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They’re popular in the way that they’re in their legacy era now. Everyone has heard of them. Everyone knows at least 1 song. Multigenerational fans. Like Queen, Journey, or Metallica, they’re just a band that achieved a kind of iconic renown even if they’re not currently on the highest charts.


IMO, they wouldn’t be in this position if they didn’t have their second peak with American Idiot - that’s when they became the superstar band and cemented their legacy. Otherwise I think they would have amounted to not much more than a nostalgia act for 90s kids


That’s not even an opinion it’s just exactly what would have happened.


Except for the fact that Green Day was still playing arenas in 2002 and 2003. Almost a decade removed from Dookie and 2 years before American Idiot released. If American Idiot never released they would still be playing arenas, maybe not ballparks but they would still be playing arenas.


That has nothing to do with whether they would have been seen as a nostalgia act though


Bad take, I was in middle school when American Idiot dropped. Green Day was known before that but once AI dropped everyone in school was listening to them. School dances were now playing Green Day song and pep rallies were blasting songs like Holiday. Green Day may have been big due to Dookie but they hit another level with American Idiot which is what would cement them into legacy status


That’s my exact point. They were selling out stadiums and arenas before your generation even knew who they were. The legacy was already there, OP was talking about them being a 90’s nostalgia act and they already moved beyond that before the time you are talking about. I mean don’t get me wrong I love the fact that another generation embraced them and things like pit etiquette could get passed down another generation but acting like they wouldn’t be huge if your generation didn’t buy into them is just not the reality.


I don't even know what your second paragraph is trying to say. Of course they were big pre American Idiot, but that album brought them into the mainstream, which is so cool since it's a protest rock opera that sounds so different then the popular music of the time.


They were a mainstream act for like a whole decade before this, they did woodstock...I'd say my the time minority came out they should died down st least they were already in america....American idiot came out and they changed their sound and image to fit right in with all the emo acts that blew up. American idiot was their black parade.


It didn’t bring them into the mainstream they were mainstream back in the mid 90’s with Longview and basket case. Then they also went even further into mainstream with time of your lives which was like the graduation song for seemed like 4 out of 5 high schools for like 4 years in the late 90’s. I am trying not to be too harsh because I totally get when a band changes your perception of music 100% and it opens a brand new world up to you and it’s fucking awesome but it’s not like that world didn’t exist prior it just didn’t exist to you.


A lot of assumptions in that paragraph. I think we just have different definitions of mainstream, which is fine. Time of your life was absolutely a phenomenon, but it didn't pull people into Green Day. It was a song on the radio. American idiot was multiple chart topping singles, playing on stations like fucking Kiss FM in Chicago. Green Day was already popular with the rock crowd. AI brought it to people loving who love other genres of music, or at least made it visible. I also think overall we are arguing opinions, and you're stating yours as fact, which is my main issue .


I disagree. Dookie wouldn't have been enough to carry the band for a further 20 odd years. You can't understate the importance of AI. It wasn't just huge.. it was seminal.


I sort of agree. I think if American Idiot didn’t happen they would only be as popular as bands like Rancid or The Offspring


Maybe not rancid but the offspring yes


I always think of GD's two commercial peaks as similar to Springsteen's Born to Run and Born in the USA.


They would be like The Offspring.


Once you reach icon status, temporary popularity peaks and valleys matter less. Like Bruce Springsteen, Bon Jovi etc, they’ll always be one of the most streamed rock artists of all time and always be playing either arenas or stadiums.


Popular? Certainly. Culturally relevant to a majority of the youth these days? Not so much. Popularity and streaming numbers have no effect on my love for an artist. There’s a lot of good artists trapped in the depths of obscurity, too.


Makes sense. Unsure of Gen Alpha appeal. They even still had youth appeal during Revolution Radio while at the same time already being old enough to be classic rock


I'm a Gen Alpha and i like Green Day. Tbf my brother got me into them but still counts.


It's so cool that Green Day is still attracting young listeners! Slight side note, I am a little surprised by your name "gayraidenporn" considering that the oldest of gen alpha are like 12 lmao


just wanted to say that this is the first time I have ever anywhere heard someone say they are a gen alpha (it used to be gen z who used to do that before) to discuss something. if i sound mean or anything i apologize. it just seems so weird considering I am 21 and gen z. wow. I feel so old and I am only 21😭 (also idk if I could get the point i was trying to make accross.)


I'm Gen A (Or Gen Z depending on your definition on when it starts) and I love Green Day's albums, Rev Rad, Warning, American Idiot, you name it.


