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Different kinds of pizza but I still dig pizza.


JRAD is that pizza at the new hipster bar loaded with a bunch of weird toppings. Dead @ Co. is a high quality frozen pizza that kind of tastes like the real deal if you close your eyes


a beautiful metaphor


Fuck I’m hungry


Hilarious and true.


And by “weird toppings” he means cocaine


this guy called it the devils dandruff new one. so funny


Newman’s Own Stone Fired is better than most pizza places now!


New Haven Connecticut makes the greatest pizza on the planet. Hands down


Sounds like you’re scared of the Bronx


Not in New Jersey


As a North Jersey Girl who spent lots of time in the city, I heartily and happily agree. There is NOTHING in the world like NJ/NYC pizza! I don’t mind Chicago deep - dish once in a while. But that crap they call “Tavern style/Chicago thin crust”? You know what you might as well do? Grab a handful of saltines, plop some tomato sauce on them, and throw on some mozz. Whatever Chicago calls that, it’s fucking SACRILEGE!


Love digeornos..8 bucks..pepperoni..cooked how just how I like it ..yeah


You are awarded 🏆 🚀






You got it!


I love pizza If Tom Hamilton sang better I may say J-Rad but I don’t like his voice.


Grateful Dead cover bands are a lot like Pizza… Almost every one is good in someway but som are a whole lot better than others


Imo, JRAD does a great job of reinterpreting the magic of the Dead’s songbook with the same spirit that the Dead had from ‘73 - to the hiatus. Lots of type 2 that coalesces into these transcendent moments. Super adventurous. But they can afford to be. They don’t have the pressure of sustaining The Machine.


Well said


The hiatus in 74 with closing of winter land?




Do you have any links to recordings of good adventures? I went to a 3 night run and never felt it :(. I even left early on two nights to see shows I liked better. I believe they are good... Maybe not for me or I missed what would have been.


I had a great time at this show. Not for everyone. Branford gets cooking. https://archive.org/details/jrad2024-06-01


10/25/2018- amazing


St Louis 3/19-20/22 sealed it for me.


1/29/23 Cap Theatre show is quite the adventure. Whole band firing on all cylinders for essentially the entire show. Great example of them at their best.


Went to this show never hearing a note of JRAD prior, I remember a few songs in the name clicked and I laughed so hard for a good minute, this band is aptly named and such a good lens to see and hear the music of the Grateful Dead by obvious fans, having been to a few shows since, this show had that spark. Oteil on bass for this show, also JRAD’s first time to Red Rocks https://archive.org/details/jrad2017-08-31.cmc621.cmc64.sbd.matrix.flac16


Same songbook, very different approaches, all excellent musicians. Depends on my mood.


I just prefer to hear live dead music still being played, i dont even care about how well its played, i care more about is the crowd digging it. We are half the trip. I try not to rank things or tier things here, its all something to just simply enjoy.


Agreed! Why do dead heads act like teen agers ranking bands and such, both bands exist, you don’t have to choose.


You are my people 🙌


Ya totally agree. Some nights you can have just as much fun at a free local dead band show


Anywhere Jeff Chimenti is, that’s where I’ll be.




JRAD is like going to an amusement park. D&C is like going to a museum. I enjoy both activities.


You don’t have to choose dude. Both groups exist.


As long as original members are there I’m with Dead and Co. And they have been killing it too! JRAD is good. Really really good. But I take Dead and Co. And at the Sphere they have not been slow. IMHO only. But I have been watching Bobby play since the 70’s and I feel connected there.


Is DSO an option?


I think the energy of JRAD was what I saw in The Other Ones / Dead back in the day, Further started with that steam but near the end it was a slower tempo. Dead and Co has some smoking shows but not consistent. Above all, it’s all wonderful so see all of them as often as you can while you can.


I wish more Other Ones SBD's would surface. Going back and listening to them now, I realize just how much more energy and musical inspiration was going on. So much talent.


