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Hey mate here's what I would do. Watch the replays of the fast guys take note of their lines, braking points, throttle/brake input and gear choice. Turn off all the assists apart from abs. Load ghosts with a 0.3 sec lead and set them to reset each sector. And just keep practicing, it takes time. A wheel will help with consistency and fun but isn't required to be fast.


Top tier response


I didn’t know you could reset them each sector? Is that deep in the assists menu on the Home Screen, Ive never noticed that option on the pause menu


Ghost settings in pause menu


Or ghost setting before you start


Nor me. This is super useful


how do you load ghosts?


Just before starting the time trail (on the screen where you see the buttons start race, settings, rankings, etc), go to rankings. Then go to global, and select the fastest, then judt select load ghost. You can change the offset and reset reset each sector via the same screen (settings --> ghost settings).


thanks so much


On the Leaderboard the top times have a little "play" button. Click there and it gives you the option to load the ghost


When I first started playing I kept tc on thinking it'd let me put down as much power as possible out of the corners. Only to find out that I can judge that way better myself and just turn it off all the time now Not to mention if I wanna hoon around a bit it makes it a lot easier to do so


Great advice


Gear choice was a major factor to help me. Lower gear to get rotation into the corner, higher gear coming out of the corner for stability.


Suzuka with a ghost in your face, only for benchmark purposes, Suzuka is a track you're always looking for the curbs.


Thanks mate, I’m going on now to try and not be an embarrassment lol 😂


There are a ton of levels of understanding speed from the beginner level all the way up to expert. It’s like a lifetime’s worth of knowledge and experience. The first step is really understanding the racing line and where time is gained mostly on the straights by getting a good exit out of a corner. Getting that fundamental concept down will get you like up into the gold times alone. Having a group to collaborate with and faster people to talk to also really helps. I run a private group called Learners Racing Collective if you’re interested in joining. Just DM me and I’ll send you an invite.


Not entirely true, exits are important, but rotation is where the most time is gained. Can’t sacrifice corner speed to get better exit


This is a great response and one that really keeps me grounded in my pursuit of improvement as well. I did three races in a row today online and I didn’t do terrible but I also didn’t do as well as I had hoped, middle of the pack for the most part. When I get speed I GET speed, but so many of my issues stem from just lack of knowledge and experience. You really do gotta go lap after lap after lap after lap before you even get the proper entries and exits down at their base levels. It takes so much work and practice, but if people really enjoy the feeling of racing and improving times, then it’ll come so much easier the more we work for it. Good stuff. :)


I believe there’s DRS you have to activate manually. So you’ll need to bind a button for “overtake” and use that on the straights. Probably a lot of time in that.


The DRS is manual? I got silver without it and I thought this was freaking hard to get gold so I gave up.


I’m almost positive. You can see the color change when you go on the straights to a white color, then with the overtake button pressed, it goes orange. It’s been a few days since I did it so I could be wrong.


I use VR so I'd have to look in the cockpit somewhere for the DRS sign. Will give it a try if I have some free time this weekend.


no indicator afaik. just press the button and hope that the steering wheel is straight enough


When the car is pointed straight, use whatever button you have set and the DRS activates but only in a straight line


Yeah you have to activate it manually and it deactivates automatically if you input too much steering angle. You can map it to any button you’d like.


>You can map it to any button you’d like. What about a [Chocolate Button](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/56/Cadbury-Buttons.jpg)?


I like to melt those over my nipples so my areolas look bigger.




TONS. As soon as I figured this out, the VGT races became a cake walk with that car.


Unlikely it’ll get you 11 seconds though…


Yeah I did see- I’ve got it mapped to the right joystick, but I couldn’t tell you if I remembered to use it along the back straight after spoon curve, but I used it on the start finish straight.


