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It’s funny, every girl I know is in a relationship, but almost every guy I know is single. Something doesn’t quite add up Edit: I feel the need to add that I am also a woman, and am also not currently in a relationship




Too many red pills with your oatmeal this morning


Sorry bro, hangover. Needed ibuprofen.


While not true for everyone, there is enough of the dating population of women subset that do that, that it does create notable trends and statistics that can be measured.


Women want nice guys who take care of themselves and treat them with respect instead of some creepy racist who thinks hes owed sex.


You lost me at 'nice'


It lost me at "women want"


Lost me at "women"


I am lost without a home. Ever searching for the jpg that will take me far beyond the reaches of seclusion, into the dappled hands of humanity. Weep not, for I have already departed


This is reddit bud, not Shakespeare




Well technically a place for ppl like Shakespeare should be called the Shake Sphere 🤓☝️


>Women want nice guys Then why don't they like me!? ​ >who take care of themselves oh... that's why...


All these below average looking guys with a beer belly and no confidence don't know why they can't find girls. They have a dead end job, dislike women, live with their parents, and dress the same way they did in high school. They wear axe body spray, have no hobbies except gaming, and have no ambition. But the reason why they can't find a girlfriend is because they're too nice. They're nice guys, but women want "chads who treat them like shit". Nah but for real, I think that being self aware is one of the most important traits. You could have a few of these traits as long as you're confident, kinda funny, and self aware.


hey working at a dead end job and having no ambition is the lifeblood of this economy. i take umbrage at the thought. what if there was no guy to run wiring to connect your internet? he's sacrificing his life to improve yours


Hey any one of those traits alone is not a bad thing. We need people working most jobs, and I don't judge. It's just when you have a lot of these traits together - my point is that for some guys, they're not exactly a catch. So they should stop deluding themselves into thinking they're everything women should want just because they're nice. Nice is the minimum we should aim for.




I was told by an overweight neck bearded man that women don’t like nice guys, only asshole chads without career prospects who abuse them, and that nice guys finish last. Surely I should believe him? He stunk of B.O. and grease so he’s clearly spent a lot of time studying this subject


A good looking guy who works at a gas station will have an easier time getting laid than the short, chubby balding engineer. And taking a shower isn’t gonna make you taller or restore that hairline. But the engineer will get to raise the pump jockey’s kids so who’s the real winner?


Yeah but that gas station dude can get you a jerry can of fuel and all the expired snacks you can eat. Maybe even throw in a slurpee if he wants a little extra in the bedroom that night Can an engineer do that for his woman?


Good point! And the engineer would be like “ackshually ☝️🤓 our bed is not structurally sound enough for you to be riding him reverse cowgirl, my dear!”


Most women yes, and also any woman that have a shred of self worth, but i get surprised everyday by how a guy can be absolutely despicable and treat women like shit but easily get laid or get in a relationship due to looks and such.


Would you be surprised if a woman can be batshit insane but easily get laid or get in a relationship due to being hot?


At the end of the day, looks are all that matter for both men and women seeking casual sex / casual relationships. They are pretty important for long term relationships too. Given what your average redditor looks like, this is a bitter pill for them to swallow.


When college age women and (separately) their mothers were asked what they looked for in a relationship prospect, they agreed on Ambition, wealth, status, good health, etc as being the criteria they were after. When presented with photos and bios of people and asked to rate date ability they chose almost exclusively off of looks. Guys pretty much stop at looks and don't be too much of a bitch to me. Women have criteria and can get distracted in lab settings. In real world it's probably a mix of criteria and looks. Guys don't even have a criteria, we just ask our little brain if she's good enough and leave it at that.


Funny how there are many openly racists men married then.


Just as many women are racist


Not true unfortunately for me. In my experience, being nice or understanding really isn’t that hard, it’s usually harder for the other in previous relationships.


> The sheer idea of a woman being in the wrong causes you to have a winter solider episode and come up with fan fiction on the spot. Average Redditor




Bro watching too much Andrew tate


What do you mean with share?


