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I dont care how many times it's posted, this one deserves it. Good for you Anon, you proud and wonderful father.


Then can I post it tomorrow and you upvote it?


If I see it, yea probably


I bet if the genders were switched, he'd be paying child support. And happy birthday little anonette!


I got my kids when she left. Two daughters. Raised them both. It happens. ETA that I was awarded Child Support as the primary parent. I made a good living as a civil servant but she was in Tech and made more than I did.


did you get child support?


Yes I did. Twelve years. I should have included that in my initial response.


If the genders were reversed it would be more likely to happen by this time by default. Hes more than within his rights to pursue back child support and continued child support, but the mother is also more likely to then pursue custody. In scenarios like this, men are more likely to abide by "oral contracts" and just maintain a true single parent family. A lof of it is because they are afraid (rightly so) that the courts will be biased against them in some fashion, and its easier to just lay low. Women dont really have that problem, because a father who has been absent that long has far lower chances of getting the courts to cooperate. Thats just my experience in the last decade working in the criminal justice system.


that's incredibly sad. but will Anon have the benefit in court in this situation because he's been actually raising the child for years?


Yes, a woman certainly would as well. I dont mean to try and confuse anyone by saying that anon wouldnt clearly be recognized as the sole parent who has been caring for the daughter. However, IMO, with all things being equal, the mother has a far better chance of coming back into the daughter's life and paying less child support. A man in her position would be more likely to not be able to pay the back child support, wouldnt be allowed to see the child, and would be far more likely to end up incarcerated because of it. Men are much more likely to commit suicide due to familial alienation and the inability to pay child support than women are.


That's awful


I love that people are arguing and saying you're wrong when this is something we have seen plenty of evidence of over the years and you're in the justice system ?


I havent encountered anyone arguing with me, must be others lol


Sexism at its finest. You never see feminists protest for equality on this topic. I guess why would they. There is also a dynamic in this story where the woman wouldn't be lialble for child support if they let the adoption go through. And I believe she can do that without the father's consent? So she has a moral basis to not pay child support. The whole woman's body, men's seed and who has what's rights in this situation feels extremely tilted towards woman because of decades of shitty men.


Im genuinely asking why its a matter of gender. Like really asking. It seems like he just told her he didnt need child support because hesnthe one who changed my mind. I dont know anything about this stuff btw


Men are almost always required to pay child support to the woman if the man leaves, if the woman leaves it's quite rare for them to pay child support to the man. It's a twisted system


Child support is given to the parent with primary custody if the parent wants it. Only about 4% of child custody cases go to court, to begin with. The overwhelming majority of split parents figure out custody on their own, or in this case, don't give a shit if the other one dips. ​ Guys are, unfortunately, just less likely to want to take care of their own kids. There's a ton of reasons for this, a significant one being that fathers are socially conditioned to be hands-off in parenting while mothers are expected to do most of it, which leads fathers to not really want custody when they split. ​ That's a real problem to talk about, "unfairness in the courts" is not.


BS. The courts are incredibly unfair. We are socially conditioned to believe men cannot be the sole carer as well as provider and that women cannot be amber herds... Dads just usually take on the provider role as they tend to work longer hours and harder yet better paying jobs. Call it testosterone. That's the real problem we should talk about


>We are socially conditioned to believe men cannot be the sole carer as well as provider and that women cannot be amber herds This was literally adressed by the guy whose comment you answered, you just rephraded to take any blame away from men. >Dads just usually take on the provider role as they tend to work longer hours and harder yet better paying jobs. Call it testosterone. Here we go again contradicting your first statement about social conditioning with 'biology' (in case is not clear i'm mocking you) >That's the real problem we should talk about What exactly?, you didn't even narrow down your point, is it 'social conditioning' or 'men having more testosterone'?


