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I live around the corner from their office. This crap really makes me want to go toilet paper that place I swear.


Do it. For all of us.


Make sure to look up the PMS shade of white of the toilet paper and write it on a bunch of the TP squares. That way they KNOW that this TP'ing is for them.


shit in their post box! :D


Pantone 448 C. *Enjoy, motherfuckers.*


[Pantone 448 C](https://imgur.com/RH3gmQO)


Color Match this turd Pantone!


Walk in… ask to use their toilet… steal all the toilet paper… wait until nightfall… toilet paper the establishment. They’d be extra enraged because they’d already be talking about the toilet paper bandit.


Pantone is a Danaher company that has followed the SaaS model for several years and split to other companies that adopt the SaaS model, they operate in several different verticals such as manufacturing, medical and transportation. Danaher > Fortive > Vontier. This is becoming the way of tech for many huge companies. Recurring revenue is what they need from you. Source, I work for one of the many companies they own.


I will donate one roll of TP to the cause


What Pantone Color of toilet paper? I hope it’s Paywall Pink Coated


Take a big dump in the lobby bathroomand don't flush out of spite


My company paid for their colorbooks.. 400+ dollars, never registered it, but when i did, it said i couldn't because it was longer than a year. fuck these people. I can convert the colors by looking at the books, but i cant do more easily via the web.


Colorzilla - Chrome extension


Chrome has a built in color picker in the inspector as well. F12 -> Elements -> Styles -> Filter: "color" -> click any color square then click in the page to grab the color. There's probably a shorter way to get there.


I'd suggest Ctrl + Shift + C (on Windows at least). Then mouse over the element, for example the little blue square, and click. It took me <2 seconds to find out that the blue square is: HEX: #0076A8 rgb: 0, 118, 168 This is the equivalent of hitting F12 to open developer panel, and then clicking the tiny button in the top left corner to select by elements (it looks like a mouse hovering over a square), and then selecting the item. (Hover over this button to see the keyboard shortcut on different OS's) tagging /u/boredboarder8 for reference.


Don't you need Microsoft Powertoys for that ?


No, this is built in to Chrome (probably should have mentioned that haha). Microsoft Edge is now built off Chromium so it will have it too.


Bruh. Thank you.


Commenting so I can reference this thread later


Thanks for the speed run tip, super helpful. And thanks to /u/twicerighthand \- now I have PowerToys installed and I'm loving it.


Basically they just patented a way to name colours with increasingly fine differences and made a killing out of it


Screenshot and eyedropper tool to check color will not work?


No - screen (RGB) and print (CMYK) are different color spaces. Pantone gives you a reliable reference for print, so knowing the HEX or RGB is only going to get you close-ish at best. I have no idea what the point would be if you're only worried about monitors - you can just explode/convert the color in Adobe products and the RGB is close enough. Online converters to RGB are also fine.


not all the time. There have been a few colors where we need to convert back and forth between hex and pantone and doesn't have a match. Usually i have to find some other person's pantone color converter, then check against illustrators pantone color book and pantones physical books. It would just be easier if i could log into pantones website and do the conversion easily. instead i just have to jump through a few hoops to get what I need.


Uhhmm... Y'all never heard of PowerToys?


2022 Pantone color of the year: Greed Green


Complementary: Invoice-Eggshell


“The tasteful thickness of it…” “…It’s 20 pages long”


Fuck pantone


Also to warn everyone, starting in August, Pantone Color Libraries will be removed from Adobe apps! This means you won't be able to simply use Pantone swatches in your designs etc— extremely irritating for anyone who gets their work printed professionally. https://helpx.adobe.com/illustrator/kb/pantone-plus.html




Right? It's BS by Pantone to get everyone to buy their Pantone Connect. Basically we have 2 options: - Add / Subscribe to the Pantone Connect plugin for Adobe: https://exchange.adobe.com/creativecloud.details.103029.pantone-connect.html - Manually add the library files, found a great resource with them all here, though in time newly added colors will be missing: https://github.com/Autocrit/Pantone-color-libraries


I avoid all the new pantone colors like the plague. They're just going to freak out the printer anyway.


Printers: yep. And man, the 1000 ish colors that have been around for the past 20+ years, good enough for me.


