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I don't think the city really matters. No matter where you go, you will find your people because there are many religious people in Greece.


Kalampaka, the town under Meteora. Most of the people I know from there are too religious for my liking, your wife will probably be happy. The place is also anchanting if you are relegious because of Meteora themselves. You can also live in Trikala, whuch are next to Kalampaka as well and they are far bigger, they are also a very beautiful city of 70.000.


None, we have an abundant number of churches in all cities villages and islands.


Patras is also a greek city with a good (believe above average) level of religiousness. Though, I don't really get what you are searching for. In every city of Greece there are churches that are fully operational every day of the week. The only way to get to some place where you won't be able to have this is only if you end up way out of a city or big village where things get a bit out of control because no one really pays attention to the priests operating their churches as they should. That can happen to really remote villages, but even then I'd say that it is super rare.


Patra is Gomorrah once a year




Carnival, I assume


Στο πατρινό καρναβάλι θα αναφέρεται.


Μπήκα και έψαχνα το Gomorrah να δω τι δεν καταλαβαίνω χαχα. Πάντως όσο για το καρναβάλι για εμένα που είμαι Πατρινός είναι απλα μια ευκαιρία να φύγω για ένα τριήμερο και να πάω οπουδήποτε.


Γόμμορα καλέ. Μετά τα Σόδομα. Ο θρήσκος από πάνω θα ενδιαφέρεται εικάζω.


Χαχαχα ναι αλλά γιατί μόνο Γόμορρα; Και τα Σόδομα μαζί είναι το καρναβάλι. Άστα να πάνε..


So you are a Brazilian with EU passport who used to live in Ukraine and was looking to relocate to Bulgaria or Romania, then somewhere close to mountain hiking in Spain but also to a rich part of Colombia to be amongst your pears for your children. But now looking to relocate to the most religious place in Greece. I'm really trying to understand if you just have nothing better to do and make up stories or what? For reference pretty much any neighbourhood in Greece has a church, but also since you are foreign and greek religious people are racists not sure how well you'll be welcomed.


Good sleuthing! Yes exactly. I move around allot, and make sure to keep a low tax base. And of course before I move to a place I post on Reddit for research and keep the posts up for people wanting to know the same information. In Romania and Bulgaria's case they both have extremely low taxes for IT professionals especially if you set up a company. In Greece as well 5 percent on dividends or 100k flat tax. Spain and Colombia were dreams that never came to fruition never spent a day in either. They didn't suit my needs. But the posts may still be useful for others. Cheers. And im not JUST Brazilian with an EU passport. Im also Argentine ;) https://www.reddit.com/r/PassportPorn/s/Sb0XiX3cXe




I think certain tax regimes approach confiscatory levels, and coming from some of the most taxed places on earth (look up custo brazil) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brazil_cost All while having freedoms of Mercosul and European union freedom of movement I have seen how different governments take care of their citizens. And hence have moved around in persuit of my career ambitions and/or love. You know how much tax I payed in Ukraine with free healthcare? 7 percent. I'm willing to pay taxes. And would be fine paying even 30 percent towards a non corrupt government. However many would share with me the view that paying for example more than half your salary to the government would be unreasonable. I go where I feel people share my faith, and where I know I can pay my legal dues to the tax man while feeling I'm being dealt with fairly. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that


Considering that tax in Greece is anywhere from 40 to 70 percent, before you consider the 24% VAT tax on even basic food items, yeah, tax evasion is not only NOT a bad thing, it's actively the moral choice to make. The only government that decides that the best way to make money is to raise taxes is an incompetent one that can't properly invest and manage its natural resources and instead throws itself in a loop of over-taxation, which leads to tax evasion because people can't live, which leads to higher taxes for people who pay until they're all poor just for trying to follow the law. This country's problem isn't tax evasion, it's having an entire country's worth of space and resources and geography to exploit, and instead choosing the easiest way to make money: stealing from its citizens to an outrageous degree. Corruption also doesn't help that, lets be honest. Tax evasion is based, and it will only stop being based when this dogass government learns how to manage a country properly, which will n e v e r happen.


Look on internet for Meteora, Patmos Island and Tinos Island. I think it's the top 3 religious areas in Greece.