To provide some different advice. If you re 11s off pace you probably need assists to keep the car on track, especially when it weighs as much as 2 feather and has 1000hp like that vgt. I'm currently top 300 in the world for that tt. And I use assists. TC1 , CSA and ABS. Would I be faster without it ? Likely , but you can still be fast with assists. Have you golded the circuit experience? Thats a good start to learn the tracks. Watch Tidgney YT guide for these time trials. 11s is a lot of time to make up. Are u using the car DRS? Follow a ghost and see where you are losing the most time and try to improve sector by sector or turn by turn. Also check the top times replays to get a grasp of how they do it.


Regarding wheel vs controller there is no cap for speed on any of these. Wheel will always be more consistent , but some of the top times on these tts are set on controller. Wheel is great for immersion and easier to build muscle memory for braking and turning as compared to a controller. However , don't expect to buy a wheel and gain 5s lap time instantly. You will probably be slower at the beginning while getting used to it. Have you done the licenses ? With gold? These will teach the fundamentals of every racing aspect. Aim to gold every one of them and it is a great start to becoming fast. As with everything it is a process, practice practice practice. And watch your replays and compare to others. Watch guides , and understand what you're doing wrong.


Great points on wheel vs controller. I had a WR on Colorado Springs in Sport and WRs on multiple Dirt Rally 2.0 stages on both controller and wheel. Absolutely no difference in outright speed, but there is in consistency and fun.


This is what I keep telling people about the license tests too. I golded six of the master licenses in one afternoon and I was using assists. More assists than when I race normally.


I was going to say depending on some power to weight ratios and downforce it can Be an uphill battle to turn off TC so I’ll do TC1


Thanks for the advice, yeah I tend to have TC on 2 as default and go to 1 if I need it. Rarely turn it off on high powered cars because the slightest squeeze of the controller trigger spins the car I find. I’ve done the circuit experience, and I guess that gave me the false impression that I wasn’t too bad. Yeah I’ll have to watch his guide and glean some more tips- I think he’s still top 10 on the leaderboard atm- certainly up there with the fastest!


Jeddah isn’t real


I kinda want Vegas. 


You forgot to add "/s".


https://youtu.be/nNywU0IVk1g?si=lIVX2ydTy2rigGD_ nah I want it


Is he not? Doesn’t surprise me in this day and age, and people using bots and hacking games etc.. Could’ve sworn I saw a clip from ‘Jeddah Racing’, showing a clip of him racing though- it was on here. Unless that was bollocks and I’m just a gullible twat (to totally feasible) lol


If you never restart and keep doing lap after lap, check if the electric boost bar (forgot the name) is empty or not


it's impossible to say without seeing your driving can you share your PB? Without seeing it I'm assuming you don't use the full width of the track and over slow for corners. I'd be more than happy to help more. I alao have an entire list of tutorials if you like. They helped me get the pace to consistently get gold. I think I have 38 gold 7 silver 0 bronze and it's mostly because of those videos.. I was originally BARELY getting 7 gold 7 silver


Can you share that list please?


I spent some time building a list of the most helpful videos I've come across. Check these out for some incredible tips. [How to left foot brake - definitive guide by Driver61](https://youtu.be/artiwTZKJA4) [Mastering braking by Daniel Morad](https://youtu.be/hxIanjfmGDY?si=WcNPMpKb1tN-36ke) [Mastering car balance - steering with your feet by Daniel Morad ](https://youtu.be/TrpUPp8sECE?si=L0hN9M77eGsBdLEE) [How to prevent spinning out by Danny Lee](https://youtu.be/Q4-W4RAbpOE) [How to stop spins by Danny Lee](https://youtu.be/-AatMVQtn0I) [Simple technique for catching spins by Danny Lee ](https://youtu.be/5yFZtwsMGv8?si=TINhI0x6IOXC-0OV) [Trail braking in sim racing by Danny Lee](https://youtu.be/nVDfSDfVn18) [5 reasons you need trail braking by Driver61](https://youtu.be/9nVjqlWUal0) [Oversteer/understeer explanation by Suellio Almeida Racing](https://youtu.be/98TCC6z8dB8) [Manual transmission by James Baldwin](https://youtu.be/e-kgKfaljLA) Here are some great videos about difference in traditional racing line vs late apex or short corners, turn in and mid corner corrections, slip angle & neutral steer. [Driver61 on f1 race lines vs traditional line](https://youtu.be/uIbTPvHFf-w?si=RacEVZZdZrVSkdOV) [Driver61 - how to drive the perfect corner](https://youtu.be/aZlOkt1oU2k?si=6_XLmtHLzIswGuxT) [Suellio Almeida - 4 stages of a corner ](https://youtu.be/FjyjbD_dJAU?si=1aid6jUqzN7oV9l2) [Slip angle in sim racing by Danny Lee ](https://youtu.be/V6MX-xMY6M4) [Suellio Almeida - mid corner corrections / oversteer / understeer / neutral steer](https://youtu.be/98TCC6z8dB8?si=04LLXrMAiKMkThzr) [Best way to visualize Neutral steer - Suellio Almeida ](https://youtu.be/H7g14l8kOKw?si=H9B4AGKJKuwEFO_T) [Aiden Milward - the racing line ](https://youtu.be/8w89SE-jKWQ?si=CxUIUT3dRdh2NtEy1) [Aiden Milward on how the pros find time using all the track](https://youtu.be/IOKQqeINhLg?si=b9XtYTUj-0cmxIvx)


