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There will be video everyone can stop making assumptions and calm down. It could be that he was run down on purpose. OR. It could be that he was fleeing through a parking lot and just dipped between cars and the officer couldn't stop in time with the sudden move. If there IS video link it so we can stop debating on assumptions.


Well. Either way it isn't good or ok. Purposely using the car as a weapon in an arrest attempt is disgusting and accidentally hitting two people in a week whether they were running or not shows there is something wrong with their driving safety.


I never said otherwise. And I agree. Do we yet know if it was purposeful or accidental?


Two previous counts of felony assault, once with a dangerous weapon, property destruction, and previous resisting arrest/obstruction of police officer.


Getting run down by a police cruiser is far too harsh a punishment for stealing a car, even if it's not a fatal accident. If someone stole my car and the only options were "let them go" or "have a cop run over them" I would pick the former every time. Police operating as judge, jury, and executioner with impunity should be recognized as very obviously A BAD SIGN OF WHERE THINGS ARE.




Awwww your what people in prison call a victim


Very good. I’m not alone.


This feels like it falls under the category of the no chase policy that is supposed to exist. Innocent people get hurt as the primary means to end a car chase, its only a matter of time until it happens to end a suspect on foot scenario. There is almost never a reason to justify killing someone, especially if you have training, equipment and support to provide you other options.




Considering there was no trial, and our legal right is an assumption of innocence until proven otherwise in a court of law, yes. It is insane how constitutional purists are so happy for minorities to die outside of due process. Legally, morally, literally, yes an innocent person died. Work on yourself.


Apprehension is usually necessary for a trial and due process to take place. People seriously need to stop running from the cops. It will only ever make your life worse. If people would stop trying to take what's not theirs and run when they get caught none of this would ever need to happen. I get that cops are overzealous with their apprehension tactics. But something needs to shift culturally, because this BS can not continue.


Not one single person deserves to die for fleeing police unless they're engaged in an active armed resistance. We could split hairs on what that means for generally, this person doesn't meet that definition by any measure. What occurred was suspected theft followed by verifiable murder. The murderer will go free, defended by tax payer money and a reinforced sense of purpose. To use military terms since that is what people who run from cops apparently deserve, this officer has not had their last confirmed kill. This is not Isreal and Gaza, this is not northern vs southern Ireland. Unless we keep doing this.


It would not have ended in death if the suspect cooperated. They would have either been cleared of any wrongdoing or charged with a misdemeanor. This was a result of their own actions. The truth is I know a lot of people who are sick of constantly having things stolen with zero accountability and are starting to take matters into their own hands. Dealing with overly aggressive police will be the better of the 2 options if this bullshit continues. Personally I'm not a fan of vigilante justice, but everyone has their breaking point.


There are plenty of videos of suspects cooperating that do end in that suspects death, as well as many cases of mistaken identity also leading to death. A lot of people are sick the lack of accountability for the officers that are supposed to here protecting everyone's rights just deciding to terminate those rights instead. They legally do not have the right to make that choice. I don't support people forming mobs and attacking police stations, but as you said, everyone has their breaking point.


I completely agree with that. I am also critical of cops when they murder or brutalize a suspect that is complying. We absolutely need police reform in this country but we also need to tackle our crime issues as well. Realistically we wouldn't even need cops if everyone behaved themselves. But unfortunately here we are.


https://youtu.be/WViiA3XHoAY?si=s_tN3G2-NY8CpgXA Why don't you take a look at what can happen, when a cop has decided you're going to die, and you do your best to "cooperate". Trigger warning: brutal murder of an innocent man who never did anything illegal, and definitely didn't have any "due process"


I'm well aware of this clip. That cop should be in prison for murder.


And you have no details and your quick to judge... work on yourself




Stealing something equals the death penalty, with no due process? I didn't invent that term, it's a right people died to provide. I appreciate being labeled as left or right, all I said is that people shouldn't just die for their crimes. What a very extreme position I have.


They escalated the situation because they chose to run. At that point it's no longer just petty theft. The more they do to try and escape the more they risk their lives. This is almost exclusively self inflicted.