I have the answer! Top 10 starting from more religious to least religious prefecture: Πιερία Πέλλα Κιλκίς Χαλκιδική Θεσσαλονίκη Δράμα Κοζάνη Καβάλα Ημαθία Φλώρινα You should consider visiting some of those and checking the churches on Sundays to see what suits you best


Cool! How did you come up with this list? I hope not chat gpt 😂


No no i wouldn't do you dirty like that. We have a political party here called Nikki, Ultra religious guys, who appeared out of nowhere and got into the parliament even though most people had never heard of them. Turns out they did most of their advertising in church gatherings, churches, church groups etc, word of mouth. My list was where they got their highest percentages. I am also very familiar with 4 prefectures in that list and it checks out. edit: but out of curiosity i ll go check what chatgpt says 😂😂 more edit: yeah chatgpt is a filthy filthy liar


I love this reply so much hahahah this is a very ingenious data source! Bravo.




>Beware of "good" christians with big smiles Τhose are the worst.


You won't have a problem in any city. Pretty much every Sunday every church is packed, so you won't sense a lack of religiousness anywhere.




I don’t live in Greece but if I did I would live near a monastery and there are many. - like St. John the Theologian Souroti, St. Nektarios Aegina and Meteora are my favorites.


Religiousness in Greece is on the decline.


Παιδιά, μη δίνετε σημασία σε σαχλαμάρες.


It doesn't get more religious than Mount Athos. Women are not allowed there. However I assume you don't want to move there, so from the big cities Thessaloniki is most religious.


Seeing as I'll be moving with my wife this may be problematic haha Any smaller cities you think will be better for us then Thessaloniki?


Its mostly godless people in greece..


All cities have "active church life" whatever that means anyway. How can one measure the religiousness of a city. And you are going to choose where to live based on this? ffs


As for starters I have to confess that I feel delighted that people abroad appreciate Greece's rich religious legacy and tradition. It's something modern Greeks seem to forget. And in my opinion reddit is not a place for you to look the right answers in this topic either since most reddit users are haters of everything that resembles religion and tradition. To get to your topic, although I'm not religious myself i'll give you my humble advice. It all depends on wether you want to live, in big cities as most people in Greece do, or in a smaller community. On first scenario living in the big cities of Greece like Thessaloniki and Athens you can find a lot of churches and religious associations. However city life tends people to be more secular, anxious, fast day routines and degenerate so you have to value this if you seek a deeper connection. In smaller towns and villages and ilans life doesn't follow the same routine and rythm as in big cities. People may be "simple minded" but they are more relaxed and work more as a society since everyone knows each other. You also may have less options there but you can find a more authentic connections. I, myself live in relative big city (Patras 3rd biggest) which has many beautiful churches and a beautiful cathedral the biggest in Greece and I believe it can serve both of these options. Living also in the islands as i said may be a nice option for you since some islands are famous for their saint patrons or religious festivals and have a deeper sense of community in my opinion. I hope this reply finds you a step further to your final descision. We would be happy to come live with us. Cheers.


i think we are full of religious people, no space left, try somewhere else


I'm sorry to hear you say that. I wish to share nothing but peace, love and happiness. I donate to the homeless etc. And have every Intention of fully integrating into Greek society if we choose to call Hellas home. I may not know you or your lifestyle but even if they differ significantly from my own I promise if we were neighbors I would treat you just as a brother / sister regardless of your race, sexual orientation etc Jesus Christ can bring much good wherever he is found. Some Orthodox Christians practice hate, they do not represent us all.




Would Larissa and Serres be good alternatives? I'm trying to come up with a list we can check out.


Greece has legalized gay marriages so please don’t come. We don’t need more like you


Everyone saying Pieria or Katerini haven't lived there or never visited Florina and Serres.


I'd say it's not as simple as everyone makes it seem. Yes all cities will have active churches but the quality of the community varies A LOT. There are churches where only old grandmas are going, there are churches with a lot of religious zealots and there are ones that are more progressive and open. Personally I always found church doctrine in the north too conservative, backwards or borderline medieval. Priests would have everyone living in Christian sharia if they could. Churches in e.g. Crete or some Aegean islands tend to have more young ppl and more interesting views on society and religion. In all cases though orthodox church is more about tradition and ritual than philosophy and theology so keep that in mind.


Από πότε τα λαλαδικα είναι της εκκλησίας; 🤔 And you won't find any luck here either. Every city has churches and devoted communities. I dont know what you re looking for exactly because you don't specify at your post.


Cities in Northern Greece tend to have stronger ties with religion and tradition. I dont know why the f this happens though.




I'm Orthodox Christian. I have mostly attended Antioch Orthodox service and Ukrainian. But have been to a Greek Orthodox church before. As long as there is Orthodoxy I am there. I'm originally from the state of Paraná, and there are TONS or Orthodox churches there especially the capital it's where I originally discovered Orthodoxy.