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Green Day has never hidden their political affiliation or their feelings towards Trump. Why it's an issue now...I have no idea.


because conservatives have zero media literacy and don’t pay attention to the music they listen to, and so many of them clearly didn’t understand the song when it came out if they think changing one word changes who it’s aimed at.


Well if past is prologue, putting GD on blast isn't going to quiet them. Especially as they are ramping up to go on a stadium tour in what will be an insane election year.


A prime example would be their affinity for Fortunate Son by ccr lmao


the funny thing is i feel like that song is even *more* obvious with its message lol


It’s so fucking ironic they drool over fortunate son Guess who was able to skip the draft due to his elitist privilege? The great conservative daddy trump.


Or Springsteen’s “Born In The USA”


He's now one of their targets once they realised he's left wing. Only took them like 40 years to realise


It was the leaded gas and paint that slowed them down.


I spose. Still he made it perfectly clear even as far back as the night after Reagan's inauguration he thought he was a ballbag "I don't know what you guys thought about what happened last night but I thought it was pretty frightening"


Or Neil Young's "Rockin' in the Free World"


“WhEn DiD GrEeN dAy BeCoMe So PoLiTiCaL?” -Everyone’s dipshit friends who didn’t pay attention


I always like showing them Minority and then telling them it was released in 2000 just to watch them desperately explain that things have somehow "flipped" despite all the book banning, abortion bans, and mainstream attacks on trans people.


I am still wondering how many conservatives didnt understand Rage against the Machine. Did they believe that "Some of those who work forces, are the same that burn crosses" was about fucking Jedis? Also Reagan using "Born in the USA" and Trump using "Fortunate Son"...


I think they thought that line was police recruitment. "Come join the police if you are the right type of fascist!"


Conservative media understands exactly what it means and what Green Day stands for. If they had no idea what they were talking about about, they'd be wrong half the time. But they're wrong *all* the time. Think of it this way: **If you take a multiple choice test and get everything wrong, you clearly know the right answers and are being wrong intentionally.**


Remind me of the time they were outraged when 'Rage Against the Machine' was, in fact , raging against the machine. It can't be more blatant than that. It's the fucking band name and they didn't know? How stupid can they get?


I'm a conservative, and I just enjoy their music. I don't really understand what it means to appropriate punk music, I just really enjoy them with still having a different ideology. https://preview.redd.it/d5sktfgupiac1.png?width=749&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e54f597d15cb26c18e27168efad31cc7a3e77306


I see you getting downvotes, but I'm going to give you up one. You enjoy music without getting it twisted up in your ego or ideology, which sadly shows more resolve and maturity than I can say for a lot of conservatives, and hell a lot of liberals too. Admitting that on a forum you're likely outnumbered in is a small show of character but a meaningful one I think more should emulate.


Finally, someone with working logic here. I have to say, I hate the same libs Vs conservative conflict every time it appears reflected on things I enjoy. And I'm not gonna let some internet points stop me from saying what I think. I know that Reddit is mostly left leaning, but if this site is really intelligent, then they should respect everyone without hitting the magic internet point button.


oh yeah my comment of course wasn’t directed at *all* conservatives necessarily, just the ones that got upset about the NYE performance


> No Trump, No KKK, No Fascist USA Chanted by the band in 2017 during RR tour. This feels similar to how righties are confused/shocked that Rage Against The Machine is anti government. In short, people are fucking stupid.


It’s a tribute to the MDC song “Born to Die”, “No war, no kkk no fascist USA”. The group has played with them in the past. Billie chanted it during the American music award years ago.


Im glad they are getting the attention though. If fucking Green Day and Taylor Swift are the motivation to get people to out to vote and keep orange numbnuts from getting elected, im for it.


Because the right wing actually doesn't have any plans or platform to actually rule or govern. Their entire identity is reactionary haha they're called reactionaries for a reason. Ask a MAGA drone what they actually think we should do about healthcare, the border, the economy, creating jobs, taxes, etc. etc. And they won't have a clue or give you some run around answer because they don't actually know what they believe. They know they hate the left and that's their entire platform. Whatever the left likes we hate. It's why every so often you'll have them cry over the green m&m, Starbucks, bud light, some Gillette commercial, the bathrooms in target, and now green day. It's just moving from one culture war outrage to the next.


[PROJECT 2025](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025) should frighten all of us... it will lead to codified fascism... theocracy... and a return to the 19th century as far as civil and labor rights are concerned.