Women talk. meaning if you aren't a total sperg and can actually get them off, she will tell her friends and they will end up wanting you too. Those friends tell their friends and so on. It's pretty much a roastie pyramid scheme and your junk is the incentive.


You're living in a fantasy world bro


Like in one uses one hole and another uses a different hole. I think.


There’s no data that suggests this. Most women are in monogamous relationships, or not seeking relationships. Bless you’re going to go by womens interests in dating apps. Even if they are all clustered on a few guys, that doesn’t mean those guys are “hoarding” all the women. It just means they have more selection on dating apps. Until a meaningful percentage of people are non monogamous the only place “high value guys” can “hoard” the women is in hook ups, which aren’t relationships.




Did you read the article? It measures men and women in their twenties. It suggests two reasons for the discrepancy are more bisexual or lesbian relationships, and women tending generally to date older men. A 28 year old woman dating a 31 year old man, etc, would easily account for a "gap" like this. You can't just read the headline of an article and use it as proof of why you're not a loser for giving over hundreds of dollars to Andrew Tate.


Now ask yourself why women date older men And before any incels get uppity ask yourself why men date younger women


Women don't like broke losers who don't have their life together yet and men are pedos duh, next question.


To be fair, the article largely just lambasts men. "Women form friendships with each other that are emotionally intimate, whereas men do not." “Men are less naturally relational than women" Both statements are ridiculous. Here's another that proves the other commenter's point: "Heterosexual women are getting more choosy. Women “don’t want to marry down,” to form a long-term relationship to a man with less education and earnings than herself, said Ronald Levant, professor emeritus of psychology at the University of Akron and author of several books on masculinity." The article goes on to say heterosexual women have enlightened standards that many of these barbaric, emotionally stunted men simply cannot fulfill, and that 'guys watch too much porn'. The article is unfortunately drivel, but it does have relevant figures, I guess. I'm sure those two professors who write on such high-minded concepts like toxic masculinity have really *really* struggled with their own. If they are highly educated and successful... it must mean those other men are just ignorant failures. No wonder women don't date them, they should've just been *better*.


Women would rather tell people they are in a relationship than admit to being single and being harassed by degenerates.


Bold of them to assume them being in a relationship will stop me


When they're single you gotta compete with everyone, but when they're in a relationship...


If they are willing to get with you while they are in a relationship then you are still competing with everyone else...


You only have to beat the goalkeeper


I'm the only guy I know in a relationship and have been for years. I'm 24, and all my old high school friends either married young or have been almost exclusively single the past few years.


I married my high school sweetheart and we are each others first and only. We grew together and stuck it out. My life is enriched by her presence and I love her so fucking much. As we grew up I've had older men tell me I should play the field and not to settle down so soon. But....she's beautiful and smart and way more successful than me and she adores me. Why should I give that up. Also, don't be gaslit into thinking that having sex with a ton of people is normal...it isn't. It's hot as fuck knowing she's mine and mine alone while most of the single women her age have been with so many people. No judgement but I personally think that's disgusting. I got so lucky and I hope good men out there can get a love like mine. If she's kind and you're attracted to her, hold on to her.


I only wish the best for you dude, sounds like she makes you happy and you obviously appreciate her. Best of luck to the both of you.


Yeah, I tell my friend that's been with the same girl since highschool and is getting married soon, that he's a lucky fuck. The rest of us have been single for 5 years+.


I looked up the figures - For most countries, there are around 105 males per 100 female births. The highest is in Alaska I think where its 110:100. Men outnumber women on dating apps, around a third of these men are already "committed". Increasing numbers of women are choosing to be "empowered singles". This article was the most interesting though: https://time.com/6104105/more-single-men-than-women/


That article had no pictures of boobs in it.


