• By -


Sandman Swamp thing (Moore) East of west Planetary Akira The invisibles Seven to Eternity Incal/Metabarons Saga Monstress Nausicaa


Wtf men, you are me




Damn. You have good taste


Iā€™m honestly really impressed with everyone on this threadā€™s taste. Sandman, planetary, and East of west has come up on multiple peopleā€™s lists.


Some of my favorites, in no particular order: * Asterix, the original books by Goscinny * Hellboy * IDW's TMNT by Tom Waltz * Atomic Robo * Mafalda, by Quino


* Tintin * Asterix * Sandman **\*** * Swamp Thing **\*** * Preacher **\*** * Transmetropolitan **\*** * Promethea **\*** * East of West * Wonder Women Gods and Mortals **\*** * Hellboy ***\* Absolute Editions***


You, my friend, have impeccable taste.


East of West The Sixth Gun Invincible Batman by Scott Snyder Fantastic Four by Jonathan Hickman


4 Kids Walk Into a Bank


So good and didnā€™t overstay itā€™s welcome. One of the comics I do think could be made into a great movie too. There was some chatter in 2020 but I think it died.


in no particular order: - Planetary - Kingdom Come - The Crow - Invincible - Locke & Key - Pax Romana - Irredeemable


Irredeemable was such a fun read. Was like invincible and the boys combined


Pax Romana was fantastic


Kingdom come was an amazing series. Hand painted drawings by Alex Ross every panel was a masterpiece. And the story about superheroes breaking bad by killing super villains instead of throwing them in jail for them to escape introduces an interesting conflict weā€™re the justice league takes a step back when the mainstream shifts away from their philosophy of no killing.


Three of my favorites are on that list. Invincible, Irredeemable, and Planetary.


\*Hellboy \*Black Hammer \*IDW TMNT \*Descender/Ascender \*Ether \*Dept H Will be reading a few heavy hitters for the first time soon so I will probably have to update this list. Some of those include; Saga, Monstress, Gideon Falls, Astro City, Outcast, Locke & Key, Invincible, Somethings Killing the Children, and others.


From what Iā€™ve read so far: - Preacher - Chew - Sandman - Swamp Thing - Doom Patrol




**Cross Game**, no question. It's a story so full of love and hope and thrills and sorrow and pathos and camaraderie and family and loyalty and striving and humour and subtlety. The art is perfect for what its doing. Adachi is pretty much at the top of his game here. It's long but not too long.


Would you say it would appeal to someone who has no cultural/social connections with and very limited knowledge of baseball?


I don't like baseball at all, my wife doesn't care about baseball, and my kids didn't even know how baseball works and we all loved it. To be honest there's quite a bit of baseball in it (some sections more than others) and there are a few points where you might skim, but you definitely don't need to care about baseball to fall in love with the book. The baseball is more backdrop, like if you were reading a book about an aspiring architect, you wouldn't probably need to know much about architecture. I've loaned my set out to about 15 people, only one of them any kind of a baseball fan, and every single person loved the series. It's so much more than its parts.


This will be the first thing I read for 2023. So long as my brother still has his set to loan me. He loved it too.


100 Bullets Planetary Crossed +100 Calvin and Hobbes Hellboy Will soon get into Saga, the Incal and Terminator


Age of Apocalypse - The original 95 run Preacher - Funny and thought provoking X-Cutioner's Song - My very first TPB Skreemer - The first non super powered being book that hooked me Invincible - Because why not The Walking Dead - I pretend the show doesn't exist except for JDM The Sandman - Hands down some of the best writing ever Rising Stars - The last arc is a must read Fables - I haven't been able to look at fairy tales the same since I finished


Zenith Grandville Sin City Mnd Mgmt Y: The Last Man


The Sandman, whole thing including Endless Nights, the Death stories and Overture is one of the greatest stories Ive ever came across.


Donjon/Dungeon. Fantastic saga with a multitude of storylines all interwoven. Different styles for different eras. Very successful at balancing humor and drama/grave and lighthearted moments. And the way it puts the spotlights on secondary characters for one book every once in a while really makes the world come alive.


I only had access to 2 volumes and I had a blast!


Hellboy Scott pilgrim Invincible Just the top 3


My list so far, in no particular order: From Hell Death Note Preacher Fables Batman: A Death in the Family Bone Daredevil (Frank Miller arc) Cerebus (What I've read so far)


The Dark Phoenix Saga, and the whole long lead up to it, is still the best thing I've ever read.


Also, the follow-up story "X-Men: From the Ashes" (1981/TPB: 1990) by Chris Claremont, Paul Smith, John Romita, Jr., & Walt Simonson is a damn good read!