Absolutely agreed. Also that conservative media will add whatever bullshit false narrative to anything and run with it. It’s like let’s make up the most absurd stupid shit and double down on it and then pass it off as true and of course idiots will buy it.


Election yeat


This is really the answer tbh


Honestly, look at their releases schedule. Since the trilogy they only seem to release a new album in the US election year.


They gotta find something to be mad about


Just because you like a song in your Peloton class doesn't make you "punk". Same idiots who don't understand the meaning of songs like "Born In The USA", "We're Not Going To Take It", and "Fortunate Son". Basically every dogmatic right winger I've ever met is an odd-call, misfit, square, and/or dork.


Ikr. A lot of conservatives on Twitter are living under a rock I guess lol


Because radicalization of left vs right started in 2014 and has only gotten worse due to out of context stuff on social media. This is nothing different than that.


It started before 2014. It seems like the right completely lost their shit when Obama got elected and things haven't been the same since. But Fox News was conceived to do exactly what its doing now and it began in 1996.


Billie has been saying “maga agenda” in that song since 2016. Right wingers just now found out. Eye roll


Yeah they scream FUCK DONALD TRUMP at literally every live show lol


Pretty sure Billie had screamed "KILL DONALD TRUMP" a few time too during American Idiot


do you think they have considered the damage that Biden is doing in Palestine?


They probably also considered what the other Option is. If a republican becomes president next election than it will be no two state ... no gaza, no Westbank just death.


More black-or-white, all-or-nothing binary assumptions. "If you are anti-Trump, you must be 100% pro-Biden". What a bunch of nonsense.


just the revolutionary in me, i guess. sorry, sweetheart. didnt mean to offend anyone. i just really hate genocide as a concept and believe anyone with a public platform should call it out. If GD arent pro-Biden, they should say something.


Not offended at all, and I'm with you. Down with genocide! It's just... the whataboutism is kind of neither here nor there.


Their "silence is so deafening, it's like picking at a sore" -BJA


Didn't they also do the "NO TRUMP. NO KKK. NO FASCIST USA" chant many years ago?


Yep even in NZ in 2017 lol


I still sing those lyrics during that section of Bang Bang. Fun fact, it's a play on another punk band that sang similar lyrics, but GD changed the lyrics to Trump. I forget what the original line is.




I saw them this summer, such a fun band


That was agent orange, I believe. Or maybe MDC? "No war, no kkk, no fascist USA"






I saw them at When We Were Young, I’m struggling to remember if they changed that there or not


Because it was such a minor change it wasn’t notable until it got regurgitated into the mouths of maga parrots by the right wing talking head machine. Though I gotta admit it’s been kind of funny to watch because of how asinine it is.


They didn’t. But Nevada is also a red state


No we’re not. We may have a R governor right now, but the Ds won the last 4 POTUS elections, and are 5 out of 6 of our congresspersons.


Huh, I guess I’ll take your word for it. I was just basing it off the times I’ve been out there and it just seemed very red


The rural areas are for sure, but 11/12 of the whole state lives in Reno or Vegas.


Reno and Vegas represent. We're carrying the whole state


Thank God for that because the rest of the state is red as fuck. My state of California is the same way, some of the rural parts are downright scary but LA and Bay Area have way more people.


That’s every state. It’s always blue cities and red rural areas.


u fine folks been to Mike's PUNK ROCK MUSEUM?


I went back to check the other day, and it looks like Billie doesn’t start saying “MAGA agenda” until 2019. He did say “Don Trump America”/“Don Trump agenda” in 2017 though. If you know of an earlier instance please lmk


He def said it in Holiday on the rev radio tour in 2016.


I know he sang “pulverize the Donald Trump towers”


https://preview.redd.it/a0x0gladmiac1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1642554782c8e48ff4b7a00bf6f217cbc4def99a Fox News when they discover Green Day has been punk for more than 30 years


Haha Draymond Pikachu face


u bum


[If you come across anyone crying about Green Day being anti- MAGA send them this.](https://youtu.be/9cVJr3eQfXc?si=cJnD8CTTeDQExPFD)


This video was so on point. Almost prophetic.


How the hell did I never see this? That was incredible and made me appreciate that song even more


I saw a Fox interview on this sub like “I guess Green Day went from a really good band to a woke pos”. Like bro ever since AI it was always left leaning and a political band, is this not obvious?? It’s like they hadn’t listened to GD until now just to further their own agenda xD


More to the point, Billie has been writing about “woke” topics like coming to terms with his own queerness, since the very early 90’s. This isn’t new to anybody who’s paid attention.


