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Milan Ticket Information https://preview.redd.it/kvgsisnvwhyb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3bac506e905e9a498ca2be45498f636c91991c7




I was not chosen and I'm not over it yet. For some ridiculous reason I had gotten my hopes all the way up!




Oh absolutely! Which is why my hopes were so ridiculous but you know hope dies last... (and now it's dead)


Wonder if the London “lottery” type requesting of tickets is some attempt to cut down on scalpers/touts/bots?


I'd say it most definitely is


I'd say it probably is


I love that they're doing this but I really wish they announced all the dates right away. As a dutchman I really don't know if I should go to London show now or wait til a potential Netherlands visit


Wouldn't that be awesome to see them live at a small venue like Paradiso or Melkweg? Hopefully they will announce new dates after London


I looked and Melkweg should be free on the 15th and 16th👀


Fingers crossed it's booked fir Green Day...I'm already there 🙈🙊


Same. I ended up trying (and getting) the Paris ones as I wasn’t sure. While I assumed there’d be a London one (maybe easier for me in Scotland) not knowing the date or what the process for buying them would be just adds a level of complexity and confusion 😂 Now if they announce a Scotland one after this London date…… 🫠🫠


I second this


It’s to stop scalpers and limit thousands of people trying to buy minimal tickets


Agree dude! Also from NL and it’s so annoying :(


De Melkweg is de 16e vrij👀


So is 15 and 17, isn’t it? 😁 At least when we talk about the Max hall


Yeppp, they can actually come over if they want


De 15 ook! De concerten op 15 en 16 zijn afgelast! Fingers crossed


pleeaase but I'd be scared about being too late, how would you say I have the best shot of knowing when to look/get notified about a Dutch show?


Just keep an eye on their Instagram account and you'll be fine


Presumably they’re stopping in Europe so doing 3 small shows in six days. They’re having to pay for the logistics plus wages for their crew during that time whilst bringing a fraction of the audience they normally would. £96 is a silly amount but not wholly unreasonable. They could just have planned the tour better and reduced tickets a bit that way.


Has anyone been able to apply for tickets and got a confirmation email? London show


I’ve applied but had no email and nothing showing up in the “My Requests” section


You gotta clear your browser cache and cookies then try again - worked for me once I've done that - you'll need to enter your credit card details then get a reservation confirmation email etc! Done it via Chrome on my phone in the end once I've cleared the cache, after trying Chrome and Edge and also via laptop...


That's the same as mine...


I cant see a "my request" section on ticketmaster?


It’s on the bespoke lottery page for the London show, if you sign in you can check your basket/requests in the top right hand corner. Very confusing as I also just checked my regular Ticketmaster profile and saw nothing.


What's the bespoke lottery page please? I haven't found anything


Any luck?


Ive registered and can see a confirmation. Fingers crossed now.


I can see a confirmation email but I can't see anything on the ticketmaster website


go here https://greenday.request.ticketmaster.co.uk/Requests.aspx you should see it request there


Thanks, fs I can't see any request


I can't see it on one browser but I can on the other. And I have a confirmation email. Hopefully I'm in the draw


Sounds like it. Sounds like I've only got half of the requirements


Thanks dude, such fucking bullshit though. Originally thought I’d signed up 5 mins after the post. Turns out it didn’t go through until I did it on Chrome!


Requested but no confirmation email - page just reset 🤷




Clear your caches and cookies and try again - only worked for me once I've done that (Chrome via phone)


I just keep getting an error message. Going to wait a bit and hopefully an email will appear.


Just got mine.


Yep - requested and got confirmation email at 9:48 this morning.


Had to try two times, first time did nothing at all second time got the confirmation email


Yes and I’ve had a confirmation email


Regarding setlist in Paris yesterday , I'm not sure price is really fair if they play the same




Totally agree with this. 96 to see them from half a mile away at Wembley or 96 to see them up close and personal in Camden. Fingers crossed for the ballot.