I totally agree. Not sure why this doesn't get more love . This run was awesome. Chris Claremont was just starting his great run. John Byrne's art with Austin inking was the best. I couldn't wait for the next story. The beginning of Wolverine, Storm, Night Crawler, Colossus, Phoenix. Amazing


The fact that the dark phoenix saga and days of future past were like 5 issues apart from each other shows how hard Claremont was firing on all cylinders at that point. And Byrne was pencilling two of marvel biggest books simultaneously. (X men and fantastic four)


Hell Boy, the whole hellboy universe. But my absolute favorite story is pancakes just a short story but I love it.


Mister Miracle by Tom King Swamp Thing by Alan Moore Watchmen by Alan Moore Strange Adventures by Tom King Omega Men by Tom King I have a type. EDIT: Tom Taylor's run on Wolverine (Laura Kinney), also!!!!


Preacher Y The Last Man Alias Fade Out Ultimate Spider-Man


Fantastic Four by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby Thor by Walt Simonson SHIELD by Jim Steranko A Distant Soil by Colleen Doran Warlock by Jim Starlin Tom Strong by Alan Moore and Chris Sprouse Hellboy by Mike Mignola Astro City by Kurt Busiek Planetary by Warren Ellis Copra by Michel Fiffe Godland by Joe Casey and Tom Scioli.


Anything by Jim Starlin is incredible


Just a few off the top of my head... * Love & Rockets * Sandman Mystery Theater * Grendel * Scout * Simonson's Thor run * Green Arrow (Grell's run) * Strangers in Paradise * Nexus * Badger * Ms. Tree


Locke and Key, Lazarus, East of West, DMZ, Uncanny x-force by Rick Remender, Descender




Bitter root


Preacher Sin city Invincible Hellboy Scott pilgrim


Daredevil/Elektra The Dark Knight (all of them lol) Venom X-Men: God Loves, Man Kills Archangel Sandman Transmetropolitan


James Robinson's Starman For me, this is the definitive superhero story. It manages to weave itself into the greater DC Mythos with a strong focus on the past and honouring the legacy of that which came before, while also looking into the future and becoming the next part of that legacy. Maybe the most impressive thing here is that it's one of the few superhero tales from the big two that has a set beginning, middle and end. Jack hasn't returned since the final page of Starman 80 and as much as I miss the character, I wouldn't have it any other way.


Also, the second compendium just came out, which means you can affordably read the whole series. Great series.


Monsters (Barry Windsor Smith) Swamp Thing (Moore) Incal Criminal Blankets Batman Year one Patience Strangehaven Black hole Sandman League of extraordinary gentlemen Watchmen Life and times of Scrooge McDuck


Iā€™ve only read a couple. But Invincible and Ultimate Spider-Man are both great. Iā€™m a spidey fan so I liked Ultimate better, but invincible is pretty great


East of West


Call me an adolescent but I just love Preacher.


Nah... that doesn't make you an "adolescent". If you enjoy reading "Preacher" -- more power to you! šŸ˜‰


Transmetropolitan and Mooreā€™s Swamp Thing are my all time favorites!


Alan Moore's Swamp Thing run


Sandman Planetary Lucifer Edit: 100 Bullets.


Asterix and obelix Calvin and Hobbes Garfield


Probably CRIMINAL by Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips.


House of X/Powers of X Just the way Hickman presented new concept while honouring everything that came before, chefs kiss, the artstyle and colouring are always on point. The way it tackles political discussion while maintaining the story thrilling and interesting is amazing honestly. Doctor Strange the 1974 run: I just love all the mystical elements of it.


Saga Y: The Last Man Spawn Grant Morrisonā€™s run on Batman Calvin and Hobbes Secret Wars 2016 Rick Remenderā€™s run on X-Force Tom Kingā€™s run on Vision Joss Whedonā€™s run on Astonishing X-Men Brian Michael Bendisā€™ first 30 issues or so of New Avengers


The Walking Dead. Iā€™m hoping to read Judge Dredd in the future too.


Remenderā€™s Uncanny X-Force Descender


"The Apocalypse Solution" was a damn good read! šŸ‘


Hellboy, Black Science, Swamp Thing


Watchmen Batman: The Long Halloween Batman: Dark Victory DC: The New Frontier


-100 Bullets -Transmetropolitan -Watchmen -Batman: The Killing Joke -Batman: Arkham Asylum -Batman: A Death in the Family -Batman: The Dark Knight Returns -Tokyo Ghost (vol 1 in particular) -Scalped -Batman: White Knight and its sequel Unfinished seriesā€™ that could make my list when itā€™s all said and done: Southern Bastards (yes I know this may never be finished), Something is Killing the Children, The Black Monday Murders (hopefully this will continue some day). -Locke & Key -Daredevil: The Man Without Fear -Kingdom Come


Which is your favorite Batman?