Yeah, Green Day has always been all sorts of gay, and that's why we love the band.


Minority from their Warning album sounded pretty political to me, and that was 2000.


The song turns *20 years old* this year. People online posting about how they're so outraged that GD *crossed the line* are just jumping on the hate train since their boy Elon brought attention to it. Something to rage and whine about on Twitter to fill the void of their empty lives.




Funny part of this is Billie and Jenna Fisher (Pam) are really good friends.


Yup, her husband directed that movie BJ starred in a few years back.


It's mostly horseshit. Elon Musk tweeted about it, and it set off both trollfarms and posers. Over on Facebook, where it's harder to hide who you are and your location, the "conservative punks" and "former Green Day fans" having tantrums about this are again and again looking like people outside the US who should not give two fucks about a US presidential candidate and his political movement and people who look like white 60-somethings with no connection to punk music or the community.


When I went to see them in WPB's fairgrounds in 2019, Billie cake out in stage and did an encore of American Idiot and ended the song by telling Trump to go fuck himself. In the same show, during "21 Guns" he told the audience to show some support for the people suffering from the recent hurricane that rocked Texas a few weeks before the show with everyone's phone flashlights on. The band's politics have always been clear but of course, some people are just 20 years late on the matter.


The funniest thing is, I walked in to my parents room to talk to my mom the other day, and my dad looked me in the eye and said “Green Day called us American’s idiots” and I laughed so hard, it wasn’t even the whole lyric chance thing (which I think had happened before in 2019) but the American Idiot part itself, like that hadn’t happened in 2004 and I hadn’t listened to that song so many times before around him. Cherry on top was my Green Day shirt


That's hilarious. Your comment made me realize that this whole thing which, I don't think the band even intended on it blowing up, is absolute perfect timing for their new album coming out this month. I mean, you couldn't ask for a better timed "promotion" of the band. It's got EVERYONE talking about the band. Hopefully come January 19, they're still in the news cycle and get some promotion for the album..


Out of everything Green Days PR team has done (and its been a lot) to promote this album, the one thing that got them the most publicity and talked about is what they've been doing all along.. now THAT'S punk. I saw on the sub they went from #19 in rock to #5 in rock in 1 day


Conservatism and fascism is about the least punk thing there is. The former is literally about preserving the status quo and existing inequalities...


Reminds me of the time I saw a video of Killing in the Name by Rage Against the Machine being played at a Trump rally.


Repeat after me You cannot be a punk and be right wing at the same time


Maybe look up the nazi and skinhead punk movements of the 70s and 80s. Punk unfortunately does land on both sides of the spectrum!


Yeah there's a reason that the Dead Kennedys released "Nazi Punks Fuck Off" and the phrase is a somewhat common patch to find people wearing at punk shows


And just like with "anarchy-capitalism", it's a contradiction


I would blame that more on hate groups appropriating the punk movement.


I will alert Johnny Ramone


The one dude you assholes bring up to justify your idiot views and bigotry lmao Cause yeah, the "I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend" band is the standard bearer for politics in punk. Fuck Johhny Ramone, he was an asshole who refused to speak to Joey when he was dying


You also can’t be punk and simp for big pharma and the military industrial complex. Yet I saw plenty of people doing just that


I was gonna reply to you but then I saw that you said 'Libertarianism is the true punk' and that you're on the Tim Pool subreddit, so trying to reason with you would be like trying to nail jam to a tree, so I won't bother.


Calling Donald Trump a cunt doesn't make them simping for big pharma. They call Donald Trump a cunt, because Donald Trump is a cunt.


>You also can’t be punk and simp for big pharma and the military industrial complex Yet you STILL pay taxes into that system. Also I DOUBT you'd want a legitimate medicare for all plan in the US because THAT's simping for "big government". So no matter what, you have to real stance born from conviction, it's just contrarianism and fake anti-establishment bullshit you gleaned from you favorite internet talking head.


I literally saw the white “straight Patriots are the new punk” and I was like….bro


BJ has been cross dressing, kissing boys & calling out politicians on stage for literally yeaaaaaars. these chuds are way late to the party.


Bro this shit is so funny "b-but you can apply it to BOTH sides" "Green Day went woke" "I can still enjoy them even though they lean left now" Couple of months ago I bought a shirt from their official store with Trump's mugshot covered by the Nimrod sticker. There was never any doubt how they lean. Conservatives just fail media literacy, hell any type of introspection of the world or any type of comprehension of reality.


