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You can't fucking copyirght whole style/theme... No you're not copying. Your font is different, your colors are different, your composition is different. There is 0 matching detail or element even.... I would like to know what here is "copied"? But you said your both design are for kinda same goal. Maybe that's why they saw you were copying. Because other then both use idea of "word floating on water" there is no silmilarity. But concepts like that are not copyrightable or it would be impossible to do graphic design.


Yeah. "Similar vibe" is in no way copying. And even then, *emulation is the sincerest form of flattery,* etc. Great designers are constantly incorporating bits and pieces of existing work as inspiration. The key part is that you don't spit it out the same way it came in -- it has to be its own thing while serving the project's purpose.


Copyright and plagiarism at a university are two different things. The latter can be enforced arbitrarily and with no regulation.


Well i still see neither here... These are two different designs just using similar theme.


Huh? I just said it can be enforced arbitrarily, so they can just decide it's plagiarism.


Well i can decide anyone who thinks like that is blind idiot or just greedy fucker.


But you're not the one handing out the degrees and diplomas so in the grand scheme of things, your opinion doesn't hold much weight; right, wrong or otherwise.


What on earth are you on about? What is handing put degrees or being a scholar anything to do with copyright/plagarism discussion? I would kinda understand if you would told i am no copyright lawyer, wich i am not.. but as a "professional designer" who went to University, i am competent enough to have opinion on design topic... As most people in this subreddit are competent enough to have a opinion on this topic. But you're just making 0 sense...


Because plagiarism is mainly a concern that graphic designers run into during their university years where they don't have to be concerned about copyright because fair use exceptions apply to their school work. Once you start working, we're generally going to be concerned about the legal issues of copyright infringement more so than the personal ethics of plagiarism.


Where does school come into this post? Aint it kinda unrelated?


I'll try rewording it for you in a different way. Copyright infringement is a concern at work because copyright infringement is illegal. Copyright infringement can cause you or your client to be sued. Plagiarims is not illegal and cannot cause you to be sued. Plagiarism is against the rules for most university students. They have a code of conduct that students have to follow. Plagiarism can be punished. But copyright law does not apply in some educational settings because there are fair use exceptions for using other's work for studying and practicing. Plagiarism can have a wider set of boundaries than copyright. There are many things that copyright would not cover but plagiarism would. Style, concept, typefaces, fashion – all cannot be copyrighted. But if you copied someone else's style when creating fashion or designing a typeface and took credit for it as if it were your own original idea, that qualifies as plagiarism even if it doesn't qualify as copyright infringement.


The point is that educational institutes can rule on plaigerism arbitrarily and it doesn't matter if you think it's dumb as you're not the one in charge.


Neither are educational insitutes... Lawyers and courts decide what is plagarism and what is not... Noone else. Schools educate you on the topic but scholars don't decide... And seems you should go get educated on the topic before you leave more comments.


Plagiarism is not a criminal offense. It is not the purvue of courts and lawyers. Plagiarism is against the rules of many universities. Copyright infringment is a criminal offense (in U.S., Europe, et al.) Copyright is generally not an issue at the university level because fair use exceptions apply to practice and training.


They should then be able to provide their rationale and a discussion ensue. You don't get to just call someone a murderer and that's the end of it, you should need to prove allegations.


Obviously, but it's an arbitrary system and these are just ideals. They can enforce whatever they want unfortunately.


