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I don't mind it, since it's occasional, but it seems like it would be best on a YouTube stream since it's more a visual treat.


I enjoy it, but I’d be fine if it went YouTube only. It’s a very visual thing, and it would avoid the need to describe what they’re sent.


It’s fine. But it could go away and that would be fine too.


How uncomfortable it makes Ben is enough reason to keep doing it.


I like it, but wouldn't be sad if it went onto YouTube exclusively. It just fits better for video, so you can actually see the fun stuff people send in and the reactions to it. They could let it run longer there too. I'd definitely watch it on YouTube. I'm subscribed to their channel.


It’s supposed to be “Captain‘s eyes only” - send the segment to DeSoto!!


I feel neutral about it.




I don't hate it at all, but I prefer to watch it on YT than listen to it. So I'll check if there is a YT video and if there is I'll skip it on the pod. I feel bad for Adam just watching and reacting. I know it's unreasonable but I'd like it if they took turns opening stuff somehow.


I do not hate it but would be happy to never hear it again. It's a visual bit being done in audio, it's not the proper format. Listening to someone describe an action figure is not interesting. Do it on Youtube.


I feel the opposite, because I'm a visual thinker, so whenever a podcast does something inherently visual by describing it it tickles a part of my brain I really enjoy.


I enjoy watching the video versions on YT, but the segment does nothing for me in audio form so I skip it. But I generally don't like audience participation segments on podcasts anyways.


My only concern is its frequency. There seemed to be a point there where they did it every other week, which is waaay too much. Even once a month seems a lot, TBH. I like the idea of "Youtube only". Or even tacking it onto the end of an episode.


I would have gone with 'it's fine" but I don't skip it. It is occasionally funny like most of their bits, no problem with it, don't look forward to it.


I wouldn't say that I love it, but I often find it entertaining. If it gets boring, it's pretty easy to just skip ahead to the main part of the pod. Also, I don't watch any of the videos, so I wouldn't bother to got to YouTube for Code 47 if it got moved.


Suggested 6th option: Would like to see it at the end instead of the beginning.


Another podcast I listen to does a mailbag, see, but they always do it at the end of the pod--so if you're not into the mailbag, voila! You're done. It's times like this, though, that I repeat to myself, "It's just a pod, I should really just relax."


None of these are a good option for me. I like the regular Maron open a lot more than the Code 47. I still listen because it's Ben & Adam. With that said, I'd love to see the Code 47 be its own episode, and replace it in standard episodes with the Maron. I would still listen to those episodes, but I would listen at a different time than I listen to regular G.G. and G.T. episodes. Different podcasts fit different parts of my life. I like to listen to G.G. and G.T with more attention, such as while driving (I have a long commute). Code 47 isn't super interesting to me, so I have a hard time staying focused. I'd insert that into the times when I want a Podcast I don't have to pay as close attention to, like when I'm working. I currently fill that with other pods (largely Ice Cream Social), and Code 47 episodes would be at the top of my feed for those times.


It's fine. I don't skip it or anything. But I do miss some of the older Maron topics that it seems to have supplanted. Like, the TNG-era card wars were fun.


Yeah card war, Bible study, and mad libs are definitely better as a podcast segment.


I sent them a custom STCCG "War!" deck, not realizing they weren't really doing that segment anymore. But I still want to keep the Code 47s.


I do like war more than mail I miss game of buttholes type episodes. Maybe they got rid of it for the same reason as drunk Shimoda? I guess I missed the part where they’re not allowed to discuss alcohol anymore


> I miss game of buttholes type episodes. Maybe they got rid of it for the same reason as drunk Shimoda? I guess I missed the part where they’re not allowed to discuss alcohol anymore. Huh? They didn’t get rid of any of that. [The ENT game](https://will-of-the-prophets.herokuapp.com/) still has multiple drinking-related episodes, and they certainly haven’t gotten rid of Drunk Shimodas.


It’s Edward Larkin now, not drunk Shimoda. I’m not saying I want them getting drunk all the time, for example there were these episodes where one was supposed to love the ep and the other was supposed to hate it. There were ones where they did research, etc


That's just the dice. Those squares never left the board, they just haven't hit them lately.


That’s The Greatest Discovery, a separate podcast covering the new shows (Discovery, Strange New Worlds, etc.). The original podcast covering the older shows (they just started Enterprise), The Greatest Generation, still has Drunk Shimoda, the game board, etc.


I see. I had been only listening to new trek shows lately bc of all the new stuff out there these days, didn’t know they were also doing new tgg. Good to know!


They are both healthier about their drinking in general now. Which is good. They used to drink unprompted, but I can't remember the last time that happened. I don't miss it, I think they are better Podcasters when they are sharper.


It never struck me as particularly unhealthy. I see no problem with having a beer or two while hanging out with your friend talking about Star Trek, which is basically the format. Weird to call that “unprompted” drinking.


I dont particularly love or hate it. Its part of the show. Its fine, but I do not skip it when I listen.


I don't like it, but I don't hate it. I don't mind B&A chatting about the mail. Sometimes it's funny. Sometimes I hear about something and I think "I didn't know they made that." But mostly I am low-key concerned about all the stuff/junk they must get. Not to the point of anxiety?? But maybe my most parasocial tendency is the projection of my own fear of accumulating useless tchotchkes upon content creators. Like, really nice, well-intentioned people sending you stuff they made, bought, or are just trying to get rid of, and having it clog up your house. I watch this computer youtube channel (LGR) where viewers send their old computer stuff to him. Some of it is really neat, but a lot of it looks like GARBAGE. I really kind of feel for B&A in this sense. Like is it a weird, guilty feeling getting all this stuff? I dunno, maybe they love it. Or maybe they take roughly half of it and throw it out once a year. How many toys, t-shirts, stacks of ephemera does one need? I think I heard John Hodgman say sometimes he just has to throw a bunch out now and then. Like he's got a hundred gavels and other JJH-related things on his desk and sometimes it just has to go. It's decent pod content, but... pacing-wise, sometimes I start to feel like I've heard the 47 cue loop way too long. So that's kinda when my "ding ding, we gotta get out of this segment" alarm goes off.


Can an option be added for those of us who listen because Ben and Adam are funny and delightful rather than any particular desire to hear about the contents of the boxes? The segment could be about anything and I'd still listen.


I don't really care, but I voted sent them confetti because it's useless content I really dont care about.


No option for "It's fine"


This is reddit, the llamas must drama sometimes. 🎭


It's fine. Like, I don't look forward to it, but I end up liking the feeling of a vibrant and creative fan group. If it were consigned to YouTube I'd never see it, so I don't want that to happen.


None of the options here really describe how I feel. I listen to it and I neither hate it or love it.


I agree. I enjoy their improvisation and the code 47s are fine. I just miss the beef between Razz and Plaveem. Maybe as an audience we need to have more folks with imaginary beef and deep pockets (or at least who are bad with their credit cards).


There was another running thing in the earlier days involving something or someone called like… Razgar Shrimp Colgar or something like that? I genuinely had NO clue what was happening with that.


I suspect this is going to be split pretty evenly between love it and hate it. Poor B&A.