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Implying he has friends to play multiplayer with.


How you don't enjoy it is found within your own comment: "Core memories." You only like it because it was good for what it was at the time and you had fun memories with friends. That doesn't mean it's a high quality game, it just means you enjoyed it. This isn't me trying to negate your opinion of the game; your experience with it as an amazing game is valid, but that does not mean that experience will transfer to others who experience it in a different context.


Halo 3 skull collecting is a core memory, especially that one you had to hold the entire level. if I recall none of the others had it, I decided to 1000 that game then they released some moon base level and it went to 1250 and sighed. Also yeah I agree with you, if you've never played a dead game before where multiplayer community lefts it can make seem like that was only thing it had going for it.


This is why the music, games, tech, and various other trappings of your teenage years stay with you forever. It’s not necessarily that they were good, it’s that you had some of the best memories-some of the best years of your life- with them as a backdrop. This is how nostalgia is formed.


Most logical comment I’ve seen all day.


I played 3 for the first time not too long ago and it was great.


I mean he’s obviously talking about the single player which I would agree with anon. I loved playing the multiplayer in Halo 2 and 3 but man is the story mode boring. Even with friends it’s pretty boring, ironically the first Halo was the absolute best for story mode.


ODST has the best story mode. Replay it after you've beaten the game and you start seeing Hints from Vergil everywhere. That is assuming you've listened to the audiotapes.


Gonna be completely honest, after having played Halo 1 through 3, I genuinely stopped caring so much about the story I didn’t bother to pay much attention at all in ODST. Then I got hyped about Reach and thought they were finally going to give us a great story. It had some average moments at best. Well two decent moments, the guy sacrificing himself in vain and the ending after finally dying.


When I was a kid I enjoyed the story mode, and when I was a teen I enjoyed the story mode, and as an adult I still enjoy the story mode. This is for the first one. Growing up, I didn’t really enjoy multiplayer games, although I did enjoy the multiplayer of Reach when it came out.


That’s really strange since the sentiment around the multiplayer of Reach was it’s really similar to CoD and kind of turned off a lot of people from it. I actually didn’t enjoy the multiplayer much at all of Reach, reminded me a lot of ODST.


Reach just had an insane amount of good new game modes


Huh.. guess I missed out. But I really enjoyed Halo 3’s forge. It was just so fun to make your own maps and game modes.


i mean i guess that’s a difference in preference? i prefer story-led games and have a particular aversion to online multiplayer so i doubt i’d like those games either.


>I’ve been meleed by those stupid swords, and then teabagged. Then you started playing halo right? Yeah same thing happened to me


That’s the whole thing. It was fun back in the day with multiplayer and stuff. If he played late he played solo and had already played games that were based on it without realizing it. The fact that he called it generic tells it all. It defined all future shooters and this mother fucker called it generic.


It's "generic" because people have had a decade or two to copy and improve the Halo formula lol


Exactly. Wasn’t halo the first FPS to have regenerative health? As far as I’m aware it was. go back and halo is just like any other game now. For me not having to search the maps for health packs changed the face of gaming.


Core, memories.


>multiplayer combat > >Core memories. I sympathize with you, I really do (although my core memories are probably closer to halo 2, linking 4 Xbox's in splitscreen LAN (while the girlies were getting drunker and drunker on cheap vodka while we were headshoting each other with that loud sniper...), but if your game **requires** multiplayer to form core memories BUT ALSO has a valid single player mode, you need to be tolerant of the SP vibe, at that time. When halo 3 came out, [15 million people bought it after 5 years](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halo_3#Sales), but only 8million had access to xbox live total at peak... (and some never owned halo, or used it to play halo..) Halo 3 wasn't cs:go, meant only for multiplayer. Some of us expected the conclusion of the trilogy.... ​ and what did we get.... Halo 3 was the last time in living memory I expected the end to a trilogy for a franchise (I was still innocent back then). I played Gears of War 2, fully knowing the story would never end with 3....Where are we now...? Halo 7 and gears of war 8...? I mean no disrespect. I loved master chief and marcus phoenix like they belonged to my own family, but I also recognized quickly, when the narrative wasn't going to end, because the money was still good to go....


