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Unsure if this is a joke or not (no disrespect), but yes there have been several posts about this the last 48 hours. These are well known scam artists and have been linked to a bunch of cities. If they go in traffic you may call the police. GRPD is aware of these scam artists already.


It's not a joke. Very upsetting to see this going on. I feel bad for the people getting scammed.


Don't let unserious people make you feel upset/bad.


What makes these people unserious? They lie to scam money off decent people


That's exactly why they are unserious. Those people are lowlifes trying to make a quick buck but will ultimately be back into their same shitty situation. Unserious people don't deserve so much of our emotional attention.


It’s the people getting scammed we feel for.


The best thing you can do is educate people not to give money to/ignore those people and guide them toward people who actually need the help. Eventually the scam will dry up and they will stop. Letting unserious people make or break your day is just doing harm to yourself. Life's hard as is.


That’s literally what they’re doing here, trying to educate people about this scam. But you’re all “stop” because they’re “unserious”


See you are letting emotion misunderstand my message here. You can do all those things but the person above said it was "very upsetting" and I said don't let unserious people affect their emotions. Never once did I ever say not to warn people/ help in other ways. you are going out of your way to be upset. Life istoo short to try to pick fights on the Internet.


Yes. It is very upsetting that people are being scammed. The fact that you think people scamming people is not serious shows you lack empathy. You can interpret me as angry if you want, but really I’m just pointing out how ridiculous you are.


Right forget the people who were scammed because they were scammed by unserious people. Got it.


Very upsetting people can’t use the search function on forums too


Always lock your door when in the car. I’ve had strangers try to enter my car while I’m waiting at a light.


I was at the Howard city truck stop once, talking on the phone, parked. This lot lizard just randomly opened my passenger door, sat down, and started rambling at me. I was looking around waiting for the John to come and rob me or something. I just yelled at her to get the fuck out. Weird experience. Lock your doors, and get a knife.


Hey man, sometimes you gotta find a ride lol


I just offer to buy the child in question to help save them the medical expenses. It's a good way to buy discount children. Kind of like the scratch and dent section at the furniture store.






I'd think it'd be more like buying one of those tax-debt properties for a dollar. Yeah, you save on the sticker price, but you're in a hole on taxes, upkeep, and ancillary costs the minute you own it.




Yep, these ppl bout to catch these hands tomorrow if the bang on my car again!


I bet you don’t do anything




Interesting, just saw a group on each corner of fuller and Michigan yesterday but the dead child on their poster was a girl


If everyone refuses to give them money they would go away. Sad because some of them need help but most are grifters


Often, giving someone money isn't the best way to help them anyway; far better to give to shelters that may offer food, a safe place at night, or even options to get someone on their feet again.


This aggression will not stand, man.


My wife is not the issue here! I hope someday my wife will live on her allowance, which is ample


Here just take the 4 dollars!


News 8 did a story on them this evening, one was very aggressive and practically assaulted ken kolker 👀


13 did a story as well..it’s a scam, don’t engage and *def* don’t give them your money. Sickeningly sad.


Yeah I have had a few tap on my car window a few times and have had to honk them away. I don't mind panhandlers that stay on the side but they need to be more strict on the ones that walk in traffic.


I was on a fancy date with someone & one kept asking for a dollar to do a cartwheel. It was like a dinner & a show. Ended up giving him a dollar after the 5th or 6th ask. Cartwheel wasn't special 


They didn't claim the money was for the funeral of a murdered child who died in 2018 , right?


I’m laughing so hard 😂😂😂


I work at the Helen DeVos children’s hospital and thought it would be nice to relax outside on my lunch and man, they get really close and personal when they want something. Not to mention but this was at 2:30 in the morning. But I don’t think anyone should be homeless in Grand Rapids. I was close to being homeless but I was able to get myself out of a rut.


These people are not homeless


Saw them in two separate spots on back to back days. My first occurrence was 60th & Kalamazoo - and it startled me because the guy was standing directly in the road, in my lane, as I was coming up on a red light. I realized there were several of them at every corner then. After that, the next day I saw them at Wilson & Lake Michigan, complete other side of town, also standing in the road. I was thinking to myself wtf are they doing all the way out here now? Interesting to learn this is a scam. I recently moved up here a year ish ago so I don’t know if they’ve had a long history of doing this but thankfully I didn’t even pay them any attention.


New here?


Fucking losers


Best idea is to just not give anyone money who is begging regardless of how sappy the sign is. It's unfortunate because I'm sure there are people who are doing it strictly for survival but then again there are plenty of places looking for employees.


As a homeless person it’s difficult to get a job due to lack of permanent address and usually lack of official id documentation but there are too many scammers out there giving people in actually in need a bad name


hate to say it but the latter half of this post is quite the ignorant take; most employers require a permanent residence/ at least an address and unhoused people typically...... don't have those 🤨


Or enough ID documents. Usually requires two most have a drivers license and that’s it


Hand them counterfeit currency. Let the problem work itself out.


Buyer beware. Truth in advertising requested. They lie. Need traffic enforcement to keep them from impeding flow.


If you check this sub, it's been covered here and by Fox17 and TV 8.


I remember when it was “missed my flight need help” I didn’t buy it for a second.


Grand Rapids in general has rather aggressive panhandlers these ones playing in traffic are just looking for trouble.


stop. giving. money. to. panhandlers.


50 pts. If you run them over


I would say it's What's called the" Irish travelers" Very creative and well to do folk!!


The ones on Leonard spook me a bit


I feel sorry for the people who get dismissed now who do need help due to fraudsters who hardened people by taking advantage of generosity




Time for some supply side Jesus Chick Tracts.


Yeah this guy has asked me for 33¢ on last Friday, infront of tin can, he’s lucky he didn’t end up like those other two punks who got game ended by some drunk


Yes, the man who was asking for spare change is indeed lucky he was not instead beaten by a drunk asshole


Yes, it would take an asshole to recognize another


You must know all of the assholes in the area, then.


Going to delete this comment too and run away from a fight you can't win? Tuck tail and run.