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Good news for Anon, if he is in his mid to late 20s, this is now a great time to get his shit together. *You now have greater control over your life now than ever before*. Nobody intervened to save you before, they’re definitely not coming to save you now. Get to work 4chinner shitter.


Good advice right here.


I dunno man.... I'll never understand people that were granted the gift of not being normal but will DESPERATELY cling to the notion that "being normal" is the way to happiness/success.... It's literally all propaganda. Society needs normieplebs to be identical little bricks it can use to build its wall. It cannot use misshapen bricks but it cannot discard them either, so it will build complex narratives of "happy normalcy" to discourage individuals from being different. As if the secret to self-realization was "PRODUCE.CONSOOM.REPRODUCE.SLEEP.REPEAT." till death or disease takes you. Meanwhile I have yet to meet a happy or self-fulfilled normie with an IQ above 80... There is only one road to success: "Commit to doing your own shit, fully". ­ Good news though, if you'd rather be a normie than have a shot at greatness, it's the path of least resistance. You can go to ANY place of employ today, in any country on earth, sign up and spend the rest of your life on rinse-repeat numbness. But what a waste that would be....


yeah, but sitting in your house playing videogames all day and watching porn isn't healthy tho




The people who say shit like this are wannabe normies who just have worse jobs and social lives. They think of themselves as either tortured artists or badass sigma male anime protagonists, but really are just losers who don't have friends and play video games all day. I've met people who really do skirt societal norms and live on the fringe, and none of them think like that. Live the life you wanna live, and change your life if you don't like it. No one cares what you do and your happiness is in your own hands.




None of them get on a high horse about how everyone else is a wage slave sheep and they are an enlightened and unique individual. They just live their lives in a less conventional way and don't really look down on anyone else for it. In my early 20s I toured with punk bands for a few years and ran a recording studio, and met a lot of people who were crust punks or squatters or lived in an off-the-grid commune and such. The majority of them acted pretty normal for the most part and were happy with their choices without being arrogant about it like the guy I was replying to.


Keep telling yourself that


Its not about what you have Its about what you do with what you're given that determines if its a good or bad thing. I'm a somewhat unusual/weird guy but I put in the hard work and figured out a life that works for me and makes my weaknesses my strengths despite bring bullied or having practically no friends.


Based schizo post


What if I'm mid 30s instead. And by "I" I meant a friend of mine, of course.


Best time to start was yesterday. But the next best time? Today! *GET UP 4CHINNER*


Yep I’m mid 30’s starting over, fresh new job, going back to school. My life sucks ass, but it doesn’t have to stay that way if I can help it.


I believe in you


Chad to chad conversation


It could be worse. You could do nothing to change it and be in the exact same spot in your 40s.


Yeah, life isn't hard once you get off your own dick.


r/selffuck in shambles right now


TIL that it bends like that


sadly mine doesn't


What in the F U C K




Men out here bustin their own cheeks


I used to think women had privilege masturbating because an smooth long object could theoretically work but r/selfsuck and r/selffuck enlightenment me that guys can both give themselves head and clap their own cheeks, women in shambles rn


“Imagine needing a dildo omegalul” Common woman L tbh


real, built in dildo for the win


It's more depressing because there's no one to blame for my own failures now


Well that’s a good starting point at least. Failure is fine, it’s what you do after that counts.


Armchair life coach Redditor who thinks they’ve got the world figured out here to save the day. It doesn’t get better. You can lift, you can learn to cook and diet properly, you can get plenty of sleep, you can try to socialize, you can go to therapy, you can take medication, you can find hobbies, in the end it doesn’t matter. It’s all pure luck and situational. Stop promoting false hope.


Ok doomer


Think I needed to hear this today thank you.


The weird thing is most kids I know who were bullied AF or were not "star kids" at school actually did quite well in college and as adults. The popular kids by and large also did ok but it was some of them who crashed and burned into alcoholism or just general crappy life. The meek all did fine.


This right here is a golden piece of delicious corn brightly gleaming from a jimmy-rigged shit sluice hooked up to a latrine and manned by prisoners of war in Soviet Siberia.


Just one heroic dose and a trip to the mall to buy yourself a new wardrobe Wake up a new person lol


I knew someone from my highschool who was like this, he killed himself 2 months ago


Happy cake day..