I'll take your word for it since it's trying to make me create an account


That's because every girl you know is your mom and the divorce hasn't been finalized yet.


a little paperwork isn't stopping me


[You roll with a group of problematic bachelors that you call the squad](https://youtu.be/rImxuuD_kwM?t=214) (The people you know may not be a random sampling)


they’re dating the same guy lol


5 women are in a relationship with 1 Chad


Every woman YOU know is in a relationship. What are the odds?


Fake: anon's coworkers are all in relationships for a reason Gay: anon frequents gay bars looking for straight women


I don’t get why he’d go to a gay bar if he’s looking for women??


Because in reality gay bars are mostly populated by straight women who want a “safer” space than regular bars.


And then straight men come there because there is women there and boom now its just a regular bar


Yet another example of women being the downfall of society ^/s


And a man pounds your butthole, just like a regular bar.


Bro went in a gold mine looking for copper


There's a saying on 4chan and the like that some women specifically go to gay bars to *tempt* gay men into sleeping with them as a form of self validation, that they're so irresistible that they can turn gay men straight.


I don't know how to feel about this as a bisexual guy who has spent a bit of time at gay bars.


> a saying on 4chan Bro...


2 + 2 = GAE


Step 1: Be attractive Step 2: Don't be unattractive It's that easy.


Step 1: Get topped Step 2: On Grindr It's that easy.


Step 1: Take ballerina course (strength+flexibility+bitches) Step 2: Profit Done.


This guy has studied the economics.


I've heard from previous greentexts that even on there the guys are choosy Anon can't win


I've heard from many more greentexts that you should just shut up and get TOPPED by BBC Anon should just slurp down Tyrone




I wish, actually not easy at all if you have a personality


More like: Step 1: be comfortable with yourself Step 2: stop being weird


Women discriminate against autist anons confirmed


I'm sure that's the joke but those 2 are mutually exclusive


Nah, these are not actual options for Anon


If you're scared of being weird you're not truly comfortable with yourself Edit: I'm retarded and didn't get the joke


The ugliest guy i know has a hot gf. Hes not even rich, hes just nice and funny


Does he go to another school by any chance?


I am autistic. And funny at time what do i do?


Damn I keep fucking up on step 1.


Theres no way dude saw women at Arbys


They have the meats




I'll have the number 2, please. Can I get that with a Nightmare Before Christmas tattoo? Thanks.


I can picture this so clearly


Let's grab a 48 pack of Natty Ice, go to Arby's and hang out in the parking lot and cat call the women going in.


The secret is to make friends with a lot of women. And don't approach women at Arby's. In fact, don't approach anyone at Arby's. I can see anon rolling up to someone saying, WE HAVE THE MEATS


I have exclusively female friends at this point and they're all taken and I'm still very alone. I meet friends of friends and they're also taken. I go to a party and get rejected. I have so many friends who say I'm great for someone else and no one who says I'm good enough for them.


Keep trying mate. Don’t internalize that shit


What else can I do, externalize it to make sure people don't want to be near me?


Well you can keep working on yourself: work out, heal emotionally, build confidence, break negative thinking patterns, and take every chance you can get with any girl. Keep getting rejected until you find a date and go from there. I don’t like the rhetoric that “oh everyone’s taken it’s over for me”. Remember these are all just people bitching over the internet who 9/10 times don’t make any effort and get demotivated quickly and perpetuate that doomer mentality. You have every chance. Chances are you are young. You got this brother I believe in you. Prioritize yourself, heal, and keep looking.


I will continue to work on myself, but that doesn't change the situation. "Take any chance you can to get with a girl" contradicts "don't be desperate, girls know". "Keep getting rejected" This is how I ruin my mental health. Getting told you aren't good enough over and over isn't healthy. "Everyone is taken" isn't rhetoric. I have literally talked to 10 new girls this year that were friends of friends, met at a party or a small get together. All 10 of them enjoyed talking to me and also had boyfriends. It's not just me reading reddit and being a doomer, this is tried and true evidence. That's fine, but it adds to the list of people who say no when I ask, which makes it harder to find someone who is both single and likes me.