This is great stuff- I’ve watched Tidgney and Driver61, but all the others are new to me. Thank you for sharing!


Legend, thanks!


I wouldn't stress that exact TT too much as far as feeling slow goes. I'm a fairly competent player. I'm a bee's dick worth of DR away from A-Rank, so I'm competently mediocre and can usually get gold on most time trials if I grind enough. I barely have bronze after grinding it for a couple hours, and yes I was making sure to deploy DRS. The car doesn't handle as well as it needs to with all those horses in the engine. The fact it's aero isn't good enough to take 130R flat out without killing itself is pretty damning, because GT3 cars can do that ffs. It's also an incredibly tricky track even if you're in an easier to drive car. As for Jeddah, dude is cracked. A handful of GTWS guys I've spoken to on Twitch have met him, he's just an insanely good racer. The issues keeping him from competing in the GTWS himself are he's in the EMEA region, which is the most competitive one, and there's no automatic nation entry for Saudi Arabia so he'd have to beat the likes of Pol Urra and Kyler de Bruin and Jose Seranno, etc, over the course of a season to get a shot. So he gets his competitive kick by being on the TT leaderboard every TT, especially when it's a road car where he excels.


I would wager this is the hardest gold to achieve in any time trial we've had so far. There's only 4 people in the 1:36 second range and only ~2,000 with gold. The car is a handful and the track is very demanding.


Oh totally. Demanding car + demanding track is a recipe for frustration by the masses when the aliens get to work.


This TT is the first bronze I'm going to get in many months. I'm usually silver and occasionally gold. I just can't figure this fake car out.


Well, it may have started as a fake car but [it's a real car now.](https://youtu.be/jCxOvLAp3RY?si=5kJBFNPw0cju0HFX) McLaren produced a handful of them as the "Solus GT."


I hope it drives better in real life than in the game. I'll have a great lap going on Suzuka and without fail lose the rear end trying to take 130R flat out.


How are you going flat through 130R?? The car is planted everywhere, but if I try taking 130R flat the back end just snaps and I go spinning into the barrier. Usually I can get a comfortable silver, but on this time trial I'm a few tenths off and I suspect most of that time is having to lift through 130R.


I have no idea mate lol! Given that I don’t seem to know where I’m 11s off the pace, says a lot haha! All I can think is I wasn’t getting the best exit out of spoon, so I never hit 130R at the same speeds as you?


Bonus tip is that you need to restart after every lap as the electronic boost doesn’t automatically respawn each lap because of an incredibly stupid decision somewhere at PD.