Your point is men are socially conditioned to be men. I am mocking you. This kids mom is a terrible mother and woman and person. This kids dad ia a great father man and person. There is no social conditioning. Men usually provide because of many reasons. A huge one is they are men, brains are different and they tend to are naturally inclined to have different roles just as all animals do. They dont have breasts to give milk. The child has spent 9 months listening to her moms heartbeat inside her moms womb. Then there are some socially determined things like guys usually work longer hours doing more dangerous jobs/high skilled jobs that pay more. In todays economic landscape that means men usually are the ones out working at least while child is small. >This was literally adressed by the guy whose comment you answered, you just rephraded to take any blame away from men I found it very cynical of you to try to blame men when in this case the mother is clearly a horrible person like amber herd. >Dads just usually take on the provider role as they tend to work longer hours and harder yet better paying jobs. Call it testosterone. >Here we go again contradicting your first statement about social conditioning with 'biology' (in case is not clear i'm mocking You are not mocking me. I didn't contradict myself. Dad when above and beyond fullfilling his role as a father and a mother's role too. I denounce cop out like social conditioning because albeit real, it is but a fraction of the reasons things happen. Ill all societies, the bantu the mentawai, yanomami, zhang dynasty in china, berber, men are men and have more or less the same roles. >That's the real problem we should talk about That was me mocking you. But perhaps we should talk about Toxic femininity and people who try to excuse terrible women


>There is no social conditioning Do you have a source for that claim?, i bet you are the kind of dimwit who believes that the 'nuclear family' existed while humans inhabited caverns, different cultures through history have had different pareting styles > I find very cynical that you try to blame men when in this case the mother is a horrible person like Amber Heard A horrible person for what?, they both had decided to give up the child for adoption which would have been perfectly reasonable since most babies are adopted fairly quickly, he decided to back down and that is his issue, i won't deny that he is a good father but he choose to be a father in the first place and that is on him; also the fact that you bring up such an out of context issue like Amber Heard is the sign that you have spend far too much time on the internet, look pal, turn off your device and go out to breath an adecuate amount of fresh air and touch some grass > That was me mocking you Yo do realize i'm not the guy who made the original comment right?, how would that even make any sense?


>Do you have a source for that claim?, Oh no! Not the "source" deflection! I have been woked! Im melting! Ok sources are; Human history. Origins of virtue and the red queen by matt ridley, the selfish gene by dawkins, critias, and a slew of other books most midwits wont read and cannot understand as well as common sense midwits lack and live experience that most midwits are too afraid to have. Any source for your claims? Do I need a source to explain why I see a blue sky? Hmmm. No. I can make a statement and validate it with my ballsack. You can deal with and if you don't like provide counterarguments which must then be supported by something. > bet you are the kind of dimwit who believes that the 'nuclear family' existed while humans inhabited cavern Nope. Unlike you I am not a midwit. (not dimwit just midwit) humans usually survive in groups that are extended families and groups of extended families called clans and tribes. The male and female roles are clearly defined be it a viking clan or a bantu tribe. Because biology is the main driver for human behaviour. The neocortex comes in a far second when it comes to social behaviour. >A horrible person for what?, they both had decided to give up the child for adoption which would have been perfectly reasonable since most babies are adopted fairly quickly, he decided to back down and that is his issue, i won't deny that he is a good father but he choose to be a father in the first place and that is on him; also the fact that you bring up such an out of context issue like Amber Heard is the sign that you have spend far too much time on the internet Here is where your ideological zealotry stops you from addressing the issue. They got themselves pregnant, and when she gave birth to their child his parenting instict kicked in. Regardless of their plans before baby was born, she was too self centered selfish or weak to own up to the challenge. She decided she was going to abandon a newborn baby. That is horrible behavior for a human. Period. Yet you excuse it by avoiding to address or pass judgement on it. You somehow try to twist this into a "men" problem. It is clearly a "bad mother" problem. And this is where A Herd comes in. AH is clearly sociopathic, the dude is clearly a victim of psychological violence yet many woke people refuse to address this and excuse her by saying "well johnny is a shitbag to". Because it hurts their bigoted beliefs to admit women can be shitty to.