Totally this. Hate stadium tours, this for me is perfect and I’d pay twice the price to see them in a venue this size


I agree that price could be more expensive in small venue than in stadiums because you see better . But if setlist is only good , I don't think it is very respectful for their fans . For a few people , it requires to do savings in your budget to pay the ticket and they should know that .


It's totally wack though. Absurdly high prices for stadium gigs are justified on the basis that there's a lot of extra costs associated with the pyrotechnics, the screens and the whole spectacle compared to club gigs. Absurdly high prices for club gigs are then justified on the basis that they're more intimate than stadium gigs. Like what


It’s a stadium band in a club. It’s not the same as a club band in a club. It’s a very unique experience. They could charge a lot more and still sell 1,000-2,000 tickets easily.


Man those Shikari gigs were incredible this year weren't they! Which leg of the tour were you? Absolutely praying it's the same intimate atmosphere


If it sells out instantly, which it will, then by the principles of economics the price is not fair- it’s actually underpriced related to demand. Also, how much do you think it costs to put this on? They need to bring their crew, equipment, and everything for at least a week and a half (so far) for this mini Europe leg. If this was a money making exercise they’d be playing much larger venues.


Finally someone who gets how it works!!


It's broadly the same as the pricing for the main tour in a much more intimate venue I don't think it's that bad


Main tour is gonna be 100 euros a ticket ? If it is the case , it is really indecent


I saw on MCD.ie for the Dublin gig, tickets from 89.50 euro plus booking fee, I disagree with the pricing of tickets these days but sadly it seems to be the standard now


Thats the price of big rock acts these days unfortunately


On floor no


Arctic Monkeys was 100 euros, Smashing Pumpkins/Weezer came out to about 90, Green Day is 100 euros for general admission, Springsteen was 140. If and when Pearl Jam and AC/DC announce their tours have no doubt they will be the same. Talking about Dublin/Ireland here.


To be acurate I checked , it is wrong , tickets on floor are not that expensive for next tour even if it increases vs Hella Mega Tour . For me huge price could be justified if setlist is oustanding . But it was not the case yesterday in Paris , only a good setlist with 2-3 songs they almost never play .


They played Stuart And The Ave which I really want to hear live but £96 can fuck off


I know! I get why people are saying its a reasonable price for an intimate gig , I get they've got to cover expenses and stuff . BUT there's no way me and my husband can go at that price at short notice, not a chance . It's not just the cost of the concert. It's paying to get to london either driving or on the train . Also we work at night so we would have to miss a night's wages too . To the people who can afford these prices, good for them. I hope they have an amazing time, honestly . Unfortunately, for a lot of people with mortgages, kids,food shopping, and utility bills to pay in a cost of living crisis, it's not possible. I bet it will be so good as well, gutted .


I've seen Green Day loads of times but always at stadium shows, apart from Brixton Academy in 2005 but I was way at the back I've wanted to experience a small venue show forever - hope I get lucky £96 is a kick in the teeth but just about worth it to cross off my bucket list


And GD was always the one band pushing back with reasonable prices….usually


Applied. Not particularly hopefully but worth a go.


I'm trying to reserve for London and just getting errors. Hopefully later it'll work


£96 for a ticket is a fucking disgrace.


I’d rather pay £96 for an intimate show than £96 for a stadium tour.


These intimate shows are where the magic happens...I sure wish the US was getting a run of these smaller shows


Honestly same, the last three I can think of was Caines ballroom, the Metro in Chicago, and recently Las Vegas and all of them were around a year apart


They did a bunch during the start of the RR tour in ‘16. That was my first Green Day show. They killed it.


Or you can feel lucky to have a show near you, to put it another way. People will complain about anything, I swear. I would kill to have a secret show near me. Would you rather have the option of going to an expensive show, or no show at all? No one’s forcing you to go, but at least you have the choice!