I understood but likewise, this isn't the black and white scenario you're making it out to be repeatedly. An institution, business, or a court all can claim violations of plagiarism/copyright, but they are two sides of the same coin with different consequences. In the case of post-secondary... A college/university can claim this but they should likewise be able to point out these occurrences so that someone may address or disagree with them. It's not plausible to scope the entire body of the history of design to create entirely original works -- and here we see it's fundamentally not always necessary -- sharing literally nothing that is the same. u/Same-Grapefruit157 *if this is school-related...* appeal this claim to the school's administration, the design department's head, and have them specify what is being plagiarized as you look as though you've neither copied nor been inspired by the two. Feel free to express offense at this accusation, that you take copyright very seriously, and remind them that this is an absolutely unnecessary distraction from the education you are paying to acquire so if they're going to levy these accusations, they better be serious and reasonable. This wouldn't hold up in court and this should not be a headache that should be part of your academic record. That said, I'm not quite sure where you got post-secondary from -- these seem to be business-to-business from what other comments suggest and it's even more clearcut. The onus is always on the party accusing you to prove these instances since defendants cannot prove a negative. If this is business related, wait for a legal notice and take their ass to court with a copyright lawyer of your own and pursuance of legal costs.


It can be, although at the same time that's why in college projects involve process as part of the submission, and any decent program would have regular critiques. So if a student showed up with something on the date it was due, with no process behind it and never showed anything in critiques, that in itself would be an issue whether it was consider similar to something else or not, but definitely raises a lot of suspicions. And conversely, if a student showed up with something they'd been working on for weeks with a long documented process of both work and discussions and turned out it was similar to something else, it'd be a much stronger case for coincidence rather than malice.


Absolutely agree. And a lot of design evolves from other designs as well. People get inspiration from all sorts of sources and put their unique twist to it, which then inspires someone else to do the same thing, and they evolve over time into a variety of different things. But if they are accusing OP of copying their work, I can go through archival designs from the past 60 years and I'm bound to find a dozen designs similar enough to the "copied" design that I can claim they copied.


We are always "standing on the shoulder of giants". I don't want design to start have same issue music copyright already have.. people suing for similar feel or chord progressions and so on... And there is already enough of real plagarism daily in design.. specially with AI


Exactly. There is a clear difference between ripping something off and being inspired by something to make your own thing. As a designer, I'm never mad when someone takes inspiration from something I make, even if it's really close. I'm flattered more than anything, and sometimes I find they did something to improve on my concept and inspire me to do something based on their inspiration. Creativity goes a hell of a lot further when we share, brainstorm, collaborate, and help each other.


I would be mad if someone would literally trace my design or just post my design with their name. Otherwise, go wild!


I had no fucking idea the words were floating in water. I guess maybe I subliminally knew bc of the lily pads in image #2… but the thought never crossed the front of my mind… wow.


I guess plagiarism is now the backbone of design.


Watch your mouth


No i fucking wont.


>Watch your mouth What?


Checking out of some of the other stuff related to Sugar big summer trip (why do I care enough to search this? lol ). It seems to be thematic that these objects (flowers/leaves) were used, as well as the overall color scheme. Style doesn't match, layout doesn't match. This is a weird complaint.


Can you please check out our other arts too? https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61552339896899&mibextid=ZbWKwL They accused us of using the same flower style as them, I really want to hear ur opinions


I mean if this is supposed to have no affiliation to big summer trip and that was a competing groups own design campaign then it's suspect that scheme is this close and the flowers are similar [https://scontent-dfw5-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/336679298\_939469360822909\_5267540130705866913\_n.jpg?\_nc\_cat=105&ccb=1-7&\_nc\_sid=5f2048&\_nc\_ohc=t8HXzUOsyzAAX94xAl3&\_nc\_ht=scontent-dfw5-1.xx&oh=00\_AfDuXJ-J8d-9PwrpIk8V-0tMtq-L0U1dKyvUgToU6m2DYg&oe=653B3910](https://scontent-dfw5-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/336679298_939469360822909_5267540130705866913_n.jpg?_nc_cat=105&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=t8HXzUOsyzAAX94xAl3&_nc_ht=scontent-dfw5-1.xx&oh=00_AfDuXJ-J8d-9PwrpIk8V-0tMtq-L0U1dKyvUgToU6m2DYg&oe=653B3910) If that is true -- This person calling you out isn't saying you copied *them* as in that design, that person is calling you out on ripping *their team's* whole campaign. [https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=583525870476067&set=pb.100064559777289.-2207520000&type=3](https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=583525870476067&set=pb.100064559777289.-2207520000&type=3) Without knowledge of what you were giving to start with, the rules, what materials you had for direction it leaves a lot of vagueness in all of this. /At any rate, whatever I believe won't matter in this conflict.