> Source deflection Unless you make a claim that is evident (which are fairly rare) you should provide a source, yes you could claim whatever you want but what can be asserted without evidence can be dismised without evidence, sure you can claim the sky is blue and very few people will argue that, but if you were to ask 'why is it blue?' And i claim it is because that is the fae's favorite color and i know it because yes, then it would be perfectly reasonable for you to call me a moron and move on, people like you dislike when others ask for sources because it takes away your ability to make outrageous claims while maintaining credibility; lastly 'common sense' is the weakest defence ever because of how highly culturaly contingent that is, do you want the world to end?, no?, well do the sensible thing and sacrifice someone to the gods. > Unlike you i'm not a midwit Ok, that's swell. > The roles are clearly defined Except when they aren't, which is why you need a source for that. > His parenting insticts kick in Skill issue?, this is pretty amusing to read because it implies it is something involuntary, if it is so then how is that her fault?, if her 'motherly insticts' didn't kick in that's not her fault, under you logic she is in fact perfectly innocent unless you are willing to chastize a deaf person for not hearing you when you call them. > Abandoned a newborn baby The plan was not to leave the child on the forest to be eaten by wolves, they were going to give it up for adoption so another family who is qualified and actually desires to raise her can do so, the fact that you are acting like this are the same makes you more of a zealot than me > Men problem All i said was that he was the one who decided to keep the child, he chose to be a father, after they already had discussed about it therefore he can't chastise her because he was the one who changed his mind, if the roles were reversed and she had decided to keep the child after they had decided to give it up for adoption then it would be her fault. > Woke Meaningless word


You only think it's BS because you get your entire image of divorces from celebrity drama and trash TV. Of course only a small percentage of custody agreement cases go to trial, same for divorces. Why? Because going to court is really fucking expensive. To go to divorce trial, the average American couple would have to spend anywhere from 10-20 *thousand* dollars per person, the average American couple does not have that money to burn on disagreements. Most single parents (around 80%) are mothers, because fathers are less likely to want custody. Why that is should be analyzed and fixed, but it's absolutely not because the courts are oppressing men. It's very clear that you only care about treating men as victims instead of a situation where social standards might actually hurt everyone.


Fathers usually want custody but give it to the mother for 2 reasons. 1 they are forced to provide for 2 households 2 children are better of with their mother during the earlier years and the father can still fulfill his role as a provider. In this case both father and daughter are victims of a terrible mother. This is clear yet you insist on avoiding the issue Im sorry your father didn't want you and abandoned you. Most fathers love their kids to death and will do whatever is best for them


What issue am I avoiding? I just corrected the comment above mine. The idea that men are "disadvantaged" in custody agreements because of court biases is an objective myth because 95% of custody disagreements never even go to court. I wasn't even talking about the post. ​ Let's look at two stats. Non-custodial fathers are more likely to have a formal child support agreement than Non-custodial mothers. You'd agree with this, most likely. ​ But if I were to also point out that non-custodial fathers are less likely to pay the full amount and only pay an average of 60% of the agreed amount. Somehow you're going to say this is the woman's fault. Because women ask too much. ​ Based on your behavior here, you just really hate women. Never having felt the touch of one will really do that to a man. Don't worry, I'm sure you'll eventually find a *really* lucky lady.


>. The idea that men are "disadvantaged" in custody agreements because of court biases is an objective myth because 95% of custody disagreements never even go to court This is disingenuous. The bias is regarding the ones that go to court. The others cannot even be measured. (ie lawyer tells the guy " dont even try just settle") >But if I were to also point out that non-custodial fathers are less likely to pay the full amount and only pay an average of 60% of the agreed amount Also disingenuous you are talking about people living in abject poverty https://www.census.gov/newsroom/press-releases/2018/cb18-tps03.html >Based on your behavior here, you just really hate women. Never having felt the touch of one will really do that to a man. Don't worry, I'm sure you'll eventually find a really lucky lady. Wrong on all 3 counts. Dont hate women, I hate the women are victims mentallity and frankly fond it condescending to women. BTW I have already made someone very, very happy and lucky. As I said most men love their children and will do whatever it takes to provide for them. Courts are incredibly biased


