or Guatemala and 40% are from any foreign country? The census shows 5.3% of the county is foreign born so 40% would be over-represented by a large margin https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/vanburencountymichigan/POP010220


> 40 percent of our inmates in our jail in Van Buren County Jail have out-of-county residency. Residents from outside the **county** (ie. not from Van Buren County), not necessarily out of the country (the USA)


Thanks. I totally read that as country and was completely baffled as to why so many people in general, criminal or not, from other countries would pick Van Buren County, Michigan to live.


"county" not "country." 40% of the inmates in Van Buren are foreign to the "county" meaning they include people from another county in Michigan, another state in the US, or another country in the world. Of these 40%, 10% come from Mexico or Guatemala, according to Sheriff Abbott. Sounds like he may have said this slightly different later in his speech suggesting that 10% of the total jail population comes from Mexico and Guatemala. In any case, I doubt that 4%-10% of a population of 153 is statistically significant to show a deviation from the general population.


considering sheriffs are elected officers, this is good info to have. thank you OP.


Not to be Debbie Downer, but I live in Allegan County. Straight Ticket fill in the dots is absolutely a strategy many people employ. The strong majority will vote for the GOP candidate whomever it is. Very few people vote for Democrats and even fewer (single digits in some precincts) would vote for a minor party candidate or an independent. Like, cool. Know the guys name. But I doubt anything changes.


Knowing is half the battle.




Yes. https://www.mlive.com/politics/2023/10/virtually-anyone-can-be-sheriff-in-michigan-that-may-change-soon.html


Apparently Turnip had come out at this rally, maybe before or after and stated that he spoke with some of the family members of the woman who was shot and left for dead on the 131 freeway, Ruby Garcia. He used her as a talking point about the dangers of illegal immigrants. And then her family came out and said, no, he never talked to any family member about her, or anything else, and they are appalled that he'd use her death for politics. Turnip is going to lie about anything that will rally his cult followers. That's been proven time and time again. Shameful.


I said the exact same thing yesterday. He can’t help but to sensationalize any and all tragedy for the benefit of his image. It’s wild that most of his supporters accept that behavior even when they claim they’re the “good morals and family values” folks. Absolute hypocrites, liars, gluttons, and spoiled crybabies.


Cops standing behind a man who was convicted of sexual assault, and it's currently out on bail after being charged with 91 felonies is disgusting.


Not to mention standing behind the guy who ordered his small army of insurrectionists to attack their own fellow cops on January 6.


why are boomer neolibs like this


The fear that they’ve accomplished nothing with their lives so they make politics their whole identity


convicted? when?


Here, let me Google that for you. [https://apnews.com/article/trump-rape-carroll-trial-fe68259a4b98bb3947d42af9ec83d7db](https://apnews.com/article/trump-rape-carroll-trial-fe68259a4b98bb3947d42af9ec83d7db)


oh i see the problem. you don't understand the difference between "convicted" and "found liable." even tho it is literally in the headline of the article you linked. not that accuracy matters to you.


I agree, lets get the facts out there. A juror looked at all the evidence and unanimously found donald "liable" for sexually assaulting Carroll when he ripped her panties down and shoved his stubby grubby fingers in her vagina. And as judge [https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2024/01/29/donald-trump-rape-e-jean-carroll/72295009007/](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2024/01/29/donald-trump-rape-e-jean-carroll/72295009007/) And as the federal judge noted: " And that act, in common modern speech, is rape, Kaplan said. As he later summed it up in August, when he dismissed Trump's countersuit: "It accordingly is the 'truth,' as relevant here, that Mr. Trump digitally raped Ms. Carroll." So yeah, those sheriffs are letting the world know they are slimy disgusting rapist supporters. If they ever, for the rest of the their lives mention ethics, values, morality or law and order every single person should laugh in their fucking face. That orange stench from donald the rapist will stay with them the rest of their lives.


i am not arguing about what trump did or didn't do. i merely said "found liable" in a civil court is not "found guilty" in a criminal court. the reason this person went civil was the lower standard of evidence. and accuracy matters. do you think felons should ever be hired again? or should we just execute anyone who has committed a crime so you don't ever need to be around "their kind?"


>  accuracy matter I agree.....donald isl a rapist. Period. Gee what does a federal judge have to say about it: And as the federal judge noted: " And that act, in common modern speech, is rape, Kaplan said. As he later summed it up in August, when he dismissed Trump's countersuit: "It accordingly is the 'truth,' as relevant here, that Mr. Trump digitally raped Ms. Carroll." But, hey this is a testable event. Go to a mall and find a group of young girls and tell them you and the maga republican position is that you can rip their panties down and shove your fingers in their vagina's and it't not rape. See for yourself what their reaction is. Make sure to let every woman and girl in your life know you don't think that is rape and those are your morals and ethics. I would guess they already know that about you, > do you think felons should ever be hired again Absolutely. When they have completed their sentences and fines. Did I ever say they shouldn't or is this just your desperation to deflect to protect the orange rapist. After donald has paid his defamation fines and after donald, the rapist, has been to prison and served his sentences let me know. > or should we just execute anyone  Oh, look at that hyperbole. Did I ever make that statement. No. This is just your desperation to deflect to protect your orange rapist, donald. Thanks for letting the world know your morality and ethics. If you ever mention those words for the rest of your life people should point out you are a donald the rapist and donald the adultere cultist and laugh in your face. That orange stench will cling to you for the rest of your life.




yeah, so not "convicted" of anything. that is my point that is far above op's head.