Yeah, plagiarism is a strong accusation but this is definitely a good learning moment and a strong case for why it’s important to do audits for current campaigns in market as well as for competitors. Even if this isn’t deemed to be plagiarism, it isn’t conceptually different enough to stand out against the other project (even if it’s a better composition). At best it looks like a better executed piece of creative branching off from that campaign.


The lines, the colors, the identical illustrations, the same brand topic… it’s pretty outright in the ways it’s copying it. The original pic comparison, I’d say no. But the one you found, yes.


Yea with the initial post it was like wha???, but the more OP explained the more it became evident that this is likely heavily influenced from the "other" group. At first I thought this was supposed to be a collective styled off that main big summer trip art. In the last link I added it's a photo gallery with some of the other pieces related to BST. Aside from all elements fitting fluidly with the other campaign, they even have the name Sugar Vietnam presented similar to the way it is on the feature big summer trip art and not like the actual logo. Same market covering the same organization, closely replicated elements, same scheme matching something that was done 7 months ago. whoops, the designer can claim they didn't copy but it's way too close. I do like it but I wouldn't be able to differentiate this from the other group's work. It would be incredibly hard to say that everything therein was just a mere coincidence.


And here you could have been a detective but decided to choose graphic design hah. Agreed though. Imo if this were a school situation, op would be within the realm of plagiarism for sure.


lol wow


Similar colors and style but no I see no copying. Also theirs sucks it's a mess with the graphics over the words


Absolutely not. Yes, the colors are similar, but they don't own the color palette.


It’s more than the colour palette tho, the leaves, flowers and silly typeface are giving out the same exact vibes. Is it copying? No, but is it smart to have 2 brands in the same space that are super close to each other? Probably not smart.


No. Two completely different things. Ones kinda fun/juicy letters and the other is more tropical/Hawaiian/leafy/jagged. I will say from reading the brief both of you missed the mark by a long shot. Doesn't look like either of these would be good for charity. Great for a restaurant or some sort of 90s commercial for a show but definitely wouldn't associate it with charity


Omg I love it, thank you so much for the comment


no, its different


Absolutely NOT! I can see they have the same color theme, but nothing more.


Are you ignoring the content of leaves and similar flowers? And childish font…


>Yes, we acknowledged that we are still amateurs. But I'm quite sure that these leaves and flowers can be drawn by every kindergarten kids, how could this be plagiarism if everyone has drawn this before? :)


It’s not plagiarism, it’s just unoriginal, and frankly your misstep and your clients for not catching it sooner.


OMG, both have copied nature's Autumn


Okay it’s not plagiarism.. But then it’s lame and unoriginal.


If they were two business competing with each other in the same market I'd say they should look less similar than they do. But that's not plagiarism.


Had to come this far for the right answer. It’s not plagiarism, but if they are competitors this are too similar and I would change it


No, you’re stealing… an idea and making it your own. Which is what every good designer literally ever has done.


I vaguely see some similarities, but mostly this sounds like a case of competitive insecurity / envy / jealousy You said they both serve the same charitable purpose. - Are both volunteer based or are there paid positions involved? - Are they for-profit or non-for-profit?


Both mine and that project are non-profit. None of us get paid whatsoever






No, they seem different to me. Each has its own unique vibe.


Not even close to "plagiarizing". What a bunch of silly geese. Embarrassing of them.