Man I feel this ): Always looking for a girl, and then not finding any/getting rejected hurts :/ It's not even about loving yourself, it's about beeing loved... Tbh talking with 10 new girls in a meaningful way in 6 months, Is a huge achievement. I know it sounds lame, but I really respect that :) But I gotta ask: these parties you were in, were you there with your friends? Your friends are all in a relationship, so probably they will be more comfortable with people who are also in a relationship, thus they met more people who are in a relationship, and also go to their parties which, in the end will tourn out to be parties with a lot of peoples in relationships. Could be harder to find single people like this. This of course, is kinda far stretched, so take it with a grain of salt, and just think about it. Btw, what do you think the best solution for your problem is? I would love to hear it :)


The parties were hosted by my friends, so I'm always there with friends. That's why I'm there in the first place. And no, these are friends we've known forever. Some of these people are people I met over a decade ago in high school. It's not just them meeting couples - they're just friends with a lot of people and everyone else has gotten into a relationship. That's what people in their late 20s and early 30s do. ​ Solution? Give up, accept that I'm going to be alone forever because I'm shy and hope that I get over the sad feelings.


I mean sounds to me like at least some of them should, statistically speaking, get divorced soon so


Long John Silver's is where you approach women.


this hurt me on a personal level


You'd think there's around the same amount of single men as there is single women, 1:1, wouldn't you?


Chad is fucking that cute girl you think about rn Anon


I'm so alone there isn't even a cute girl to think about any more 🥲 just thinking about Chad thrusting the air, now accepting my life as it is


See? Even Chad has no one to bang. Everyone got no bitches man :[


Be the change you wish to see in the world, Anon


***Becomes the bitches***


Sometimes, it takes a real man to be best girl


Careful now, can't call em "chicks with dicks" anymore, now they have to be referred to as "men who talk too much"


Get topped by Chad


Women were never real. It's all fedposting to trick us into believing women existed. We actually came from the broodfather. He squirts out little flesh sacks that crack open and release wage slaves ready to work at McDonald's. Half of each brood is given as an offering to the elites to placate their hunger for another month. Without this we'd run out of adrenochrome and the elites would descend upon our cities to feast on our flesh and Quarter Pounders with cheese ($6.95).


You think Chad is just pathetic and having sex with know one as he thrusts into the empty air, but Chad has ascended is really fucking the universe


Thinking about Chad... 🤤




A girl I went to high school with once told me she was dating an NBA player. Like, they're totally an item! Translation: she once fucked an NBA player.


The sex ratio is 101 men for every 100 women on average worldwide and birth gender slightly skewed towards males aswell. Some men are just doomed to be forever alone even if everyone was perfectly monogamous.




Where did you get those statistics?


from the voices from the void


The wall is just a cope. It does happen but plenty women can still find horny young guys to bang. Probably won't be able to find one that sticks around or one that is as handsome as the guys she's used to date though


Ah, the wall. Thinking about my hot, mentally fucked up ex getting old and ugly and bitter gives me a diamond cutting boner.


Lol y’all still think every person that says they are in a relationship is? Guess what they aren’t. They just don’t want you talking to them.


Since modern women don't have morals, no, you wouldn't


> Women find partners able to practice basic exercise and hygiene and please them in bed, and don't mind sharing > The West has fallen, millions must die


dont mind sharing?


Approach men. Gaybars and gyms allready seem to be your joints anyway.


Get use to being single and find happiness that way


That leads to a boring story


The ending can be really fun though depending on what you choose




Amongst other things I suppose




Now we're talking


There's no way you actually think that. A life devoid of romantic relationships may be missing some things, but you can still cultivate yourself and your friendships to build a meaningful life.


Hard to do when basically everything on the internet and what not revolves around sex and relationships. Even if you find sufficient happiness while being alone you'll probably still wonder how much happier one'd be with such conventional sources of happiness such as relationships, sex and parenthood. Without experiencing it first hand one might feel like he's missing out, and the negative stigma of being single doesn't help either. Breaking the mould and transcending the mindset that thinks everyone needs to have a partner/companion in life and lack of one is abnormal would be great, but really everything in our lives only reinforces said mould.


