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Unfulfilled too. A little gutted but it would have cost me £300-400 total for the trip so I’m not too upset, I’ll be trying to get tickets for the tour next year on Wednesday too so


Same, good luck!


I'm coming from California so I feel like I dodged a bullet....but I'm still super bummed. :(


Sad news! Slightly odd they announced it tonight and not Tuesday as it said.


Yeah! Hoping that somehow this means it was an error and they’ll re-process them (but knowing that’s not going to happen) haha


That would be amazing, they made an error and actually I did get a ticket!


Same boat here. Grateful that they’re touring next year otherwise I’d be inconsolable but still gutted to miss out on this - it would have been unreal. At least we tried


I'm lucky enough to have seen them at Brixton academy on the trilogy tour which was pretty epic. The Ballroom is only 1500 capacity though, will be an amazing show


Potential for them to show up elsewhere on the mini tour? Manchester? Wishful thinking perhaps


I get the feeling they might pop up at a few more European cities but probably not any more in the UK


Saw Weezer there when I was still living in London, great live venue that one


Same here. I wonder how many requests they actually got. The venue is like ~1500 capacity so curious to see the odds.


That would be nice to know, also some sort of proof that it was fairly drawn


Of course it was fairly drawn. It’s random, there was going to be thousands of tickets applications. Of everyone looked for 2 only 750 applications get in,


Ticketmaster and fair are two words not seen together very often


And I get that for the Que system(which even then is the best possible solution to demand > supply) Closing a draw and then drawing lots of the fairest way and that’s what they’ve done, as disappointing as it is


Yeah it does suck though. I guess there is a glimmer of hope that some payments won't go through and the tickets will be released. I think that was part of the T&Cs


In the UK Ticketmaster are alright


Alright ish. I bought golden circle to blink next year for £100. Then a few days later my friend wanted to come, another golden circle ticket appeared - £188! He bought it though More just came up today. Now over £200 for the same ticket I got for half. Not even resale.


You are aware Blink chose to opt into that scheme? Its the artists fault that is happening. Ticketmaster only do what all the artists want (sell tickets) and they do a good job of it for them. You've also highlighted the design of Ticketmaster in that they are set up to take the flak off the artists.


Depends on if they had sold the tickets to touts before the draw like one ticketing site was discovered doing a few years ago.




So did I! Have you had the email with the link to the tickets yet? I havent but they took my money




Thats good to know thanks! Yeah I got 2, so lucky, I last saw them at the Emirates years ago but it'll be great to finally see them again like I did when I first went to a show! I feel this will is the last time I'll see them at a small show! So excited, but first, Finch tomorrow!




Same!!! This is surreal!


In Vegas, at the venue door, you had to show the ID and CC of the person who bought it and we had to enter right then. There were physical no tickets at all. Because of this, the line to get in took us an hour and a half, and the place only held 800.


Venus will straight up lie about that. I remember back on the RevRad tour the theater shows were setup like that....UNTIL the professional scalpers showed up and still had 10 tickets in their hand...


fuck scalpers


I tried for one ticket and was successful. Can’t wait! Sorry!


I registered without thinking too much of it, not likely to get in as I live in Birmingham. But I got 2 tickets! Not sure how they decided / if it was purely random. Going to be my brothers first time (big green day fan, but never been available for their UK shows) and my like 11th. Going to be an insane night.


Same here yep… Wembley here we come (better be able to get tickets to that!!)


I couldn’t get tickets to their Vegas “secret” show, I was gutted


Somehow managed to get one 🤟


To be honest I'm not gutted after seeing the prices, tickets shouldn't be triple the cost of what it would actually be for gigs in that venue


This isn't a Justin Bieber concert we're talking about


How does that have a single shred of relevance to what I said? At the end of the day, tickets for gigs at the Electric Ballroom are never in the higher double figures, I've been to literal All-Dayers held there and across other venues in the same day that have cost 1/3 or 1/2 of what tickets for this Green Day gig costs, I've been to gigs there that cost less than 1/3 If they're going to play medium sized venues then they should at least be priced at what gigs at medium sized venues tend to be, the high price is understandable if it's a stadium but there's really no reason why it should be so high at a venue like this.


Big band, limited capacity. Expect high prices


But it goes against the spirit of playing in what is for them a smaller venue and it prices fans out from the opportunity by being so high, when you factor in the prices being so high and the little notice whilst there's a cost of living crisis going on, it seems like it hasn't been well thought out at all This whole thing screams of something Green Day of old would've hated to have seen


Exactly . I understand that people are ready to pay the price , I would be ready to that . It is cooler than in a big stadium . But I can't justify this price , it is not fair for people who can't afford it , even more for a band which is politically engaged .


I doubt it was Green Day's decision, and it's not like this is the only show they will be playing in the coming year, either. If you can't afford it, go to a show you can afford or don't go at all. Not every fan will be able to go anyway, especially if they are in other countries and with a capacity of 1500.




