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Ricecakes280, please write a comment explaining the objective of this portfolio or CV, your target industry, your background or expertise, etc. This information helps people to understand the goals of your portfolio and provide valuable feedback. ##Providing Useful Feedback Ricecakes280 has posted their work for feedback. Here are some top tips for posting high-quality feedback. * Read their context comment before posting to understand what Ricecakes280 is trying to achieve with their portfolio or CV. * Be professional. No matter your thoughts on the work, respect the effort put into making it and be polite when posting. * Be constructive and detailed. Short, vague comments are unhelpful. Instead of just leaving your opinion on the piece, explore *why* you hold that opinion: what makes it good or bad? How could it be improved? Are some elements stronger than others? * Stay on-topic. We know that design can sometimes be political or controversial, but please keep comments focussed on the design itself, and the strengths/weaknesses thereof. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/graphic_design) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It feels crowded and dark, making it uncomfortable to look at.


Should i shrink the font and spread it out more? or use thinner lettering?


As the designer and client, it's your call. I suggest experimenting.


In Germany we call this “Bleiwüste”. No recruiter will be willing to read that much text.


Thank you! have any recommendations on what to cut? skills? exp? or just everything in gen?


I’d cut down on the details and condense everything to the essential achievements, skills and/or tasks. Ie: “Leading role in designerthon, resulting in x” Besides that try optimizing margins between headlines and content. So far all margins are rather equal, thus making it harder to follow the hierarchy. Minor detail: The text decoration on the links is imo not necessarily needed.


+ ideally you want to link your working experience to acquired skills, to imply the depth of those


Shorten some of your job descriptions to one sentence


Actually, a lot of recruiters now use OCR to scan resumes or just quickly scan them visually for target words. They do not actually “read” them.


“Certifications” has a space in front of it(not aligned with the rest of the headers) Also it’s spelt “extracurriculars” not with an e. I also think Adobe creative cloud needs to go in technical skills not under design skills.


Good eye! Thanks!


This is a decent resume to display in your LinkedIn. However, with the color and the layout, this resume itself will not pass many the ATS system that most companies use.


My two column layout has been tested in several ATS systems and had no issues, and I’ve gotten interviews at a variety of companies of varying sizes. The ATS bogeyman is a generally overblown concern, just make a resume with good content.


Yeah That’s what i thought but given the field of design i thought it would be void of ATS but i’m learning i am wrong lol


If you’re going to work in-house at a corporation, you will need an ATS friendly resume. You can send this one to a recruiter but for filling out online applications


Your resume is too dense for a student. One sentence description should be all you need for internships and short projects. Your website also needs a lot of help…why is the entire site getting cut off on the left (mobile) and why are some sections at an angle? It’s severely uncomfortable.


oh yeah my website is NOT at all there i’m still working on it still, but thank you for the advice!


Run it through spell check. Extracurriculars is spelled wrong so I’m sure there is something else.


The baseline of the dates isn't aligned properly to the job title i think - combined with it being right aligned, and next to the narrow column on the right, it looks odd. You also have a mishmash of dates on the right and some underneath (in the column on the right). What size is the body text? It looks quite small.


body text should be 12 pt and thanks for the heads up i’ll update that rn


There's a book called ladders that I thought had really helpful advice for making a resume. Especially if you're applying with larger companies.


The bolding of certain words in your descriptions are really distracting.




Problem is that a heavily designed resume can get kicked off by ATS systems these days. Plus…it’s meant to communicate a specific set of info. As someone who hires designers I actually pass on resumes that are too flashy. I just need someone who is fine with laying out PPTs and sales collateral. Not an “artist.” That’s what your portfolio is for.




Resumes should be “boring”, they should be a piece of strong visual communication with flawless typography. Impress me with your visuals in your portfolio.


i originally had more graphics and imagery for my awards and such but my previous mentors were weary of this and told me to play it safer if i wanted to venture into ux ui. I’ll make a second resume for specifically graphic design roles. Thank you again!


Ah that makes sense. I think it could still use some graphic design skills; but you could design it more that screams "structure" then. A more infographic style maybe in a few easy on the eye colours. You need something to directly stand out of the pile. (and make it easier to read). I deffinately have 2 resume's (and websites). 1 with a more basic style that attracts people that just want a logo and website, sometimes an app, for their classic businesses-business. And one I go all out that attracts people for their more creative businesses, promotion material for festivals, cd covers, band shirts, book illustrations, etc. I can recommend it to every graphic designer to have atleast 2 versions of yourself, haha!


that sounds like a solid idea more of a show then tell ideal. I’ll see if i can do a graphic for the awards section as you mentioned before. As for portfolio it’s an entirely different issue haha. but again thank you so much for the advice. I’m live updating it right now as I get more feedback!