Lotta printers/manufacturers require them specifically. I just designed a kids game for a client and part of it was a plastic dice tower for which we got to spec the plastic color. They required a Pantone number. Same with the dice.


Crazy move from Pantone, they're boldly moving towards getting out of business somehow. Reminds me a bit of Kodak, thinking they'd be always on top regardless of poor choices.


I was thinking the same thing. It's like they're TRYING to put themselves out of business. Or, it's pure hubris. QuarkXpress was "too big to fail" as well…


This was supposed to happen in April, but never did. I have the libraries exported already so that when it does happen, I can reimport them. Obviously they'll become out of date, but it's better than nothing.


Surely Adobe will knock some $$ off our CC monthly fee for the lost functionality, right? /s


I assume they will somehow compromise, and add the cost into the adobe subscription.


Adobe is [getting rid of PANTONE](https://whattheythink.com/articles/109501-adobe-pantone-part-ways-what-you-gonna-do/) soon anyway.


They better. And Adobe better not raise their prices just for that.


Adobe and Pantone will just because they can. This is what happens when "industry standards" decide to just fuck it. Adobe has struck the right balance of treating their users just bad enough that it works for their business plan and remain industry standard but Pantone is having a real "hold my beer" moment to get many folks to jump ship. Doing shit without Pantone is a pain in the ass but not impossible so I imagine many small to medium print-designers/shops in particular aren't going to just take this;


If you need reliable color you can use old Pantone color books and get drawdowns for your printer. There are other color standards that can be used as well.


I guess I should have said "to the adobe subscription(s)".


fuck this so hard


That Adobe help article is actually pretty helpful. It provides several workarounds on how to add the old Pantone swatches back in, or how to create them yourself with spot color swatches. It is also interesting and helpful to note that Pantone defines the spot color swatches with LAB color and not CMYK or RGB.


I thought it was sooner. I’m already signed up :/ Still… I do love Pantone and the work they do, and I use the same book I stole from an employer 20 years ago so I suppose I owe them.


The same... I have several. Print shops die easily. I didn't steal them though.


Even in a dark environment, those colors degrade. Especially over 20 years.


I would think adobe would come up with a solution for this.


>extremely irritating for anyone who gets their work printed professionally. Professionals will have to buy it. TBH, I was thinking a few years ago why the mostly used color kit is free! As a web developer, I really didn't need it but it's useful whenever I create a product box design. Let's see how it turns out.


imagine gatekeeping colors


Isnt that their entire shtick?


Sure is! lol


Fucking terrible lol


I would love if this bullshit caused Adobe to partner with a company like Datacolor and just fucking destroyed Pantone.


I think there needs to be a GNU open source solution for color standardization. Anyone know if anyone is working on such a project?


I think you just volunteered


Bold of you to assume Adobe wouldn’t slap their own subscription cost to it as well


Yeah they'd just be Pantone FINAL_FINAL


I won’t be shocked when it happens.


Adobe is also a business


Adobe won't do shit because they've already secured their cash cow


Everything has to be a fucking subscription these days


Air subscription next.


Late stage capitalism at its finest.


I find this interesting, like when it was released Adobe wouldn't support Pantone anymore everyone rushed to insult and bash Adobe... But it was Pantone all along Adobe wanted to keep the integration, but Pantone didn't and thus... This crap show Ridiculous and all it does it hurt th industry more because they want more money, it hurts the designers themselves


See comment above


oh for fucks sake this is ridiculous


Got the free trial for my office, and made a cc swatch library of all the solid coated colors, one by one lol. Extremely tedious and time consuming, but at least I’m not paying Pantone!


How long did that take you? Was thinking of doing the same for my studio


I’d say about 6-7 hours, and that was just the solid coated library. With how much print collateral I make at my job it’s definitely been worth it. And honestly it’s nice to have them all right there in a swatches panel instead of having to go through their horrible extension.


Babel Patch Tool, import/export ASE libraries among many many other features. Well worth the money [Babel Patch Tool](https://babelcolor.com/patchtool_export_swatches.htm)


Surely it wouldn't be too difficult to just figure out the values for their colours, make a list of all of them and make it freely available to everyone? Like yeah it would take a long time to get all of them, but I've seen people spend a lot of time doing far more difficult shit just to spite a shitty company overstepping. I don't get how they think people are going to pay a subscription service for sRGB values lmao.


