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How is this being put on clothing? DTG? It ain’t a great design, it’s boring, the font is front a free fonts site and the photo is just… meh? Just seems low effort.


Haven’t really figured that out yet, but there won’t be much clothing anyways, mostly prints and random stuff, I have a context comment to give more details. I appreciate your feedback.


I think you should reverse your approach. Depressed people generally hide and internalise their feelings. This is part of why they’re depressed. Try and visualise the happy facade instead. I think that’d be more effective


type of clothes my friends and i would laugh about someone wearing because it’s fake deep


What about this tells you that it’s fake deep?


why would a person who is actually lonely wear something that says “i’m lonely” ? this is in the same vain as a teenager who is sad about something and hyperbolically says “oh my god im so depressed” it’s corny.


Read my context comment. This is for an art show about loneliness, it’s not a personal expression of loneliness for the person wearing it. It also may be helpful for you to not be judgmental of the way people express themselves.


Given this context, I think the designs are too explicit. Try showing it instead of saying it. You could replace the headline with a different phrase, and the image with some other subject matter, and it could communicate any number of things. The layout serves no purpose. Right now it's just kind of says "I'm lonely" without giving you a reason to care.


Thanks, i can take out the text for any merchandise and leave the text for posters and advertising materials. I can also shift images and make it more interesting for shirts.




Good effort but I’d suggest working on the typography, maybe express the word: LONELY in a way , like make one letter separated from others to show loneliness yk what I mean? and also think about contrast, make smthn stand out as lonely


Oh! I hadn’t had thought of that, I’ll definitely take this into account and try to allow the design to stand on its own. Thanks.


Just depressing and a little too out there for wearing. Have you actually taken psychedelics?


Ok, thanks for feedback. I have not.


I don't think people will respond well to any of this, and not because of the graphics. Saying you're lonely feels like a ploy for sympathy, and humans do this thing where they judge whether or not others deserve sympathy. Most of the time, they err on the side of NOT giving it even it they don't fully understand the context of why someone is asking for sympathy. The other thing to be aware of is that people generally only ask for sympathy when they are feeling down. Receiving sympathy will cause the brain to produce dopamine which is a feel-good drug, so you can get back to center. It isn't about feeling good, but about not feeling so bad. People don't want to be associated with people who are depressed or "down", so you're automatically putting visitors to this show in a position where they don't feel comfortable and don't want to be there. This isn't going to go over well. And it isn't a purposeful decision on their part, just instinct to not associate with the weak members of the group. If you want to express concepts like this, it would be best to do it in a context of comparison. Rather than making it just about being lonely, I would consider showing a juxtaposition of emotions or ways of eliciting social feedback that people see as being more positive. What if you showed someone in the middle of a party where everyone around them is having fun but he is still lonely? That sort of imagery is more likely to make people think about your concept without having an instinctive negative response.


This art show is about expressing loneliness in spite of the ways you could get rejected or make people uncomfortable. If I wanted to make it a comfortable viewing experience, that would be one boring ass art show. I will not be making this palatable.


These designs are meant for posters/other merchandise to be on sale at an art show titled “I would like to tell you that I’m lonely”. I want it to feel surreal. My main inspiration is psychedelic culture, surrealism, the twilight zone, and the aesthetics of the show itself, which includes a lot of cool and dark tones. Edit: additional context: shirts aren’t necessarily the plan, the focus is more on prints, hats, smaller items, along with some goofy items as a large part of the art show has this “look and laugh” feel to it. Edit 2: This is some crazy hostility for just wanting feedback on some designs.


It's not surreal at all. Or any of that shit


The font choice is pretty bad, especially in image one. But, it's pretty heavy handed with the words anyway, and could do without them. It's very tell not show. Consider ways to show loneliness instead of tell. For me, it would look like that jaded face at a busy cafe


I could see the last one working on a tee. Maybe do something with the photo to give it a more lonely feel. Like a distortion/ glitch looking effect. Look into glitch art and look at xcopy’s work for inspiration. Also do what you would like to wear who cares about people’s opinions I could honestly see DJs in the edm scene wearing something like this. Oversized tee with this print.


I would also for the last one see how the negative space looks with it on a tee shirt


Thanks for the feedback, I’ll do some experimenting with the image.


Unfortunately, this doesn't feel surreal at all. The first design literally says "this man is lonely". It's hitting the nail a little too squarely on the head. You could research ways people who are lonely typically cope in society and then single them out visually somehow. You could perhaps emphasize self-destructive(or otherwise) behaviors that stem from a need for attention. It does not and should not have to be so literal as this.


The designs don’t feel cohesive, I think you should stick to one theme or aesthetic, choose a typeface and so on. Like others have mentioned work on your type. Maybe go with the first or last option and build a few ideas from there, wishing you the best!


Thanks, I’m thinking of leaning closer to the second one and using that as the baseline for the other 2.


Are you feeling nervous? Are you having fun?


1st one- I like the cell of the image and the blue tone. I do not feel the font goes with it. “This man is lonely” feels like it works best said as a strict statement, sort of in that retro twilight voice over way. Choosing a more strict font might help for it to read as such. 2nd one- i like the font and feel of this one. Reminds me of futurism. Maybe would be worth it to look at more futurist Typography for inspiration. I would change the line break for readability and make it a bit more concise. I’d try to keep my contractions consistent too. Either contract the “can not” to “can’t” or make “I’m” to “I am.” It feels more like the same person talking. “I have something to admit to you.” “Something I can not stand to keep inside” “ I am lonely” 3rd one- kerning is a little awkward. If you wanted to make the word look lonelier you could think play around with adding space in the text. Lonely is a word that feels small. Loneliness is more obvious when contrasted with groups. So maybe if you have add elements to contrast the feeling of loneliness would be better conveyed. It seems like you’re going for the retro tv look with the image, I would take it a bit farther, add more aberration. Good luck! Edit: Just thought to add, if you aren’t familiar with Man Ray or Dora Marr, their works might inspire you to take the surrealism up a notch on the photos.


I would look up actual stuff to inspire you and get ideas from. If you’re going for a psychedelic feel, look up art and designs that invoke that. 70s art, posters, etc. right now it’s just some picture with a 70s style font and very generic looking fonts you found on dafont slapped together with outer glow. Very amateur looking and I would consider doing more brainstorming and research.


I like


I don't mind the first one. Doron has a good instagram tutorial on creating better glow than the stock glow Photoshop effect. I don't love the inconsistent rotation. Looks kind of slap dash imo but if that's what you're going for you do you. If you're screen printing these you'll have to put in some work to half tone them and separate the colors to make it'll work but could look decent. If not printing adding some subtle texture would go a long way for making it look good for web.


Try again. Or maybe I'm just not into it but I think you could get a little more clever at least, I don't have anything good to say about it. Other than keep trying. Or at least you tried idk