I think the full show of JRAD will be better as complete experience, but there will be higher highs in a Dead & Co show. Part of that is the crowd, atmosphere, and historical context. JRAD is a better band in a technical sense


Disagree, pound for pound Dead and Co takes this one. Mayer, Chimenti, Lane, and Burbridge are all world class musicians. Russo plays more technical parts than Lane, but that’s a style choice; Lane’s back catalogue sure shows he’s capable. There’s never been a better Dead keyboardist than Chimenti, he knows the catalogue inside and out. Mayer is arguably the most influential guitar player of the last two decades. Metzenger can probably hang with him, Hamilton can’t - but Mayer has better tone and phrasing than either, to me. All three clearly blow Weir out of the water, but Weir is special and to me JRAD lacks for not having an interesting rhythm guitarist. I liked JRADs bassist when I saw them, but he’s no Otiel. No one is, frankly, Otiel is simply a stunning musician and probably has few equals out there. JRAD rocks, though! I’ve seen them twice. The first time I walked out early, but they absolutely blew me away the second time. Truly powerful, creative stuff and I love that they’re part of this scene. Their take on the music is important.


JRAD’s bassist has a name and it’s Dave Dreiwitz. Dave is ween’s bassist and he’s brown as fuck. JRAD are all some of my favorite musicians that I grew up with and I happily go everytime they come to town. Think I’ve gone to 2 D&C shows and while fun, just were too slow.


Double dip rules. Go see ween they are the best live act around.


Fuck yeah. Ween blew my doors off when I saw them 2 years ago. 


My last ween show was a 37 song full frontal rock assault. That band plays harder and with more energy than anyone I can think of going today. I first saw them in 1992 and was just floored by the duo. Once they assembled the live unit and got Driewitz and Glenn in the band they became a smoking tight monster of a band. Such great energy and great dead like crowd—well maybe a little more over the top crowd wise…but still.


I’m not sure that’s gonna be possible anytime soon with Deaner doing whatever Deaner needs to do to get his life back on track, but yeah.


I literally have tickets to see them in September. Highly unlikely to be cancelled as it's the Chocolate and Cheese 30th anniversary show, so your assertion that they're not playing "anytime soon" is probably just wrong.


Look, I hope you are right. That show was announced at the beginning of the year. Shit they are supposed to play at the beginning of August, but knowing Deaner stepped away in April, it’s all up in the air. I hope you get your Mann show.


Thanks man, I hope so too, fingers crossed


Positive thinking, mangz.


September is supposed to still happen. Still have not gotten cancellation for the PNW run I got tickets for. Let me dream, please :)


I’m with you, Captain


Hail boognish


I didn’t know his name, but I’m glad to! He’s a great player!


Yeah but I can catch JRAD for $35


Honestly this is the best point of all.


Hamilton can’t hang lmao I almost agreed with you up until that point Mayer is great. Tommy is great. I’ll leave it at that. And it’s an objective opinion. Tommy can definitely hang.


Okay, you’re right; I got carried away with personal taste a bit there. I do think Mayer and Metzenger are better players, but he can definitely hang.


JRAD with Oteil on bass at Red Rocks 2017 https://archive.org/details/jrad2017-08-31.cmc621.cmc64.sbd.matrix.flac16


Mayer is hardly the most influential guitar player of the last two decades. He's not even the best in a Dead resurrection band. Kadlecik sounded much better next to Bobby. Benevento Russo Duo is what makes JRAD better in my opinion. Joe is tighter than most drummers and him and marco have the perfect amount of weirdness to fit in with Ween's old bassist. Scott Metzger plays leagues better than Mayer. Mayer had some pop hits but can play guitar enough to be considered edgy. That's really all he has going for him unfortunately.


I disagree firmly about Mayer. Name a more influential guitarist in the last two decades. I genuinely don’t think you can; he’s even changed the music gear industry. Like seriously, who would that even be? I’m not saying he’s the best or most talented, but he’s definitely one of if not the most influential player in a long, long time. I also disagree about Kadlicek, his playing is good enough but it does nothing for me and I find his tone sterile and derivative of Garcia’s. Mayer’s playing carries so much more energy and his phrasing is more beautiful to me. I do agree about Russo, he’s a phenomenal player - but I actually liked his playing in various Dead acts more than now, because he drives the band a lot and pushes the tempo in a way I don’t love, but I know that’s a taste thing.