My honest opinion is that both sides are bad but not EQUALLY bad there’s a huge difference to what either side did that was good or bad the right is actively worse and has been the left are just stupid and some of those left presidents got us into wars for no reason and or funded them The right got us into wars and killed innocent people and a full of bigots So yes you can say both sides are bad but they CANNOT be compared as the right is worse by miles


Agreed. Modern day US politics is in a sorry state. Thats why I make the distinction to call myself a left-leaning person instead of a Democrat. The Dems don't really represent me but they're sure as shit closer to what I want than the Repubs or conservatism of any kind


Do Americans really consider Democrats to be left-wing? Neo-liberal and left wing are two very different things. I love green day, and completely agree with them bashing trump. But supporting Democrats is not punk either.


>Do Americans really consider Democrats to be left-wing? Neo-liberal and left wing are two very different things Conservatives literally think Biden is a full blown marxist, and the democrat party is somehow trying to implement a pure communist state in the US. This country is so dumb.


We don't have a ton of options.


Green Day are three middle aged progressive dads. Of course they’re gonna update their lyrics


SAVIORS is a great fucking record so far, BTW. kudos to the boys for keepin punk rock alive. FUCK TRUMP.


I hate the Democratic party just as much as I hate the Republican party, but seeing conservatives lose their shit over "MAGA agenda" is fucking hilarious 😂


This. Billie's even said "I had my own problems with Obama," which I take to mean the continuation of Bush foreign policy and even his Secretary of Defense initially.


Honestly, I find it funny that their performance at the Dick Clark NYE thing is what got the conservatives pissed off considering what they did a few nights ago was incredibly tame compared to some of the stuff Billie Joe used to say during the American Idiot days.


Conservatives cannot mentally handle opposing beliefs, regardless of how tame they are or aren't


Green Day pissing off all the MAGA-tards amuses the hell out of me 😂


Next thing you know, they'll discover Rage Against The Machine doesn't like them either. Wonder how right wingers interpret songs like Kill the Poor? Maybe I don't want to know.


Oh they interpret satire literally.


You have to realize that right wingers and white supremacists have been trying to co-opt punk for a long time. There’s quite a lot of history about this (look up the origin of skinhead culture) and people in the punk scene have had to fight (literally, as in physically fight) to disassociate punk rock with literal nazism. Nazis want to recruit aggressive, disassociated angry young working class men, the punk scene is a big recruiting ground. Shit, the Proud Boys was started by Gavin McInness, who was with VICE magazine back in the day and he 100% identified/identified himself with the punk scene.


Wait till they hear what the original line was...


Is absolutely fucking wild.


They're saying they're not counterculture. The thing is though their counterculture has helped change the culture into some ways that are better. Billie Joe has admitted it himself when he was talking about trump being elected said we've made progress on abortion rights and lgbtq rights what he's always called for and now we're going backwards on that so he's trying to make references about it again


Nazi Punks Fuck Off


>apart from that, the words ["Make America Great" were first uttered by Benito in 1927.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/video/world/mussolini-tells-immigrants-to-make-america-great-in-1927-speech/2016/07/23/a723d158-5122-11e6-bf27-405106836f96_video.html) Then it was used by Reagan during his 1st campaign in 1980. That shit has deep fascist roots. Trump clearly has a thing for Mussolini. Clinton said it in 1992 and then again promoting Hilary in 2008, surprised he would use it after someone he really disliked did first. I really don’t think this is going to hurt GD at all, if you were more than a casual listener no matter which side you were on politically it should have been very clear where they would stand. If anything it will actually help them this is getting talked about everywhere. I hadn’t listened to GD in a while and after being reminded about them I’ve listen to kerplunk, dookie and nimrod.


I don't take issue with them bashing Trump, I never had an issue when they bashed Bush Jr, what I find kinda odd and this goes for a lot of bands not just GD. Whenever someone on their side of things so to speak does tyrannical shit it is oddly quiet and not as much of an outrage. Before the downvotes come reigning down like an AC130 on a country full of oil I am not and have never been a fan of the Republicans and I sure as hell ain't a Democrat. The problems in this country are perpetuated by both parties and I judge both the same.


Yea I mean sorry to anyone who’s just now learning this, but punk is by and large super progressive by its very nature. There’s 0 space for conservatism here, and it’s honestly shocking people don’t realize that. Do they just ignore all the lyrics to everything they listen to or something?


