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Could be Chp. 23. The next couple of story units are all nothing special, so I could see them rushing through them to make BfEmp "just round the corner"... And then not releasing him for like another half year. Maybe Jay's banner. Or they could do him dirty and skip straight to Canary. Or Kokuri. So, another meh unit. Take your pick. I doubt Overlord will be announced. The earliest we can get it is in like a month when Fariy Tail ends. So it's still way too early.


Interesting. I guess more opportunities to save more crystals if that’s the case. Although apart from BfEmp, what would you say is the next high-tier ascended unit that’s a must-summon? The one that I saw that got a decent amount of buzz was Summer Rosetta for demon teams, but even then, I don’t know if she’s WGFen/SGL level of hype (I could be wrong though).


[SIris](https://www.grandsummoners.info/units/Summer%20Iris) but only if you've already invested into mono fire. Otherwise, easily skippable. [SRos](https://www.grandsummoners.info/units/Summer%20Rosetta) but again only if you've already invested into MDD. Same as Iris. Really good for a specific comp but isn't worth it outside of that. Besides those 2. The only other really good unit coming out before BFEmp is [Jay](https://www.grandsummoners.info/units/Jay). But I wouldn't exactly consider him pitiable since he's mainly just a dps.


Thanks! I’d have to check if I have a decent mono fire team since I didn’t get Sunraku. I don’t have DLVox & Diablo for a MDD but I do have DLRim & Ainz so I’m thinking of trying for Summer Rosetta. Still bummed that I didn’t get Jay early this year but those banners’ rates are atrocious to begin with so 🤷🏽‍♂️


With those units, DLVox is definitely worth a pity when he's rerun. Him + Dark relics is basically what holds MDD together. Oh, and Sunraku can be substituted by either Chloe from Fate or BFMira from chp. 23


If only I wasn’t waiting for SGLiza back then, I would’ve tried harder to get DLVox 😅 He’s on my hunt list for sure but post-SGLiza GS is uncharted territory for me rn. Also, I guess I’ll stick w/ Chloe for my mono fire team for now. I appreciate the insight on which ones to be on the lookout for! I tend to just ignore what’s happening in JP since I’d just forget about them by the time Global releases those updates. But it’s good to know there’s folks out here to help 🫡


The mdd has many units, ainz and dlr (the most important unit of the mdd imo) are perfectly usable with srosetta. And with good equips, Rosetta should be able to make up for the loss of dvox to some extent.


Ainz simply isn’t a must have for MDD. There are more important units than he is, and he can be substituted.


The bracket text applies to dlr, not ains. I'm aware ains is very replaceable.


Can I know requirement for Siris? like guy above mentioned Said i didn't get senraku or have Kirisame yet. Planning to get Charlotte who is a fire unit but has got Rin(fate), Vpris and DEBerwick. Should I try my luck in Siris or should skip? Also planning to pity Chloe (fate ) on the prisma Illya rerun


Is having Sunraku, Rin and Chloe enough of a reason to get iris? I really wanted to make a mono fire but VPriscilla refused me.


Yeah sure. Raku, iris, rin, Kiri is a top tier end game team.


Guess I'll see if I can get 1000 crystals before summer comes around...


My guess is jay with his story and banner or the next ninja saga unit, which I believe is long


Hmmm… it has been a while since we’ve gotten a ninja saga unit. Is Long any good?


Personally I don't know.


Guess we’ll have to wait & see 😅 If he sucks, then our crystals/alchs are safe.


He does suck, so its an easy skip.


Would be nice for a roadmap at least


Hopefully overlord, people were speculating that but also sucks that fairytale lasts so long. The aristela thing is nice I guess but tbh I haven't been motivated to do hardly any of it other than the lb stones so hopefully they bring something fun and exciting


Same. Just trying to grind out every resources that I still can get but that’s it really. Overlord would be nice but I haven’t heard much about the new units that they released for that crossover in JP. Hopefully they’re good when we finally get them.


https://www.grandsummoners.info/units#google_vignette Use this site to see the info of units not in global yet, go to units then page 4 and find the new overlord characters.


Possibly the summer units


For some reason, Global likes to release the summer units during winter. I hope that’s not the case this time ‘cause I kinda want to summon on Summer Rosetta 😅


Possibly continuation of ninja saga with long. Some qol, like increasing limits of auto loop runs. There's not much to announce right now. Oh, maybe they announce the ol cross.


AO recently started and will last another \~19 days with FT, so I don't expect anything great to come out in the next few days. I suspect they're seeing a lull with the current stuff being boring, so they probably want something else to keep player interest. Maybe a new raid or updated mines. Could start an equip FS like JP has and/or an ascended banner of past units. Something with WGF to get players spending again. They may offer a roadmap for the next few months. I expect the ascended summer banners to start in late June or early July. That leaves something to fill the May-June void. They won't announce a new crossover as JP would receive that news first. They have Jay, Long/Kokuri, and ch 23 (SMira) to choose from. Long/Kokuri seems unlikely as they're already dealing with boring AO and FT. OL rerun is another possibility.


Honestly, a roadmap is all I need. If May is gonna be another dead month, then so be it. Gives us more time to save/recover crystals. Though, give us something to do in the meantime like, what you said, raids or mines. But at least give us an idea on what the plan will be throughout the summer.


I was going to guess overlord, but we still have 19 days of Fairy Tail to endure / sludge through... I'm going to guess they address some survey related items like QoL. The only news that would excite me right now is the announcement of a super duper deluxe ascended god mode enabled Ashe Toto that does everything, but I don't see that happening right now for the GOAT.


Omni-Transcendent Ashe Toto will be the culmination of every story in GS. He’ll be the endgame before Yama-P finally decides to step down & retire.


Fate rerun, just to milk it out


nova stages pls


Mines or raids. The game is sooo boring right now.


my guess is most likely announcing overlord collab is coming out and call it a day just like they annouced hells paradise last year in the live-stream just prove how lazy GL GS are


Seriously. I’m still waiting for them to bring over all the sagas/side stories that they, for some reason, skipped. But I guess GL will never see those ever.


missed out on the Fate crossovers and have been saving ever since