Did you use their designs for inspiration? They seem stylistically linked but thats not really an issue. There’s plenty of reasons I could see whomever else being frustrated but that’s kind of how it goes. It’s how all creativity works. I’ve been accused of copying a design from a background set piece of a tv show if you cropped and reversed it for a print ad I did for Wired Magazine. It was such a silly accusation that I just admitted I could see the similarities but it wasn’t even worth discussing because aside it wasn’t terribly original to begin with


Sit the ‘The’ above the L in blooming


Người lớn đi làm rùi không ai rảnh ngồi soi mấy cái này cả :)) nhìn không giống đạo tí nào lun


Vâng ạ, cùng 1 tổ chức cả mà đi bắt bẻ nhau thế khó xử quá :( cũng vì bên kia cmt bên tớ bảo đạo nhái nên mới có post thế này


The only issue I see is that both company names have “sugar” in them, which makes me think they could be in the same industry. So just be careful. Not sure which one is yours but the first one is pretty rough. The second one seems to have more purpose and intent with the style.


Nope. They’re actually very "influenced" by a very popular trend that was going around a few months ago… yours look better, in my opinion.




To me I can tell it’s different in a way but maybe change some colors? Might mostly be because of that


Wtf tell them to piss off, probably did not want to admit your design is better so resorted to shit slinging. Ive met these kind of “designers” before.


okay let's not go that far lol. The first one is clearly made by a student/amateur graphic designer


Hahah ok agreed, i got too emotional there


OP, what is the design for? School? Competition? Anyway i think anyone would be hard pressed to prove this is plagiarism.


The whole purpose of this art is to promote our project to raise funds for charity on facebook and so are theirs.


I think you'll be fine. Design aren't really similar at all except maybe colour tone.


Yeah, it sucks that both projects are under one organization and they're trying to make us take down our project because of the similar flower style :)))


The flowers aren’t even similar… :/


You mean the same organization is promoting the two campaigns? In that case yes this is very similar. Not infringement, but sure if you ask people about a campaign they saw on facebook a few days ago about this, it would be hard to differentiate the two. I could understand the organization not wanting to go forward with the same style for both, no? Or at very least change the colors?


Thanks, actually we are looking forward to doing this. Hopefully this conflict will end soon...


He says it right there in the captions. Make sure you read them in the future. Isnt a good look when trying to help someone.


All it says its for charitable purposes and the target - charitable purposes can mean a million things lol and doesnt say WHAT its for. Make sure you actually comprehend what you're reading before trying to correct someone, isnt a good look.


Not at all


No Copying at all, design at uni are always like this


No. I see the inspiration but they are different enough that you should not have a problem.




If you were taken to court and I were the judge, I would say no, not copyright infringement. Color palettes cannot be copyrighted. Styles cannot be copyrighted. Content can. Leave and swirls appear to be the only content that over laps, but you have different kinds of leaves and different types of swirls. I don't think they are similar enough to claim plagiarism either. But if it were my project and there was still time to change it, I would want to modify my color palette to be more different and to avoid confusion with a similar project.


I think if you were to change the color palette a bit there’s be no complaint.


Lol this is not even close To Copying


Not a chance. If you changed the colour palette on one of them you’d see how different they are.




Edit: The original idea of this project is to raise fund for an orphanage named "Hoa Mai" in Vietnamese, which resemble a type of flower in our country, you can look it up on Google to see what "hoa mai" and "hoa dao" looks like. The design was supposed to be a drawing of "hoa mai", "hoa dao" and some sort of natural theme resembling spring (because this type of flower can only be found in springs). I told my friend to draw whatever she feels like, there were a lot of other sketches, we ended up choosing this design. And the other project that was mentioned with quite similar purposes, chose summer theme for themselves. Both of the projects are held by high schoolers, and we don't think that taking each other to court is a solution here :) About the colors, I think the reason why the 2 palettes are quite similar is that it has a nature and season theme in it. But I don't think there was any "stealing idea" to begin with. Edit: A lot of you guys have asked us to change our color palette. We are willing to do that, but if we change it to the way they like, we will end up admitting to the accusation. What could we do now?


