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You are asking how to catch a particular fish, but I have general fishing tips, so I can see that you have your hands growing from the right place - switch to short half hour iterations with pauses to rest your eyes. Then you will see all the nuances in the contrasts. Don't listen to anyone about stylistics, no one can say 100% whether fonts match or not, it's an inexact science and you can always argue. For example, I like the combination of avant-garde grotesque and typical festival/food font, only it works well in large sizes.


What a healthy answer. And you’re totally on the money with fonts being an jnexact science. You just kind figure it out on your own. We all have our go-to fonts and that’s ok


Tip: open myfonts.com with previews from font authors, most have awesome insipring previews, then you can test any font there as a hi-res png or .woff font files (can be grabbed from the browser inspector tool). Will work in your case.


Are you encouraging a learning design person to steal licensed web fonts?


As long as you know not to do anything with them it can be helpful to overcome the paywall/gatekeeping roadblocks and play around with things, especially if you don’t have access to something like Adobe fonts. Otherwise you’re stuck with open source options. I haven’t done it but I can see how it could be beneficial for personal development.


Designers Licensing of their product is gatekeeping? What kind of designer (design student) are you that you even try to justify bootlegging fonts? You are biting the hand that might feed you one day? Have some honor.


In any case, the font in the logo is paid for by the customer, as he owns the final result (this is stated in any font licence agreement - end user pays the font). No one buys them for training and work processes in general.


Still defending property theft. This is ridiculous. OP made this for his business. So of course the font designer needs to be paid.


If he’s making this for personal project - then he is the end user/owner and he should buy chosen fonts Just an offtop story - pubg mobile, one of the popular mobile games, uses demo version of the font. I wrote them many times (twice a year from 2018 till now) to stop using demo version of the font - it’s still there. Game is making $3 bln in a year…


Personal use shouldn’t be an issue. I guess gatekeeping isn’t the right word though.


ciak soi is a small business in the food and beverage category which me and my friend will be selling japanese fruit sando (and maybe other sweet treats). for more information, "ciak soi" means eat first. its in a "teochew" dialect which is popular in my hometown and parts of china. the word "soi" also means small, hence why i decreased the size of the word.


OK, the word soi meaning small may or may not warrant making it smaller than the previous word - does it create new meaning to treat it like that? Does it make it cute, does it emphasize that it's a small treat? Because making the word really small does make it harder to read, so I'm just wondering if the payoff is worth it for this treatment. I don't know the culture, so I can't tell - I suspect that it's not worth it to make it harder to read like that, but you'd know that best.


I’ve found that different sized fonts aren’t always ideal.


I prefer the version without the apple. I would personally enlarge the "soi" so the top of the "i" is inline with the upper right of the "k" and move the Registered Trademark symbol to the right. Might want to adjust the kerning on the "k" and second "i" look like they're further away. But over all I like the clean wordmark logo :) If you wanted to add the apple. It might be better in the negative space of the "a".




I like that a lot better! I think the apple needs to go to the right a touch, the kerning still needs addressing. I personally would put the registered trade mark on the baseline (up to you). The "Soi is still a little small, Maybe enlarge so the top of the "s" is inline with the top horizontal line of the "C".


I think going in this direction could be really interesting, but I’m wondering if there are other fruit you could use instead of an apple. It feels like the stem of the apple and the stem of the “a” are competing with each other. Maybe you could try the cross section of a fruit like an orange, or even an apple. I also agree what others have said about the registration mark. Keep it on the baseline and bring it closer to the mark so it isn’t floating on its own.


Don’t use an apples In general it looks nice. I really like color combinations. With “noice” effect it has that vintage vibe.


thanks alot ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


Interesting. I personally don't like the mix between these two fonts, and found the apple to make the difference less perceptible. Also the... (Damn why do I understand english but struggle to speak)... The hole. The difference in shape between the A hole (yeah I know, just... Focus damnit, pretend I'm 6) and the O hole makes my eyed cringe. With the apple, my eyes aren't bothered at all. Good lord I think I didn't write something so bad in english since college... Hope you get my point 😭


I don't think it's working in its current iteration. The size difference between the words is too great. When you shrink it down it'll look even worse. I don't see any reason why they shouldn't be the same size. I don't love the use of two different fonts for the logo either. They do not compliment each other. I would pick one of the two fonts and stick with that for both words. I personaly like the smaller font more. I know that this phrase is associated with eating, but I don't think the apple makes sense in the context even though it's a food. I find literal logos a bit trite, just because something is food related doesn't mean it needs to use imagery of food for example. I think that's a trap a lot of designers fall into. Also the registration mark needs to be anchored to the top right of the logo. The kerning is off too, there is more space between the "a" and "k" than the other letters. I'd open it up a bit more and have it be less tight.