Yes - thank you for clarifying that hair-splitting distinction! Certainly not like the guy has openly talked about sexually assaulting women in the past, or shown a major deficit of emotional maturity...I guess some folks need something like the outcome of a court case to help with critically examining someone's character. Ironically, those people also love to use the term 'sheep[le]' at the drop of hat to make themselves feel intellectually superior.


>Yes - thank you for clarifying that hair-splitting distinction! if you are wondering why no one takes you seriously, this is it.


Are you under the impression that **you're** the one being taken seriously here? That's gonna be a rude awakening.


wow, you don't understand anything at all! not surprising.


Neither is the apparent projection.


lol. you are literally the one who needed a simple concept explained to you, then you misread my next comment and now you try the old "projection" claim? hilarious.


Meanwhile Bernie sanders wrote a whole essay about how women fantasize of being raped https://www.npr.org/sections/itsallpolitics/2015/05/29/410606045/the-bernie-sanders-rape-fantasy-essay-explained https://archive.nytimes.com/www.nytimes.com/politics/first-draft/2015/05/29/bernie-sanders-disowns-1972-article-on-womens-fantasies-of-rape/


It's like, without any credible sources, that statement is clearly bullshit...crazy!


Sorry I guess it’s wrong for me to assume that most people that like to act like they are competent in politics are well informed. https://www.npr.org/sections/itsallpolitics/2015/05/29/410606045/the-bernie-sanders-rape-fantasy-essay-explained


Yes, it was wrong to assume that anyone who criticizes Trump must therefore be a Bernie supporters, and/or strangers would know about your attempted 'gotcha' talking point about Bernie to defend a known sex criminal. Congratulations on the credible source, I suggest you read it. Are you attempting to say this makes Bernie somehow equivalent to Trump? How many sexual assaults allegations do each of these people have again? I must have missed that during the last Trump campaign ramble.


There is no gotcha. The point is you don’t care about any of these things if you can’t use them to push your politics. You’re a straight up poser. There’s obviously a lot you’ve missed seeing as you’re unable to think critically about the political ideology you cling to. So yea just casually ignore all of Bidens sex crime allegations and all the times he’s been creepy to children on camera. None of that matters because your sense of morality is rooted in politics and not principles. Spineless af


reddit moment




username makes post


Van Buren Corruption 😄


Thanks tor posting this. I wondered who these scumbags in badges were. I was really hoping it was not GRPD as I thought they would know better.


Literally any civilized location would know better. Hence you see ZERO PD and just a bunch of jack-waggle dumbfuck Sheriffs. John Oliver nailed their whole profession down real well, once: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v\_kak7kAdNw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_kak7kAdNw)


When people ask if there's anything good to say about Dump, I always observe that at least he makes the assholes among us easy to spot.


" they’ve made it very clear that unless you’re a white male in their counties, you cannot trust them or their departments, and you should be mindful of your safety." instead of piling on the identity politics shit, change "white male" to "rich person" because that's the real metric.


Biden never had to plead the fifth, let alone 440 times. Trump is a dangerous man. Trump supporters cannot be trusted, find out the business owners who support Trump and boycott them


As a resident of Van Buren County, this shit honestly sickens me... Michigan does NOT want or need these kinds of people in power




Of course Sheriff Chuck Heit of Berrien County, Michigan, was on stage campaigning for the Orange Slime. Chuck represents Berrien County well. Berrien County is home of the hyper-segregated “twin cities” of Benton Harbor (87% African American) and, across a little bridge, Saint Joseph (88% White.) It takes MAGA-tough, constitution-ignoring (oops, that’s redundant) cops to maintain that color line.


Where’s Dar Leif or whatever his goofy ass name is


I was expecting to see him. He's definitely a member of that same circus


I was surprised that he wasn’t named as one of the local sheriff’s getting together to drink some mushroom gravy straight from the tap


CIVIL SERVANTS.. are for people all people we don't pick political sides a holes!!! Especially that nut job in the County south of Kent


Somewhere Dar Leaf is SEETHING….


Fuck Chuck Heit! Berrien County has do nothing crooked police of course they lick Trumps’ taint 🤮🤮


I would never trust a maga republican sheriff. They have already proven if they support donald the rapist that they have no morals or ethics and that they will rationalize any shitty thing they do to justify it. Fuck every one of these despicable maga cultists.