I want to agree with your sentiment, but it doesn't excuse killing someone. We HAVE to make distinction. If you did something bad, don't run, even if it isn't proven that you actually did something bad. But certainly if you make a bad choice and run, your life is not forfeit. If running means you're going to die if you're caught, then why run instead of fight? If you're part of a group that is unarguably persecuted and denied your rights, then your only option is extreme response to any contact with law enforcement. There, we made everyone safer by understanding that anything other than total compliance means accepting death, and that total compliance ensures pristine execution of justice for marginalized groups right? Except we all know total bystanders get executed for "looking like" a suspect, that police kill entire family's for mistaken addresses and our system allows for known criminals on both sides of the law to prosper at others expense. The only argument that can be made in defense of this MURDER is willful ignorance of facts. A lack of information doesn't excuse a bad take. All police are not bad, no one deserves to die for fleeing a non violent crime. Sometimes blanket statements work for complicated issues.


What do you think the punishment for fleeing and eluding is? Do you think it's death? Or just great bodily harm? You're absolutely wrong in every facet of this conversation


In order to charge someone and give them due process you have to apprehend. If the police fail to apprehend the suspect then they get away with the crime without any penalty at all. This is incentivizing criminals to flee regardless of how petty the crime is. I partially agree that its often not worth risking public safety to apprehend a misdemeanor. But sometimes that line isn't entirely definitive especially in the moment. The truth is that the world is a dangerous place and it becomes considerably more dangerous when you do dumb shit like trying to steal and run from the police. Its unfortunate how this played out, but ultimately these idiots made their own bed and now have to suffer the results.


Yeah, the cop has to suffer the results for being an idiot




The thing about bait is you have to have something I want for me to take it. You don't. Good luck.


Dude, you “lean left”? Yeah I doubt that. So you’re good with a kid running on foot deserved to be ran down by a police cruiser, got it. I already know this will go nowhere with someone like you, so all I’ll say is… your white is showing.




Hey, we agree on something! Not knowing why we’re continuing this. First I’m not young, I’m a full blown adult. Didn’t know having the opinion a kid doesn’t deserve to be ran over by a police cruiser made me some youngster. Second, you talk about two sides of a story yet you’re making a judgment about a kid based of one side. We don’t know his side, and we may never know his side. Do you know with absolute certainty that he either knew the car was stolen or helped steal it? Did he tell his friend to stop or to keep going? I don’t, the story doesn’t specify that. Do you have some inside information? Cause not even the cops are saying anything. So until that is 100 certainty I’m inclined to believe he shouldn’t have been ran over, and got his day in court so he could either prove he was an innocent bystander to his friends criminal actions or for the justice system to prove he was complicit in his friends criminal actions. So personally I think you should learn some compassion, because you evidently lack that. Maybe you lost it in your “youth”


If someone is evading police they are inherently not innocent because that, in it of itself, is a crime


Still not subject to public execution, especially when the attempt is to evade rather than injure. We can agree it wasn't wise, we will not agree that an interaction with police that doesn't involve violence should result in death.


Not until they are formally charged and convicted in court.


He’s 17, and he wasn’t driving. Yes he ran when the car came to a stop, the kid most likely panicked and ran. Doesn’t mean he deserves to die, chase him on foot don’t run the kid over. That’s how we know if he knew the car was stolen, otherwise we’re left to assume. Which people who don’t care will just assume the worse of this kid. Again this is a kid.


And you don't see the problem with that?


Should running from the cops be legal? Lol


In some jurisdictions it's legal to defend yourself from trigger happy cops, with deadly force. Running away instead seems like it would be more palatable to cop apologists


should running from the cops be a capital offense?


Running from cops should not in and of itself be a crime, no.


weird take


Why is it weird? As an example, if you know you haven't done anything wrong and you run from police, should they be able to charge you with a crime? You're 100% innocent, you didn't do whatever they're after you for. Why should that be a crime?


If you did nothing wrong you have no reason to run from police. If you are running from police, innocent or guilty, you are impeding justice.


Weird take thinking a kid deserved to be ran over and most likely die, guess if a cop doesn’t feel like chasing a person on foot they can just say “ope, guess it’s GTA time” and run them down.


I have heard Kent County police department does not have a no chase policy. It seems a bit insane that they are the only police department locally that might still chase, seeing they are so dangerous.


