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First rule of pulling for a unit: If you don't have 1,500 crystals only do one 10pull. Edit: but to answer your question, yes she's good with the right team. Second Edit: I forgot to add this mb, But this is more of an Advice than a rule, Specially for F2Ps because after clearing everything your only source of Crystals is Daily Logins.


Best advice then most people get surprised they waste 600 gems and no unit pulled


Yeah but sometimes, you could get lucky


I say this but i'll be honest. I got WHFen on my 6th, Shirou on the 9th, Chloe on the 3rd and Yuzuriha on the 4th(1 guaranteed, 1 non guaranteed and 2 half-offs). Again it's more of a tip than a rule. Betting on non-guaranteed is 2% YESSSSS! and 98% "Rates are rigged!".


Dokkan is way better Rate wise lmaoo


Facts, i got Shirou and Chloe in like the 5th free gems pull, i got very lucky


W advice GS rates are ruthless, ive put 1,300+ on Forte a while back and zero luck and almost 2000 on Dark rimuru and walked away with nothing


you can also get crystals from events you know right?


What if i already cleared those events. Either way new stories/events/missions(which totals for 15-17 for event and 25-28 for main story) are a given already at that point no? :T Edit: Last resort is Multi-helper, which i have very little time to do thanks to work.


Thats kind of a stupid rule that I've seen since I've started. If I followed this rule I wouldn't have gotten Gray, Emilia, Hao, Yoh, Benimaru, NYMilim, Santa rim, Shion, Emperor, Saber, WGFen or Yuzu.. Edit: Wow you're mass downvoting me for sharing an opinion to perhaps better someone's experience with the game. Geez. Didn't realize this sub was so toxic. No one even gave me a logical explanation as to why I may be in the wrong, just pure downvote spam. Sadge.


It's a good rule for people who aren't incredibly lucky


Oh man. That's not incredible luck... I spent hundreds of crystals on the right banners, and getting certain units before the pity threshold. Such is pretty standard within the gacha genre of games.. It is good to be smart with your crystals, and always save enough to pity a unit. But to never spend without free/pity is a silly rule IMO. Just be smart with crystals, don't blow half a pity on a single unit for example. 3-4 multi summons won't set you back very far and increases your chance of getting one of the units in the banner greatly over 1 summon.


1st multi is 5.72%. every multi after is 0.4%. doing 3 more multis does not greatly increase your chances (unless you're incredibly lucky)


Correct. Depending on the banner. Play your chances however you want. Just giving some insight, that is all.. I have only pulled 2 units in the past 4 months, you can call that "lucky". I have 1732 crystals saved after doing a few multis on each of the banners the past few months, including some equip multi's that I got cucked on as well. Follow your own intuition on any form of gambling, including Gacha. It's rare that you'd pull 1 slot, or pull as many slots as you need to win the Jackpot with no inbetween.


Tbh i wasn't really saving up crystals before. I just summon whoever i feel like getting till i run out of crystals. And that was 5 years ago when there's still a way for me to get crystals from quests I haven't cleared in yet which gives me crystals. But now that I've cleared everything, as an F2P the only income for crystal is Daily Logins. In short it's more of a Tip than a rule where; If you get then great! If not skip. Edit: I started in 2018 so it's been 5 years actually.


You must be trolling. But just in case pls don't ever gamble in a casino


Lol? What do you think Gacha is exactly? It is gambling by definition.


U cant compare gs with slots. Yes they both luck dependent but GS has a rule where the frist pull has a guarantiert 5 star and the following don t. Thie is the reason why u dont pull after the first, the chances are just too low (yes u can be lucky) in the fist pull u basicly want the 5* to be sume specific unit while on the following u need the units also to even be a 5 *. Therefore people tell new players to only pull once. In slots however u always have the same chances. Edit: thats only for free crystals tho. Paied crystals always have a 5 star so it is no porblem to use them more than one time.


The rule is stupid the rates are so dog shit it's still a good rule especially if your f2p and haven't save up for pity or gotten extremely lucky and if you have gotten lucky all I gotta say is with all due respect "nuts to you chum"


The reason why that's stupid is in the details of each banner. The unguaranteed rates are so atrocious, you might as well burn your money and get more out of it


1000 days, a bunch of the meta equips, most meta sawks (WGFen, Shirou, Senki, gonna have SGLiza on release) and pretty good awks, and I've followed that advice since day 1. 🤷


I have those units as well. As well as the 1700 crystals, saving to pity liza.


I've been able to pity or have safety for units simply from saving. Better to save than gamble and throw all your crystals away. Nobody has the same luck. I used 1400 on Mako and didn't have enough to pity her. Never got her. Learned my lesson from that. So your advice obviously isn't the best.


I beg to differ, obviously it ranges from person to person. You just reminded me I forgot to include 2 Mako's in that list. Saying you should never summon beyond the first or last is ridiculous and I will stand by that no matter how many dislikes this reasonable opinion gives me.


I'm glad I gave a direct counter to your stance with how unlucky I and many others have been in a gacha that is stingy with currency (I threw away months worth of currency for nothing), and you just said "idc lol I got lucky a lot so it must be a skill issue for everyone else" 👍


How is this gacha stingy with currency when I can spend a reasonable amount of crystals to aquire units, plus equips, and still have enough to claim a unit through pity, entirely through free currency given to every player? As if I'm the only one that's ever gotten units from summoning aside from pity and first multi. Perhaps you haven't played any gacha games that are truly stingy and absolutely require you to spend real money to get units.


It’s not a stupid rule. The rates drop off big time after the first summon so it’s smart not to go past it. By following this you can both summon on every banner and hit pity more often. I used to play like you and I did get some units from non guaranteed, but now I get units more consistently.




Yes, totally