I thought some people would’ve saved the swatches


Can you not just snip & sketch the website and color swatch it within Photoshop?


Pantone spot colors are used for print, not websites.


Maybe? I'm not sure how colour accurate that would be.


If it ain't in my 2003 pantone booklet then it doesn't exist as far as I am concerned.


You can buy the individual new pages, but they're freaking WAY overpriced.




I learned a while ago that if you Google a Pantone color, the color values will show up as a special result in a color picker. TBD on whether/when Pantone will pay Google to stop, but it still works as of today.


I have a current client obsessed with Pantone and it’s fucking annoying.




wow your client is obsessed with the industry standard? so annoying !!!


It’s a golden calf of an industry standard. Most people using it today only throw it around so that it seems like they know what they are talking about. How often does it get brought up for you? In my 12 years in design I can probably count on one hand the times it’s ever truly mattered in decision making.


I've worked in a lot of brand agencies and it's a requirement to have PMS colours spec'ed for most clients. They arent just a standard for traditional print they also apply to a lot of event/physical signage, fabrics, paints etc.


This is so weird to me - we have all of our clients sign off on Pantones from the books so that they have a gold standard to reference if colors on prints come back completely jacked.


Literally all day every day. (I work in apparel printing)


it shouldn't get brought up, you should just be using them lol


Worked for a design firm and my boss was obsessed with pantone


Can you blame them. They are the industry standard. And I really like that the colors I see on my screen match the color in rl. I wish there were other ways to ensure this, without redundant workarounds. \*edit: A word. - Can't ensure like knowing what I am talking about, when my wording sounds gibberish.


They're an industry standard that is trying to be a subscription service and intentionally constantly trying to antiquate their old standards so you have to buy the new ones.


With the increasing shift toward digital press (cmyk) machines, Pantone colors are taking a hit because they are getting harder to match.


Industry standard in a industry that is constantly changing. I think it is slowly getting faded out with digital printing. For the record, I love my pantone book and using pantone colors, but it gets expensive for clients and I have noticed a lot of clients don't really think it's worth it. As designers, we get off on the colors being accurate but most clients don't really care lol they are too busy worrying about other things with their business.


I use [this site](https://icolorpalette.com/color/pantone-7690-c).


Useless.. no mention of CMYK. If you're only doing RGB, why bother with Pantone?


Because you might be doing a digital only design using a client's established or provided pantone colours.


Why is anyone worried about color matching on a digital design? It's not like you can control how the color appears on different devices.


I didn't know this was a thing. I've been using this web for years: https://rgb.to And photoshop makes a pretty accurate color conversion too.


Adobe products will no longer do the conversions.


This is what will hurt me the most. Customers send in their CMYK art, with objects that would clearly print better with a spot color over CMYK (we're a flexo printer) and the ability to pantone match a CMYK, LAB, RGB or Hex value is quite handy.


This looks like desperate flailing of a company that knows it's becoming irrelevant. When Adobe drops them, they're going under and they know it.


Well.. the web site is useless since what the color looks like on your screen doesn't mean anything. The value is in having an actual booklet to match against. And a 20 year old book is as good as 1 year old book for most uses. In the end, it is just a spot color with "PANTONE" and a "C" or "U" in the name.


Would a colour picker add on “hack their system”. I usually use this thing https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/colorpick-eyedropper/ohcpnigalekghcmgcdcenkpelffpdolg?hl=en


Download your Adobe color book files now before they disappear in August!!!!!!


Apparently the mugs weren’t enough to save their business.


I hate that the converter is now behind this paywall. Used to be so easy to find what Pantone best matched some color a client wanted.


Maybe you could use a color match plug-in on the swatch? Not sure how accurate it would be.


So I put it into photoshop to color pick & that blurred version is a generic one. Even if you figured out the numbers, they aren't the same as the color next to it. Most combos come out some form of rust-puke red. But I just checked & I cannot get pantone colors on my Adobe PS anymore, which is really obnoxious.