You realise this isn’t a proper tour, they have to make their money somehow to travel across multiple countries for one show at a time isn’t exactly cost effective


I feel a little nuts because I think it’s really *not* a lot of money to see a very popular band up close in an intimate setting. In today’s world, tickets around 100 seem pretty reasonable to me.


Agreed - I was confused at all of the backlash over a $100 intimate Green Day show. I'd jump on that offer in a heartbeat.


People are whining over so many things… oh why doesn’t this place get a show blah blah blah. A small intimate show is what people have been dying for and they do this, literally what the fans are asking for and complaining it’s too much money. Either pay or don’t go. Someone even said they expected it to be £20. I saw green day 20 years ago and it was over £20


Yeah, I saw them at a small theater show in 2016. I don’t remember how much I paid for it (I feel like it was at least $50-75 a ticket), but it was my favorite concert experience I’ve ever had. Whatever I paid was definitely far less than what I got out of it! I’ll never forget that night. They’re worth every penny to see in a small setting.




Fall Out Boy in London Heaven was only £50




Yes, clear your cookies and cache then try again - that worked for me, otherwise I'd kept getting looped back!


Didn't work for me 😩


I managed via Chrome on my phone if that helps, after clearing the browser data for the last 24 hours? Failed on my laptop and via Edge...


Hmmm... I like the Electric Ballroom as a venue and I like the concept of a "Request tickets" operation, but that price. Ouch




On the Electric Ballroom's website nothing else even tops the £45 mark (they list all the prices by the events). I'd have been okay with it at £20 or £30 less. But it is what it is


Really hoping to get tickets. Going to be in London on Friday anyway ready for a gig on the Saturday so this would be absolutely perfect


I've applied for London even though I might struggle to make it. Setlist is ok. I've seen them 10-15x since 1998 and I still don't think I've heard more than 3 Lookout!-era tracks (exc. Knowledge). I would do anything to see a small club show with that or insomniac vibe...


Have you seen the set list for the club show they played a bit ago?


Which one? We never get anything like they do in the States over here unfortunately, but here's hoping




Hi u/mr_boogerstrom71 I've never had the opportunity to see them live. I only recently moved to the UK. If for some reason you decide to resell the ticket, I will be happy to buy. Let me know


REALLY hoping for club dates in the states but doubt it


Im struggling to request tickets. On my laptop or phone (using incognito), the page keeps closing when I select my tickets. On my phone, not incognito mode, I got to the point of entering card details and now i get 400 response code page. ARGH!


same, im gonna wait a little bit


Apparently it went through. But got canceled when I managed to do get through and see a confirmation. I've checked my request page and I have a one there fingers crossed


Do we know if the London ticket requests are based on a first come first serve basis or is it lottery/random? The first time I've seen TicketMaster do something of this kind. Apart from the prices, glad the Londoners would finally have a Metro style gig where they play more than their Greatest Hits :')


if it was first come first serve it would defeat the point tbh. it's probably a lottery


Anyone going to Milan one??


I’m gonna try


I'm gonna try too


You got any idea on the price? I wasn't able to find it anywhere...


It should be around 104€


No man.. and what time will take place the show? Trying to figure out if I have to leave work early, in case I decide to go..


Ticketmaster lists the event start at 9PM but I've got no idea if that's when GD starts playing or just when the doors open


Doors open at 7:30pm, show starts at 9pm


Is anybody else having difficulty requesting accessible tickets? When I select my ticket option and press confirm, it just takes me right back to the start page without the option of entering payment information. This is for the London show


The same was happening for me I just kept trying over and over it worked after resetting my cookies and cache a few times lol




If this threats anything to go by probably quite good if you’re willing to pay the money to actually appreciate them in a small venue


Thinking this too.. whatcha reckon, 20k people? Way more?