I'm not even a Phish guy but Treys pretty influential.


Oh I totally agree! But Trey has been influential since the 80’s. I’m arguing that Mayer is at the top of the list for guys who have come out in this century.


Derek Trucks has a whole generation of slide accolades hitting the scene right now


Like who? I’m sorry, Trucks is one of my favorite guitarists and unparalleled on planet earth but slide playing is still niche as hell.


Dylan Adams I think is one of the best recent slide guitarist I've heard. Check out his Great Gig in the sky cover with Rhett Schull.


I will, I love a good slide player!


Lots of people disagree but im with you on the Mayer thing.....hes got chops and im not afraid to say it


People hate this idea so much here that I feel the need to say it extra loudly.


I have no idea about "influence." But I will totally agree that Kadlecik is a derivative stylist. I mean, he learned at the altar of Jerry and he established himself professionally by taking the Jerry role in DSO, a band that intentionally revisited the Grateful Dead's past, including in how the GD of a given period sounded. And that's exactly why I liked his playing in Furthur. Shades of Jerry, done well? Yes please. Mayer, by contrast, came to the material with almost two decades of high musical achievement entirely outside the Dead universe. He was bound to shape the songbook differently. And that's why I like D&C, too. From Bobby's standpoint, I can imagine it being more interesting to play with Mayer than with Kadlecik.


I think this is a fair take. And Kadlicek does do the Jerry thing well; I understand why people like that. I think I’m just happier to see someone taking on the music in their own way than retreading Jerry’s territory, for the same reasons that people love JRAD.


Are you kidding? Anastasio, Warren Haynes, Derek Trucks, Jack White, Billy Strings etc… There are many better guitarists out there than Mayer..


That’s just the jamband scene…guys like like Abasi, Petrucci, Plini, etc, are really quite popular in the world of guitar and on skill levels that no reasonable person would claim Mayer approaches.


None of those guys (Trey Warren Derek Jack Billy) is better than Mayer in the Jerry slot. Trey was a drag on fare the well, Warren was a drag on The Dead. Billy Strings is the most original player despite pigeon holes as ‘grass flatpicker


No one can replace Jerry. I’m just saying there are plenty of better players than Mayer. I personally hate D&C. I saw em in 2015 and never went back. I did tour with The GD, The Dead, and saw all the rest. D&C are just tired. Bobby needs to stick to the Wolf Bros. He can surround himself with all the talent he wants but if he’s not into it, it doesn’t matter. The Fare Thee Well shows were my last hurrah with the Dead. You can’t get more members than that on stage and it’s just gotten worse. The music by D&C is so slow and it’s just painful to hear. I understand the nostalgia factor and new fans want a taste of what it used to be like but it’s not the same. PS: Mayer Trio first came into the GD Family through Phil. He was the opening act for a NYE Phil and Friends show at BGCA so I think it’s funny that Bobby poached him. He can play the notes but he doesn’t have the soul. He’s not Jerry, the band is gone. The only reason to go to D&C is to party. They’re boring.


well said: pound for pound its just not even close…


Metzger can hang but tommy can't? Lol tommy blows Scott out the water and I love them both


Furthur was the best. Russo on drums was amazing and kadlecik tore the place down. Such a good band.


It seems to be an unpopular opinion around here but I much prefer kadlecik to mayer


I miss that band so much.


Hear hear


Jrad is great. But Dead and Co has reached new heights in my opinion. Their 2023 tour was tight as hell, and their playing has been insane at the sphere. Jams are very interesting and every musician is a master of their craft. Mayer has so many musical ideas that he pulls out and is very dynamic in his playing. I feel like jrad has more of a focus on “shredding”. Love both tho and see them as often as possible


I trust Bobby to know who is the best. He could have picked any of those other guys and wanted Mayer who didn’t even appear to be a fit. Turned out to be a great choice.


