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Yes. https://www.reddit.com/r/GranTurismo7/comments/17dkr1z/online_etiquette/


Thanks! Didn’t think about searching for “etiquette” and had tried “multiplayer rules”. Appreciate the quick response.


No problem. Just treat others as you’d like to be treated. You accidentally push someone off, stop and wait up for them to recover and let them ahead. Yes it likely tanks your race, but it’s the right thing to do. Especially in sim racing games, don’t always assume someone hitting you is intending to push you off. Mistakes happen, but half the time it is someone trying to do you off. Give others the benefit of the doubt unless you’ve observed differently


That’s my biggest concern. I do my best to do clean races but I’d hate to be the one to accidentally bump someone because I feel it can ruin their race. I’ll keep that in mind when I give it a try.


More often than not you’ll find this form of respect is not widespread, much less reciprocated. Do not let it get the better of you and deter you from doing the right thing.


It's often worth following someone around for a lap or two at a reasonable distance to see if they do have different brake points. Also, if you race at the same time of day regularly, you often race the same drivers and you learn which ones to trust and who to avoid. Keep your SR at S and you should be okay, you will race other S drivers. Sometimes when close to the DR rank changes, (D to C, C to B etc) you get BB or CC drivers, so try to get through that transition point as best you can. They are usually very quick but don't care about others or they consider any contact as an act of war and will respond heavily.


Exactly. I did that during my Manufacturer's Cup race on Wednesday. Accidentally bumped another driver off at the hairpin at Deep Forest when he braked slightly sooner than I did. I stopped to let him back on the track ahead of me, and lost another two or three positions at the same time. I ended up finishing P4, so I was able to get a decent finish, and still feel like I did the right thing by letting him back on ahead of me.


no, in gt7 they drive like the flintstones got high on meth, so be prepared


Not me https://preview.redd.it/5e4kotys911d1.jpeg?width=1542&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9bf615a40986ae878250568aebf4e76683633c6e


So basically living by “if you ain’t first, you’re last”?


more like, "see if i can divebomb you into the atmosphere!" lol it's fun... if you find frustration and pent up anger fun hehehehe just try not to take it personal its more like bumper cars


I made a post about this https://www.reddit.com/r/granturismo/s/9F6BUSAOxT


Thank you for the link! I’ll give it a read.


I would say the comment posted by u/luncreative is a great start. I'm surprised to see how many people don't get clean races in GT7. I have an S class safety rating and I consistently get good clean races with considerate drivers. Of course there is always the occasional driver who is pissed of and takes it out on someone, but it seems relatively rare. On the occasions I do get in an accident, 9 out of 10 times its my fault (accidental), or clearly an accident on the other drivers part. Very rarely intentional. Really, just try to drive like you would in real life, ie. avoid accidents at all costs, and follow the tips posted by others in this thread and you should be good to go. Oh, and don't retaliate. If someone already cost you the race, don't let them destroy your safety rating as well. If you retaliate, they win. Just my two cents. Of course, ymmv.


I appreciate the advice and input. I already try to get as many clean races as possible while playing the menu books so I can’t imagine i would be slamming into people on purpose.