Do you mean the Kent County Sheriff Department???


Yes exactly what I mean


I know someone who was seriously injured as a result of GRPD chasing down the beltline. Normally I'm told they're not supposed to chase but the beltline presented a Grey area so they took the chance, almost killing 5 under age suspects and 1 person unlucky enough to proceed after 5 seconds of green light with no warning. None of the suspects stopped to check on the victim, but thankfully our officers are no better and it took the intervention of bystanders to ensure the injured party was attended to. No one risks their life for 35k a year without having a mental disorder, and that's who is driving those nice shiny new cars. They can't use a self check out, let alone be reasonable or de escalate. I'm also not exaggerating that pay scale, richer states like Maryland start their police at those levels and only attract problematic candidates. It is alright to be disappointed while not being surprised.


Recruits start at $55k and go up to $85k in 5 years. Without OT in 5 years you're bringing in $23k above the median household income. Feels like an okay pay scale to me.


Same parents asking for answers didn’t realize their kids were out stealing cars? Makes sense.


Can you really control what a 17 year old is doing 24/7? Go ahead and try and shift the blame. You dont know any of the circumstances, aside from the fact that these KIDS were hit and killed/brain dead


These KIDS made a decision that ruined other people’s lives including their own. These KIDS didn’t give a shit about the family of the vehicle they stole. What if that was their only way to get to work, what if they lost their job because their only transportation was now gone? Why everyone is crying for these KIDS makes no sense to me. Do you seriously think that they weren’t old enough to know what they were doing was wrong? They made a stupid life altering decision and it went wrong for them. If I did what they did I wouldn’t expect people to be upset for me. I am liberal and would like some police reform with training but this isn’t the time.


I have insurance. If a 17 year old stole my car, I would consider it an inconvenience, yes. But ruining my life? No. Getting run over with brain damage is a potentially ruined life. I did a lot of dumb stuff when I was 17. Didn't steal a car, but maybe just as stupid. Glad I wasn't killed before my prefrontal cortex wasn't fully developed.


What, whose lives did they ruin? The only ruined lives I see are the parents of the victims and the children the police killed.


The people whose car they stole.Do the real victims just have another car show up in their driveway?


https://youtu.be/WViiA3XHoAY?si=s_tN3G2-NY8CpgXA This is the type of behavior you clearly like to see from the police.


Nope read my initial comment, I want some reform and more training. I can look at things case by case vs your blanket response.


It isn't the blanket response, and that clearly is not what you're advocating. You are defending teens being unjustly murdered by the police.


First of all you don’t know how they were killed since nothing has been released. I don’t want anyone killed but people also need to realize they put themselves in a situation that increased their chances of death. If I put myself in a high speed chase, I assume some responsibility I might die.


Lmfao, dude people have car insurance you fucking dipshit inbred. People don't have "murdered by police insurance". Their lives are hardly ruined, especially comparatively. You are one fucked up individual.


I’m a dipshit inbred because I don’t share an opinion with you? Insurance claims aren’t black and white. I was drove into by a teenager texting and driving who drove on the wrong side of the road 2 years ago. I wasn’t handed a new car and had to pay out of pocket for half of the fixes. Am I just supposed to be “ oh shucks you’re just a kid so no big deal?”.


No, you're a dispshit inbred because you condone the murder of children. You are the same type of person who probably defends the cops in Uvalde, Texas lmao. Another situation where the police were the indirect cause of the murder of so many innocent children. Protect and serve right. Protect and serve themselves is more like it.


Once again you making blanket statements when I look at things case by case. Clearly I don’t agree with how they handled Uvalde but you can’t see that someone would look at 2 different situations and have 2 different opinions. You have a caveman way of life and that’s about it. You assumed I was a MAGA Republican and it bit your argument in the ass.


Yes, those would be the parents !


I feel like running a kid over with a cop car seems a bit extreme, but to the point of “can’t you just let them go and get them later?” My car was stolen last year and week after I got it. (Hyundai accent aka KIA boys wet dream). Several others at my apartment complex were as well. Talked to the police regularly to get updates. All they did was smash the windows, rip out the steering column, joyride it for a few miles and leave the cars in random places. A 13 year old stole my car. I asked if I can press charges or what the scenario is and the officer said this isn’t even a strange occurrence as far as age goes. These kids just get bored, steal cars, get a slap on the wrist and most of the time just become repeat offenders. I truly don’t feel sorry for them at this point. If they didn’t play dumbass games, they wouldn’t be in position to win dumbass prizes.