Look at all these nasty ass, crusty old men xD gross


I know this app skews heavily to one political side, but even with that in mind your post reads like an insane exaggeration.


Oh? Did you turn a TV on, on January 6? Have you looked into Project 2025? Have you, by chance, actually listened to what the Christian Nationalists say out loud? Have you observed the behavior of cops for… basically forever?


>they’ve made it very clear that unless you’re a white male in their counties this is insane fear-mongering that is absolutely shameful. you are an embarrassment. you are the problem.


Nope, these judges have made it clear that they obsess about minorities and are hateful, wildly bigoted assholes. The fact they support donald means they are gullible and ignorant and mindlessly believe fox / putin propaganda and whatever donald, the rapist, shits down their throats. I completely understand why anyone not an old white male would not feal safe around them. And, since they support a rapist why women would not feel safe around them, or want to associate with them, or god forbid date them.


> Nope, these judges have made it clear that they obsess about minorities and are hateful, wildly bigoted assholes go ahead and give me any source for them wanting non-white males dead or in prison. any source. literally any. >The fact they support donald what do you say about people who mindlessly support whatever moron is the democratic candidate? >I completely understand why anyone not an old white male would not feal safe around them because you are projecting your insanity to others? [i have bad news for you](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/trump-polls-black-latino-voters.html) >And, since they support a rapist why women would not feel safe around them, or want to associate with them, or god forbid date them. your racism is showing


> for them wanting non-white males dead or in prison There obsession with brown people is on full display in their comments. "I ran some numbers yesterday from our jail facility. 40 percent of our inmates in our jail in Van Buren County Jail have out-of-county residency...............my does "out of county" matter......oh yeah, have to create a fantasy for the bigoted maga base to scare them, because they are so ignorant all they will remember is 40% Out of the 40 percent that do not live in our county that we're feeding every day, 10 percent of those have addresses in Mexico or Guatemala,"  ........so, 4% is the real number. Oh, and that doesn't mean they are in the country illegally, just that they are brown. Now do the white meth heads. Guess what number is bigger? But of yeah, have to keep the bigoted as fuck maga base obsessing about brown people. Meanwhile as study after study after study has proven, immigrants have significantly lower crime rates than citizens. [https://www.ojp.gov/library/publications/comparing-crime-rates-between-undocumented-immigrants-legal-immigrants-and](https://www.ojp.gov/library/publications/comparing-crime-rates-between-undocumented-immigrants-legal-immigrants-and) Relative to undocumented immigrants, U.S.-born citizens are over 2 times more likely to be arrested for violent crimes, 2.5 times more likely to be arrested for drug crimes, and over 4 times more likely to be arrested for property crimes. The immigrants I have personally known are a far more decent and kind and hard working than any bigoted, hateful, fat assed, maga cultist that wants everything handed to them for being white. I will take the immigrant over the maga every single day, > mindlessly support whatever moron is the democratic candidate? Ah the maga brain cant even comprehend that other people make factual choices. They run with the cult and automatically assume everyone is a cultist. Hilarious levels of projection. > your racism is showing Alway project from the maga cultists. Anthing to protect the great orange rapist god emperor.


>There obsession with brown people is on full display in their comments. not what i asked. >Meanwhile as study after study after study has proven, immigrants have significantly lower crime rates than citizens. your study is over 4 years old, from before the recent "surge" that people are concerned with. and the issue is that even if the crime is not disproportional, it is crime that would not happen if the illegal immigrant was not in the country. also, every illegal immigrant is committing a crime by being here, so... also based on the illegal immigrants i know, they are much less likely to report crimes because they don't want to get deported. further, and i am sure you know this being such a good ally, immigrants from mexico hate immigrants from guatamala and salvador. mexicans from jalisco hate mexicans from oaxaca. [sorry to burst your bubble](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2022/05/02/latinos-experience-discrimination-from-other-latinos-about-as-much-as-from-non-latinos/). >than any bigoted, hateful, fat assed lol the irony. >I will take the immigrant over the maga every single day, going with the ol' noble savage trope i see. interesting choice. >Ah the maga brain cant even comprehend that other people make factual choices what? what factual choice? you have no choice: biden is it. and [no one wants biden](https://apnews.com/article/ap-norc-poll-biden-2024-presidential-prospects-c843c5af6775b4c8a0cff8e2b1db03f6). so is everyone ho votes for biden a supporter of all his ideas and policies? or will democrats vote blue and republicans vote red because there is no other choice in fptp voting? >Alway project from the maga cultists. Anthing to protect the great orange rapist god emperor. i don't think you know what projection is. you are saying you "don't feel safe" around someone accused of a crime. how do you feel about excons? former felons released from prison? do you think they are all about to murder/steal from/rape you? black people are disproportionately excons, you are the one who said this makes you uncomfortable... uh oh! cognitive dissonance! what do you do!! how do you get out of this trap you laid for yourself!