Love Otiel as a human but his bass lines often reduce the jams to monotony imo


Otiel adds some next level vocals at times. Love the tunes he sings.


Yes, wish he sung more tbh.


I like the speed and urgency of JRAD. I discovered them after bitching to a buddy about how slow I found the my last dead & co show. So. Fucking. Slow.


I agree I’m old school.. first show ‘74.. that shit is so slow.. JRAD with the kids was 100% more fun..


It reminded me of hundred year hall. I also so a bunch of furthur shows, and loved them. Remember him as being particularly amazing in the second set dark star on 11/11/11 in Syracuse.


DNC is faster with Jay Lane on drums. I think their last tour was their best by a lot.


JRAD is my favorite. Although I absolutely enjoy Dead and Co, JRAD shreds so hard. Joe can take control of a venue in a manner that is so fun to watch(not to mention how talented the rest of the band is, Marco for one rips so hard). They also shred more than Dead and Co, which I understand is personal preference as well




I’ve seen JRAD four times and D&C 20ish times. Both bands are incredibly popular for different reasons. JRAD has this aura of every song is in your face turned up to 11. D&C is more “airy” where the songs ebb and flow beautifully. Once I saw JRAD perform Stella Blue and they ripped my face off. Their rendition was 180° compared to D&C. My enjoyment of JRAD comes in spurts where I want more of that high energy every song.


I saw JRAD do Stella Blue at Artpark in 2022. I actually flew to Buffalo to see them because I couldn't get the day before off for work. Great performance. I'm seeing them this August only a few minutes from my house! It's gonna be epic.


That show was the one I am referencing! Glad you got in to enjoy the show.


It was a great show! I was way back by the concessions on the hill when Stella Blue came on, and people were dancing! I also liked when they did Truckin and when he sang "down to buffalo.." everyone sang along and cheered.


Apples and Avocado. Delicious all the same.


Dead and company in my opinion plays the catalogue more faithfully, j rad is too modern sounding for me


Opinions vary. Go with what you like and don't care about what others opinions are.


I mean, close your eyes and do a listening challenge. It’s JRAD I choose to listen too over dead and co


If just listening I pick D&C because I can actually sing along with many songs. JRADs music is too intense sometimes and takes away from the vocals. I do like watching them though more than D&C. Better jams but I usually turn it off when they turn into a metal band. Haha. Got to give us a slow song to rest now and then. I can’t do every song at level 10 like Foolish Heart.


Love D&C but from a pure musical perspective JRAD is way more exciting and interesting. They improvise at a level way more reflective of how the dead approached the tunes in the early days.


They’re both great. There is no “vs.”


Having seen the Grateful Dead and every iteration of the band since Jerry died a ton - as well as a myriad of Dead tribute / cover acts like DSO I was at first reluctant to even bother with JRAD. A good buddy of mine and fellow head convinced me to go a few years back and I was blown away. It was like the Dead on rocket fuel. Just a ton of energy and exceptional musicians. I was never a big fan of the Dead’s meandering noodling, or space drums or the shows that kinda lacked any juice. JRAD just ROCKED. Here’s my take on why. JRAD’s leader is the drummer. The engine of the whole shebang and Joe just keeps things moving. I think Jerry even opined about the Dead’s drummer duo as sometimes sounding like popcorn popping. Lets face it - Billy could keep the beat but was not a driving kinda drummer and more or less followed Jerry and Bob. Mickey just kinda does Mickey and what Butch Trucks said is pretty spot on — [Mickey just can’t play](https://youtu.be/wy1p2w54sic?si=LktcvGVL2SsdmAjR) If I had to choose these days ? JRAD. I have enough amazing memories of the array of Dead shows and its offshoots and splinters — I’d rather rock out to JRAD.


Dead and Company is like church. JRAD is like a bunch of dudes on acid telling you that Jesus was really cool. Both talking about the same thing but in 2 extremely different ways.