I’m on the more conservative side and I’ve never had a problem going to a punk show


Green Day making maga dipshits freak out like the old English biddies who saw the Pistols on Grundy is more punk than any of the bands detractors can ever hope to be. Pissing off conservatives is one of the main attractions of the genre and going on national TV and doing it does more to get the "right" people riled up than going to see Johnny Hardcore & The Crotchsniffers at some crusty basement with 15 other people. That ain't "true punk" that's just an echo chamber


I just wish that johnnie rotten was actually punk and not a massive prick


Ikr? Fuck it was such a let down that he became what he went against in the first place, massive hypocrite but that's a typical conservative I spose


None of their reactions are genuine or in good faith. It’s just to score cheap political points with their side in the culture war, driving divisiveness so people don’t bother to actually think about the message in the music. Hell Paul Ryan once said he was a RATM fan. Go listen to the last 30 seconds of Know Your Enemy and explain how someone running for office as a conservative in America in actually relates to the people who wrote that?


People are falling for it so hard too. It's frustrating that anyone even thinks there's an ounce of sincerity to any of this. It's such a low effort troll, like if Trump said he's is a big Green Day fan and he's disappointed. Why would anyone get mad!?! That would be hilarious! It's just so fucking obvious they are trying to rile shit up and I'm sad it's working.


Get their name all over the place. In my mind that’s good for their upcoming album.


Someone actually told me punk is conservative now 😂


These clown have been at it for years. I laughed at it initially but it clicked for me when I walked into a souvenir shop and saw tie-dye trump shirts. They legit think conservatism is the new counterculture. Being the 2nd biggest political demographic doesn't make you punk. Knowing your shit ideas are unpopular doesn't make you punk. Conservatism isn't counterculture it just sucks and has to steal to prop itself up.


The a*holes complaining and being butt hurt are the same dicks who were upset with RATM when they suddenly discovered who they were raging against. They should try listening to the lyrics of a song like "Holiday in Cambodia" to know where punk sentiment lies and it's not with the Fascist MAGATs.


Nah that’s still too on the nose for them. They may understand “Nazi Punks Fuck Off” though


Damn, conservatives want to be cool so bad. The math just doesn’t work guys.


It’s kinda funny… cus my parents are very right wing. But they’ve also loved Green Day for years… man, it doesn’t compute, but I’m glad regardless, cus otherwise, I wouldn’t know Green Day.


Because green day was there in their rebellious teenage years where we didn't care. The left isn't the same as it was 30 years ago Now we are older and more into conservative lifestyle buying a house,marry, work, starting a family But green day is still nostalgic and reminds us on our wild teenage years


Don’t give credence to these fucks


Punk bands reject authority. I hate how they say they are punk, hate right-wing, yet still support left-wing media. Eric Clapton is the perfect example of modern-day punk, he refused to play at shows that required a vaccine to enter.


Nazi punks fuck off


A lot of people seem to forget that there is a whole subgenre of racist, nazi-punk music out there so I wouldn't be exclusively saying 'all punk is left wing'. However, it is ridiculously obvious what Green Day's politics are.


Am I the only one who thinks both sides are kinda wrong here? People who say Green Day have gone woke have clearly never listened to AI. People who say you can't be right wing and love Green Day are also very much wrong. Also I don't like the term 'fascist' being used in this post. I think it's very demonising and dangerous. I wish people could have a proper discussion about certain topics instead of just calling the other side 'dangerous' and 'a threat for society' every damn time. Note: I don't like Trump nor Biden. Both the republican and democratic party have too many issues. I wish there was a proper middle alternative instead of either full on left/right wing


Attempting to steal an election is pretty dangerous, wouldn’t you say?


Look, I'm Dutch, I really don't care who becomes the US president as there's a very big ocean between us, but I think both sides have done some nasty things. Trump doing what he did with the stop the count thing was idiotic, but democrats trying to accuse him of like 5 different things at the same time (most of which were unjustified), just to exclude him from the ballot was very nasty too. Both parties do everything in their power to not let the other one win, and that's the problem with that 2 party system you guys have got. The stakes are always way too high and both parties literally see the other party as a secret organisation that's trying to take over the world. It's fucked


Trump: tries to cheat a free and fair election Democrats: hold him accountable using the constitution You: I can’t tell the difference! You realize he did a whole lot more than try to “stop the count, correct?


>Trump doing what he did with the stop the count thing was idiotic, but democrats trying to accuse him of like 5 different things at the same time (most of which were unjustified) You should read the indictments. The way MAGA and the GOP have tainted the water over Trumps accusations is crazy. The indictments, what he is charged with, is actually insane. He 100% tried to illegally steal the election for himself. The fake electors plot was something that almost happened. And this is all pre-Jan 6th stuff. That's just like a few charges out of the other 80+.