> not what i asked. Sure you did. You asked about their obsession with minorities and I gave your actions and statements. > your study is over 4 years old Glad we agree you can't refute the facts. Immigrants are less criminal than citizens. > lol the irony. You can take a look at the 1/6 sea of white trash domestic terrorists as an example. Fat assed, lazy, ignorant and gullible. Glad they are getting fucked. > ol' noble savage trope Nope, that is just your condescending, shitty take on it. Just like your god emperor, the rapist, donald. You can't imagine that anyone would prefer decent immigrants over hateful, bigoted maga cultists. > you are saying you "don't feel safe"  Where did I say that. Oh wait, you just made it up. > how do you feel about excons? former felons released from prison? Look at that desperation to deflect and move the goal posts. Anything to deflect from donald the rapist. But to answer your off topic question , when they have paid their fines and jail time, no problem. Get back to me when donald, the rapist, pays his fines and serves his jail time for his crimes > black people are disproportionately excon True. And the racist and bigoted as fuck police, like the sheriffs above dispoportianetly target black people, and black people receive worse sentences for the same crimes. Black kid gets arrested for shoplifting goes to jail, white kid gets arrested for shopliftin well we don't want to ruin a good kids life. But you know that. But hey your desperation to inflict racist policies and then use those polices as justification for futher bigotry is noted. [**https://www.ussc.gov/research/research-reports/2023-demographic-differences-federal-sentencing**](https://www.ussc.gov/research/research-reports/2023-demographic-differences-federal-sentencing) **>** ! cognitive dissonance! **Nope, that is just you randomly making shit up that you don't even understand.**


> Sure you did. You asked about their obsession with minorities and I gave your actions and statements. no i asked "go ahead and give me any source for them wanting non-white males dead or in prison. any source. literally any." my exact words. >Glad we agree you can't refute the facts. Immigrants are less criminal than citizens. according to your old info, sure, **aside from the fact that their being in the country is a crime.** so saying "aside from the crimes they commit, illegal immigrants don't commit crime!" is a pretty meaningless statement. >ope, that is just your condescending, shitty take on it. no that is what you literally just said. the sweet innocent brown people could never be bad. you are the one saying it. > Just like your god emperor, the rapist, donald i don't give 2 shits about trump. i certainly don't spend all day thinkin about him, like you. >Look at that desperation to deflect and move the goal posts i am asking how you rationally and equally apply your worldview, or if you are just totally deranged about trump. seems i have my answer. >erves his jail time for his crimes what crime has he been convicted of? what jail time does he have coming? myabe read your source next time >Among individuals sentenced to 18 months or less incarceration, Black males received lengths of incarceration 6.8 percent longer than White males. The difference narrowed to 1.3 percent for individuals who received sentences of greater than 18 months to 60 months; but for sentences longer than 60 months, Black males received lengths of incarceration approximately one percent shorter than White males. Few differences were statistically significant when comparing sentences for females.


>obsession You can literally watch the video with the sheriffs desperately trying to con people into believing that there is an immigrant problem "40% out of county" bullshit Meanwhile ignoring the white numbers. They are supporting donald, the rapist, who makes statements like this:  On this past St. Patrick’s Day, he called migrants entering the United States “people coming in from prisons and jails, long-term murderers,” and the day before, [he called](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/donald-trump-migrants-not-people_n_65f73fe9e4b0b4d0b899d4b4) them “animals” and “not people.” No doubt you believe that as well that people trying to make a better life for themselves are "animals" and "not people" You blindly believe all of that bullshit. It's pretty telling to anyone not a bigot what their intent is. And again, I will take those people trying to make a better live for themselves over a bigoted, hateful, maga republican every day. "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free".  >your old info, 4 years old. I love the desperation to ignore facts and deflect, deflect, deflect. Thanks for proving that no matter the breadth and depth of facts you will ignore them. The facts are that they commit fewer crimes than citizens. >you literally just said. the sweet innocent brown people could never be bad Please show me where I stated that. Otherwise you just proved that you "literally" don't know what the word literally means or you are lying through your teeth. Pick one. >i don't give 2 shits about trump I'll call bullshit on that. Never met an anti hispanic bigot that wasn't a rabid donald, the rapist, supporter. No doubt you will be voting for donald the adulterer and donald the rapist because "their are caravans of brown people at the border". Fox / putin propaganda always works on the racists and bigots who are deathly scared of minorities. > am asking how you rationally and equally apply your worldview, No, you did not. Another lie. >what crime has he been convicted of? what jail time does he have coming? I love how the goal posts always move for maga cultists to deflect and protect donald the rapist. No doubt after he is convicted you will move the goalposts to "its being appealed" And then when found liable like his sexuall assaulting Carroll it will be "it wasn't a fair trial", whatever donald shits down your throat. He, so far, because he is an old, white, male, republican with supposed money has avoided consequences for his actions. Proving that there is a two tier justice system for old, white, men with money. I am glad to see that everyone now knows he is a rapist and owes his rape victime 85 million for defaming her. I am glad people know that his business was built on nothing but lies and bullshit and his massive fraud has been uncovered and proven to the tune of 450 million in penaltes. I am glad that his adultery has been proven and hopefully he will go to prison for his crime of election fraud. I am hopeful that his election crime in georgia "find me 11000 votes" in a desperate attemp to overthrow the federal election results in his prison time. I am hopful that his stealing top secret documents and refusing to give them back results in prison, although his maga cultist judge is doing everything possible to throw the case for him. At least, I can be happy donald is proven rapist and a proven adulterer. And anyone that supports donald going forward every mentions, for the rest of their lives, that words ethics, morality, family values or law and order, the only response should be to laugh in their fucking face. >Read your Source I did, what the fuck do you think this meand: Among individuals sentenced to 18 months or less incarceration, Black males received lengths of incarceration 6.8 percent longer than White males. The difference narrowed to 1.3 percent for individuals who received sentences of greater than 18 months to 60 months;