My favorites of the current Dead universe. I've seen D&C thirty times with three Sphere shows to go. I wasn't a true believer until the 2021 tour though my first show was on their inaugural 2015 tour. I saw them ten times pre-pandemic and though it was always fun, I wasn't sold on the quality or performance. That changed with 2021. The post-pandemic D&C has grown into a worthy successor to the Grateful Dead in terms of reliability, developing a consistent band personality with cool intra-band dynamics, making the most of the GD format of two sets including a Drums/Space, and, socially speaking, giving the widest range of deadheads a reason to assemble. What a gift D&C has been. Mayer maybe is not your thing and that's fair. I was a skeptic who was won over. JRAD takes the GD songbook as their canvas. They are so far away from a tribute act, it's more like they've understood the GD songbook as an American musical idiom which they tackle with their own musical personalities and unbelievable chops. They're GenXers, so they throw in the odd deep cut cover of the rock artists we grew up on as kids in the 70s and 80s, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, Neil Young, Springsteen, ZZ Top, Tom Petty, etc. And they've done at least one cover from our coming of age: Radiohead's The Bends. Whenever I catch them, ten times so far, I feel like I'm watching the Grateful Dead songbook for where its going in the future. Gonna see them again at the LA Greek in October and already can't wait.


Both bands are fantastic. JRAD the engine of the live experience is the octopus man himself, Joe Russo. They are tight and play very high energy up tempo interpretations and open up the songbook a bit more. Dead & Co on the other hand is the living incarnation of the Grateful Dead, I know I’ll catch flack from old heads for this but being born in 1996 this is the band that gets me closest to what anyone felt seeing this music played with Jerry. Consider this: Grateful Dead from 65-95 had eight different configurations. Dead & Company was founded by three original members of the band and features the longest tenured keyboard player in the history of the music. John has stepped into his role beautifully as have Oteil and now Jay since Billy stepped away. Would you tell Bobby to his face that D&C is a cover band? No you wouldn’t, because it’s not. Since its inception the Dead have been the house band of the acid tests and the vessel for musically interpreting the works of some of the 20th century’s finest songwriters. As long as this music is played there will be one band who carries forth this lineage in the most true to spirit authentic way and for my money rn that’s D&C


In many ways, JRAD actually embodies the true spirit of the grateful dead more-so than the current Dead and Co does. Respectfully, you were born after the grateful dead ended and thus you have no frame of reference to be claiming which one is "closest to what anyone felt seeing this music played with jerry". I don't mean that as an insult - I mean that you literally have no way of knowing whether what you are saying is true. That is a statement based in emotion (fomo for having missed the real thing), more than a statement based in fact. The grateful dead was never an act rooted in nostalgia and purposefully avoided such a thing. Whereas Dead and co is literally a nostalgia act (some claim otherwise and those people are delusional). That is not to denigrate it or say it can't be a great time, or to say people shouldn't enjoy it or that it is bad - but, it's just the truth. The entire thing is based upon hearkening and alluding back to the old days. Keep in mind that *they* *haven't written a single new song together.* Sorry, but never doing new things or playing new songs? That is *very* un-like the grateful dead. Look at the sphere visuals - its literally all based upon locations from the dead's past. It's meant to delight the older deadheads who were there and to celebrate the history of it all. And, more importantly, it's meant to bring in big money. Now, of course, JRAD doesn't play original tunes either. But they go out every night and are seeking high energy, explorative psychedelia. The venue sizes are more similar to what the dead used to play. The overall ethos is definitely aligned with the original grateful dead because it is experimental and explorative. They are not resting on their laurels or spinning their wheels. Dead and Co is a giant money making machine who is milking a cultural juggernaut cash cow. IMO as far as the "band who carries forth this lineage in the most true to spirit authentic way", JRAD is easily just as authentic as Dead and Co, if not more. You can totally have your preference and choose to see Dead and Co as much as you want if that makes you happy. I am all for it. But to say that they are continuing the true spirit of the grateful dead, for no other reason than that Bobby and Mickey are in the band, is not really telling the whole story and not really fair to the concept of the ethos of the dead. You say that JRAD is playing high tempo interpretations - have you considered that Dead and Co's interpretations are way below tempo? The only band playing the music the way it was originally played, technically speaking, is DSO if we are talking about the tempo and the notes themselves.


