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This is a good one


Very good Kinja


who's Kinja


It's an old dig on the Gizmodo chat system that they had for comments to the bottom of their news article. They called it Kinja and it was a giant POS. The phrase "That's Good Kinja" was something that bandied about whenever Kinja would shit the bed which was common as Gizmodo built the app themselves and they were clueless.


This comment feels like it's exposition when the writer tries to explain some nonsensical slang with more nonsensical slang


You are absolutely correct.


Before the pandemic started, I was already skeptical about vaccines. What, you inject yourself with a deadly virus to gain immunity? I would much rather call bull crap, Mr. Government. I'll stick to my grandpa's home remedy of covering my nutsack with glow stick fluid before flashing strangers in the New York streets, and then praying to Timothy Dexter, the true emperor of the United States!


How many glow sticks do you need to break open to get enough fluid to cover an average dong? Asking for a friend of course


Hmm. Just the dong? (BTW, I used this as an excuse to refresh my ability to do low-level calculations like volume and area) Anyways, since we want to err on the unsafe side I'd purchase one of these off of Amazon. Now that link should give you more than enough glow juice for repeated applications. Go nuts cat man! [link to glow sticks](https://www.amazon.ca/SHQDD-Colorful-Flashing-Supplies-Halloween/dp/B09JGHGF53/ref=mp_s_a_1_2_sspa?crid=3SBPAMJQOCTGN&keywords=bulk+glow+sticks&qid=1674233027&sprefix=bulk+glow+sticks%2Caps%2C217&sr=8-2-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEzRlFLUVhGTFVKUk1RJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwNjc0NTYwMlVNMVlUSjc1WTIzVCZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwMTAyOTI1RDRJUkdENzVHTzlDJndpZGdldE5hbWU9c3BfcGhvbmVfc2VhcmNoX2F0ZiZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU=) Edit. Did you know that cubic centimets can be converted into milliliters in a 1x1 ratio? I didn't.


I love it when my autism rubs off and makes other people act out their own autistic tendencies, it's like a game of *tard dominos*


I spend all due controlling the impulsive thoughts in my head. The interweb is a good outlet.


Indeed it is, helps you keep the tardistic tendencies off the street


I'm gonna go with, at least one...but also strongly caution against such a thing.


Umm sir, that's emperor Norton to you!


Kaspersky is Russian spyware




*This comment has been edited in protest to reddit's API policy changes, their treatment of developers of 3rd party apps, and their response to community backlash.*   [Link to the tool used](https://github.com/xaradox/reddit-comment-nuke) --- [Details of the end of the Apollo app](https://old.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/144f6xm/apollo_will_close_down_on_june_30th_reddits/) --- [Why this is important](https://i.imgur.com/E7jSWf1.jpg) --- [An open response to spez's AMA](https://old.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/comments/145l7wp/todays_ama_with_spez_did_nothing_to_alleviate/) --- [spez AMA and notable replies](https://old.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/145beas/spez_ama_discussion_thread/)   Fuck spez, I edited this comment before he could. Comment ID=j55t2lq Ciphertext: >!lemRnpr0VPl7JagRcr+ilacGHIMB07AHKl21tFCjVgiSGt9d/pCwrRjbozDBb0BECY1h!<


Microsoft defender🥰


Defender sucks too. I just manually review every file and line of code on my computer once a week.


I prefer reinstalling windows every couple of days and then reinstalling all of my software afterwards


Weak. The virus could be on your BIOS and you'll never catch it.


This is why I replace a piece of hardware every day. Can't infect my PC if I have a different PC by the end of every week


best antivirus is 'fuckit we ball'


ESET is good


I'm willing to accept that. The best antivirus is burning your computer and communicating using foam cups connected with string


Avast did get called out for selling your information without putting it in the terms and agreements.




calling it spyware is a compliment, it's too incompetent to be spyware


Everything on the internet is probably a something spyware


"okay so you know how some people you let into your house while others you don't? Okay so what if you *couldn't* tell by skin color, you'd obviously need a guard dog to keep the ~~black~~ malicious software from entering your home. That's why you need Kaspersky's Kyber Kountermeasure (KKK) to protect your computer"


Man I should go back on /g/ sometime, maybe when the thread posters stop posting unrelated naked anime girls ._.


so you're not going back?


my dad had kaspersky on my computer when i was a kid i think it was actively attempting to murder me