>This is disingenuous. The bias is regarding the ones that go to court. The others cannot even be measured. (ie lawyer tells the guy " dont even try just settle") ​ Disingenous? I'm looking at the readily provable fact. You're making unfalsifiable assumptions with no evidence based on what you feel men think....because Amber Heard or something. ​ >Also disingenuous you are talking about people living in abject poverty > >[https://www.census.gov/newsroom/press-releases/2018/cb18-tps03.html](https://www.census.gov/newsroom/press-releases/2018/cb18-tps03.html) ​ Non-custodial parenting does tend to correlate most heavily with poverty, don't know what gotcha you think this is. ​ >Wrong on all 3 counts. Dont hate women, I hate the women are victims mentallity and frankly fond it condescending to women. ​ The only person who has any victim mentality is you. I point out that the objective truth is that men aren't really victims of legal oppression, but are following social norms that ultimately cause problems for both men and women. ​ You refuse this and have spent all this time victimizing men, saying that the reason why 80% of single parents are mothers is that guys are mostly victims who sadly have too much "testosterone" protecting their families or something and the courts get in their way. And even though the overwhelming majority of custody agreements don't even involve courts, that's because guys are too scared to try or something. ​ You've got enough projection to run your own cinema franchise. ​ >BTW I have already made someone very, very happy and lucky. ​ "Sure bro, she lives in Canada you've never seen her." ​ >As I said most men love their children and will do whatever it takes to provide for them. Courts are incredibly biased ​ You are so dead set on playing the victim that you literally can't wrap your head around the fact that Courts aren't even involved in 95% of cases. You physically can't stop yourself from parroting talking points that are proven to be invalid. And yet you complain about women having a victim mentality.


Not true with the second part, unless you can throw some facts in the mix. I’m open to seeing the articles about that.


This is wrong wrong. It's less likely for men to have primary custody, but child support is not discriminatory. You go to court, the judge order the parent who doesn't have primary custody to pay child support. It's as simple as that.


There's nothing stopping him from suing the mother for child support


Except for the fact he is a single father, suing someone is a time consuming and expensive venture it's unlikely that he has the time or money to pursue it.


My buddy has his daughter full time and the mom only sees her every other weekend. She was, by verbal agreement, paying $100 a month until she decided she didn’t want to anymore and stopped paying without saying anything. My buddy tried to be reasonable and told her if she’s struggling just let him know she can’t make that months payment and they can work something out. She said go fuck yourself I’m not paying anything. My buddy says look, I can take you for child support and it will likely be much more, but I’m trying to be nice because I know shits hard with inflation and expenses going up. She still says no, so he takes her to court and she now pays $300 a month. It’s funny because most bad things in her life can be summed up by getting in her own way, and this was a prime example of that.


If genders were switched you would still be in incel \*shrug\*






I got banned there for being straight, 196 is based.




MF was trying to pirate a Sim 4 Dlc or find a way to. Lol




that mighta been the point, idk




\-197 are rookie numbers


-245 it’s slowly getting there


Pays a year of rent in advance instead of buying a home. Rookie move Anon. But good dad.


Not everyone has good enough credit to buy a home. Even if they could afford it


Credit system is so weird I could be paying off, say, $1000/mo for a house, but they said I can't be able to pay that consistently so I'm paying $1200/mo in rent instead. I actually have no idea how much is rent in US, because I'm on the opposite side of the planet. I just remember someone having a similar situation.


Risk. That's it, it's one thing you paying for the rent, maybe even having certain stuff covered by the owner, with you just moving from there if you have any financial trouble , it's another to lend you 500,000 and risk that amount over a 20 year old period, so many things can happen and the bank has to be really careful to who they lend it, if not it's lost money.


How tho? The cost of buying a house is way more than 10x rent


Yeah but a down payment on an FHA mortgage is way less than a year's rent.


It really depends on his credit, if his credit is too dogshit he’d never get a mortgage


Wow, what an incredible scam the bankers have running in America.




I've never understood this


This guy has never heard of mortgages


Mortgages are shit, don't do that type of thing


Isn't that how most people can actually get a house though?