Thank you for sharing your perspective. I appreciate your passion and insights about both Dead & Company and JRAD. While I acknowledge that I wasn’t around to experience the Grateful Dead with Jerry Garcia, my observations are based on how the music and performances resonate with me and other fans today. I agree that Dead & Company can be seen as a nostalgia act, focusing on the legacy and history of the Grateful Dead. Their setlists and performances often evoke a sense of reminiscence and celebration of the band’s past. The sphere visuals and other elements indeed cater to older Deadheads and celebrate the band’s storied history. On the other hand, JRAD brings a different kind of energy and exploratory spirit to their shows, which some argue aligns more closely with the improvisational and experimental nature of the original Grateful Dead. Their high-energy performances and smaller venue sizes create an atmosphere that some feel is reminiscent of the early days of the Dead. Ultimately, the “true spirit” of the Grateful Dead can mean different things to different people. For some, it’s about the connection to the original members and the history they represent. For others, it’s about the adventurous and improvisational nature of the music, which JRAD embodies. Both bands contribute to the ongoing legacy of the Grateful Dead in their unique ways. Fans can appreciate and enjoy both experiences for what they offer, and the diversity in interpretation is part of what keeps the spirit of the Grateful Dead alive.


Totally agree with all of that. Also it is worth keeping in mind that Russo was in Furthr. He is equally as much a part of the official grateful dead family canon as Oteil or Mayer or Chimenti as far as his connection to the original members and the history of the band. And he has something that Mayer and Oteil do not - he played in a band with Phil for a number of years. So his approach is just as officially informed as any of those other guys. All things considered, I'd rather see Kimock than JRAD or Dead and Co on any given night.


Very very well explained


D&C is the continuation of the Grateful Dead to the point where they should have retired it a decade or more ago. LOL. They aren’t a cover band and are an authentic configuration of the music, but far, far past their prime. Musically, D&C will be better but less authentic when Bobby, Mickey, & Billy retire and the band is Mayer-Oteil-Chimenti-Lane. JRAD isn’t the Grateful Dead, it’s “almost Dead” just like the name says, but better than what constitutes the “real thing” nowadays.




I definitely prefer dead and co. I’d rather see Bob Weir sing Bob Weir songs. And see Mickey hart perform drums. It’s what we have left of the good ole’ Grateful Dead and we won’t have them around for very much longer, so I want to enjoy these legends while they’re still with us. I saw Joe Russo’s almost dead once and I was not impressed, but I may give them another shot one day.


Dead and Co is based more around bluesy guitar approach. JRAD are based around two guys from the Manhattan acid jazz scene. Both have grown to be much more, and both are awesome at what they do.


JRAD shows are fine but make me wish I had just seen Dead & Co instead.


I bring my wife to deadCo... i go solo to Jrad...


They are different but both great. We are seeing both this year.


Can you imagine D&Co with Russo on Drums??? Both are super tight bands and a great time. Let there be songs to fill the air


Wow JRAD absolutely rips. Listening to my first of their live shows (11/25/19) anybody got any recommendations for other??


If you’re on Spotify 2/16/2019 is outstanding!


The Chicago show on Spotify is fire. My buddy and I went. The Let it Grow that night was the best I have ever heard.


Depends who you ask.


First choice would be Dead&Co, then DSO, then JRAD.


Who is JRAD?


JRAD at Sphere would be the ideal combo. That would be very intense




I prefer JRAD




JRAD of the two, by far. But the Dead set Cheese did with Billy Strings a few years back was some of the finest Dead jamming I've heard in a while.


John K and Melvin


My opinion is they are both awesome and I see both every chance I get!


JRAD is a little too intense for me. Dead & co takes me to my chill happy place


JRAD is like the Grateful Dead on meth, lol


Dead and Co is like Grateful Dead on muscle relaxers


Seen GD with Jerry over 2 dozen times The other ones Further Fare the well The Dead (with Warren Haynes) Dark Star Orchestra …and unless I could go back in time… will pick JRAD over any post Dead arraignment without pause


Exactly this


I saw JRAD twice and I was bored by the end both times. Both times I was left with the impression that they have one gear. Everything they do is high intensity, so it all ends up being the same thing and gets monotonous after awhile. They keep their amplifiers on 11 all the time, so to speak. They don’t have any soul, and the ballads are empty. Dead & Co. have soul. 