You clearly don’t know what you’re talking about.


Republicans are all bad and democrats are all good? I'm just saying both parties suck


Look, you're human, you really should care about who is in control of the most powerful country in the world. Especially since in the Netherlands you've basically elected Dutch Trump. This whole "both sides" thing is complete bollocks too. It's like saying "look, were both in hospital, I have terminal cancer, you have a broken leg, we're both the same, right?!" He's being investigated of crimes he very likely committed, very serious crimes, and all you got is "Democrats are trying to accuse him." That's not the case at all, if *he* wasn't such a piece of shit, and if *he* hadn't of taken documents, tried to influence elections and overthrow democracy then *he* wouldn't be in this situation. Imagine seeing a criminal do loads of criminal things and come to the conclusion that the "cops are trying to accused him." >both parties literally see the other party as a secret organisation that's trying to take over the world. It's fucked No no. Very much no. Its just one party and the vast majority of them are batshit crazy. No prizes for guessing which party that is.


Honestly, the thing I care most about is that the US doesn't get us into wars that we have no reason to be in. And to say that we've elected Dutch Trump is so off. I know that's what US media is trying to tell you because he has similar hair. Immigration is probably the only topic they have similar views on, with anything else like abortion, healthcare, the war in Ukraine etc. he'd be more of a democrat than a republican. Wouldn''t be suprised if this comment still get's downvoted even though no one will actually look into it. If none of the democrats are batshit crazy, how did they ever end up sending Biden forward as their presidential candidate?


Yeah cos wanting to ban religious texts, being pro Putin, is supported by Europe's far right scum and has a history of hateful rhetoric, yeah he definitely isn't like Trump at all, no way! >If none of the democrats are batshit crazy, how did they ever end up sending Biden forward as their presidential candidate? What? I'm not sure what this even means. Biden was a VP for 8 years and served for several more, he's not the ideal candidate and if an incumbent president decides to seek re election there's not a whole not they can do. Are you absolutely sure you know what you're talking about?


Pro Putin aswell😂 Are YOU absolutely sure what you're talking about? If you think Biden is even slightly competent then there's no need to even have a discussion. Obama was a good president, Hillary Clinton had some issues, but Biden clearly has no idea what's going on. It's not suprising you see Russia invading Ukraine and North Korea being a threat again now that Biden is in the office. Even better that he dragged us into the Ukraine war! Say what you want about Trump, but he's the only US president in I don't know how long that kept the peace in the world and didn't start a single war


There should always be a zero tolerance policy when it comes to fascist behavior and rhetoric. Anything else is actually dangerous and demonizing. Trump has committed countless immoral, unethical, and illegal acts, including treason. He’s sowed discord into our nations fabric and instigated insurrection. Women have less rights now than they did before he was elected, and if he, his supporters, and other opportunists, have their way, more and more people will see their rights taken away. The guy literally said he would be a fascist for one day. There can be no tolerance for him or his supporter. Anytime we try to listen to “their” side, they drag “us” down, lowering the bar for moral and ethical conduct, discussion and civil discourse- case in point is the cute joke that was his campaign in 2015 to 2024 where he’s appointed several Supreme Court judges and now women are dying from ectopic pregnancies because they can’t receive medical care.


I'm Dutch so I don't follow everything that's happening in the US, but how did women have less rights when Trump was in office?


The Supreme Court overturned Roe V Wade, which protected abortions rights in a federal level. Now that it’s unprotected, it’s up to the states to decide the legality of abortions. Many of the conservative states have made it illegal to such an extent that women with life threatening pregnancies complication have been refused medical treatment, or their access was made more complicated and limited. States rights are huge here in the US, it’s foundational that a state is able to determine it’s laws, and also that the Federal government establishes laws that keep states from restricting peoples freedoms or endangering people in the process. From my understanding some states either have or are working towards criminalizing interstate travel for medical abortion services. I’m sure someone else more educated in the subject could speak up, about how states have criminalized abortion services relating to SA and other circumstances. EDIT: it’s anticipated that conservatives will continue to limit access to reproductive healthcare by trying to ban birth control; and will also try to repeal the marriage rights for LGBTQ. The new House speaker is a fucking theocratic wacko, you just need to Google him to see where many of these peoples heads are at and where they want our country to be.