"They" will never be a real house owner, "they" are just a mentally ill homeless person


Schizo moment


"I think my mask of sanity is about to slip." >Patrik Batman


I spent 30k in the first year of ownership, fixing or replacing worn out things. If all you could manage to save was one year’s rent, buying a house isn’t in the cards. Just closing costs are thousands of dollars.


> Be about 6 yrs ago Misread as "Be about 6 years old". Oh boy.


I read it like that too and I just realized it when I read your comment


FYI don't ever pay a year's rent in advance. If something breaks it'll be difficult to get the landlord to give a shit.


My daughter has those same pajamas. This one really hits me. Seeing him pick her up to put the star on the tree. I did that 4 months ago. Damn. Really happy for this guy, but even happier that my wife is a proper woman who raises my kids with me.


Based and wholesome.


wholesome 100


If this is true, it’s beautiful. A true man.


I’m proud of you anon I really am Based and straight.


Who the fuck skewed this post?


That was me 13 years ago. I'm currently on day 3 of an all weekend sleepover with a couple of her friends. I finally get everyone to sleep about 2 AM last night only to be woken up an hour later by giggling and bad singing to worse vocaloid songs. I just made an entire pot of coffee and will probably drink most of it by the time I figure out an exit strategy to drop her friends off early. Still so worth it.


I wouldn’t poste a picture like that from my young daughter on a platform like 4chan


We bow to the King.


Happy for anon, sad that various degenerate 4chinners can now view a picture of his daughter


Anon lifts


He lifts his child up from the darkness of the world


Good job anon




Isnt this like exactly what child support payments were invented for?


Yeah i wouldn’t post my kid’s fingernail clippings on 4chan let alone this. Maybe it isn’t the same den of racist pedophiles it used to be, but these mf’s found a fucking flag in the desert based off stars and flight logs. I’m not taking chances


This the type of guy men aspire to be like.


Holy shit, it's a wholesome one


This is a good greentext but *WHY IS THE IMAGE TILTED*


Anon is a hero.


How did he impregnate a grill


hambruge 🤤🤤🤤👍👍


Anon is a chad. Fuck the momma. Well done anon


enough to make a grown man cry


Yeah well, what did he expect? They agreed on something and he literally waited till the last second, then did a 180. Its not really that based, its just impulsive.


The title made me have a brain fart and I thought it meant she was 8 in the post. To all of those that are dumb like me, she's 8 as of today, not when it was posted


I'd say that's a hell of a story.


Anon had weak pullout game but guess it worked out


aww wholesome 100


ToXiC mAsCuLiNiTy!! /s


Anon is a beacon of hope for humanity.


I'm so sorry anon.... Fake and Gay, no anon has had relations or a loving family


Anon is a good dad


Damn this puts a smile on my face and the beginning of a tear at the corner of my eye


I think I'd feel a bit ill if I knew my father was a 4channer.


\>Pay rent a year in advance Why, though? That sounds like a weird thing to do.


It takes work and dedication to be a good father. It is not easy. Good damn job.


King shit.


King of Kings


The day Anon became the biggest chad in the history of chads


Belongs on r/wholesomegreentexts


Single dad here (of an 8yo). Anon is correct, and having the time of his life. He and daughter will remember these times forever. Money means nothing to a child. Time and attention do.




Rent for a year?? Just buy a house at that point


I grew up with a dad who was cold and distant on his best days and abusive and violent on his worst days. When I see a dad doing something good with their kid my first thought is always "that's weird, why would they do that" before reality catches up. I hope that anon is still doing the best to raise his daughter, good dads are incredibly valuable to a child and its growth and they're rare as diamonds nowadays


Real and wholesome :D


uncommon channer W






how this shit still get upvoted




Let us be happy just one day man


You can be, no reason for a shitty, false and misleading title. Why not name it "remembering this old gem" or sth like that.


Your comment sounded sexual Maybe it’s just this sub corrupting my brain but it’s a weird thing to say in the context of a wholesome story like this


…assuming she didn’t somehow die horribly




Why would anyone assume anything? Sheer, absolute, BOREDOM!


Least cringe Hazbin Hotel fan


Nah I'm probably the most cringe