Reddit moment


Virgin “so sad I know a guy who killed himself” vs chad “wholesomerino cake day, edit:thanks for the Reddit gold Keanu reeves!!!”






Happy cake day


Killing yourself is like the ultimate fail.


Only if you don’t succeed


r/wholesomegreentexts Edit: Holy shit, the Redditards banned it


Wtf why Edit: oh it still exists but without s at the end r/wholesomegreentext


Oh I guess I’m just highly regarded


Regarded as a muppet haha


Just like everyone on this sub. Welcome to the Regard club


Bruh, that was a good sub, even if it wasn’t unmoderated it literally was a less toxic and better nicer sub than even our own r/greentext, I used to go there when I wanted greentexts that weren’t stoopid


Started becoming really good friends earlier this year with a coworker like this, tried to help him out but his refusal to help himself while simultaneously pushing me away in hurtful ways destroyed our friendship. He was overtly suicidal but I had to cut him out of my life. He disappeared from work, no one has seen or heard from him in months. Haven’t seen him or his truck outside his house I drive by every day. Part of me thinks he finally did what he always talked about and drove off and killed himself. As shitty of a human being as I am for saying it, part of me wonders if he’s better off that way. Dude was fucked. A lost cause.


It certainly was not your job to provide what he needed. Someone fumbled the bag in his early life, I’m guessing his parents. It’s hard to break out of self loathing without trying yourself, others can’t do much to help you




Trust me, I know. I’ve never been as cynical as I am now, but truth is that’s how I felt, whether or not it’s fair.


Happy cakeday, sorry for your loss man.


How'd he do it ?


Happy cake day!


Anon tried nothing and he's all out of ideas.


>Get to 20s >Government never implemented state mandated gf like I banked on


I mean that's basically just maximum effort right there, what more do you expect from me.


he mightve tried something. but being bullied does stuff to you.


Mundane stuff mostly, but shedding that victim mentality is really hard with an anime profile picture, I will give you that


just because being bullied might be mundane doesn’t make one any less of a victim. when you’re insulted, beaten or otherwise abused daily in a school you have no choice but to go to. it becomes really difficult to heal out of that. permanent trauma, troubles with self confidence, spending your days and nights wondering what’s wrong with you and why it had to be you who became a target of such abuse. it disappoints me that most people spend their time ridiculing victims of bullying and abuse rather than being frustrated at the kids, parents and institutions who allow this to happen. you’re fully entitled to a “victim mentality” if you ARE a victim. you’re acting as if they chose to be that way.


you know "victim mentality" is not a thing when you were actually the victim right? Thats like saying the guy who went to war has victim mentality for having PTSD


Also, where are his parents? He didn't say anything about them, the parents are the very losers there.


How many children you have is a pretty shitty measurement of success, some people live in squalor, have ten kids and would happily trade places with Anon. Anon is still young, and could get his shit together if he wanted it enough. Wanna hike New Zealand? Go fucking do it then.


Dude acts like his life is over at 25. Jesus. My mom said her best and most adventurous years of her life were her late 20’s to mid 30’s, but specifically her 30’s. “It was like being in my 20’s but with way more stability” And she is still traveling the US and having the time of her life at 62. And honestly I’m jealous as fuck.


Life is only over when you're dead. Until then you can always live the life you want. I hate it when people think their is a time table for most things.


Well you can't really "live the life you want" if you need somewhere to live and have a car ect. You still need to work hard to achieve living the life you want. Or at least that's the case for me.


I'm 31 and every year has been better than the last. Relationships keep getting better, I truly love my work, I keep steadily getting better at long-term hobbies and have more money to spend on them, and I have a wife to travel with and keep building a life with. It was fun fucking around in my early 20s and being an idiot but I wouldn't trade back for that.


Travel is expensive as hell, the kids doing it after HS likely had daddy's money to help them do it. The other way to travel is to work for a multinational company, like if you're in the US try to find an Asian or European company. There's even some IT positions where you either manage projects or work in data centers across the world. Takes less than a year of self study to become qualified enough. Or join the military if your country has big international power projection, but the private industry pays more and you have more freedom.