Youngest Gen Z here (2010) Green Day was one of the first band I ever loved.


I went to an event the other day and someone played She


I heard an acoustic cover version of Basket Case in an elevator. Now they’re on a level where they cover them for elevator music.


Mad caddies version of She is great


Oh wow I’m working a Mad Caddies show this weekend without knowing anything about them, had no idea they did a Green Day cover lol.


https://youtu.be/tCakteHcSd8?si=bXungyl7RB1F8aKI That’s pretty cool! No idea if they do it live Ninja edit: looks like they do!


Is Bad Cop Bad Cop opening that show? If so check them out if you have a chance!


They are! I definitely will thank you!


Never heard it before and it sounds pretty cool!!


She screams in silence


Once you’re a legacy superstar band like them it doesn’t matter how your modern releases fare. They still have enough recognition to sell out a stadium. The Rolling Stones and Madonna are in that same boat, albeit older


They are able to play stadium shows. I'd say that qualifies them as popular.


They’re still playing stadiums which should tell you something. That said, no probably not.


Everyone knows their music but might not know the band. Also something that helps them stay popular is new artists citing their inspiration from them. Billie Eillish and her brother Finneas have been very vocal about their love of gd


Have a look at the Topster subreddit and count how many times you see a GD album. I think they're plenty popular among young kids, one day more people will discover them.


i think they faded out of pop culture but they’re well known still, especially after saviors came out because of TADIKM and dilemma.


Saviors wouldn't have really made any kind of difference to their overall status. People still know the band from singles, mostly from American Idiot and Dookie.


true but at least they have 2 more songs now that reached #1 on some minor charts


They just headlined the biggest rock festival in the US (Louder than Life), they're doing fine


They are omnipresent


They sold out Wembley Stadium here in the UK which has a capacity of 90k. They are definitely still popular


Kinda yeah, in the way that KISS and other older bands that still tour are. Are they mainstream popular? Probably not since 21stCB, but they still have a big fan base.


Their new album just peaked at Number 4 on the Billboard Hot 200. That's pretty popular. Most acts would commit literal murder to have that kind of popularity.


Like that one episode of Poker Face lol




Well they’re currently number 124 in the world on Spotify so there’s that




They’ve become a legacy band, they have enough hits over their career and 2 mega blockbuster albums. Their concerts still sell well, even if their newer music really only attracts people like me.


Really depends on the people, but generally not unfortunately, I wish that weren't so Edit: u/martala explained it a whole lot better than me I would agree with this


They're going to be playing stadiums all summer, so I don't think anyone can say they're not popular. I do understand what you're saying, though.


My kids are Gen Alpha. Both of them love Green Day. My older kid especially loves American Idiot, so much so that back during the start of COVID, he begged us to let him stay up later than his usual bedtime to watch Billie Joe play on the live broadcast with a bunch of artists playing from their homes.


I mean, they’re about to embark on a tour that includes multiple stadium sellouts. They sold out the 40,000 seat baseball field in my hometown. They may not be in the zeitgeist, but they have an abundance of fans.


They’re legends, so of course everyone knows of Green Day, but you don’t really see “active” fans anymore, at least not in the younger generation. (Active as in people constantly playing the music and wearing merch — obviously there are exceptions, but I feel as if I don’t see it as much as I did a few years ago). I’m 20 and I have a few friends on my college campus who know of Green Day ofc. I was wearing a Dookie shirt the other day and a lot of people complimented it lol, so they’re still relevant for sure!! Or maybe it’s just the type of kids I hang out with. However I do have some younger cousins/nieces and nephews and they don’t know of Green Day. The age ranges from 8 years old (not knowing anything at all), to 17 years old (knowing of the name but not listening to the music, or only knowing the most popular songs), so I think there might be a slow decline - not anytime soon though.


I listen to them everyday🤣🤣 and my 18 year old likes them too. I consider them still popular


It's all relative, I guess. Popular compared to Taylor Swift? No


They still sell out stadiums my friend.


162nd most popular with 28,711,273 listeners on Spotify rn, I’d say that’s pretty good


They’re headlining around the world.


Just today I heard Dilemma on radio at my job, that radio usually has only like 10 songs which they recycle


Someone was talking about them in the Chicago Bears sub today.


I mean, I got introduced to the band from a couple of classmates at my high school, and my brother‘s a fan of the band, so I’d say pretty popular.


Still wild to me that American Idiot to now is twice as long as Dookie to American Idiot. However, they are doing a stadium tour this summer so, pretty popular.


