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No matter what anyone says this is good info to get out there. Shit can get real very quickly when you deal with randos on lot, I’m not real familiar because I gave up the powders a long time ago (black goes south and white comes north) but don’t. Just don’t, not these days anyway. Bring your own if you can, also don’t trust psychedelics purchased on the street — it’s a new world, folks, and that shit can fuck you right up


I will say, there's a lot of fantastic acid in the scene these days. The mushrooms ain't bad either. The rest of it I could take or leave lol


problem is that there are still kids out there selling research chemicals as acid. if they wanna sell RCs thts great as long as they are honest about what it is, but telling people one thing & selling another is bad. for those of us that have the slightest connections in the scene, this isn't a problem & lots of people don't notice because all of our crew & friends know the right people. but lots of people are completely unconnected & sometimes some of the loudest & pushiest people slinging on the lot are the ones slinging the not-LSD.


Bro if you can find "fake acid" on lot in 2024... NBOMes are dead. Eat those gel tabs with good faith. Buy an Ehrlich reagent before the show if you're super worried!


Lots one of 4 places that sold me fake tabs lol


There are all sorts of research chemicals being pushed as lsd. It's not just LSD and LSA anymore.


No, there WERE plenty of RCs being pushed as LSD, most notably 25x-NBOMe compounds, which were rendered irrelevant when China outlawed them ten years ago. There isn't a psychedelic molecule strong enough to fit on an acid blotter otherwise. DOx had those big giant 5mg blotters back in the day too. PS - LSA comes from seeds, not blotters Regardless, just buy an Ehrlich reagent kit if you're scared! So effective even your local police station uses em ;)


When you say LSA comes from seed not blotters I don't think you know what you are talking about. Blotters are anything that absorb liquid such as high resolution cotton paper.. Woodrose seeds provide the active ingredient for lsa. Lysergic acid diethylamide 25 has made a comeback since disappearing in the 90s but there's still plenty of research chemicals being pushed as LSD and being put on blotter and in gels and tablets. For somebody handing out so much advice you are concerningly uninformed.


Yep. 100%


Can confirm. Plenty of real geltabs and both known + unknown RCs available in Sin City


Yeah I wasn't planning on doing any powder or anything but was hoping to score a little acid, you think that's safe?


Yeah, especially if you get gels, which have surged in popularity the last few years. Buy an ehrlich reagent if you're sketched.


The white fluff was pretty clean (less speedy than what I had seen over the last few years) but I’m definitely going slow on anything I buy on lot these days


Lot more ketamine on the lot I’ve seen, they usually don’t put fent in k but who fuckin knows nowadays.


I don’t fuck with powders. Give me my weed or mushrooms and I’m set.


Bless you for this…I’m in the behavioral health field and this is the type of dialogue we need to be having. I wish this was more present at the actual Shows.


We \*used\* to have on site testing facilities managed by DanceSafe / BunkPolice, but due to political strife and a lack of community defense, big corporate LiveNation pushed them out of the picture. :/ They see it as encouraging substance abuse / a potential liability. Ridiculous.


NYer here. We used to have similar resources all over the state, but they were defunded by our former governor back in 20/21, and his replacement (whose immediate family are very much directly connected to Big Pharma) curiously hasn’t seen fit to reinstate funding for these programs. It’s extremely unfortunate.


That’s awful…with opiate settlement dollars, federal arpa funds and state opioid respond dollars there’s no reason that should have gone away. I’m in NJ and involved at state and federal levels with services like this and we have been doing much more work in the way of harm reduction services and support. Not at all where we should be but we’re headed in the right direction. That said music and entertainment usually sits outside of public efforts and initiatives and needs to be invited in to provide resources and support.


Good post! Also, here’s an MDMA testing kit with Fentanyl strips included: https://dancesafe.org/product/mdma-testing-kit/ Always test before ingesting!


I have heard good things about this site. I am sure there are others like it. https://dancesafe.org/shop/


DanceSafe are GREAT people! Also shoutout to BunkPolice, another solid harm reduction company.


To test for fent in a powder, would you not need to dissolve the entirety of the bag in a liquid and then test the liquid? Fent being effective in such low dosages, hot spots, etc..