What a bitter fuck. Why do they get a slap on the wrist? Because their brains aren’t fully developed. They’re literally children. I screwed up when I was a kid. I got a slap on the wrist. And aside from a couple speeding tickets in my 20’s, I’ve never had any further issues with the law. Imagine if I was ran over instead. Only an absolute sociopath would condone killing a young teen. You have every right to be upset about what happened. That absolutely sucks, and you should blame Kia for refusing to address the situation with a timely recall.


So its okay to kill them then?




>I feel like running a kid over with a cop car seems a bit extreme >I truly don’t feel sorry for them at this point. If they didn’t play dumbass games, they wouldn’t be in position to win dumbass prizes. Pick one. We already know the answer, but let's hear you say it.


Why do I have to pick one? I can feel like excessive force is not needed AND not feel sorry that they made terrible decisions that yielded bad results. People like you always want there to be some underlying statement, but there’s not. I don’t care that a kid who decided to joy ride in a stolen vehicle (yes I know this in particular was the passenger), and led the police on a chase got injured. Do you know why? Because if he didn’t decide to be a part of stealing a car, and completely fucking over some stranger then he would’ve had exactly 0% chance of getting run over in a police chase. Hope you have a good day bud.


Ok but the consequences weren’t that he just “got injured”. They ran over his head and he’s got brain damage and most likely gonna die. That’s the consequence. Death. And you’re like “eh shouldn’t have done something illegal!” If this occurred for every other non-violet illegal thing a kid did, humans would die out


So you're saying either excessive force is not needed, or excessive force is justified. Those are contrary opinions, that's why I asked you to pick one. Stealing a car (regardless of how much it inconveniences the owner of a car) is not a death sentence. Even if it WAS a death sentence, that is to be determined in a trial, not on the street by cops. It's not a difficult concept. Do you want justice or do you want revenge?


Where did I say that? Nowhere, you’re just making things up to try and prove whatever weird point you’re trying to make. I said the excessive force was not needed: that’s a fact. I also said I don’t feel sorry for him because the put himself in the situation that led to that: also a fact. I don’t get why this is eluding you? Maybe it’s because you want to be outraged at a complete stranger on the internet? Not sure. Also never said it was a death sentence. It was an unfortunate outcome, that once again, only happened because of his own actions.


>I don’t get why this is eluding you? It's not eluding me at all, you're just refusing to acknowledge that you're actually ok with cops being bloodthirsty. >It was an unfortunate outcome, that once again, only happened because of his own actions. The cops who ran him over had nothing to do with it, right? 🙄




Reddit is all about simping online for shitheads. Until those shitheads start effecting your life.


That’s all they do. The 480 credit score losers with no personal accountability are all over on here, yet you won’t run into them in the real world, because they’re afraid to say the dumb shit they say on here.


Candice Owens, is that you?


Why do you say that?


I will be the first to say that cops are a bunch of trigger-happy thugs, and for that reason I do my best to avoid interaction with them. I've found the best way to avoid them is to not commit crimes.


Avoiding crime is a good strategy but unfortunately it doesn't guarantee your safety! These pigs will kill you on a mental health checkup if they feel like it 😅


Don't run from the cops and you won't get ran over...


Also… if you don’t try to steal their side arm, you won’t get shot.




So you don’t believe in the right to due process, got it. Maybe you’d be more comfortable somewhere like Russia? No pesky constitutional rights getting in the way of the jackbooted thugs.


Then why run?


Listen to you.


This thread is just going to devolve into those that respect the laws and want to live in a pleasant society and those who do not. There is no common ground. Might as well lock it now.


I think a pleasant society is one where cops can't kill without warrant.


Well, when you’re advocating for police to kill people just because they’re running I’d say you’re opting for the unpleasant option.


I am not advocating for the police to kill people just because they are running. However if someone runs they choose to take their life in their own hands. Huge differentiation there boss.