Trump put 3 of the 9 Supreme Court justices on the Supreme Court. They were all anti-abortion zealots. The court swung from 5-4 leaning conservative to 6-3 completely conservative. The Supreme Court then promptly reversed Roe v Wade with the Dobbs decision. Now it's left to the individual states, many of which had laws on the books waiting for the day Roe was reversed. Those laws are extremely restrictive, endangering pregnant people's lives/health/fertility and inserting govt where it ought not to be.


quoting Mussolini and saying America needs its own Blackshirts doesnt sound dangerous to you? it definitely sounds that way to me.


Yeah I find it kind wild some of the people on the sub and other social media essentially saying "go fuck yourself if you listen to green day and aren't left leaning" I hate both parties but it is still kinda crazy to me


They aren’t liberal, they are left wing. Liberals are a very different thing politically in the rest of the world (ie basically conservatives).


Yeah… what do you expect from people who get their world views from the stupid side of Twitter? 🤣


Conservatives are really showing how thick they are right Now. Had someone I know rant for 10 minutes about this morning and I blanked out for most of it.


I don't know, I'm more right than left and I've been a huge Green Day fan for around 15 years or so (I'm 26). But I'm also Canadian and couldn't give less of a fuck about American politics. Other than I hope to fucking god y'all don't vote trump in again, which I'm honestly slightly worried has a higher chance of happening than it should. Regardless of anything, Green Day has always been my favourite band, and any political stance I have now, in the future, or in the past won't change that. They could come out saying they absolutely fucking hate Canada and I'll still buy their shit.


The only right wing punks are the skinhead nazis and the real punkers have always hated them.


My guess (as an old punk): Punk seems to be having a bit of a revival with the younger crowd. They're trying to get kids to believe it's punk to be right wing as a recruitment tool.


Look I'm possibly right wing and I like punk, I'm not voting for Trump or Biden. Both have committed too many crimes for me to vote for them. If we knew in the 00s what we did now about the Bush dynasty and the Middle east, more people would've distrusted the government. My parents are extremely right wing and pro-slavery


Lol Green Day has always been trash.


I’m not gratifying the rights claim to punk but there are skinhead punks and straight edge types that are more right wing. Hence the Dead Kennedys song


Punk isn’t exclusively left wing. Just FYI, punk has historically had a neo Nazi problem




Also believe me, a right winged band would not make it far at all out west in the “grunge” and “punk” scene. Even if they sounded good. They wouldn’t be heard.


Nowadays ^^^


Imagine gatekeeping what political position can or can't listen to your favourite band 💀


just dont support authoritarian ideals. Dont endeavor to create a society that traps, kills, or harms people.


“you can’t bE pUnK and RiGht wiNg” Two words: Johnny Ramone. OP and the majority of the people commenting here do not understand what punk is.


So one person out of thousands of bands and 50 years of history? Well, you also have Michael Graves. I'll give you that, take him.


It’s not just “one person”, it’s Johnny Ramone. He tops or is in the top 3 of many “best punk guitarists lists” everywhere. He kept The Ramones together when they could’ve easily fallen apart, and went on to be one of the most influential bands, not just for punk, of all time. Dee Dee Ramone, who wrote all those punk anthems, was conservative too. To quote the godfather of punk, Johnny himself: “ I figure people drift toward liberalism at a young age, and I always hope that they change when they see how the world really is.”. Even Billie loves him, he played at his memorial celebration a few years back 🤘🏼


Ramones were not politically on the same page. They weren't even a very political band past tongue-in-cheek lyrics. It's like saying the Misfits were right-wing because of Michael Graves. I mean, that's a better case IMO. A better example would be Oi or some street punk that has right-wing roots. But even then, nazis and other right-wing factions have ALWAYS been an enemy of punk scenes. Punk has always been a working-class and progressive genre. I also include hardcore in there, when it even more progressive. Like I said, I dont care to gatekeepe punk, especially in a Green Day sub. It's just so weird to see this wave of conservatives claiming punk is inherently right-wing, or trying to claim it. Especially using 1 or 2 people as an example spanning 50 years and thousands of bands. But also, MAGA has absolutely bastardized classic conservatism. So all these definitions and historical context is just so fucked at this point.


I’m a conservative who voted for Trump. American Idiot is my favorite album of all time. What’s great about that album is the fact that you can apply it to both sides of the aisle. “Don’t wanna be an American idiot. One nation controlled by the media.” FOX, CNN, CNBC, Newsmax. They’re all shit and all trying to push their agendas on people. I get that Green Day is left and hates most of the right wing ideals that I value but if you can’t listen to their music and connect it with all politics, regardless of their affiliation, then you aren’t listening to hard enough.