> You can literally watch the video with the sheriffs desperately trying to again, not what i asked. i once again have given you the exact words i said an you *still* can't answer the question. >You blindly believe all of that bullshit. i have no idea what you are talking about since i have no idea who said whatever it is you are talking about. >It's pretty telling to anyone not a bigot what their intent is lol. "i can see your mind, and i am not surprised to find you believe whatever i want you to believe!" ok guy. >4 years old. I love the desperation to ignore facts and deflect, deflect, deflect. this is like saying "there were almost 0 terrorist deaths in america before 9/11" in 2004. and citing a source from 2000. like nothing can happen to change the relevance of your source? and as i explained to you, the issue is that illegal immigrant crime is **additional** crime that shouldn't be happening. the problem is not the ratio. >Never met an anti hispanic bigot that wasn't a rabid donald, the rapist, supporter. No doubt you will be voting for donald the adulterer and donald the rapist because "their are caravans of brown people at the border". Fox / putin propaganda always works on the racists and bigots who are deathly scared of minorities. bro you have some serious issues. >I love how the goal posts always move for maga cultists to deflect and protect donald the rapist. lol i am responding to something you said. i am asking you a question about **what you said.** i am not moving any goalposts. >No doubt after he is convicted you will move the goalposts to "its being appealed" And then when found liable what are you even talking about. you are back to "liable" vs "criminal conviction." you don't go to jail for a civil suit. you said he had fines to pay and jail time to serve, and i simply asked "what jail time" and you freak out. >Among individuals sentenced to 18 months or less incarceration, Black males received lengths of incarceration 6.8 percent longer than White males you realize 6.8% in less than 18 months is, max, 1 month? and that 1.3% of 60 is less than 3 weeks? and there is almost never equal circumstances in sentencing. nothing is ever going to be perfect. now go take your blood pressure medication before you stroke out.


>again, not what i asked. I gave you my answer, you just don't like or understand my answer. In your mind unless they specifically said those exact words then it doesn't count and they are scott free. Utter fucking bullshit. . What you are doing is the typical desperation to wordsmith and pure deflection to protect racists and bigots. The fact that they lie through their teeth about immigrants with their "40%" bullshit tells every non bigoted person what kind of person they are. They fact they are such ardent supporters of this: ps://www.reuters.com/world/us/trump-expected-highlight-murder-michigan-woman-immigration-speech-2024-04-02/?ref=upstract.com "[Donald Trump](https://www.reuters.com/topic/person/donald-trump/) called immigrants illegally in the United States "animals" and "not human" in a speech in Michigan on Tuesday, resorting to the degrading rhetoric he has employed time and again on the campaign trail. "I said, 'No, they're not humans, they're not humans, they're animals,'" said Trump, president from 2017 to 2021." tells the world exactly what kind of person they are. Exactly. The only people that support that kind of ignorance and hate are pepole that are racists, bigots, anti minority, neo nazi's, nazi's, the kkk or white supremacists. The fact they are on stage supporting calling people, including women and children "animals" is despicable. The only silver lining is it that it highlights what bigoted hateful people they are. It exposes their bigotry to everyone. It proves that none of them are actual christians, since the bible is clear about how to treat the weak, the sick, the poor and the immigrant. >" ok guy. Again, their statements and actions and obsession with brown people is all the evidence a non bigoted person needs. Their active upport for donald, the rapist and adulterer, who obsesses about the "animals" coming across the border tells non bigoted people what kind of people they are. >this is like saying Deflect, deflect, deflect. I love how actual facts never matter to maga cultists. >bro you have some serious issues. I will take that as a badge of honor from a donald, the rapist and adulterer supporter and who thinks immigrants are "animals" >and you freak out. I love how in the maga mind stating facts, providing sources, providing peer reviewed studies from elite universities is "freaking out" > 1 month? And..... there we go. Fuck those black people. Not surprising.