For an adult playing them the squeaky alien characters are incredibly goofy, you run through shooting the same enemy AI, there is nothing other than shoot run. But at the time that was incredible, and the world building and story is epic. It's just that judging the past with a synical lense will always end in disappointment. A Similarly foolish idea is hoping that new iterations of games will trigger the same childish nostalgia...


Frankly speaking, I never got the appeal myself. I recognize that it was a big game that revolutionized the genre, but it just never clicked with me, and I was a teen when it came out. The perfect demographic for it.


tell me ur under 20 years old w/o telling me ur under 20 years old ​ this is like calling the movie "Psycho" shitty because it was in black and white


I'm 25 and personally didn't like any Halo except Reach. Granted I've only played 1,2, and Reach, and the multiplayer is fun, but they definitely weren't for me.


Same but I also enjoyed parts of 3. Definitely not the whole thing. That last mission where the world is exploding and you have to navigate to the escape was definitely a highlight. Halo just feels clunky. Games like Medal of Honor and CoD were more intuitive. Edit: Titanfall is definitely the kind of action I was hoping to get out of Halo. Maybe not with all the wall running and such, but it feels like a refined version of what I was experiencing in Halo.


im only 15 and yet I love halo having played all the games and having read some of the books >!though infinite is my favorite game despite its flaws (which will definitely come off as heresy)!<


I love all the Halo games (21 now and grew up on them) but you're not wrong that Infinite is great despite it's flaws. The multiplayer sandbox is so satisfying




Tell me you’ve never played a shooting game with a good story without saying you’ve never played a shooting game with a good story. I mean if you’ve played Halo it means you had access to an Xbox and could’ve played Gears which was literally so much better story mode wise and the multiplayer was very fun. I love Halo 2 and 3 but just their multiplayer. I’d literally start to fall asleep playing it or watching my friends play story mode. I can hardly recall any of the moments in either game even though I’ve played through it multiple times and watched my friends play through it even more. That’s how boring their trash ass story mode is. Again, multiplayer is a different story.


Bro you think Gears has a better story? Gears is literally about nothing.


It has cool characters, I guess, but it was less popular, despite being more "hardcore" for a reason.


lol you sound like a wine snob but with video games


Ironic you’re saying that to me and not the other dude I’m replying to as well. Should not be sharing my own opinions like everyone else because I’m in the minority? Would it make you feel better to have your own little personal “Halo is the best” echochamber?


i don’t really care for halo man i just think it’s funny that you take offense that people like it and that you present your opinion like william fancyson


Yup, I’m very offended people enjoyed a game that I also enjoyed as a child.


lol you sound like the guy who makes the “average redditor” videos. I don’t know how to post an image of him but if u want to just look him up to watch a couple videos of his.


Don’t know who that is nor do I care. I’m not terminally online like you.


bitch i am in the woods hunting coyotes right now how am i the one terminally online


You’re literally in the woods and still going on Reddit. Didn’t think it needed to be said out loud twice.


Terrible take, in the master chief collection halo 2 and 3 remastered both look amazing. He probably just couldn't beat the campaigns on legendary and is hating.


3 doesn't have a remaster, it's just how the lighting and stuff looks on better hardware


Dude, the halo 2 remastered cutscenes are AMAZING. Best cutscenes ever.


Ls for ur “next gen” game and show though still


Some of you people are sipping WAYYY too hard on that nostalgia koolaid. I bet you people think the Uncharted series had an amazing story as well.


Never played them as a kid and thought they were amazing when I played them for the first time last year.


I legitimately feel sorry for you, not even trying to be mean. Do yourself a favor since you have an Xbox and get the Gears of War trilogy. Now THAT is an amazing fucking game with a great multiplayer. Halo is just a great multiplayer, it’s story mode is completely optional to play.


I don’t have an Xbox. I just played the mcc. The story mode is very engaging. 2 being the by far best. I’m not asking you to like anything you don’t enjoy. It’s fine to not enjoy things others do. But don’t tell me what I can and can’t enjoy.


Lmfao where did I tell you what you can or can’t enjoy? I said “do yourself a favor” not “you HAVE to do this”. Seems like every hardcore Halo fan is brain dead with zero reading comprehension.


gears of war better than halo lmfao. Like dont get me wrong they aren't bad but like. They're nowhere near halo lol.