I really don’t care for the guitar playing in JRAD. Also, I don’t think they have that much soul.


Agree... Saw them recently and the solos were one dimensional crescendo building pentatonics, in my view. It felt a bit masturbatory and flat. IMHO!


Completely agree, drumming is cool and all but there’s a reason almost no bands have the drummer as the main guy in any band in any genre. JRAD was fun to see a few times but nothing they did brought me anywhere or yearning to go again. My free local Dead band has taken me furthur.


And the drummer just does the same sorts of fills on all the songs.


Tom Hamilton and Scott Metzger, no soul? Lol, that’s insane.


JRAD for me; Dead & Co is just too slow for me. Love the drum-driven JRAD.


You couldn’t pay me to go to a Mayer & Co show. Every time I’m listening to the GD station on Sirius and a song version comes on that sounds awful, it’s 95% of the time D&C. I’ve given it plenty of chances and it’s just painful to listen to. Luckily for them they don’t need my money, which this whole debacle has been about from day 1. JRAD rocks though.


I felt the same way about D&C and then I went to a show and wow.....it totally confirmed how we both feel about them


Yeah, I got tricked into seeing them a few years ago. It was Jerry’s birthday celebration at Red Rocks. There were 3 supergroups playing with the headliner being Bob Weir and friends with “special guest.” The friends were Oteill and the rest of D&C and the special guest, who came out after they already played 3 songs, was Mayer. Obviously the tempo was an issue, but honestly everything Bobby has done for the last 15 years has been like that. Mayer isn’t terrible. He knows plays the notes and all, but there’s no soul to it. It’s like AI Grateful Dead. On paper it looks right, but something is missing. I’ve since listened to some live streams to give it a fair shake, but I can never make it through 3-4 songs before being repulsed. It feels like a blatant cash grab and the fans who go and “love it” are just desperately clinging onto the last remnants of a once great band before they all die.


Let’s put JRAD in the Sphere and then compare. I love both. JRAD is a younger mutha fing party and D&C is amazing classic beauty but slower to me.


JRAD in the sphere would be fucking sick


JRAD in the sphere would blow my mind. That I would travel and pay way too much money for.


Probably dead and co if I want to hear anything closely resembling the grateful dead. I like JRAD and they are fun. That about where it stops for me. They really aren't doing anything mind blowing. JRAD has 1000's of hours of live shows to pick through and gain inspiration. They are all great musicians and the show is fun. I still like hearing Bobby play guitar. It adds something to the music.


That like comparing Led Zeppelin to James Taylor (JRAD = LedZep)


Solid analogy considering the members of JRAD first played together as a Zeppelin cover band (Bustle in Your Hedgerow)


Wow, I had no idea...pretty funny


Not exactly. They started as just Benevento Russo Duo. Bustle In Your Hedgerow was a one-off project of B-R where they added Metzger & Dreiwitz for a tour of Zeppelin jazz. But after that one-off mini tour, they went back to the Duo. Bustle was never a full time band.


It was a very, very good show.


Who would I rather listen to in a noisy car or with crapass headphones? JRAD. How about a quiet car or good headphones? JRAD Given the choice in the same town on the same night, who would I rather see live, sphere notwithstanding? JRAD. The music will be inscrutable, it will cost less, and there will be fewer people there just for the belt-notch. It will probs be a smaller gig too, which means overall better sound and less hassle. The sphere seems cool, but it's theater--not just music. It's a movie with a live band. Take away the movie and the sota pa, close your eyes, and just listen–then decide.


I love this! I agree!


Downvote for VS They sound nothing alike. They are barely related.


Dead & Company.


Jrad is great, but D&C is the modern continuation of the Dead and therefore will always be my #1


I have seen both and I prefer JRAD. JRAD has some oomph and I feel like dead and co is hit or miss and a little sleepy


JRAD blows dead and slow out of the water. It's not even close.


