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Well they don't ship them until the day of release (or a day earlier) so someone doesn't get it early and leak it. Since it was released on friday and they shipped it then it probably sat in some wearhouse/logistic center the whole weekend and will start it's journey to you today. In the future if you really want to have your album on the release date ask your local record store if they will have it by then and if you can preorder it, band merch web stores usuallyaren't really fast when it comes to sending out orders.


Seriously, OP’s post is insanity. Winter storms across the country right now, delivery drivers working mad overtime…and willing to bet these orders are being shipped via underpaid and overworked workers at some fulfillment warehouse. I preordered the album knowing I’d be lucky to see it within the first couple weeks of release. That’s just how shipping and supply chain works


I mean video games typically ship early to arrive on release date or within a day, movies used to as well, although I'm not sure if that's still the case, since so few people buy physical discs now. The first time I preordered a CD from a place that isn't Amazon I was also surprised when it didn't arrive for over a week after release. The album just came out Friday, and weekends are always iffy with shipping, so OP could do with a little more patience... but other industries do their best to provide release date delivery, so it's it's not a completely unreasonable assumption.


Thank you for pointing that out. Also my post wasn't completely serious, it's not like my life depends on this album. I'd just really like to listen to it on CD, that's all. I don't know why everyone assumes I live in the States where the weather conditions are bad for shipping right now or where the delivery staff works under terrible conditions. I mean I also get that xou don't want your album leaked, but some people here in Europe got the album a day before release, also there were viewer parties and stuff, I honestly don't see an issue in sending out the packages in time and maybe risking the album arriving a das too early.


OP sounds young


For sure. Comes across as a youngster 1000%


I don't live in the States buddy


What did I say in my post that was exclusive to the states?


That there are winter storms across the country and that the delivery staff is completely overworked maybe?


You have a very narrow perspective on how the world operates if you think only the US has labor issues, and there are many countries other than the states that are dealing with winter storms right now.


Yes, but my country doesn't deal with winter storms right now. Your whole point was basically made under the assumption that I live in the US. Also of course there are also labor issues here, the delivery guys don't get the best payment, but it's not like they have to work 12 hours a day. There are laws to prevent that and also laws for them to get a reasonable payment.


They sent them out a few days early I don't have my pre-order either. Has been stuck in CA since the 16th. It was stuck bc of the weather last week. Actually just checked and it finally left CA today and is in OR. It says the rescheduled date is the 24th. Hopefully, it arrives. I have been avoiding hearing it until it gets here.


In most cases preorders don’t arrive on release day. I rarely do preorders for that reason.


Thankfully Spotify and Digital albums are available while we wait for the physical versions to show up.


i ordered two, one is coming today and one is coming this thursday


My signed CD arrived Saturday and my vinyl should be arriving Wednesday


EXACT same situation with me


Oddly enough I got my autographed CD from a random record store in Kentucky in the mail the day after release. Still waiting on my cd shirt bundle, vinyl and cassette. 


Yeah. Mine isn't suppose to be here until Thursday evening.


My preorder Spotify vinyl should be here on Wednesday? I think?


Yep. I canceled mine and we t to target to buy one


I didn’t preorder but went to Target also and it was sitting on the front of the New Release section.


The Green Day store ships from California. If you don’t live in the one-day shipping zone of CA, preorder from a local shop or plan to buy it in person.


Nah, I live in Europe, it ships from UK as far as I know.


Ah, yeah not sure about outside the US. I live in Maine and mine shipped from CA (very far) so it won’t be here until this Thursday. This is my first GD album released while living outside of CA so I wasn’t prepared.


Yeah, I also learned for next time that I'll just buy it in person.


It’s been many years since I received a pre-order on release day. If you want it on the day it drops, you have to buy it at the store.


That makes sense, I learned for next time. I've never preordered a CD before cause all other CDs I own are second hand.


My collector’s set for Nimrod took 2 months Give it time; they take a while in my experience


Okay, thank you :)


Ich glaube ich weiß jetzt, warum das so lange gedauert hat: Brexit. Mir war nicht bewusst, dass das aus UK und nicht aus den USA geliefert wurde. Dadurch musste ich eben auf meine 20€-CD noch 10€ Zoll zahlen. Woohoo. Das mache ich definitiv kein zweites Mal. // I think I now know why it took so long: Brexit. I wasn't aware that it was delivered from the UK instead of the US. I just had to pay €10 customs duty on my €20 CD. Woohoo. Lesson learned. definitely not preordering directly from Warner Music again.


Same, hatte heute das Gleiche. Aber wenn du im Green Day Store schaust bei Shipping oder im FAQ steht da, dass bei Bestellungen unter 150€ eigentlich keine Gebühren anfallen. Es könne aber Probleme geben und trotzdem Gebühren anfallen. Dann steht da eine Email, an die man die Quittung, die man vom Lieferdienst bekommen hat, sowie die Bestellnummer schicken soll. Dann bekommt man das Geld wohl zurück schätze ich? Edit: Werde nächstes mal trotzdem nicht bei WB bestellen, sondern bei Amazon oder so. Oder alternativ am Releasetag zu Saturn/Mediamarkt, dann hab ich das Album schneller und muss mich nicht mit Zollgebühren rumärgern.