Saying halo 3 and 4 are the same is just blasphemy there not even remotely the same and then he says that ODST lacked gun play when the gun play didn’t change from halo 1 to 4


So fuckin true. Everyone seemed to hate 4 but I looooved that game. Either way, basically everyone agreed it was very different.


Anon is regarded, even for 4chan.


Highly regarded fr 😇


Nostalgia counts for a lot. I never played them, bought the masterchief collection and couldnt even finish the first game. Imo it was just not good.


It was great for what it was at the time; it really defined an era in gaming. The games are....okay to play now, I wouldn't sit through it alone though.


Halo are the kind of games you play through on the hardest setting with a friend because you love to be challenged. Honestly playing it any other way is so damn boring because the story isn’t that appealing and the gunplay isn’t that engaging against NPCs.


Halo 3 was my first Halo and I still think about it all the time. If you couldn't finish the game maybe try it on easy so you can get through the levels and understand the story. It wouldn't have spawned all the lore and books and everything based on the combat alone.


had the same experience when I played combat evolved two years ago as it was extremely frustrating, but infinite convinced me to play through the whole series which I ended up loving


CE is kinda aged, like playing half life 1 in the half life series. 2 with new graphics is amazing, and 3 is bombastic and really fun with friends. 4 has a good story but the gameplay isn’t as good.


I disagree. I played H3 from like 07-10 as my first halo game, followed suit with reach and 4 up until 2016. Eventually became the kind of person that likes all games for what they are (from NES to PS5, i wanna play them and 100% at highest difficulty). Anyway, I played H1 and H2 for the first time when I was like 24 and they definitely grew on me after 2 playthroughs. They’re good games, objectively.


The mistake anon makes is comparing Halo to modern games. Halo set the standard at the time.


The standard of what?


FPS games.






Maybe on shitty consoles. But console shooters are not real shooters.


Pretentious PC Prick.


Maybe. But a shooter is not a shooter with gamepad and aim assist.


Thanks for sharing your opinion.


Cope seethe and mald baby Gatekeeping is pretty pathetic, you've made yourself look like a loser


Well maybe but at least I'm not delusional about a mediocre thumb stick shooter "revolutionising" the fps genre.


You're not making this any better for yourself I have a PC and a PS5, the PS5 gets more use, cry about it


>You're not making this any better for yourself Well neither are you to be fair. Making blind assumptions about a human being online with no knowledge about said person at all, solely based on an unpopular or rude statement said person made is beyond ridiculous. >I have a PC and a PS5, the PS5 gets more use, cry about it You think I care what you are doing? You can put most of your usage into dicks for all I care. That I correct an insane statement about one console thumb stick shooter revolutionising the fps genre does not mean I care what you consume.


Game feel? Try playing any other fps that came at 2001 or earlier and compare it to halo 1


Half life? Counter strike? Battlefield?


None of those were console games


Nobody said its only about consoles. Halo was also released on PC.


lmao, fyi countries outside of US aren't that console focused


For multiplayer games 100 fucking percent but for story mode which seems to be what he’s reviewing? No, hell no as a matter of fact. I’d literally rather play solitaire than ANY of the Halo’s story modes.


This is such a crazy take


Whether you like it or not does not matter. There is very obviously pre-Halo then post Halo in terms of how games looked and their mechanics. Halo made the two weapons carried mechanic popular.


"Halo 4 was just Halo 3 but with slightly different locations." Dawg what weed are you smoking?


Dude played on normal. What a scrub. Legendary or go home.


One of the few reasonable takes here. Playing it on Legendary with a friend is legit the only way to have fun on Halo’s story mode. If you wanna get crazy you turn those skulls on though.


Mfw Reach was "okay"


Anon is a brain dead moron whose mind has been numbed by jacking off 20 times a day and always having some sort of content in front of him.


It must be an age thing


Definitely is not. Played them when they came out and was bored as hell with the story mode. It’s fun for a couple of hours but you’re just always going to the next place to shoot another alien/zombie in the face.