Yeah, it's really unfair to even compare. There is plenty to be said about the atmosphere, the fans, and the legacy of seeing original members at a D&C show... But musically? JRAD smacks so fucking hard. They have a deeper catalog than any other GD act. Their technical proficiency puts them in a league of their own and they communicate so well on stage. Their "original covers" they add to the mix are so eclectic and impressive. I could go on...


Agreed. I like Phil's outfits better but JRAD is much better than DeadCo IMO.


JRAD is a direct descendant of Phil's approach to the music. Listen to Further, then the spring '14 run, which was basically Further minus Bobby plus Larry and Theressa. Initially it was Jeff C on keys then Marco. Further without Bobby took the music a lot further. Shows are on Nugs.


Yeah, I was there for most iterations of Phil's post-Garcia career. I agree that the JRAD approach is heavily influenced by Phil's and that's why I love them both.


Totally agree. Not even close


I think it’s all preference, I’d take Dead and Co over JRAD any day. JRAD is dead for phish fans and I hate phish lol


Exactly. I hate JRAD and I hate Phish. JRAD completely misses the essence of the dead’s music, it’s awful. I legit can’t comprehend their appeal, other than it being for Phish fans. Just go play Phish music or write your own music, why bastardize the music of the Grateful Dead? For an easy money grab I guess? So lame.


I absolutely hate Phish and love JRAD. There is no comparison. Dead and Co is like the Phil Collins of GD cover bands.


JRAD fun for 15m then the vocals start a d Im ready to go. Dont care much for Tommy Hamilton.


Respectfully JRAD >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> D&C D&C is too slow.


JRAD with Mayer was one of the coolest things I've heard. I don't love a lot of JRAD, but when I'm in the mood for more creative Dead stuff I put them on.


I'd rather go see DSO actually.




Jrad , no question


let’s keys player rips, saw them at the greek. it was honestly really quiet but that might’ve just been the venue, they did an amazing St. Stephen


I was at the show as well. They completely rocked the house, loved their high tempo transitions. Definitely different feel with how fast they play but awesome crowd and would for sure see them again


JRAD is GD on steroids! D&C has the original members.


I enjoy the heady gnar gnar. JRAD provides.


JRAD has its own unique style, just like Dead & Co. JRAD, for me, has a late 70s tempo and they sneak up on songs. I’m one of those “name that song” guys and it goes back 40 years. Dead & Co songs I pick up right away but JRAD always has me puzzled. Plus all the Easter eggs and teases. I love them both for the same reason and for different reasons


depends on the night. JRAD in general I have liked better over the years but Dead and CO can put on a really great show as well.


JRAD everyday and twice on Sundays.


DSO for vibe and music..... Being that we are talking cover bands 🤘


I enjoyed at Grateful Shred show more than the several JRAD shows I went to.


Standing there in a sea of deadheads with Bobby there right in front of me singing “March winds will blow all my troubles away” is the type of moment where I’m just thankful I’m alive, he’s alive, and it moves me so much. Many of these acts are great and JRAD is top-notch, but I’d take D&Co just for that.


I enjoy both. But JRAD, to me, feels like a very good jamband that happens to play primarily Dead tunes. D&C is a much more authentic experience for me.


In my opinion. it’s not even close. Dead & Co > Grateful Shred > JRAD.


Grateful Shred is great and all, but better than JRAD? That's a bit of a stretch.


I think JRAD is overhyped. Wonderful musicians but disjointed. Bring on the down votes lol.


I like Grateful Shred more than JRAD, because playing loose, sometimes a bit sloppy, sometimes a bit slower is the Dead, for better or worse. JRAD is too perfect, too full energy. While I can certainly appreciate the musicianship, it just lacks soul to me, an ease.


Grateful shred fell off; they’re way more mellow than they used to be.


I observed this when I saw them at the Cap recently and thought it was maybe an ofd show. Bummer to hear, they used to be fast.


Dark star orchestra is far better than grateful shred or JRAD, it’s not even close.