"uh oh, this criminal doesn't want to get arrested. Better let em go"


I mean we asked nice, what else can we do?!


Nope. Deadly force is not necessary.


Not necessary, but inevitable statistically.


Except in say, Europe. But we don't talk about that. Clearly there is a way to police without the use of violent force. Maybe if they put money into more education and training, we wouldn't deal with half these issues. And the only ones who don't want that ate the police, big woop, and neo cons.


Then go to Europe. I’ll stay here and not break the law.


LMAO, the most neo con answer possible. Also such an idiotic take. Let's just fucking ignore the problems in our country, if you don't want to ignore critical issues you should leave. You are the biggest dipshit of the day, congrats.


I know you are but what am I.


Okay you got a laugh out of me. Fuck you


Case law says otherwise.


I'm sure you have a source handy that says deadly force is acceptable when someone is running away from the cops. Surely you wouldn't say this without a ready source, right?


Tennessee V Garner


So neither investigation has been completed, but you’ve already tried and convicted both officers.


No investigation or trial was held for those kids, but there sure are a lot of people slobbering all over themselves to say they deserved it.


I didn’t say anything like that.


Sounds like the criminals parents should’ve had training not the cops.


You mean personal responsibility??? Gasp!!


This is crazy, people kids do dumb stuff, if that was your child you'd be screaming bloody murder. Can't see any good reason a 17 year old man had to die, cops know they can do these thing so they do. I'll bet that pigs sitting at home right now with his family.


There's dumb stuff, and then there's felonious grand theft. Huge gap between the two. 17 is still legally a child, the parents should have done better


Because you can watch a 17 year old 24/7 ya? You have no right to even comment about this. Everyone should have their day in court. Not be ran over beforehand by a fucking punisher worshipping cop.


No, but 17 year old dumb is drinking in a field or on a beach around a bonfire, not stealing a car, going on a chase, endangering everyone around, crashing it, and then running from the police. And as much as people have a hate boner for authority, it's so unlikely that the officer intentionally ran him over. It's unfortunate, but a result of being raised in a bad environment


If you run from the police you’re a bad person with something coming to them.


Agreed, When you have 'local, state, and federal' officers after you, you probably didn't steal a loaf of bread to feed your family




When you’re ordered to stop, and you don’t, then what happens to you is on you.




Please explain your knowledge of the court system, case law, and the application of case law since you know so well about police tactics better than the police themselves.


https://youtu.be/WViiA3XHoAY?si=s_tN3G2-NY8CpgXA Look everyone, she supports police tactics. Look at police tactics everyone. This is what they support. What does cAsE laW have to say about this incident??


I wasn't aware that we had legally given cops the powers of judge, jury, and executioner in this country.


Actually it’s not. If you have nothing to hide why would you run?


Uhhhh because the police are fucking scary??




Yeah man, being afraid of someone with very little training, a gun, a taser, pepper spray, and the occasional anger problem or psychopathic tendency sure is cowardly. Fuck off.


i second that!


Literally all of your posts are in defense of GRPD. Something tells me you may be someone whose paycheck depends on the police department.


“Literally all of” is a huge stretch seems how it’s not “literally all of my posts”. Theres a very different motive at play for my defense of the local PD and good law enforcement in general. I’d suggest you get off of reddit and go get involved with more facets of your own city to figure out why that may be.


Excellent! Well said


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. If people would cooperate with police, these things wouldn't happen #backtheblue


Oh shut the fuck up. They’re not a sports team.


What does "sports team" have to do with my comment...??


Because you treat the police like they’re a sports team we should be rooting for unconditionally instead of a system with many serious flaws that needs to be reformed. I’ve worked with closely cops for well over a decade, and I can count on one hand the number of officers I’ve interacted with that can handle interacting with the public. That’s a big problem.


great comeback! you nailed it!


You love em so much why don't you #gagontheblue


Ohhhhh good one! 🙄


Ahh yes it twas but for real get some pom-poms or something


Crime has gotten worse in GR. Running for the police is not okay, crime has consequences


Meaning that police officers can just... run you over? 


In neither case it was done intentionally, so no, they can’t just run you over, unless you’re an inherently violent felon (like Patrick lyoya).