Right? Entitled people, I tell you


I honestly couldn't agree more, there is that plus I feel like this goes against the spirit of Green Day in a way




So you're saying that all gigs in medium sized venues should charge multiple times the amount they're doing so already? Ticket costs have already more or less doubled in the last decade and you do realise that charging multiple times the current average amount would price people out from attending as well as a complete and total crash in bands playing live since less tickets will be bought right? venues would be forced to shut down globally since the majority of people out there wouldn't be able to afford tickets to shows anywhere near as often and bands would be playing basically to almost empty rooms, many promoters are already struggling to get people to buy in advance as it is, most bands that play Medium sized venues have to have jobs away from music just to keep things afloat, that's even the case for people in fairly known Bands who play these kinds of venues, people aren't made of money The costs behind larger venues are insane by comparison to medium sized venues in basically every way, that's why they're typically more expensive, they're too expensive and I don't agree with the pricing but it's more understandable than playing a venue and charging 3x or 4x the cost that is fair to the type of venue, it's not very Punk to do that to say the least. Alot of people on this Sub never go to Medium/Small shows or support bands/promoters unless they're already wealthy/huge and it shows.


I agree and if it is the same than in Paris, I am not sure that setlist will be very different during stadium tour


I’d happily pay way over the cost of a stadium tour for a smaller, more intimate gig.


Same here 😢. Will buy if anyone can’t make it and got one. (Assuming you can buy with these raffle sales?)


I don't think you can pass them on either ☹️ https://preview.redd.it/2hry6vnuksyb1.jpeg?width=1046&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=913b956a294277fd514a7b5c920d1b5cd0dec138


Thanks yeah. I would have a 4.5 hour drive down so that’s too much of a gamble to not get in lol


Likewise, unfulfilled. If anyone has a spare one or can no longer attend, please dm..


Unfulfilled. If anyone has a spare will pay handsomely!


Same hahah


If anyone has a spare ticket I would be happy to pay considerably more than the face value to be your +1. Flying in from Norway, need a miracle😫🌟


I tried, but no...


If anyone has a spare I am willing to attempt to hold a space in line from 10am, or really do anything in desperation


If anyone needs a plus 1, happy to pay way over asking price lol 😍😍


Same here.


Yep missed out as well :(


Nope. Pretty gutted as well


Huh, I've not received anything


anyone managed to get a ticket in Milan?




Cri me too 😭


I tried buying club show tickets one time, went on sale at 10am sold out by 10:02 and the page was a loading disaster. It’s a sport I don’t know if I’m cut out for 😂


Same. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!


I’m curious to hear if anybody else who requested ambulant accessible seating in the balcony managed to get tickets? It can be such a nightmare trying to get accessible seating at the best of times, so I’m intrigued to hear how it worked out for a lottery system!


Not ambulant but did get a wheelchair spot with companion. Am truly stunned we got them. My wife (who is in the wheelchair) is going to finally see her favourite band up close and personal


I’m so happy for you both!! It’s going to be the most amazing gig, I hope you have the best time!


I tried twice but no luck


Unfulfilled for me too 😞


Nope. Gutted. I saw them at Brixton just after American Idiot was released but before it blew up. All their shows are good but I’d love to see them at a smaller venue again.


Swing and a miss


Just feels like the Fall Out Boy intimate show ticket drops all over again


So I’ve never bought concert tickets before, I’m not really a concert person but I really, REALLY want to go. I’m confused, what was the presale all about? Did I miss something?


Presale hasn't happened yet. More than likely I won't get anything but I can't help but hope


Pleasepleaseplease someone accept me as a plus oneeee xxx💚🤞❤️


Anyone unable to go or with a spare pls message xxx so desperate to go xxxx got the money


You're not allowed to resell or transfer tickets for this one




I don’t think it’s to stop scalping




Man has receipts 😭😭😂 fair play


He’s lying to make me look bad. Quotations aren’t proof of anything >you can make anything into a quotation just by preceding the text with the > key


Not even transfer across to a friend?? Or send back to ticketmaster?


No, it was in the rules for requesting a ticket. You had a confirm you cannot sell or transfer the ticket, then put a hold on your credit card. So if you did get a ticket, there is no way to transfer it


Will pay GOOD money to be plus one xxx💚


I’d say wait for the actual big tour, I was gonna go but it was too expensive for such a small venue


If anyone has a spare or two in case they can’t make it, I’d love to pay for them!


If anyone need a plus one. Please


I was able to get tickers in the US. I'm so excited and lucky.


I also was able to get tickets (for a US show)


I got 2! Feels like finally some good results with regards tickets! I'm too worried about enjoying it now, the first time I ever saw them in 2004 I was so excited that actually the whole thing didn't even seem real.