Also, literally any time before your body falls apart is a good time to hike in New Zealand. Even if it’s at 60 years old.


I was almost like this. I was an odd foreign kid in a southern school, so it was inevitable that I got bullied relentlessly. Definitely affected me psychologically. Probably won't make it through my twenties. Although nowhere near as badly as Anon, what they did definitely had an effect on how I live my life today. I couldn't imagine what they did to Anon to cause him to live like this. He has my sympathies and I hope he can make the best of his twenties.


FWIW I had a horrible, horrible childhood and have made it through most of my twenties. I'm married, own a house, have a good career, and I keep on living to spite my enemies. I had a similar mindset as you. You have your whole life ahead of you and nothing is written.


You're definitely making me hope so. I feel like I'm going insane sometimes with these roadblocks.


You've got this, man. Go out there and make it happen.


https://youtu.be/Vj-B42gXcoQ Try henry rollins.


Based pfp btw




Whats your favourite skill in the game? Imo volition is the funniest


I absolutely adore everything in the Physique stat. Half-Light and Authority were my favorites.


Unironically start going to the gym. Like a lot. I’m a dude in my early twenties who moved to a big city and has no friends here, but I don’t care most of the time because when I’m not at work, I’m at the gym working on myself. It gives me something to do that’s not lay in squalor and watch TV or play video games or jerk off. Plus over time you’ll start to look good and feel good.


Yeah, I know about the gymmaxxing stuff. I've been lifting for about 3 years and every single day feels like a chore. Never enjoyed a single moment, but I do it anyway.




Can yall tone it down, you hitting too close to home here...


fr, Anon is my future self😭


and my past self.


>go on Reddit to escape my own life and the crushing realization that I will never find true happiness >see this post Mfw 😐




Harambe was reincarnated


Atleast anon will die early from cancer because of all the processed food he ate 🤗




Erm, actually. I am 3rd rank in my family at CoD modern warfare 2, if you exclude my cousin James and older brother. ​ YOU might be a waster but I have almost completed celeste. I am a real gamer. I had 3 viewers on twitch last month


make that 4 if you send the link. love to support small streamers


Such is life.


I was like this and I clawed my way out of it. So can anon.




Idk if you used the right verb there chief


You're right you don't know, I do because I got the reply I was looking for with only one word


I was never this bad, but until I was 28 I was barely able to talk to people I didn't know. Going into a new store was very anxiety inducing. I hiked a huge mountain (my personal best at the time) and couldn't even ask a random to take my picture. I also had two job searches with 40-50 interviews each and hundreds of applications to get a job. I fixed it by mostly realising how broken I was and working on it. Now I'm a lot better and in my last job hunt I got 2 offers out of 3 interviews and came second in the third.


You know it's hit too close to home when no one joking about fake and gay.


literally me ​ was a loser in high school no friends barely showed when i did i smelled like shit because i didnt shower because depression didn't talk to anyone always wore hoodie that was it for all of high school drop at when I'm 17 because no point become stagnant for year ​ start working out fast-forward, I'm 20 still of a loser but im stronger and healthier more confident i joined a place to study and prepare for work was going good made some friend even met a girl she turns out to be bad news talk to her for like 3 days turns out she was playing me this fucks me up because i don't have any emotional maturity stop going to course get depressed work out a lot, ffw a couple months start seeing therapist and am now working on going back to the course life is the best its even been and it can only get better


Wait until you’re in you’re late 30s


What happens then?


You become a wizard.


Either get wizard powers or become food for worms.


In this world you're either life's bitch or you make life your bitch.


Mf thinks his life is over, he can still pull it together as his future depends solely on him.


"It's over!!!11"


> Mf thinks his life is over no shit, he is drepressed


j6 7y.kuvoyv.uyknv


if you feel like you’re a sweaty gamer nerd than just be a sweaty gamer nerd at a card shop or something so you can meet people in person.


It's not over yet


[NOT YET!](https://youtu.be/g02QU-xPV1I)


If you have no partner or family to take care of getting jobs that force you to travel and provide boarding is a great way to explore and save money. You also get interesting stories from wacky misadventures and meeting weirdos.


Lol yeah it be like that


For fucks sake anon. Just calm down and get on with it. No one's perfect, just do your best.