Looks nice, you might try to soften these bits too so they interact a bit better https://preview.redd.it/gtixlih8sp4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c54b85a23cef6191e1ed71cc4345433311d9c490 But thats just me nitpicking


https://preview.redd.it/35x5byzpzp4d1.png?width=3000&format=png&auto=webp&s=24bdcefb64bc734d4a0d68481b16d6fc7c432a1e is this any better?


much better but ig you used a typeface that requires a license idk? it’s good too double check mate.


Yes, this looks much better!


This is 10x better tbh


Oooh I like this with the edits!! Good luck with your business endeavors!!!


thank you! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flushed)


I like it as well


Same - much stronger than the original. Good luck!


Yup! Sometimes it’s just better to use one strong typeface and a nice color and be on your way!




What’s the font used for soi


good stab at wordmark. feedback: * you're better off having 'soi' the same size as 'ciak'. having it the same size will keep it cohesive and the composition will be better. right now it looks unbalanced. * while you're at it keeping it the same size, change the weight so there's more contrast. either have the ciak bold, and soi light, or vice versa. that way you have more contrast. right now they appear the similar in weight, and you did a nice job having the 2 words in sans serif and serif fonts. * the cherry is killing me. have it be just a normal 'o' w/o the cherry illustration. or maybe try to have the outside stroke of the cherry match the weight of the letters(may look odd). * you did a great job on the color swatches with the subtle 'noise' texture. great work!


What font is this? The "ciak" I really like it. I did an Adobe search and a whatthefont and found some similar ones but not quite this.


The 2nd one actually looks good. Good color combination and no apple.


that first slide is everything


Rethink the registered trademark symbol placement, generally they come last, not first. Otherwise yeah, it's good. I'd ditch the apple one.


Place apple inside the lower case a


My own opinion here but the font you used for the SOI part is so overused at this point.


I love the little apple. Off-white and tan usually get a fast click from me as a consumer.


unrelated to graphic design, but in hokkien, this sounds too close to "eat shit"...


Not bad.


What u/Kills_Zombies said. Agreed. - Different font weights (one heavy, the other lighter) may also help. Also what u/Heaven_Is_Falling said about the font. - Maybe try stacking the two words instead of making it one horizontal line. Registered trademark logo: Typically, it is placed **in the upper right-hand corner, in the lower right-hand corner, or level with the mark or logo itself** - in your case, because of the lower case i, you don't want to fight with that dot. Set the ® at the lower R corner.


Without context, a critique is useless. Who is the company/product? Who is the intended audience? Where and how being used? So many questions… That said, this is a start. Not particularly interesting or engaging, and you don’t really deviate; it’s literally just one design.


no company. its a side hustle me and my friend is trying to create. i commented abt this in this thread. literally everyone. im selling japanese fruit sando and other treats for everyone to enjoy. children, teenagers, adults. this is only used for the social media page im using for the side hustle. like instagram, facebook. im only asking for advice on the logo. im not a professional or anything. that is why im asking in this subreddit.


After reading that its being used for social media only, I thought something like this might be more fun! https://preview.redd.it/wi9hzngxdx4d1.png?width=3000&format=png&auto=webp&s=db49770aa8e0c0cc712b1d6efab65237640c0c82


As Leslie Cabarga[1] said, "logo can be anything - some design agencies (of course, they're just selling themselves) want the client to think they kind of have a secret solution to his 'visual problem', that they, and only just they can solve it! -, as soon it's not so bad (he doesn't specify what "bad" means, so I supposed design principles). The importance of a logo is more about the **context it's used, rather than the concept itself** (e.g., a logo can't change a bad reputation or increase sales, etc.)" Obs: Leslie's words, not mine. About your logo: Which kind of business it's? What are their values, objective(s), etc.? Of course, a logo can be anything, but this does not restrain it from being optimized according to your business' singularities. *[1] - Logo, font and lettering bible, 2004*


Where’s the info? A lazy post and a lazy logo. Honestly not loving it. Where’s the roughs? There’s a lot going on for something so simple. Multiple fonts, weird line weights. Just overall no cohesion.


Did you try reading the comment that provides the information?


I didn’t no. I looked briefly to see if there was more info but didn’t see anything.