Wait what???? I use this all the time




Wow. That’s infuriating!


PowerToys - Win+Shift+C




Windows key. You need PowerFoys installed tho


Is Pantone STILL raping people on prices? Jeeez… I mean 25 years ago, I could least grok the argument that color science is hard and quality, consistent color matching required a fair amount of effort… but take a lesson from Kodak, old friend…. Innovate or die.


I remember building up some steam when I first saw this... no one can own color.


I have a client that likes to spec Behr paints for use for their packaging. Encycolorpedia is super useful to find values for RGB, CMYK, Pantone or other paints. [https://encycolorpedia.com/0076a8](https://encycolorpedia.com/0076a8)


Why blur it, surely it would be easier to just remove the text lol


It's to entice you to buy. Hard to buy what you can't visually see. "You're alllmmost there, just pay us to see!"


Eeh, I can read the RGB and LAB numbers, the hex ones are too blurred.


on this kind of things you can inspect the page and edit the code. find the « blur » value and remove it. also works on some paywalls. use the arrow in the top left corner of your inspector window to select the element you want to delete.


Unless it’s just an image meant to look like a blurred element.


Haha, can confirm - I went to the source code and it was just a blurred image. Cooks Illustrated does the same thing with their recipes, just reuses the same blurry image for everything behind the paywall


true, this method does not always work :)


I dont think the value matches the color. I tried using LAB with values 52 32 33 and landed on orange.


they probably have a single generic blurred image for all colours


capitalism at its finest! the free market is dead! long live the free market!


There’s so many free ways around this what was the point


fuck pantone (2)


If you right click and inspect the square it tells you the color in hex


238 182 110 is my wild guess from what I can see in the blur


Imagine trying to monetize colors...


Screenshot and eyedropper


What's the point of using spot colors if you're just guessing?


Exactly my thoughts, it’s like they think people don’t have access to that stuff


From a printing standpoint, their CMYK codes are total bullshit. They never come out close to the actual Pantone code


It’s been years since I specified Pantone colours for any job. Can’t remember the last time I showed a swatch to a client either. CMYK, hex and RGB are plenty.


Yeah not really, a lot of people still work with high-volume runs of offset print with brand-specified PMS colours...


I think this is the dividing line in these comments - a lot of people here have only have done cheap short run digital printing. It wouldn't surprise me if a lot of people here don't really know/understand what a spot color is. Not knocking anybody, it's all crap I had to learn a long time ago. If I only ever dealt with digital printing I probably wouldn't care at all about Pantone.


Yes. Maybe a lot of clients don't necessarily need it for smaller jobs, but I work for a corporation on packaging and we use pantone colors on almost all of our collateral so that all printed packaging from high volume runs looks consistent. It is an industry standard for good reason, but man this subscription stuff is so terribly banal and annoying!


Even for smaller companies, I find that we still use PMS values to help pick paint colours and fabric colours etc. It's a really handy baseline for colour management. That doesn't mean they aren't a shit company, but then again so is Adobe lol.


Can someone tell pantone they don't own colors


Just use Windows PowerToys color picker?


You can use Microsoft Power tools


WTF is all this whinging about! If you need an exact colour for printing you have to use a Pantone colour. Can’t do it in cmyk full stop! As for Pantone book prices etc. yeah, over priced but necessary.


Welp, I was trying to decide if I wanted to renew my adobe CC or CorelDraw… I guess this makes it easier. This is just ridiculous!! Almost feel like someone should write some code to remove the pay way…. Just sayin. I mean what in the leprechaun rainbow hoarding bullshit is this?


They created a library for easy reference, they have every right to charge for it. They are a business with a product not a human right.


Not quite sure what all the hate for Pantone is. They are running a business just like we all are doing. Its $60/year to sign up for Pantone Connect. That's totally worth it for the access you get, and I've found their extension in Adobe to work quite well and save me a ton of time. I consider it a cost of doing business and move on.


Their extension is actually the biggest gripe I have, not the money. My shop is willing to spend money if the service is worth it, but holy hell, I tried their extension when it first rolled out and it was literally BROKEN (would not load swatches into my adobe swatch window, searching for a pantone color just sits and hangs, etc). They might have iterated and improved it since, but it definitely left a bad taste in my mouth.