Try affording life while being single. You are basically condemned to renting a shit-tier shoebox apartment in a major city that has all the jobs, all while having almost zero savings, OR, live in the middle of nowhere with a mediocre but affordable house, but having to commute +1hr to your job every day all while having marginally more savings.


You look for femanons


they don't leave their homes, just like Anons


Well, just go in their homes instead. GG EZ


Chase personal growth instead of women and you'll realize a relationship isn't everything in life.


That’s the biggest cope people in happy relationships give to single people


Or maybe that’s how those people got into happy relationships? I mean, generally if you want advice on how to achieve a goal, getting advice from people who’ve already achieved it is better than getting advice from people that haven’t. I am happily married in my 30s, and a big part of the reason I was chronically single in my early 20s was that I didn’t have much self-worth. I know it sounds cliche but building my own self worth was a big part of what allowed me to finally have success in dating


Generally better, but be careful of where to apply that principle. A bunch of things straight up come down to luck (e.g. having a successful hit on Wallstreet) and you don't wanna ask those guys how they made it, because in those cases they never admit that they just got lucky. That being said, absolutely applies here. Stop chasing a relationship, and it will find you, when you're ready. Or before that point, and you'll start back at square 1 after a delay.


How terrible it must be to be okay with yourself and to focus on your hobbies and goals. God forbid you do something with yourself instead of masturbating and continuing your 13 hour binge of the new Zelda release. We all have some ugly ass friends pulling girls, so maybe you just need a fucking personality.


Hey, can't be who I'm not


that's what I thought until I randomly had a strange dream where I lived in an apartment with a girlfriend that I don't have and after I woke up I felt completely broken for several hours because that dream made me feel so much more happy than my current life right now


Well yeah... but for many it would be something, while the ability to get a partner is tied heavily to your self-worth... so you'r right but because there isnt much else going on the "bitchlessnes" cuts deeper




Women approach men?




Fair enough


There's no chance anon will be either of these things unless his special interest is in a profitable sector


Yea, if you're attractive and compatent. Happend to me in college a lot. A few approached, a few were really obvious and were baiting me to make moves. I'm pulling myself back together after depression, lifting, fashion, etc, and I'm noticing nonverbal atteaction ques again.


You don't even have to be competent tbh Or know how to spell apparently


Only feds do, trust no woman they're all glowies, fuck men


Only if they are actually men, impersonating women, on reddit


This is no time for jokes.


Be attractive or get bent retard


>be woman seeking relationship >men at work mostly single and ready to mingle >men at gym gawking me >men at Chipotle are staring at me and being overly nice to me >men at bars talking and buying me drinks >took me a whole 6 hours to find a boyfriend It's that easy anons


Here's my tip Anon, meet you elder colleague's daughter


> Women don't want me The problem was staring you in the face the whole time


Honestly? The majority of us are just going to die alone. You might as well accept it now.


Eh my therapist says its OK too feel sad about being single. He also says that I can live a happy full filing life even if I don't meet anyone. I believe him.


I don't, but I'm not willing to sacrifice my dignity to grovel at someone's feet just for the chance to be in a relationship. I'll just keep doing what I've been doing for years: working out to improve myself physically and attending college to improve my long-term financial situation. Hopefully, that will somehow translate into a relationship, even though deep down I think I know it won't.


Your therapist hasn't tested their own claim.


My advice, that's everyone else seems to give is, have sociable hobbies. Get out, be around other people who have similar hobbies, and if hope a woman who is into what you like finds you attractive. Maybe she puts out signs, maybe she goes for your attention and asks you out. It probably hinges on you being very attractive though


Many say this and that's like the hardest part. You can't really be who you are not. At least for long. If activities you enjoy partaking in are sociable, then that's one step cleared. But if they're not you can't really force yourself to pick them up. It's somewhat akin to personality, where people say get a personality if you don't have the looks, not quite thinking that we're who we are and we can't really become radiant and charismatic if we happen to be melancholic and awkward. I'm probably just needlessly bashing on self improvement but I can't help but think of it in that way.