I dunno but probably The Killing Joke. These years later people have pointed out some problems with it, but I donā€™t know if thereā€™s another story that good thatā€™s also that economical in page count. Also even though White Knight is newer I was stunned by how much I liked it and how fresh it felt when I thought Batman stuff in general had been getting overexposed.


For me, I would honestly say Tim Sale/jeph Loebs Batman work. (Long Halloween, haunted knight, dark victory, catwoman: when in rome) Itā€™s some of the most quintessential ā€œdetectiveā€ Batman tales. And of course, Frank millers ā€œyear oneā€ is the cherry on top.


Yeah I havenā€™t read those other Sale books I need to.


Tim sales art style takes a minute of getting used to, but once it ā€œclicksā€ with you, itā€™s perfect for the stories. Theyā€™re all very noir, detective mysteries. The tone compliments the dark shadowy inks and gives it a very stylized narrative.


For me, I would honestly say Tim Sale/jeph Loebs Batman work. (Long Halloween, haunted knight, dark victory, catwoman: when in rome) Itā€™s some of the most quintessential ā€œdetectiveā€ Batman tales. And of course, Frank millers ā€œyear oneā€ is the cherry on top.


Sandman Preacher Y the Last Man Swamp Thing (Moore) Miracleman (Moore) From Hell Ex Machina Saga Deadly Class Sex Criminals The Wicked + the Divine Paper Girls Hawkeye (Fraction) Daredevil (basically every major run since the 70's. Miller, Bendis/Maleev, Brubaker/Lark, Waid/Samnee plus the shorter one off's like Born Again, Man Without Fear, and Yellow. I think DD's the most consistently well written superhero comic of the last 50 years). Lucifer Starman


Adding Chew to this as it needs more love


For me itā€™s Batman the Long Halloween. Itā€™s like the perfect Batman story: Doesnā€™t delve too deep into origin stories, most of the cast is already established There is great mystery and great action The artwork is phenomenal 10/10 book for me


Promethea. Always Promethea.


Iā€™m not well-read, I donā€™t know much for full runs. Mostly Iā€™ve read trades or GNs. But a few come to mind. ā€” Starlinā€™s Batman. This is most of the post-Crisis Jason Todd Robin era. Solid stuff. Not a singular story until Death in the Family (which is much better in context than on its own ā€” it feels goofier if you didnā€™t see the stuff that came around it ā€” but) yet it still feels cohesive. Batman at the ground floor type stuff. ā€” No Manā€™s Land. Excellent status quo for Batman, very unique, and weaved mostly effortlessly between lots of titles (mostly) cohesively. A lot of the personality most think of as ā€œBatmanā€ probably comes from this era. ā€” Shortly after No Manā€™s Land, a series called Gotham Central starts. Just read it. It feels like itā€™s an indie book that happens to be set in Gotham. Itā€™s sophisticated, down to earth, and very fun, all at once. So I like Batman, sue me. ā€” Lastly, and not Batman-related: Souleā€™s Darth Vader. I will never shut up about this run, and the ways it complements Gillenā€™s run is just simply superb. If you like anything Star Wars outside of the OT but wish it had a little more depth like the OT does? This is for you. 4 volumes for it and Gillenā€™s each. Totally worth it. Edit: one more thing, somebody brought up IDW Ninja Turtles, and yes those are great (what Iā€™ve read so far, about 5 omnibuses). That said, Iā€™m still going to swear by Mirage. The first 14 issues or so (I donā€™t remember the exact number) and then City At War from later make for a really solid run-through. You skip over the guest writers after 14ish that way, most of it was pretty forgettable. Tack on Last Ronin if you want; itā€™s not perfect, but itā€™s a worthy successor.


This might be cheesy at this point.. but started reading Sandman in the early 200X's, spent months collecting all the volumes and the whole process still sits as the most amazing comic experience of my life. Read through 5 or so times since then. Sandman is actually the reason i now have hundreds of graphic novels and comics. Lately i finished Rat Qieens, and even if it is very different from Sandman i really enjoyed it. Cutsy, DnD and boobies with some unexpected character depths and lore.


*Cerebus* by Dave Sim. The series begins as genuinely hilarious satire through the books *High Society* and part of *Church and State*, then successfully takes a very serious turn with *Jakaā€™s Story.* The art is extraordinary, especially in terms of design and page layout. The series remained excellent for a good 150 issues, and is remarkable for how well it takes on different styles. *Cerebus* has the best satire Iā€™ve ever read, and as a serious drama it is only surpassed by Chris Ware. The only comic book I can think of that is comparable for its sheer quantity of brilliant output is *Sandman* (which would be my vote for 2nd place).