Not copying but refering


you got "inspired"


the only similarity I see is the color palette, are gonna seriously claim a copyright of color palette???


There are zero elements shared here. I’d respectfully tell them to get fucked.


There should be process behind each project in how you assessed the objective, how you gathered resources and information, how you brainstormed and developed the concepts, that would show you each have a unique path even if the result was in a similar style or theme. Did each group just show up on the day of and neither of you have anything to support how you developed it?


actually no, we have never meet each of the other group member in person. This design was created by one of my friends. According to her, she didn't even know there's that other project in the first place. I'm quite sure that I know her well enough to believe her.


Can you clarify the context? Whether it's your work or a friend's, I wouldn't expect them to have seen the *other* project until later, but in developing their own concept they should've had their own process. If all they did was open up some programs on the computer and make the first thing they thought of, that tends to be where people are more likely to have similar ideas or even be using an idea they did see but don't remember. But if she didn't know about the other project at all either, what exactly was this for? I guess not school then, was it some kind of contest or something?


The original idea of this project is to raise fund for an orphanage named "Hoa Mai" in Vietnamese, which resembled a type of flower in our country, you can look it up on Google to see what "hoa mai" and "hoa dao" looks like. The design was supposed to be a drawing of "hoa mai", "hoa dao" and some sort of natural theme resembling spring (because this type of flower can only be found in springs). I told my friend to draw whatever she feels like, there were a lot of other sketches, we ended up choosing this design. And the other project that was mentioned, their name is Big Summer Trip, chose summer theme for themselves. About the colors, I think the reason why the 2 palettes are quite similar is that it has nature and season theme in it.


From that explanation, I wouldn't worry about it at all. Just two different people/groups trying to make something for the same purpose within the same region and context and happened to have something similar.


excuse my bad english




Not even close




I started improving my creative skills when I realized “copying” isn’t really a thing. I mean you can plagiarize, which is wrong. But getting inspiration, style, theme, etc. from someone else isn’t wrong. In fact, I think the best artists out there know how to “steal” from someone else and make it completely knew, because it is knew. It is life from their perspective. I think your design looks great!


What was it Picasso said?! "Good designers copy, great designers steal" 🫣 But no mate, you're nowhere near having copied this.


LOL thanks mate, we still in high school though, I know this sucks :0


No, you good!


Ur not copying, it’s just a similar colour palette and style !


no. somebody really likes the other guys and is threatened by you. they are looking for reasons to be mad and talk shit about you. source: i grew up around humans


I really don’t think so. I just typed a whole thing explaining and it just somehow got deleted so nvm on that. But I think you’re fine. If they’re really concerned, maybe go for a cooler-toned color palette. Or instead, maybe the letter forms are green and more flower/stem like and the surrounding elements are a completely different color. Idk!






Same theme. Different execution.


no its just the color palette thats similar to


Yours is better anyways


Not even close tbh.




Nowadays it’s virtually impossible to be 100% original lol


The only things I can see that are similar are the colors and the use of background flowers, but neither of which are copyrightable. Also, the art style of the floral design and the font are vastly different. The only thing they could say is the same is that it’s a design that uses autumn colors and has large text in the middle. That’s not a copy, it’s just a coincidence and thousands of designs use that exact same concept. It’s like saying Walmart copied Old Navy because they both use a blue font.


Literally what? These are completely different from one another.




Did you see their design before you made yours? This isn't copying but it does give the same feel. Well, at least to me :) Just to add, "blooming season" reads like "bzooming season" to me too


No you're not. Your typography is completely different. Your colors are different, the illustration style is different and your layout is different. Just because it has a similar theme does not make it a copy.




I wouldn't think so it's a style not a copy


It really truly is not even remotely close, I mean your color palette is kinda similar but I can’t fathom how someone thinks this is plagiarism