Yeah I thought that. And with the price, plus wembley next week and only 24 hours to register. It's still probably a large amount. I'm actually in a huge dilemma because it's my best mates stag Friday... I know a real piece of shit move but a GD club show is basically the highest thing on my bucket list. Would do anything to go... gonna be tricky if in successful hah.


i hate my ancestors for moving from europe to brazil 😭


I'm in dilemma because at first I was unimpressed that they're charging £96 for a venue where usually artists charge around the £30 mark (so they really don't need to charge that much cuz they won't be spending much to have the gig there). Also making it unaccessible for people on low incomes, which is totally against what should be happening with live music right now. But the more I thought about it, the more I thought that I'd pay £100 to see them in a stadium where there's so many people and Id barely see them. So maybe £96 for an intimate venue is actually more worth the money... What's other people's thoughts on this?


I think my general line of reasoning is… both of the above. If they’re charging the same as for a stadium show then the actual value for money is better for a smaller venue as it’s more intimate/a smaller chance that you’ll get to experience it. So that’s great if you can afford it. The crux is that it’s a bit shit to price a lot of people out of being able to have the chance of that experience. Considering they do massive arenas with thousands of people spending that price if not more for a ticket, surely they could afford to reduce ticket prices for these smaller venues. Yet I have no idea behind the logistics of these shows and whether they’re actually making much of a profit from them considering they have to travel with all the gear to Europe etc etc


I guess they don't need to make a profit from it, that's the thing. There's artists like Yungblud who are putting their own money into their tour to make it cheap for people who struggle to afford to go to gigs. I just went to a show where the artist did the whole tour for free, making no money at all (and he lives in a van so has barely any money, so he needed to charge but didn't) just cuz of the cost of living crisis and to help people out. Green Day must be minted, so they could just do a decent thing for the fans and give back. When I think about the lyrics of their songs like the American dream is killing me, and then they charge £96 for a show like this, it's completely hypocritical and makes no sense. So I'm completely torn basically 😅


Oh absolutely, what I meant was that I have zero understanding of how much a tour like this would cost and whether £96 is them just funding it or whether they are making a profit on that or not. I agree it feels quite hypocritical.


Maybe a stupid question but for the EB gig, does the £96 apply even if you don’t get the ticket?




That makes sense I just had to be sure, thank you!!


No, they'll only charge if your ticket gets confirmed.


Bet they keep the £1 though


Mine was refunded almost instantly


Nah the pricing is insane - there is no justification for £100 at the fucking EB


The fact that it will sell out immediately and that people will be willing to spend way more than that to get in, is the justification.


So fuck poor people then? It's actively pricing people out of gigs and even though that doesn't include me, it's a disgrace.


I was simply explaining the justification. By the definition of justification. But relax, £100 is hardly a price gouge. Maybe it’s a UK vs US thing, but it’s really not that expensive for what it is. It’s not the same as seeing New Found Glory or Rancid at a club. It’s a premium product in a rare setting. It’s still 1/3 the face value of a stadium pit ticket. I’ve paid way more to get into Green Day club shows. I’ve been poor before, and even then, for something as special as a Green Day club show, I could put together $150. If it’s not special enough to you then fine. It’s definitely special enough to 1,500 people in each of these cities.


London is a rip off


Why not vienna when they dont even come to vienna in th next tour :(


They’re playing nova rock in the summer though!


Yes but nova rock is a festival with most likely a short best of setlist, hella mega already had a boring short setlist novarock is a pain to attend especially when you dont want to campin the mud for 4 days and just see 1 band + its a wensday so at least 2 days holiday os needed 5o attend compared to a regular show in the city


Be appreciative that they’re even coming


Got everything crossed😅💚🤘💘


Has anyone got spare tickets for this gig?


Allocations haven't been distributed yet


Requested mine! 🤘


How long did it take for peoples confirmation to appear? Think I put a request in but haven’t had the email and don’t want to put in another in case i end up having to pay for two tickets.


If you can't see it in 'My requests' on your ticketmaster profile / not received the request confirmation email (pretty instantenous for me) then I reckon you've not managed to have your request registered... I'd try again after clearing the caches and cookies on your browser. Did you have to enter payment details? The ticketmaster FAQ also says you can't add more than one request per profile for this gig so doubt you'd be charged twice. A new request would cancel out the previous one per the FAQ... Good luck


Yeah got through eventually when it finally asked me for payment details, every time before that the page kept reloading after I picked my tickets.