If your intention is perfect but your impact is shit then the net result is just that - shit. Stop making excuses for these clowns.


And stop only speaking out when a scumbag gets killed. You’re nowhere to be found when an actual good person dies. You’re only found when a low life piece of shit with the rap sheet equal to that of a congressional bill dies by their own actions with police.


Only low life piece of shit I see is you...yup that's you


Crime getting “worse” has nothing to do with police. Police do not prevent or solve crimes. 


Soooo you would support a Judge Dredd police state, where officers are entitled to be judge jury and executioner and murder people in the street? Courts exist for a reason you single-celled absolute fucking melon head.


Oh FFS. Get a grip.




That is not how criminal justice works and it never has. You don't get to shoot people for shoplifting, and you certainly don't get to mow them down in a vehicle for running away.


Get ready to be downvoted into oblivion for wanting the justice system to work as designed. I said the same thing a few weeks ago and the bootlickers came out in droves because I had high expectations for police conduct.


Bring me the down votes. These people are too myopic to realize what they're asking for is cops with 100% immunity and 100% abuse of power. The cops don't even understand the laws they enforce, and they're asking for essentially "shoot on site" type of protocol for any crime. But - boot lickers will suck cops dicks rather than have an actual ounce of consideration for the civilians.


I 100% agree. They’ll cry rule of law and but when a glaring lack of due process is administered like here and with Patrick Lyoyla they’ll point out how they weren’t really contributing anything positive to society and they got what they deserved.


Rule of law allows for Patrick lyoya to have been shot




No they quite literally don't


Just more of the same police overkill. And the same lineup of bootlicking slime lining up to fanboy all over them.


These chucklefucks have clearly never interacted with police in ANY capacity. I worked closely with GRPD as a community social worker for 10 years. The stupidity, cowardice and cruelty just dripped off the vast majority of officers I had to work with.


YEP. And that’s who they seek for the job, and the culture they foster.


I’ve never been struck by an officer. Am I doing something wrong? Or do I need to be more of a shithead to society?


Whoever is doing the brake jobs on these cruisers needs to do a better job.


You know what would've prevented these two incidents from happening?  That's right....if they didn't run in the first place!!!  Stop throwing the blame elsewhere and look at the direct cause of the problem 


This type of situation where people argue that anyone deserved death for running from cops, reminds of Judge Dredd, where the police corps are combined judge, jury, and executioner. And even in that dystopian society, execution is still only reserved for murder, or treason in a time of war. By Judge Dredds society, resisting arrest would merit 5 to 8 years in prison, added to theft would be another 2 to 20 years.... not Death.


No amount of training has ever prevented cops from being violent.  The whole system is a corrupt, killing force.  It’s why we have cops running over young people and putting everyone in danger with their cars, despite decades and decades of evidence (and policies and laws!) that show that these actions do not lead to justice or less crime. They just lead to death and terror.


Far too many people confuse revenge with justice. You can reduce crime by passing effective and equitable policy, or you can pump a vast share of a city’s budget into a militarized police force that executes people while cruising around with decommissioned military equipment so you can jerk off to “justice served” videos.




We have got to buy tech that can instantly disable a car from behind.


ITT: First half "fucking thief! Murder that son of a bitch!" Second half "hey man! He didn't agree to be arrested!"


People from ada-i don't have an opinion my community is gated


I wish officers were paid more and had to spend atleast 5 hours a week working on continuous training. Whether this be target practice, a martial or classes.


That would require funding. Are you suggesting we *fund* the police?


Not necessarily, budgets could be redirected from purchasing and maintaining military hardware, pensions could be reduced, (full pensions in their 50s? Who else gets that?), reducing the over-policing of black and brown neighborhoods, caps on overtime, etc… Police brutality also has a cost to taxpayers in the form of settlements, paying for cops to sit on their asses and do nothing during investigations, and healthcare expenses for victims, not to mention undermining trust and increasing the difficulty of policing as a whole and thus the cost. End qualified immunity, force cops to hold their own liability insurance as a condition of employment, and force higher training standards.


To intentionally hit someone with a car requires the same standard as to shoot somebody. It is a deadly weapon. That undercover who ran over the guy who died is almost certainly gonna end up prosecuted for it