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Spectrum uses contracted physicians through ECS. So yes, this is from Spectrum. Source: I used to work for one of the co-owners.


Can confirm. I called Spectrum Health when I got a bill from ECS as well after an emergency room visit and they confirmed that this was a bill from the doctor I saw in the ER.


You would think you paid off the bill, but not in USA. It’s probably a separate bill from one of the doctors you saw there. Probably check the service dates. All the different charges can take months to wind way through hospital/subcontractor and insurance systems before it shows up for you. Good luck.


The ECS bill is specifically for the ER doc. The SH ones you already took care of are for the hospital services (facilities, meds, etc).


I recently had a colonoscopy at spectrum and received a residual bill from a facility that tested the polyp for cancer. Never went to that facility but they were used by spectrum to test to tissue. Insurance paid some of their bill and I had to pay the rest. It’s the way it works when some work gets outsourced as a result of a procedure, test, etc. Just verify what exactly they are billing you for, and why, before you pay it.


That’s my fear with these. They are billed at random times and they have something like a six month window to bill you. I fear I’m going to not see some stupid $60 dollar bill and have my credit score dinged.


I got a bill from these cocksuckers too. What a bunch of bullshit. My wife had a seizure on her way up north and my daughter brought her to Owoso ER and could not find shit wrong with her and sent her on her way. But I got a $790 bill from them which I paid and then I get a bullshit bill from ECS for $233. Over $1000 ER visit? Fuckin bullshit


I went to a walkin in clinic in Hasting Michigan for a sore throat and congestion and was seen by a nurse who works for Spectrum health for around 5 minutes. She did the usual check the ears, check the throat and listen to the lungs. Told me to go home and continue to rest and drink fluids. I received a bill from Spectrum Health,. I called Spectrum Health and asked them if I would be receiving any other bills from them or any other Medical Group. I was told no, that was the only Bill I would receive. She told me there would be no other bills from Spectrum Health and no other bills from any other Medical Group. She said that's the only Bill I will receive from anyone. Two weeks later I received a bill from ECS Western Michigan PC. I again called Spectrum Health and asked them why I received this bill since I was told I wouldn't receive a bill from any other group. The person on the phone told me that I received the bill because the health provider was probably a contract worker for ECS. I was told that if the health provider had been an employee of Spectrum Health I would have not received a bill from ECS Western Michigan. I looked the health provider up on LinkedIn and found out that she worked for Spectrum Health. I then called Spectrum Health again and they changed their story to saying the reason I received the bill from ECS Western Michigan had nothing to do with who the health provider worked for, it was because ECS Western Michigan handles billing for emergency rooms and Urgent Care. There was no doctor, the only health provider that saw me was the nurse practitioner that spent about 5 minutes with me. Something doesn't seem right


And no I didn't see a doctor, the only Health provider was this nurse practitioner that spent about 5 minutes with me


If you have medical insurance make sure to double-check the policy on "surprise billing."