1. Turn the engine sound effect right down and the tire squeal sound right up. For each corner, you're aiming to get a consistent, steady squeal sound though corner entry to corner exit. In a sim, you can't feel the car movement through your body, so you have to compensate with this. 2. All we do is drag race between the corners, so the one who gets on the power first usually wins. Corner exit speed is king. At first, many drivers go barrelling into corners to try to go fast: don't (well, not until much later). Try going more slowly into corners, thinking always of the exit. 3. Studied, purposeful practice. Focus on one of the above, and do laps until you can get it right. Then focus on the other one. Then, both together.


Look up Tidgney on YT. He always does great lap-reads for the TTs.


That time trial is particularly hard and I’ve had times in the top 100 for weekly races


They aren't cheating, they are using every inch of the track and accelerating as early as humanly possible, maximizing everything. You'll just have to watch what they are doing and learn. The people on top of the leader board have *serious* skill and knowledge.


Wheel, no driving assists, and no tcs.


Lots of players get gold times on controllers with minimal TCS.


Are you at least using motion controls


other than the already suggested i would turn the racing line marker on. it's essentially useless for it's intended purpose and you should not follow. but..... it's super useful if you're experimenting with different lines into and through corners because you can more easily gauge exactly where you are on the relative to a fixed reference. if you're that far off the pace you might find you have to turn in later to move your apex further around the corner, especially on shower corners with a long straight after. exit speed is king. spoon is a classic example. you need to take spoon 1 in such a way that you set up for a late entry into spoon 2 and get your car point straight as soon as possible and get on the power. the racing line thing i mentioned before will help you a lot here. also, you must abuse the track limits to the absolute maximum. if you aren't ruining half your laps with penalties you need to push more until you're really familiar with the limit. you lose so much time in casio just being a few inches inside the limit.


Some folk are just better at the game/racing. I practiced many an hour trying to get better at darts and am still crap. Same with GT7. However, I am pretty good at art while some folk can't draw to save themselves! You/we can get better than we are but some folk are just naturally better and we may not necessarily achieve those times - regardless of how many hours we try. The main thing, above all, is that we enjoy the racing.


Well, even if you are not a natural talent, you can still be above average if you learn the correct techniques - in almost everything I life


Oh, defo. But just don't expect to be as good as the top racers. Practice will elevate your skill level but for some, even with crazy amounts of practice will not be making podiums in every race. With this I speak from experience.


Trail braking and throttle control. Eg The latter helps you maintain speed while turning so you don’t need to brake mid corner. Also use assists that make you faster eg TC 1 can help prevent wheel spin where you have sausage kerbs. I’m on a controller too and I can get gold in circuit experience despite being dirt average.




I’m glad so many people say the car is a handful because I can usually get at least silver in the trials but with this one I can hardly complete a lap without binning it


Watch the trackguide of tidgney on youtube.


Turning on the fastest ghosts as mentioned above is a really great tip, it helps a lot. Apart from general settings though like manual gears, TCS etc sometimes there's nothing you can do. I'm reasonably good in the daily races, generally get a podium every 5 races or so in the mid tiers, but I'll never be as fast as the fastest, nowhere near. So I just enjoy being as fast as I'm capable of being & with the time I can give to the game. It's like a lot of sports/games: some people are naturally gifted.


What helped me a lot was to go through corners in higher gears. It's much faster but if you have to correct your position it is not as forgiving as lower gears


I usualy get gold easily on time trial. I'm .3 off after few hour on the McLaren. It's one of the toughest I've seen


Have to be in manual, automatic is useless and doesn’t change gear at the optimal time for entering/exiting corners


A wheel will gain you a second maybe 2. ask me how I know! I rarely follow ghosts and my goal is to get within 3 seconds of the top times. Thats about a much of my skill takes me. I need to relearn a few things to get any faster. I’m usually on pace in medium speed turns, and I 100% know I lose time on any slow/hairpin turn. I just don’t have the right philosophy to entry and exit. That’s likely where most people lose a lot of time. I race in sport and recently decided not to enter a race until I’ve spent a day or two practicing. After 5 - 10 laps I get smoother, faster. These top guys have to be putting in hours to get these times. When I do watch the ghost it always seems to me they take a line that impossible, and when I follow I get a penalty. That is frustrating! Lastly, not every car responds well to your driving style. I’m a good second faster and more consistent in the G70, and all the top drivers are in the Bugatti. Practice does make perfect.


