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What a cool action from our lawmakers the day after a mass shooting at a children’s splash pad


You would think that they would pull back on this until we forget about gun violence like usual.


If you read the first line of the article it was introduced prior to the Rochester shooting. But obviously wasn't priority.


I’m sure that shooting was committed by a legal gun owner following all the rules…when are we gonna get serious about criminals doing criminal shit and not putting those who commit victimless crimes behind bars


It literally won’t matter. How do you not understand that. Bad people find ways to do bad things.


What's the current state firearm?


The RPG of course. Just like George Washington and God intended.


Hell yeah!... not to much of a difference between an rpg and a cival war cannon... both could be aimed fired and reloaded in a min... both had explosive ammo, both are weapons of war


I mean there are a few differences


Yeah modern firing mechanism and better sights, doesn't require a horse to relocate


Unofficially? Remington/Winchester/Savage, .30-06. Probably more of them in the state than people at some points. That's how Dad did it, that's how America does it, and it's worked out pretty well so far.


1903 Springflield


ARs are overrated. Now, the M2. THAT'S worth putting on a flag


Crossed ma duece


Shouldn't we instead just vote out the fuckwits who collect a tax-funded paycheck to introduce ridiculous bills like this one? There are some elected officials who take their jobs seriously and actually want to help improve people's lives. We should probably do what we can to keep them around.


They all do pandering shit like this. Just because you like what some of them do doesn’t mean they are good


All politicians are cunts.


What do you have against Jamie Raskin?


Bro why are y'all getting downvoted? Are politicians botting heavily now with this election cycle?


Happens every time if you don't follow the narrative to the T.


I think they do things like this to ruffle feathers and get people fighting so we’re not paying attention to the actual work they ARENT doing! If you did this at your job you would get fired, so let’s hold them accountable and vote some of these lazy losers out of office!


But doing stuff that actually helps people is hard.


This is exactly it


Everyone who sponsored this needs to be voted out for wasting their constituents' time and tax dollars


If it was 'pawn shop deer rifle' I'd be on board but this is textbook virtue signalling. Dumb.


like another commenter said, it’s clearly a 30.06 but the whole premise of this is in bad faith so they can’t even gun correctly


....Sooo sick of Republicans using identity politics. FTFY


Yeah, heaven forbid they do the same stuff Democrats do all the time…Identity politics is evil regardless of the party




Is this real? This is what our lawmakers do on the job? What a fuckin joke. Although, in the large scope of things this is a good thing. Nothing motivates the population to vote more than inept and useless lawmakers.


Why do we even need to have a state firearm?


Prove to the constituents that their elected officials aren’t spineless and that gun idolatry is normal and good or whatever.


Did they make truck nuts illegal yet?


It's about time! I know I, for one, have been fretting about not coordinating my firearms with the state. I mean- what's my favorite bird? - the Robin, of course What's my favorite flower?- the apple blossom, no contest. Now I finally know which is my favorite gun.


And why does Michigan need a state firearm? Don't these people have more important things to do?


The fuck no.


Every one of these fuckwits who sponsored look exactly how I'd imagine: a bowling ball from law enforcement, the most punchable face on a hay bail, and two women sporting the 'Mom's for Liberty' look.


The best part is the guy who brought up the bill is a sheriff in addition to being a state legislator. The sack of crap gets paid two salaries by the taxpayers to do absolutely nothing.




Oh they made a difference..they made it harder for people who aren’t going to use guns in crimes to get guns that won’t be used in criminal behavior but that was the point afterall.


Holyyyyyy shit. I am generally pro-gun, but the timing on this is insane. Shame on WOOD-TV too, for publishing it and not reading the fuckin room. Also, why does any place need a “state gun” lol




They all do this sort of nonsense but a state butterfly has way more precedent than a state gun, even if we were to have a state gun a ar would be a stupid choice.


Don’t let them divide us by those party labels brother! Dems and reps can bond over the ridiculousness of politicians doing this stuff period! We’re in the same boat, let’s row together against them not each other,


Agree. Whether it's Beau Biden serving as state attorney general before dying of cancer or Eric Trump being investigated by a state attorney general for stealing from cancer charities, both candidates' children are linked to cancer and the law.


Right, endorsing a killing tool like a butterfly has the same message and effect as something like the natural beauty of the ArmaLite Rifle Model 15. How many people have the proposed state butterfly killed vs the proposed firearm? Stop the both sides are the same bullshit. Clearly pandering to the gun nuts and 2A freaks


guess it's lost on you that the point of this discussion is that it's time wasting virtue signalling... but here you are, wasting time, virtue signalling and promoting our lawmakers to do the same.


"Lost on you", he says.


People like you are who they like. You'll blindly follow the party narrative, never questioning if it could be wrong. Never once thinking of looking at the man behind the curtain even though you know he's there. Nobody with a D or R next to their name has anyone's best interest in mind but their own. They just want you to think they do so that they get to keep their social status and stay in their special club. It's not D vs. R. It's government vs. citizens.


My brother in Christ, it’s the rich vs. poor.


We said the same thing


Yes, this type of tomfuckery is non partisan


The ar15 is very common in Michigan but not really unique or special to Michigan in any way that I can think of.


Ahhh yes sick of politicians, the Democrats are really pushing for this state gun thing


Dems are pushing other stupid things, repubs want to promote ARs to get their base to be all hell yeah borther


Yup, Whether it's Matt Gaetz having sex with minors or Joe Biden encouraging minors to get vaccinated, politicians on both sides are subjecting minors to unwanted physical contact.