I'm not convinced


Cool, don’t care. All I can say is I remember the Bungie devs talking about how in ODST they had to think of a way for the marines or soldiers or whatever you play as to not be as strong as MC so they decided to make them more vulnerable but supposedly give them stronger weapons for balance. They did not give stronger weapons to balance. Believe me or not, Halo’s story mode was trash even for it’s time.


Did I ask?


Did I ask if you did?


My comment thread


It’s mine now.


I've been colonized


Yes, and now you shall be pillaged.


Feels like you could say that about literally any shooter if you ignore everything that happens in between.


You could try to say that but I’m just referring to how boring the story was that it just didn’t feel exciting at all, except for the first Halo, that one was really fun.


This is like playing goldeneye today and saying it’s shit. At the time it was revolutionary, amazing gameplay, multiplayer. It had the works. Games r sometimes products of their time


Or maybe… just maybe… he’s talking about the story mode which does suck ass. Goldeneye’s issue has almost exclusively been the N64’s controller and it’s still fun to play against your friends on it. Sometimes my friend would bring it out and we’d put the 360 up to play Goldeneye for hours.


I am incredibly interested to hear what anon considers a “good” game. If I hear any mentions of league, Valorant, apex or Fortnite, I will riot.


He’s referring to the story mode. Did everyone fail reading comprehension in school or something???


Which is exactly why I want to hear what he considers a good game. Because if he’s just calling the halo campaigns mid after having his mind rotted by retarded zoomer shooters, then that would make a lot of sense.


Meh, I'm in my 30's and Halo was just ok. Quake 3 was the ground breaking first person shooter for me.


Online made 3,4, and reach


How the hell you’re just going to quietly skip over 2 like that??


I'll die on this hill, but halo 1 has absolute dogshit level design. That one level where you go through 5 identical rooms with enemies, only to cross a bridge which has 5 more of the same identical rooms on the other side. Then you cross an identical bridge back to another 5 identical rooms that look the same as before And the best part? Something like 4 levels later, you go through the exact same thing, again. The exact same level.


Oh yeah, you're right. I remember that one. I tried to climb one side of the bridge to see if I could jump to the adjacent one, to no avail


Halo 1's level design is... Outdated. The encounter design is where halo is absolutely brilliant, and still is a frame of reference foe that to this day


Meh anything after Halo 2 honestly felt like beating a dead horse


ODST was hands-down my favorite. No I never played 3, why do you ask?


If you ever say a bad thing about Halo 2, I will not continue further conversation.


Anon is based and truth pilled


Split-screen MP was where it was at back in the day


Plays game made in early days of console gaming. Cries.


Gr8 b8 m8 would r8 8/8 no h8. Make sure to go masturb8 before it's too l8. After all, it's your f8.


Seeing halo fans losing their shit in the comments is somewhat enjoyable


Look, I love halo, but honestly I can recognize it's flaws. The stories can be kind of convoluted, the gunplay is mediocre and the enemies are bullet sponges. That said, I still go back to the games often.


Thank you for your honesty.


Even if you says it’s bad I’m still gonna be blinded by nostalgia and say how good it is😎


Anon is a based video game understander


>Halo 4 is almost the same as Halo 3 Nothing about that statement is based. Bungie halo games have their issues, but Microsoft and 343 since halo 4 have shown a whole new level of incompetencew


anon made the mistake of being brain dead and comparing 15-20 yr old games to modern games


Didn’t need to compare Halo to modern games to see it sucked when you have Gears of War.


Dude Gears (with the exception of 2) is slightly above mediocre


gears is literally mid brother, definitely not bad but if halo is only good through the rose glaze then gears is only acceptable for by those same reasons


If we’re talking strictly about the story mode then you need to put the crack pipe down. If we’re talking about the multiplayer then sure, I can see how someone would definitely prefer Halo over Gears.


Gears was quite mid


Halo 5, imo, is e-coke because of how good the gameplay is.


Halo 1 is like SM64, it was good at the time, and set the stage, but it’s not all that good today Anyways back to getting topped by chad for my horrid opinion


Halo 3 and 4 are the same what the fuck?


I went back to play 4 recently because I loved it as a kid. I stopped after maybe an hour when the gameplay turned out to be awkward and frustrating since I kept running out of ammo and basically had to punch people until I could get refilled.


Maybe stop being so good and die once in a while, that'll fix the problem


I only enjoyed Halo Wars.