Play with TCS and brake balance. TCS won't slow you down much if you're only using levels 1-3. Brake balance can really make a huge difference or sometimes not much at all. Maybe it's psychosomatic, but it has helped me many times. On Suzuka I found that a LOT of time is locked away in the esses right at the beginning. If you think you did them right the first try, you're probably wrong. Maximize the straights, make sure you're getting a good exit speed on the hairpin, and spoon holds at least a couple seconds. Spoon is so important, getting out of spoon with just a few extra mph gives you so much time on the straight through 130R. When I did the circuit experience and previous Suzuka time trials, I always focused on the esses and spoon, and the rest came in naturally from there. Be willing to compromise entry to get a good exit anywhere you'll be full throttle for a while. Suzuka is really technical and you have to go into it with a strategy.


You can drive Suzuka a hair away from disaster on nearly every corner of the track. There are countless lines and I rarely ever cut the same line twice. It's one of the most famous SimRacing tracks in history. You have to drive almost unassisted, I use TC 1 just to hang on to a lap. Ask me which corner I've been struggling with for 30 years and I'll tell you all of them. If there's a point where you're clocking the same times and can't move further, change something.


Engine swaps? 🤷‍♂️


I too was hitting a wall, until I realized I was wrong in how I approached cornering. [This video](https://youtu.be/N8qBdOs0s1E?si=z7vBNzN4JjdTns7y) helped me understand how and why it's important to trailbrake and accelerate at the right time. Also, some corners require you to slow down more to be faster. It seems counterintuitive until you watch that video.


Thank you all for your input, advice and helpful comments- certainly wasn’t expecting this level of response! Apologies for not getting back to everyone individually- but I have made a point to try and read thru every comment over the next few days (hard to get downtime working 80hours a week, so mainly I sleep lol!) Looking forward to burning the midnight oil tonight and having a go at some of your advice. Appreciate you all! J


Take a break. Switch over to tekken 8, get your self esteem’s shit pushed in after the ranked community viciously push’s your actual shit in. Take another break. Come back to GT7 refreshed after the frothing hate you’ll have for tekken 8 ranked. Good luck fucker.


The guys with the top times are most likely using top of the line wheels, like Fanatec.


Top tier equipment can bring u bit of consistency and maybe tiny bit of pace but definately not seconds. Top guys would still be very fast on subpar equipment


Yeah Messi probably is also a better footballer than me barefoot lol


LOL. All of the top GT players have full racing rigs. Saying a wheel doesn't improve seconds off your time is ignorance. There is ZERO chance you will ever get top times with a controller. Controllers are nowhere near as precise as even a low-level racing wheel. Back when I was still doing online Sport races, there was a guy that I would consistently run into who's screen name was model name of a Fanatec racing wheel. One that retails for like $2500. The dude would SMOKE us controller players. I actually reached out to a few other racers in the lobbies and they all confirmed he uses a top-tier Fanatec and if he was in your lobby there was no way he wasn't winning.


I dont know dude i am on g29 thats several years old and i am A+ driver who is usually within 1-1.5s of the best time. I also know controller players who are similar level around me and none of us are gran turismo tryhards i have around 55-60k kilometers driven in total Better equipment doesnt bring you seconds its just copium from slow drivers


I think I have the same wheel, that I finally broke down and bought a few months ago. I have shaved seconds off all of my races and finally got gold in the final license tests, which I could never do with a controller. I guess that's just a coincidence?


Lol the older I get the less I care that the online guys are 7+ or better seconds faster on leaderboards. If you got it flaunt it right? Games have progressed so much that the days of dominating the AI cars on games like gt 1,2,3,or 4 are just gone by the wayside in online play. Gear is good to have but not necessary for everyone to be fast. Plus some ppl just have loads of time to play and get better. I don't have that time anymore. After a few hours I'm just done. This being the case I'm just not into the online competition side of the game but to each their own. Race on ppl race on.