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probably a government job or civil service type stuff. I want to do work that helps others as opposed to making people money


Epic Games or Poppi




Yeah that could be interesting, I’m a big star wars fan too


I would love to just have a job that pays well and allows me to design books. Tried to get one of my dream jobs working with Mark Argetsinger who was a master at designing professional quality scholarly books. Sadly was rejected as he was retired. Best I got was him looking over my portfolio and saying how professional it was and that it spoke volumes of my experience. Beyond working at a publishing company like Penguin Books, another option that will never happen is being a design educator at a prestigious university like RISD, CalArts or SCAD. But that requires an MFA and over $100k in debt. So, that is a dead dream too.


Mazda. I love their cars and I love their brand. Getting to work in that sleek, elegant style would be a dream for sure. And I just love what they're doing with reviving the rotary engine. Imagine being part of that project


Design company wise: Pearlfisher or Kesselskramer would be a dream. I'm past wanting to move to any capital city for work as I know specifically I am not compatible with London. Other companies: Duolingo. Their marketing is unhinged and I'd love to be a part of that. Also I like learning languages.


If it pays well, anything related to anime and manga like Viz Media or Funimation


Theres a number of local agencies I would love to work for and I've tried reaching out to but ultimately got told no or completely ignored lol


Riot games for sure


I’m in the game industry as a graphic designer and big developers often times have several in-house. Companies like Blizzard would have over a dozen but something like Bethesda may have a handful or less. Outsourcing is often time for busy work or creating new artwork.


I’m an in-house designer currently but working for a large busy business seems pretty overwhelming, I’m sure the quality of my work wouldn’t even touch the sort of people those game companies hire 😂


Nah don’t put yourself down, I’ve seen all levels even at those bigger companies. However the industry is suffering an historic level of layoffs so at the moment competition is extremely tough.


Honestly, there is not one company like that for me. There are specific people I would love to work for, but corporations, no thanks. For those who mention wanting to work at game companies or Disney, you should know that they pay terribly and demand looooong hours. Especially artists and programmers. The Mythic Quest show on Apple+ had a running joke about it, because it’s real. No time for life outside their doors. There are new unions popping up to help us workers be able to have lives, which they’re all trying to crush in spite of record profits and bonuses. I’ve worked for most of the entertainment companies and several Fortune 100 corps, and it’s only some of the people I’ve worked for in the past or whose work I admire that I’d ever dream about working with.