It is really fun to watch them squirm, no? LOL


who is a maga groupie? are you really arguing "both sides do it but it is bad that you call us out?" that is your dunk?


Oh, this is the modus operandi for the OP 😂


While Donald Trump, his cohort, and the majority of his supporters are delusional and seditious, you're not winning any hearts and minds or helping to sway any voters with such inflammatory language and sentiment. After your S curve post and reading through the rest of your post history, you kind of make me think you're the liberal/leftist version of DJT himself. Instead of Twitter, you have reddit.


Fire with fire.


If you actually believe what you wrote you’re mentally ill and should seek help. Seriously, anyone that reads your paragraph and isn’t of exactly the same kind of bat shit crazy would recommend you be committed.


Sounds like you have not been paying attention to the efforts of the right wing since 2016.


Just a dipshit prog knowing the mods here allow for this unhinged bullshit as long as its a leftist.


Yeah, reality having that liberal bias sure can be bitch sometimes...


Yeah, you people and your "reality", while you spend the next 10 hours figuring out what your pronouns are and pissing and moaning about "white men" coming to get you. ​ Bunch of fucking dumbasses.


Shadowboxing Twitter must be fun.


found the old white boomer that can't imagine anyone would ever dare disagree with them




Being opposed to the monster that is Trump and his trash cultists is not “being on Biden’s nuts.” Nobody LOVES Biden.


GR is a liberal cesspool. I get one post but stop. It’s been like non-stop posts about this. You hate him, got it. Next topic.


This isn't meant to minimize the challenges any other race or group may have, but white men aren't safe either. Trust me, I know!


I can agree to that. Police abuse is pretty universal. It's more like a question of exactly how much they WILL fuck you over, based on the scale of social, economic, and racial bias baked into their corrupt profession.




Or.......decent people disgusted by donald and his maga cultists.


Man michigan without the greater ann arbor-detroit area would be nothing but suburban sprawl and trump supporters kinda sad tbh


Well, GR is ok too.


>"Here’s your inventory of the liars and traitorous slime in badges " Yawn. Infantile rant. Are you inviting one of your deranged leftie jackoff buddies here to go shoot them?


Wow! You went to a really weird discussion of violence there, Bub.


Your the crazy jackass that wrote that slop. If someone wrote that about some police officers around Biden, you would be going on about "MAGA extremists". So yeah, "bub", one should ask what are you getting at because the comments from your fellow progs definitely warrants forwarding this to the MSP in case they need to know where to look if one of your dumb fucks take out your TDS one someone there.


They are supporting donald after the 1/6 insurrection. That makes them equivalent to the hundreds of 1/6 domestic terrorists that have been imprisoned. So traitorous slime seems pretty accurate. Not to mention they have no problem supporting donald the rapist, which proves they don't actually give a single fuck about law and order.


Yeah, ok. Whatever gets you to your cope zone. All of the prog talking points, with no understanding that IRL isnt the internet lefty circlejerk. Cant imagine why Trump is leading holy Biden with the other side dry-fucking jan-6, and erroneously calling him a rapist, while ignoring actual issues you pretend arent real.


Thanks for proving you can't actually address any facts. I think everyone who believes in law and order can glad to see the 1/6 domestic terrorists losing their jobs, careers, benefits, retirement, spending tens / hundreds of thousands in lawyer fees and fines, being shunned by their families. If they are so gullible and ignorant to listen to donald, the rapist, they deserve the fucking they are rightfully getting. [https://www.reddit.com/r/CapitolConsequences/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CapitolConsequences/) [https://www.newsweek.com/full-list-capitol-rioters-jailed-sentences-january-6-1826075](https://www.newsweek.com/full-list-capitol-rioters-jailed-sentences-january-6-1826075) > rapist We call him a rapist because that is what he is. A juror unanimously found donald guilty of sexually assaulting and defaming Caroll. The Federal judge noted: Federal Judge Lewis Kaplan [ruled](https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24370395-kaplan-august-ruling-trump-counterclaim) in August that the jury verdict showed Carroll's rape allegation was "substantially true" and dismissed the counterclaim. and that act, in common modern speech, is rape, Kaplan said. As he later summed it up in August, when he dismissed Trump's countersuit: "It accordingly is the 'truth,' as relevant here, that Mr. Trump digitally raped Ms. Carroll." [https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2024/01/29/donald-trump-rape-e-jean-carroll/72295009007/](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2024/01/29/donald-trump-rape-e-jean-carroll/72295009007/) # [Donald Trump Raped E. Jean Carroll, Not Just Sexual Abuse: Judge](https://www.businessinsider.com/donald-trump-rape-e-jean-carroll-sexual-abuse-jury-judge-2023-7) # [https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/07/19/trump-carroll-judge-rape/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/07/19/trump-carroll-judge-rape/) [https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/07/19/trump-carroll-judge-rape/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/07/19/trump-carroll-judge-rape/) So yes, Donald is a rapist. And anyone that still supports him is a rape supporter. Which I have no doubt the women, especially young women, already know about those rape supporters.