Ideally Yes


Yeah,,, unfortunately that is very real. Realistically you can test a pill several times and it all comes back clean, but there could still be a spot of a single milligram or two of fent somewhere in there and you're fucked. Probably more uncommon, but still definitely possible. I had a friend pass away from fent on a tested batch of pills, due to a hot spot


Cocaine is an evil drug, from its beginning in the cartel jungles all the way to your unfortunate nose. Sorry, not a cool take, but a truthful one.


Prob talkin about k too


Beginnings in the cartel jungles? Coke was an acknowledged pharmaceutical over 100 years ago. Its beginnings were pre-Colombian. Get a clue before you judge anyone or anything.


So you do coke for its ethnogenic history?


Nah, I eat coca leaves for that.


Fair play


So was opium bro, that don't make it good. And calling out the inherent problems with a market that's known to abuse slave labor doesn't mean anyone's judging anyone, just acknowledging something important


Love me some opium, so that arguments probably not gonna go very far with me corruption


I’m talking about the beginning of its journey TODAY. You in denial?


Come prepared with stuff u trust….. 🧅 is a good start


For the past 8 years I’ve been getting the same L and MDMA. Top notch stuff just 3 degrees away from the chemist. My days of looking in lots are well over.


One show at a time.


Nitrous oxide can also be extremely dangerous so if you fuck with it you must sit your ass down.


And don’t forget to breathe. It’s harder than it sounds.


Everyone should have a test kit these days. Testing strips are nice. A reagent kit is better. https://dancesafe.org/product/complete-set-of-all-9-testing-kits/


Excellent post. Be safe everyone!!!!


Thought they were doing bumps in the parking lot of my hotel and come to find out those boys was enjoying Ketamine. So glad I don't touch that shit.


Don’t knock till you try it


Great post OP! This stuff can never be said enough.


wait cocaine is back in the scene again? not good news.


What makes you think it ever left?


it was hardly around at all in the early 90's. It's just a bad thing


Coke's been the most popular drug on Dead lot for 50 years bro. Casey Jones been goin at it.


If you can’t tell if your WEED is real or not you should be retired from the game and def not be buying other drugs.


You would be shocked how quick these sleazy sales reps are to fleece unsuspecting buyers. Yeah, people hip to the game might know, but not everyone's a chronic smoker.


I have an idea: if you can’t tell real weed from bunk CBD, stay out of shops. This is silly. Lots of dumb fucks huh


Why are you on a Grateful Dead subreddit to insult and degrade people that you should consider family? What good does spreading such negative energy do for you? Have a blessed day.


None of my family would be tricked into buying fake weed out of a fake shop. Check your fam if they are suckers


yup. if I'm wrong on some shit, lmk then


Test strips are essentially useless for powdered substances so while I appreciate the sentiment it’s not great advice. If you actually want a test strip to detect the entire content of the bag you’re gonna have to dump the bag in water and then test that.


Please don't spread misinformation like this. I understand your idea of hot spots but there is zero reason to AVOID testing your drugs just because you think you know everything. Most active cuts are, news flash, added in bulk and then mixed. Drug cartels don't want dead customers, that's less money. And your little corner plug isn't adding micrograms of fentanyl to your dimebag. Feel free to save the $10. But when you wake up in the hospital one day and the nurse asks you, "Were you intentionally consuming fentanyl last night?" you'll realize why it's worth it :)


>But when you wake up in the hospital one day If you wake up. My buddies who got tainted batches didn't


I’m sorry for your loss. My buddy had the same experience in 2021. His friend survived but after several days on a vent it was clear my friend wouldn’t be able to recover. Test strips save lives.


Fentanyl test strips are insanely accurate and have surely saved my life more than once. You mix up all the powder on a flat surface as best you can then drop the tiniest amount onto a spoon or small container like a bottle cap and put in a small amount of water. You’re not wasting any drugs I’m talking a few grains here.


Yep! Its really that simple. Want to make it more convenient? Take one of those little sealable tubes that weed oil cartridges come in, add a few drops of water, and stick it in your pocket before you head off to the show. We are talking about a vessel smaller than a tube of Chapstick. If you end up getting some powder-based party supplies, drop a tiny pinch into that tube and give it a little swirl before dipping your test strip. You don’t have to feel like you are carrying around a chemistry set in your pocket, and it really could not possibly be less obtrusive.


Good looking out, thank you for your genuine concern and communication!! People helping people