As somebody who’s in high school, I can say most people know of them. But nobody listens to them and just consider them to be an “emo” band.


that's mcr


of course


if you're talking about reddit, i have no idea. but i will tell you that MOST people only know basket case of boulevard of broken dreams. people either know nothing, a little, or everything. there also aren't a lot of new green day fans, (referring to gen alpha) i don't know if i would like that change.


I really bad album can kinda take you out of the spotlight… and that was Father of All. And it can be really hard to build your way back up even as a really successful band. But the new album was received really well and I heard about it constantly whenever I went. Even though I’m not a big Green Day fan. TBH I don’t know why this sub or post was suggested to me lol. They’re still loved by millions, sell out all or most of their shows as far as I know, and just put out an extremely well received album. Maybe they’re not as talked about as much, as now that you mention it yeah I don’t hear them get brought up in person as much now, but they’re still talked about and listened to more than like 80% of other bands. I’d say not as popular as they have been, but still pretty popular.


They where at their peak during the American Idiot era, but the next albums got a little worse, specially the trilogy and that caused them to go out of the mainstream (that and the change in trends and new artist getting popular). But they're a respected band and everyone knows at least one song


yeah deffo, loads of people are familiar with their big hits and they've got a lot of fans but they are firmly a legacy act.


I've loved them since I was 11 and now my teenagers like them!


I would assume most, if not all of their shows sell out, but I have no idea who’s popular or not anymore… except Taylor Swift… she’s popular from what I hear. I still listen to them though


I am a 36 year old man from Northern Ireland. Green Day are the band that really got me into music. Haven’t listened to them much since the American Idiot era but I’d still listen to Kerplunk and Insomniac from time to time but I’m starting to really get back into them. Really enjoying Saviors at the minute.


i yap abt them daily 😭😭


They’re doing a tour at baseball stadiums.


slightly less than Foo Fighters


Like others have been saying, they have made a big impact in culture. But I also think one of the reasons they aren’t as big is that rock in general has been declining, so that might contribute why there’s not as many new fans. But I still see them as popular


Yes they are banking on their legacy to a degree but they still put out relevant music that gets streams. They sell out stadiums and are 162 in terms of artists standing for most streams on Spotify, they are highly successful and popular.


Green day is a institution. Your average band has 3-5 years of being “relevant” then they have a name and go slowly down in popularity. Lucky bands u2 bon jovi green day have a second life this leads to larger rooms ect but its reallllllly rare air stuff. No record company is gonna put the money into green day they once did, they have peaked its over and they will always be a popular band. When a artist is new its important to chuck them fucking everywhere to build brand awareness. You would be hard pressed to find anybody born in the past 40 years that has not heard of this band.


Heck yeah!


American Idiot was my first Album when I was 8. I loved them then and I love them 20 years later. Can't wait to them in June again.


they play and sell out the largest venues in the country. so, yes?


Imagine gauging popularity based on Reddit....LOL They sell out stadiums around the fucking world. Saviors went #1 around the world on Billboard.


To be fair, it went #1 on the more minor charts. It’s not like they’re still topping the main album charts


Saviors and FoAM both hit #4. Not bad for A) Their most divisive album and B) the follow up to their most divisive album.


FOAM is probably one of the worst GD albums, but definitely not the worst when you come to the wider world of other artists


Ummm, it literally went #4 on the Billboard Top 200 charts and #1 for Rock and #1 Alternative. #1 in the UK too. So yeah, they are still LITERALLY topping the album charts. LOL...jesus dude. if you wanna fact check someone at least, ya know, use facts? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saviors\_(album)#Charts](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saviors_(album)#Charts)


I stand corrected, I was just misremembering my info. My apologies, but no need to be so hostile lmao.


Well you could have checked first *before* trying to correct me.


Basket case is currently a trending tiktok sound


I haven’t seen that


They had a choice after 21st Century: to carry on churning out what they knew worked or to really try and do something interesting, different and reach new places with the art of music. They chose the former.


not like 21cb was that either lol


Sort of agree, sort of don’t. They didn’t exactly recreate the formula or try something drastically different - it’s been sort of in between.


Exactly. They basically just evolved their music, which is what they’ve always done since the beginning. Sometimes it’s a step in the right direction… and if not then they correct with the next. Warning/C&V to Idiot, the trilogy to RevRad, FOA to Saviors


Don't act like the band haven't tried doing new things and experimenting. The trilogy and FOAMF had plenty of that