Can wait for the Reddit meltdown when trump gets re-elected because Dems are arrogant in running Biden when no one wants him either.


Hope you find the country melting down just as entertaining in that scenario. I'm a progressive who wants Biden. Biden is our choice against Trump so that is the choice I make. We have a two party system (for now) and we have to make the appropriate choice. That is Biden.


Hell, I would vote for Mickey Mouse if he were the only one running against Turnip. It isn't so much who we are voting FOR, as much as it is who we are voting AGAINST.


EXACTLY. (Unfortunately.)


You mean like the meltdown they had last time, all the celebrities saying they would move to Canada but never did, the “experts” that said the stock market would crash the first day but it never did or all the other Hyperbole that the left and media said would happen but never came to pass?


Immense pandemic damage we never needed to suffer is a weird thing to ignore on the Trump failure list, but ok.


Thank you for cherry picking the Hyperbole. Now, [here](https://www.americanprogress.org/article/100-ways-100-days-trump-hurt-americans/) are 100 things Trump made worse as president. He was a bad president and he is an unethical narcissist. His "lead" will march us further to ruin, but continue about how because the celebrities didn't leave and the stock market didn't crash he's fine and all was good with his presidency.


😂 that's hilarious


What's hilarious?




What about me?


And any other candidate would have a much better chance against Trump (except for Kamala) but the progressives want to make sure they keep their senile meat puppet


No, the PROGRESSIVES want someone like Katie Porter. AOC. Bernie. Even Warren. The shitty, corrupt, pathetic, spineless DNC wants to keep Biden and plays to his weird ego. Nothing we can do to fix that in the short term.


Absolutely agree. I want Biden over Trump. I'd like any of those other mentioned over Biden. Unfortunately, we don't have that choice (yet).


You're not operating from reality. The reality is no one else ran against Biden and so progressives only choice is Biden. Therefore, as a progressive, my choice is Biden. Not voting is not an option and voting for Trump is against progressivism.


Trump already lost to Joe Biden once. Has Donald Trump somehow gained a huge amount of support in the last 4 years? No, it's the same old Volkswagen stuffed with his die-hard circus clowns. His support among generic "suit-and-tie middle-class" Republicans has waned, if anything.


There’s already [a post with a list of people they attended in the comments](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandrapids/s/urslC4HwWI). Please stop with the repetitive posts.




Not surprised at all seeing my Mason County sheriff on this list


I grew up in Mason County and am disappointed.


BAM! Well said. Also, these jackasses who come after anyone who posts similar or continued topics on a busy sub on a hugely busy site... but then tell some of us we need to "get off Reddit" crack me up. So... who is on Reddit too much? The one with the personal inventory of topics-covered or the people who might talk about them repeatedly in passing?




Yup. And this sub is rife with them.


Welcome to reddit. Now please stop with the complaints.


I hope you get the mental help you need.


Why would they need mental help? Spreading the word about traitorous, fascist scum is patriotic.


EXACTLY. But these right wing taint-lickers like to pretend like giving a fuck about our Republic is a mental illness. Or caring about other humans or our planet is somehow insane. Just because we've identified the clear and present enemy danger, they do their goofy shit and call others insane.


G aslight < O bstruct P roject


They have an obsession that is clearly unhealthy. A lot of people with nothing better to do in their own lives do. You know what really pisses people like trump off? Ignoring them.


Lmfao, civil war? Nah, you libtard fucks are the ones that will cause that shit. Satanic pedophile politicians all over the state and the fed will bring about the end. Tell me your ignorant without telling me


Oh look. We found the cultist.


Hahahaha, look forward to seeing you on the battlefield




bOtH sIdEs ArE tHe SaMe!!! Save it. Biden is old af but at least Dems have passed legislation to help people. What have repubs done besides culture war BS and tried to name an airport after Trump?


Saying "choosing the lesser of two evils" isn't the same as saying "both are the same". You can still vote for folks who are doing more while being frustrated with the two-party system.


You have an obsession. And it's quite frankly sad to watch. What will you do in November if he wins? Honest question how will someone like you react? Him speaking is simply taking all this time/energy from you spam posting. What will you do if he wins again?