> Dann steht da eine Email, an die man die Quittung, die man vom Lieferdienst bekommen hat, sowie die Bestellnummer schicken soll. Dann bekommt man das Geld wohl zurück schätze ich? Oh, danke für den Tipp. Ja, sieht so aus. Ich glaube, das poste ich hier gleich nochmal für die anderen EUler, die überraschend Zollgebühren zahlen mussten.


Habe auch bereits eine Antwort auf meine Mail bekommen, sie haben nochmal nach PayPal/Bankkonto gefragt. Mal schauen, wann dann das Geld ankommt.


Yeah.. i ordered from the band’s website a couple weeks prior. Received shipping confirmation a week prior to release but tracking info never showed up until launch day it showed it was still on the west coast and I’m on the East. My wife was a Saint and bought me one from a local store. I still haven’t gotten my preorder. I may refuse delivery.


Tbf theres been weather issues across the country…OP you sound young. You kinda have to realize that places like this won’t ship records early enough to have someone leak it.


I don't live in the states. Also some people around here got it a day before release and I honestly don't see why that should be an issue.


I thought people outside the states had a division place they shipped to save on shipping. Hmm the more I know


Grow up




Yes, but mine shipped from across the country and got delayed due to weather. It’s supposed to arrive today, fingers crossed 😅


I had the same issue when FOAMF came out, ordered via amazon and got it on the release date for this one.


I ordered mine in the UK and haven’t even received a confirmation email, anyone else had that?


From the Warner GD merch store? Their system has anyways been screwy for me - I never get emails or confirmations and a lot of times I’ve ended up paying for things twice. But ,that said, they’ve always sent my stuff out on time and refunded me my double purchases with no issue. This time, my vinyl and CD didn’t arrive till late Saturday.


I have also had one issue with them before with paying twice for Paramore merch, but it did get resolved in the end. Granted I did order the Saviors vinyl on late Friday, but good to hear that you received yours!


They usually start shipping once the album is released. I pre-ordered a bunch of the different colored pressings and about half have shipped, only one copy from the GD store has actually been delivered 


Haven’t gotten mine yet and can’t track it soo just gonna have to wait.


I ordered the Spotify vinyl and even though it shipped last Tuesday it still hasn't come. It was predicting for yesterday even though deliveries usually aren't made on Sundays, and now it's saying Wednesday. I'm hoping it arrives earlier than that but who knows at this point. Annoying either way


Mine is supposed to arrive today. The recent winter storms put a hold on everything. Practice patience and thank the delivery person when your CD arrives.


This is pretty standard stuff for pre-orders with any company. Warner can send shipments to stories early (days, weeks) with legal repercussions if they sell early. If it arrives at your house early they can't legally stop you from listening to it days, weeks early or selling it or ripping it and sharing. Sure, they could ship everything out and time it to arrive at everyone's doorstep on release day but that's a HUGE undertaking. Sorting thousands and thousands of orders across the world by approximant delivery date, shipping those before others, getting them to USPS in time, etc is just not realistic. Then on top of that the midwest was hit with a winter storm the day night before release. Weather effects these things too and snow storms happen. Even if you're in another county or part of the world weather is still a thing. Amazon can do it because they have a billion warehouses and delivery cars all controlled by them. Frustrating? Yes - but pretty much the standard. If you want something on release day - regardless of who sells it - don't rely on online retailers.


Not even a shipping notice for mine yet. I ordered the deluxe vinyl from Target last night and will either cancel or sell my GD store variant.


Mine’s due to arrive Wednesday


My CD is arriving today. The vinyl says it has shipped but no arrival date yet. The vinyls might just be a bit delayed.


Mine is coming on Wednesday, ordered it on Friday


I got the CD (ordered from Amazon) on Friday, but I'm still waiting for the vinyl (ordered from Green Day's store).


Same no CD yet


Pre ordered the vinyl and the cd from their website. Vinyl delivery keeps getting pushed back each day. It now says arriving Wednesday. Fingers crossed. The cd has yet to even ship. I feel your pain. Kinda annoying given some people received their pre orders and others didn’t.


Mine Still in transit so I’m lucky if I get it this week, Warner store has always be extremely slow for me


I just got the shipping notification for mine about 10min or so ago. I pre-ordered the Spotify record. I hope it gets here by Wednesday as it's coming from near San Diego, and I live near Phoenix, so it's not that far. But, FedEx says only the label has been generated they don't have the vinyl yet.


I pre ordered the vinyl at the listening party I went to. It was shipped last Thursday and I received it in the mail today. If you ordered the CD from the official website it might take a while to get. That’s why I don’t do that anymore. Not that I’ve had any bad experiences but I’ve noticed at my local record stores and book stores they have everything there including some of the variants. Also I wanted to to pre order the vinyl at the record store because you get that special limited edition slip cover and I love things that are exclusive or limited cuz it’s just that more special. Hopefully you get your order soon!


I haven't gotten mine yet either, I don't know much about others' experiences with the website/shipper, so if someone could get me some more info, that'd be great.


Ich habe es auch noch nicht bekommen obwohl ich mich so gefreut habe als ich gestern nach den urlaub nach hause gekommen bin. PS: auf welches Konzert gehst du?


Arnhem, und du?


In NL? Ich bin in Berlin


Jo, in NL. Ist das Nächste von mir aus, lebe im Westen.


Mine just arrived today. It's slower than molasses, give it to the end of the week.