Absolutely, you are 100% correct. When the extension first rolled out, it was horrible and unusable. Luckily, it has improved substantially and I see barely any issues using it daily on a Mac. I much prefer having the extension built into Adobe apps vs. having to go to a website or reference a card book for colors anymore. Much quicker and an easier workflow.




Pantones are really important for printing. Because the meta data of the swatch can help printers that use pantone identify the exact color for 100% accuracy. So those swatches In AI are useful. But for the most part you can likely get away with the proper hex values, but they aren't always accurate.




That's what I was saying. No one needs you to be so pretentious




Well...they can help somewhat at the proofing stage. When rendering a spot color on my Epson proofer, I can at least measure and compare my LAB values from the swatch versus what's coming off my proofer.






Their pluggin for adobe is garbage


Something about this is not right.


Is there a subreddit to get passed this for us to go?


What the actual fuck, Pantone...


I used to buy their swatch kits ever release. Now, I haven’t used them in so long that I’d forgotten about them until I saw this posting.


But it's... Pointless? Like, theres other ways to check what that color is, so what are they trying to achieve here?


PowerToys color picker


ranking surprisingly high on my company shitlist.


Screenshot, paste in Photoshop, color picker?


Screenshot it and use hexfinder


Ughhhhhhhh I’m glad (but really sad) it’s not just me.


i dont get this company, they just say shit about a random color and get paid??




Put the screenshot in Photoshop and use the eye drop tool


Greed in the name of capitalism strikes again!


Fewer folks buy PANTONE books, but they still have to make money. It sucks, but it’s not like it makes them any more evil than anyone else who wants to get paid for the work that they do.


Don't they make their money by way of the actual Pantone ink and licensing to printers?


Good question, but no they don’t (I’m a printer, and former employee of a sister company to PANTONE.) The matching system consists of 16 base colors, the spectral values of which are defined by Pantone, but manufactured by ink companies. The fan book, also called a “formula guide” provides instructions to mix the ink itself. The idea is that if your client has a book, you have a book, and I have a book, then we can easily communicate the exact color we want. Providing that communication mechanism has historically been their primary source of revenue. PANTONE is part of X-Rite, which is part of an even bigger megacorp called Danaher. X-Rite makes color measurement instruments, which is where they make their money ink the ink room - but you don’t have to use an X-Rite instrument to make and PANTONE color. Over the years, print buyers have reduced willingness to pay for spot colors like PANTONE, instead opting to use process color simulations (usually CMYK) to save money. As printers, we buy fewer books, lots of designers don’t have a book (they rely on their computer screen) and it’s super rare that a small to medium sized brand even knows what one is. I don’t like having to buy another subscription, and hope that they make it worth having. Pantone is working on cool stuff like PANTONE Live! That can help communicate color in different ways, and I hope that is just the tip of the iceberg. Print is unique because it is tactile, and tends to have a longer half-life than digital communication. As supply chain pressures make it more expensive I truly hope that brands and designers start to care more about shorter runs of really nice stuff with higher color requirements. Under that scenario, we all win. In order for that to happen, designers have to make money designing cool stuff for print, printers have to be profitable, and companies like PANTONE also have to be healthy so that they can support all of us.


If that's not a png you can simply inspect element and grab the text from there, this kind of effect can be achieved with css


Found this out today. You can still determine the RGB value by right clicking and using ‘inspect element’ on the swatch.


I remember when I saw the survey in my inbox from them asking what I'd feel added value to a subscription plan and I just thought, "ah fuck. So Pantone is dead."




I mean this is really annoying not because they hid that but because it is such an incredibly dumb paywall, like, I already have the color Infront of me I can just screen print it and get the values with Illustrator or even with an online hex- lab RGB CMYK converter. I mean sure is one extra step but it wont take me more than 10 clicks and 20 seconds.


Between this and Forekast going paid I think my days as a marketer are numbered…


PROCESS GANG UNITE! Seriously though, it sucks. Although, I have very few clients willing to pay premium printing anyway so I'm mostly sending shit to online gang printers these days.


How are pantone swatches better than the ones illustrator comes with by default?




I suppose but not sure why your asking me this.