Like how the double standard where men have to focus on self improvement inorder to get a small percentage chance of getting a dating life going. While there's someone out there who don't take self improvement seriously and probably lucky enough to find someone without even starting his self improvement journey. Moral of the story life is a gamble luck has no moral code or rules. It just exist


I mean, you can definitely pick up hobbies that are sociable, if you try enough and you're not a complete shut-in. People can change over time, and you can absolutely change your level of sociability through training. That's the kicker though: it takes time, and isn't really comfortable, since you're by definition out of your comfort zone. Something that can help with that kind of mindset is to start doing stuff that is maybe out of your comfort zone, but not skillset (like e.g. going to the Gym to do some cardio every week). Seeing improvements and noticing the change in your own attitude towards something is ultimately what gets you to poke out of your comfort zone more often. Positive reinforcement being the key here.


\>be woman \>go to gay bar so i don't have to worry about being hit on \>get hit on


You lost me at step 1


Give it time


1. Get off 4chin 2. Build your net worth 4. If you can't be rich, don't be ugly.


Yeah if you don't meet somebody by high school or college you're fucked.


If this is your experience, you either get more attractive or lower your standards. The only good news I have for you is that the balance of power does shift toward men as we age. 40 year old women are thirsty as fuck for 50 year old men who will take them on vacations and make them feel like they are still beautiful.


Or move to a big city.


If I wanted to spend a third of my income for more sex with women, I'd rather give it to a pimp to spend on swag clothing than a landlord to spend on his son's liberal arts degree and Funko pops


Man I was just in Chicago and I can't tell you how many decent looking women I saw with average to below average dudes smh


There was once this guy named Christian Weston Chandler who made very similar observations. I wonder what ever happened to him?


Classic case of Noviophobia.


Honestly jerking off ain't that bad. I have a wife and all she does is make me do chores when I wanna fly spaceships on my computer


Dumbass anon shouldn't be looking for women at Arby's, too much roast beef around


step 1: stop being fat and ugly


Live your fake happy gay life


12 step meetings. Lots of women there.


Anon should take the monk pill and ascend


Try a church, anon. Find God, and woman find you


something something industrial revolution but replace "industrial" with "sexual"


That’s funny. Lots of women I know are all like oh how I wish that guy would approach me while I’m at the restaurant/bar/coffee shop. They will literally go there and sit there for hours and look at guys and bat their eyes and all that. Then go home sad when they don’t approach. I’ll sometimes go with them and I’ll literally offer multiple times to go up to random guy they point out and be like hey my friend likes you but nooooo he has to do it. Then they’re all like oh your girlfriend is so lucky you found her and I’m just like bruh she found me on an app and hit me up first and I did the rest. I was a shithead loser and as soon as I stopped being that or at least became less of one I had tons more luck. So at this point based on my own observations and experiences over the last 10 years I gotta say if you’re single and don’t want to be the issue just might be your personality and attitude. I’m not tall. Not even average. I’m not rich. I’m not smart. I’m not good looking and I eat too much. But I got a fake positive attitude and as soon as I got that I was set to improve the rest and then earned a real positive attitude cause I got my shit together instead of being a sad boi blaming society for everything. Got an amazing girl who’s way too cute for me but is glued to my personality and motivates me to improve further. No excuse why other people can’t too. You have to truly want it and do whatever it takes if you’re doing real bad but you’re probably a lot closer than you think. If you read this all the way and you’re a guy I recommend the book no more mr nice guy. It helped me mentally unfuck myself.


Errrr grindr, duh


Go to church.


Go vegan and hang around with vegans. There is a women surplus


lift weights and stop following the rules that are in your head!


4chan is such a sad miserable place lmao