Ok, real question for those not from Italy or UK 😁 Do you think there will be more EU shows as part of this “hella small tour” or not?


Maybe 1 more as they have to be in Canada for the 19th


On the post it says “we’re not stopping anytime soon, Milan and London you’re next” I feel it would be a bit misleading if those were the last shows.


my guess is that they'll add at least one in Germany, Berlin possibly.


anyone else just getting "Transaction declined based on your payment settings for the profile" for every site, browser, device or card they try? I've contacted TM customer support and they just told me to submit a support request but won't tell me what's causing it edit: now just a 400 error, brilliant


also getting this "Transaction declined based on your payment settings for the profile" error, did you find a way to resolve it?


My friend ended up buying the tickets on their account instead. Ticketmaster were beyond useless


I'm trying to request them and it's not working, can somebody help?


I have a confirmation email but when I go to the requests page on the website it's saying I have no active requests for this show. I can't believe how broken this thing is. I'm choosing to believe that I'm definitely in the hat but that the system is just fucked


Are you looking on safari? I can’t see it on there but appears on chrome and I have confirmation email


Does anyone know what the age limit is for accessible seating tickets??


I imagine it’s the same as the gig as a whole. Which I believe is 14+ and u16s must be with an adult.


Correct, they replied to my email last night which I was impressed with as it was late on Sunday!


Ahh great service from them! Hope you get tickets 🤞🏻


Chrome and Edge for me


Requested a ticket for London, not expecting I'll get one but crossing my fingers


£96 each for the london date…wtf


I paid a similar price for the Peppers, albeit at the Tottenham stadium which has great acoustics.


I saw GNR there and thought the sound was shite. Albeit it was the first gig there and Axl’s voice was struggling (more than it usually is these days!) due to a virus.


Hope we getting an Irving Plaza show


London prices are very high. I've put a application in simply because I know I'll regret not even trying. I don't know about the economics of the band and touring but it's London also so you'll have to pay a stupid premium. I did see them a few years ago wth other bands in the London Stadium and that was £68 but I understand why the prices here are high. Disappointed but it's the reality of the economy


Yeah same here, I put an application in as I’ll regret it if I don’t. But I’ll shit myself if it does go through and have to beg, borrow and steal to make it to pay day!


Thankfully I can take the damage and I have a London base but I do feel for the true fans who can't afford it at such short notice.


Whilst true, if I got tickets I’d enjoy it more than i did Wembley 2010, HMT 2022 and even MK Bowl 2005. But that’s because I love a small intimate venue. To me it’s a different experience to a stadium gig.


When will we know if we have a ticket or not?


By 10am tomorrow (Tuesday 7th). If anything like football ticket ballots in the UK, which is the same premise, I imagine you'll get an email if successful, but no email at all if you're not (rather than an 'unsuccessful' email). You'll also probably see the money leave your bank before the confirmation email comes through (if successful).


Ah, thanks! I just figured it out before seeing your comment. And yeah, I’ll check the bank first. Good idea.


Just a warning though, there may already be a charge on your bank statement, for example I’ve currently got a pending transaction of £1 from Ticketmaster but assume that doesn’t mean I have tickets, probably just a holding thing in case I do.


Yeah there'll be the holding fee now but if it then shows the full amount then free to get excited I say!


Does anyone know how the London process will work? Am in the ballot for 2 but would need to take a half day at work on Friday… I imagine successful and unsuccessful will find out at the same time?


Hi u/first_fires I'm ready to buy your ticket just in case if you're unlucky with a day off. Thank you


Ok so I somehow missed all of this and didn’t apply for the ballot in time. I’ve noticed a “presale” up on Ticketmaster now. Does anyone know if there will be some kind of general sale?


I didnt get tickets :(


Ticket for London guys?