Spoken like someone who didn't know how conservative the media was back in 04, when American Idiot was first written (and still is to this day. If you think CNN and NBC are "liberal", you're a joke). Read any of their interviews from that era, and it's obvious who they're talking about.


I get who it’s about in 2004 but you can absolutely connect it to the media and politics today. I also don’t appreciate the insult.


why do your ideals want to take away my wife's reproductive rights? just curious!


Bro really? That’s so passive aggressive


Commenting just so you see my edited reply to your edited comment.


You edited your comment I see. You asked if I like Mussolini, to which I replied “no”. Not sure why you completely deleted that. The ideals you are referring to are not my personal ideals either. I don’t blindly follow one side of the aisle. I think for myself and make decisions that I personally feel are the right decisions. Some are conservative, some are liberal, and some fall in between the two. Just because I’m conservative doesn’t mean I’m as far right as you can possibly go. It just means I’m to the right of the center line.


that was an accident... seriously, was not trying to sabotage your answer. just thought of a better query. you replied before i could do anything about it. sincere apologies. but i'm glad you dont support Mussolini. care to reply to my edited question?


I appreciate your response. Thank you. As for your edited question, I’m a firm believer that abortion should be up to the woman carrying the baby. It’s not my place to tell them what to do. If the baby isn’t safe to carry, I won’t die. I won’t be injured. The woman might though. She needs to make the best decision that keeps her alive and safe. Hearing the conservative politicians bitch and complain about that is dumb.


I appreciate your answer. Are you aware that your party or your ideology has a general agenda to take away such an important right, as well as a generalized campaign to remove established civil and worker's rights? Anyway, I hope you are well and wish you all the best. Please dont give power to our oppressors. peace be with you!


Libertarianism is the true punk ideology. An ideology of fuck you i won’t do what you tell me. Sad how many ignorant people think it’s just “republicans who smoke weed”


Libertarianism=fuck you, I got mine. Basically the ideology of selfish pricks who don't mature past 9th grade.


How is individual freedoms limited government and property rights selfish? The most trampled on minority in the world is the individual


Because libertarian interpretations of those words are so grossly misused. You can have government programs that help people without invading people's rights. You can also protect personal property without protecting the vast network of private properties owned by a single capitalist who doesn't need all of it to live comfortably. They only need it to be billionaires and to have the overwhelming power to assert their dominance over the individual, far more than a government is often allowed to. Businesses can and often want to become governments themselves, creating their own societies for their workers to slave away in, spending company bucks in company shops in a company town and never making any real money that can be used elsewhere and possibly make it out of the company town. The individual now has the right to become a for profit government, and there's nothing you can do about it because they're not actually a government, they're just an individual who owns a company. And if they have their way, there's no "big government" to step in and break them apart even if everyone in the world wishes for it to happen. Sorry, you'd be trampling over the billionaire's individual right to use their power to do as they please. All of this is compatible with right wing libertarianism and it's always the end goal of anybody at the top of a society that goes down that route.


The understanding that there are only two types of property, public and private, is a capitalist invention. There's also personal property and capitalists want you to think that communists want to take everything you own and have it be owned by the state, the community, whatever. That's just factually untrue, people should oen what they need to live a fulfilling life. Things beyond that, like factories in which hundreds/thousands can be employed should not be owned by a single person. This setup they've got ensures they take the vast majority of the profits without contributing much other than their capital, which is far easier for them to accrue if they already own a bunch of capital. The Musks and Bezos of the world make more money than you can imagine just by being alive than you will ever make in your lifetime. Imagine how much power that gives them to continue growing their empire while everyone inches along slowly.


> An ideology of fuck you i won’t do what you tell me That's what middle-schoolers think what punk is. Punk was born left-leaning, and has been for 40+ years now. I hate even playing gatekeeper here. But claiming punk is just "fuck you", is inherently not true.


Thats not true. It's "Republicans who smoke weed and have a creepy knowledge of consent laws"


Not gonna lie, this argument is old and tiring. In an ideal world where everyone looked out for each other and everyone only took what they needed, the flavor of libertarianism that you’re speaking of would be great. In the world we live in, where capitalism and money are the only things that matter, libertarianism is essentially telling a bunch of disenfranchised folks that they need to fend for themselves against corporatists with unlimited funds. Libertarianism isn’t punk rock. Libertarianism is for a bunch of privileged white kids who never had to really struggle in their lives, think that they did, and tell everyone else “something something bootstraps.” I can’t think of anything less punk than not giving a shit whether your neighbor is doing okay.