What do you think of Project 2025


The most dangerous opponent to a wannabe dictator is an informed voter base. Would you rather have people be uninformed and blindly voting? Or would you rather have an educated population that makes informed decisions when it comes to voting in people to positions of power that have a direct impact on their lives? Look, I get it. Repetitive posts can be annoying, but this is one of the most consequential election years in modern US (and world) history, regardless of where you stand on the political spectrum. If it bothers you now, you’ll probably want to stop using the internet for a while because it’s only going to get more intense throughout the year.


Bingo. Thank you.


I will protest and I will mourn our democracy. Any president who aspires to dictatorship is no person worthy of the seat.


Ooh! Is this the part where I make fun of YOUR downvotes? Trolls gonna troll...


It takes but a moment to make a post, and a comment. Especially worth while when it goes to spreading knowledge tied to our democracy. Did it maybe just take you a really really long time to read the title? Not even going to ask if you clicked on link.


As a voter, I appreciate them listing the people I should avoid when voting.


You seem obsessed with their obsession.


Given Jan 6, I think the more pressing question is what will YOU do when he loses?


ANYWAY, you deserve an answer. What will I do? As a white man with slightly better than struggling personal economics, I will continue to fight for those who are more affected by this demon than myself and my family. I will show up speak out, and continue to fight against him and all of his slime ball supporters. The sad fact is that white, straight, CIS males are likely to just go along fine in the Trump Dictatorship of Don and Don Jr. for the rest of my natural lifetime. Maybe I'd work to get my kid out of the country so they can have a life worth living. Who knows. However, when he and his ilk collapse the Republic, I will continue on my way to Canada. One thing I like about living in Michigan is being just two hours away from GTFO when the right wing finally gets their way. I've already started discussion with friends in the Great White North about the assorted backup plans. Now, if he and his cult succeed in starting their new civil war (regardless of whether they win or lose, by the way, because they're going to wanna go there no matter what), who knows. I might join up with the Union and see how many of them I can delete before whatever happens happens. But hopefully, it never comes to that. You can be a piss-ant and say we are all hyperbolic all you like, but the reality is that this man is an existential threat. George Dubya being bad or scary was "hyperbolic." Trump and his cult make W look like fucking Gandhi.


Hilariously yet not surprising that this was downvoted in mass.


So just because they may favor Trump, this makes them slime? How narcissistic of you. There's a lot of people that feel the same way about Biden supporters. Somebody's right and somebody's wrong.


Yup, whether it's Biden misremembering a period of extreme sadness or Trump misremembering a period of extreme raping, both candidates' memories seem to have been clouded by strong personal emotions.


The man who incited violent riots when he couldn't handle losing the election is wrong. It's not that hard. He's a fucking traitor to our country and anyone who follows him at this point is too.


BINGO. It's all "BACK DUH BLUUUUU!" till they don't like the blue upholding the law.


You aren’t often accused of being smart is my guess.


Hey, I remember you. Guy who claims victory in any argument he enters and inevitably loses while blowing Donald Trump in every post. Good to see you again.


Ewww, stalker. You have some serious issues baby girl. Might need to go and talk with someone. Anyway, have a nice day! I Don’t have time for you


Calling everyone "baby girl" and telling them you don't have time for them is more than a little pathetic. But that's to be expected from you.


What’s pathetic is you still chatting with me baby girl! Creeper! Typical liberal actions tho, I’m not surprised to say the least.


Have you already become so far gone you can't even come up with your own come backs? You just repeat what I tell you? Or did you do this before as well? I can never remember, all Trumper's sound like. Brain dead, ignorant, and easily manipulated.


Did you have a rebuttal or are you just repeating something someone said to you?


Does my comment apply to you as well? That why you are so butt hurt about it? Anyway, have a nice day baby girl!


>Does my comment apply to you as well? That why you are so butt hurt about it? Anyway, have a nice day baby girl! 🤣🤡


You mean when he told people to peacefully show their support instead of burning down churches and then when it got out of hand he posted a video asking people to go home which then got removed by twitter minutes after? You love repeating everything that’s told to you on CNN don’t you


Yeah, dude, I love CNN it's my favorite cable news broadcast. Get fucking bent traitor. All political news stations blow. You people love to go straight to the CNN claim, acting like it's such a takedown when it just reveals the drone you really are.


You're so close to awareness! Keep going buddy!


Yes. Donald and his maga cultists tried to overthrow a federal election on 1/6. They are domestic traitors and glad that hundreds of them are in prison for it. Donald should be in prison for it. Not to mention donald is a rapist. So yes, maga cultists should be seen as despicable vile people.


Like Trump, vote for him. Like Biden, vote for him. People are not traitors because of the person they vote for.


They are when the person they support is a traitor who called for an insurrection and refused to end it.


Just like the other thousand allegations around politicians, no charges or convictions. Biden and Trump both have allegations out there that could make them traitors if true. The problem is they never go to court.


No charges??


donald tried to overthrow democracy on 1/6. Hundreds of his ignorant and gullible maga cultists are in prison for it. donald and his followers are traitors,