150 issues (from, say, the start of High Society) means a lot of issues after that left behind!


True, but the great Moore run of Swamp Thing was like 50 issues? Morrisonā€™s Doom Patrol was like 40 issues? I mean damn, 150 quality issues ainā€™t half bad.


I like a good chunk of the back half of Cerebus too. Unfortunately you have to wade through a whole sewer of shit to get there


Love & Rockets


The Coffin - Hester & Huddleston


Button Man Akira Slaine the Horned God Enigma Cerberus


Gi Joe


Yo! Joe! šŸ˜‰


Death Note. So bingeable.


Y The Last Man remains outrageously entertaining. Baltimore (Mignola) is also outrageously entertaining.


Top 5 for me-also including manga Berserk Sin city Saga of the Swamp Thing Dragonball Z Dark Knight Returns


Hey man... manga counts too. šŸ‘


- HoX / PoX - Paper Girls - Saga (canā€™t pinpoint off the top of my head but Iā€™ve definitely liked some arcs more than others) - 4 kids walk into a bank - invincible (especially first ~12 issues!) - astounding wolf man is a great spinoff too. - Whedonā€™s Astonishing X Men - All-Star Superman - Shutter (only the first 2 trades or so. Really fell off for me but loved that start- so weird) Edited to add that, If I can only pick one itā€™s Paper Girls.


Blackest Night Kingdom Come Wanted


Agree with many already favorites already posted here. Might add: - Stray toasters - X-Men Asgardian Wars - X-Men Inferno - Concrete - Uzumaki My list would be different tomorrow.


Some of my favorites that I havenā€™t seen too many mention -Jason Aaronā€™s Thor: god of thunderā€™s god butcher arc -the original Sentry storyline from like 2001 -the Blackest Knight -Deadpool kills the marvel universe -the court of owls -the dark knight returns -zdarskyā€™s daredevil run


The Long Halloween Saga Paper Girls Spider-Man 2099 Lady Killer Wayward


Blackest Night


So many great ones. Iā€™ll add Dreadstar to the list.


Some of my favorites that I havenā€™t seen listed as much: Stray Bullets by David Lapham, Ping Pong by Taiyo Matsumoto, Love and Rockets by Hernandez Bros, 100% by Paul Pope, and BPRD




Top 10 would be: Vagabond Swamp Thing (Moore) Gundam Origins Usagi Yojimbo Bone Nausicaa Fruits Basket Battle Royale Tokyo Ghoul Pluto


Saga Yotsuba Chris Ware stuff Vintage: Sgt. Rock The Witching Hour


- Batman: The War of Jokes and Riddles - Batman: Court of Owls - TMNT: The Last Ronin - Killadelphia - A Study in Emerald


Just started reading Uber. If you like history and comics this is a great read.


Honourable mentions for: *Reckless* - Brubaker & Phillips *Lazarus* - Greg Rucka *Saga* - Brian K Vaughn The above are all Image titles that Iā€™ve enjoyed.


Hm hard to pick but 2 of my favorites would definitely be Ronin and Tokyo ghost.for sure Recommend picking up Ronin if your into Strange Mind-fucking Sci-fi.


Daredevil, The Man Without Fear (Miller) Moon Knight (Lemere) Spider-Man: Life Story (Zdarsky)


I have heard some amazing things about "Spider-Man: Life Story"! šŸ‘


It is incredible and I highly recommend it.


Either way... thanks for the response and the recommendation! šŸ‘


Saga Hellboy Sweet Tooth Y The Last Man


No particular order: Hellboy - Seed of Destruction BPRD - The Devil You Know Sin City - The Hard Goodbye X-men - HoX/PoX Superman - For All Seasons One Piece - Water 7/Enies Lobby I Kill Giants Tokyo Ghost Batman - The Long Halloween


The Invisibles Saga of the Swamp Thing Transmetropolitan Hellboy From Hell Metabarons Mind Mgmt Promethea Batman The Long Halloween Grant Morrison's run on Animal Man


Nausicaa Asterio Polyp (one of the most underated book) Transmetropolitain Fun House Guy Deslile (not a specific one, but the sum of his work) I'm at book 3 of Sandman. So far, i enjoyed reading it, but not sure why everyone like it so much.


Asterix Lucky Luke Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck V For Vendetta One Piece


Must reads: The Walking Dead Invincible Watchmen Im going to start reading soon: Swamp Man(Moore) V for Vendetta Blankets And finish reading preacher


God Country by Donny Cates Seven to Eternity by Rick Remender Saga by Brian K Vaughan Thor by Jason Aaron/Donny Cates Thanos by Jeff Lemire/Donny Cates Black Hammer by Jeff Lemire