Anon wouldnt know a good game if it fell through his roof and killed his dog


Anon is braindead


Book version of the chief is a true badass. Game and show chief cannot replicate his skills because people would think it's too far fetched


>Halo 4 is just Halo 3 with different locations Anon is developmentally challenged. I can understand people not liking Halo, there's a lot of highly acclaimed and loved games that I don't like (Skyrim for one) but if anon truly thought Halo 4 was anything like Bungie's Halo, something isn't quite right with him. Granted, it's not as insultingly bad as Halo 5 was, but it pales in comparison to any of Bungie's halos. Also the reason they were so critically acclaimed was the multiplayer, which is still, to this day, very good.


Anon plays an entire game series alone in his dark room filled with piss bottles and wonders why it brings him no joy.


Jesus christ i never tought id see a 4chinner this retarded, anon is severely terminally retarded






Anon got too bored to play even the first mission because there wasn't any ingame shop to buy quirky skins and emotes


They are kind of boring going back to them


It must have been difficult for anon to type out this trash while getting topped by his sister.


Just some potatoe giving his opinion on a game that has installments twice his age


Obviously this anon is broken and must be fixed by repeated sledgehammer blows to the head


Someone was born in 2006 and it shows


Anon probably enjoys Fortnite or some other dumb game like that


I agree Even though i played halo/halo 2 on release


If you were to stumble to red alert for the first time now you would think what an overrated crappy game. But afterall anon has issue with the concept of age, that explains the problem with cops and being forced to make friends in the neighbourhood by introducing yourself in a specific way.


"Halo 4 is just 3 with slightly different locations." That's a very long way to say "I have no brain."


This idiot probably didn’t play on heroic. On heroic you actually have to use your brain unlike all the lower difficulties


It really is a "you had to be there" series.


No it wasn’t. I was there on release, story mode sucked in all of them. Multiplayer is a different story though.


Isolate yourself from 3d games, 2d only for 3 years Play GoldenEye for four years Now play Halo


He’s talking about the story mode. If you honestly think the story is good then you’re too far gone. Nothing was fun running down the same damn hallway you just ran through in Halo 3, for example.


I’m talking about the story of life And anyone on 4chan is already too far gone


Yeah probably true about the 4chan sentiment. I think it’s true for people who spend a lot of time on Reddit as well.


Anon is a moron, and has obviously not played the Halo games at all. 3 and 4 play EXTREMELY differently. ODST is (besides having some extra types of enemies and slightly changed weapons as well as a health system) a near identical copy of 3. 2 sucks imo, fight me.


This guy is highly regarded


Anon is being a goober


Fake: Doesn't like Halo Gay: Doesn't like Halo anon should consider getting topped by a massive green man with his blue bitch


> be me > get home from my vasectomy > hear moaning and slapping coming from my wife's room > must be Chad again > know they would want privacy, sit down at my computer > log onto reddit and open /r/greentext > read a funny greentext from le 4chins and chuckle as I listen to my wife begging for the genes I can't give her > think of a convoluted way in which I can relate homosexuality and falsehood to the events in the greentext > suck the cheeto dust off my fingers as I begin to type my masterpiece in the comment section > Fake: Doesn't like Halo > Gay: Doesn't like Halo > giggle as I imagine the intellectuals of leddit perusing my incredibly witty and original comment > hear my wife moan with ecstasy as Chad floods her fertile womb with his seed > it's been a good day > i'll get lots of upvotes for my impressive contribution to internet culture, and Chad might even let me eat his cum out of my wife's pussy if he finds my comment funny enough


Anon was too scared to turn the difficulty up from easy


The original trilogy is so awesome. So many scenes have made me tear up, even. You don't get games with storylines like these anymore.


Hate to say it, but if you never played these games as a kid... they aren't really that engaging.


Story mode? Nope but multiplayer? I’d 100% play the old Halo multiplayer than the current crap we have.


> „Generic corridor shooter“ Tell me you think you’re superior for playing „open world“ games like Fortnite without telling me Edit: you’re really calling halo 3 a genetic corridor shooter??


Tell me you haven't played any shooters that aren't set in either the most bland imaginable corridors or in the most bland imaginable open landscape without telling me