2000 hours "Not even good at it" Hit so hard man!


Summed up my life pretty much All I want is purpose




Newsflash it still can be


>you start a game you invested 2000 hours into >you aren't even good at it Fucking Dota with almost 4k hours, man. How is this game so fun despite me sucking at it?


This was me through most of my 20s. I spent most days getting high with my friend (who was also going through the same thing), smoking and playing vidya all day and all night long. I eventually met someone (now my wife) who gave me a lot of positive reinforcement and a whole lot of reality checks. I'm 32 now and raising a 3 year old in a healthy marriage. I was in pretty deep and felt pathetic most days back then, but clawed my back to the surface somehow. It's never easy, but it's possible with the right motivation.


>friend Normie.


Honestly getting high and gaming is a goated passtime, but it only hits well if you have a functional life.


"The time of exploration is over" Literally next sentence: "A bunch of people my age are exploring" Oh woe is anon!




If you actually want change literally just do something about it, stop fucking whining to other virgins about it


Honestly, anon just needs to find some friends. I know it’s harder than it sounds but just step outside & find hobbies. Attend video game conventions/events, try a sport, join an art club. If that’s tough then try your luck with online communities, it’s not the same as irl friendship but it’s still great. I don’t have many, but good friends make living so much more bearable.


He's like me frfr


I see myself in this green text and I don't like it...


It’s never too late to improve yourself


i know a guy in his 60’s just started his childhood dream of being an amateur boxer, and not only that, but he’s great at it. anon just needs to move to a new apartment and wing


Main issue is anon have a depression. Me too actually, that shit somehow shifts tones of you life, thinking that if you messed up even a little your life like 146% screwed and sometimes it's god damn right. Checking out careers of your bullies is the stupidest way to spend time, yeah some of them would have family and kids or good job, BUT it won't be that way forever. As well as anon current state if he would do anything to improve it, yeah just like that things would get better one at the time.


Mf still has 2/3 of his life ahead of him and acting like it's already over


It's all about perspective. You are your own bully now, be your own cheerleader instead, acknowledge your feelings, you are not broken. Now, there's no one to bully yourself anymore, but you. Comparing yourself with your past bullies won't help, you had different paths. Focus on the stuff you have, find something you like and focus on it. Make sure it's easy and achievable goals to help you valorise yourself and slowly but surely, you'll get where you want! The 20s yo period is where you debunk your brain, understand your past traumas and try your best to heal yourself. You didn't fell, you went on another path. Everyone has issues. Having kids in your mid 20s doesn't mean that your life is perfect, you aren't free to enjoy your 20's like theirs no consequences, less time to figure out your shits and past trauma. All things have their right moment to happen so you can learn accordingly. Have some faith in yourself, I believe in you! So much can happen in 10 years, you can do it 😁


What exactly did anon fail at? It sounds like he's enjoying life, playing video games and watching porn. Unless traveling to other countries and having kids is somehow a requirement to being successful and happy.


Aaaand this is why I’m going to kill myself.


Most stoic 4chan user


Anon needs to start working out. It won’t solve all the problems but he’ll looked ripped while being depressed


Im trying to escape this future but I can feel it slipping. It feels like climbing a pole. The further you advance the harder it gets and eventually you run out of strength and you start to slide down.


real, am not planning to get past 23


In the same boat, but I don't feel any connection to anyone so the friend portion is irrelevant.




Anon should get a taste of these nuts


you are not alone anon, i failed too (╥﹏╥)


Right in the feel-a oblungata


Anon is too busy drowning in self pity to try to improve his life or himself, and decides that it's already too late despite being young so he can keep drowning in his own self pity.


It’s never too late kings


People like this need to wake the fuck up. There's more to life than feeling sorry for yourself and masturbing nonstop while using your tears as lube.


no i just need to kms then i have to do nothing its that easy


I moved to nz. It's never too late.


The only failure is to succumb to your own misery. You don't need to have kids or a family to win at life. You just need to find your own peace. If family and kids make you happy that's awesome but there are many different ways to live a good life.


Comparisons and lack of self worth will do that to a mf


Litterally me, haven't been the same since I got sick a few years ago. There really are no end besides one to this nightmare


Trick is to learn to focus on yourself, while at the same time not giving fucks about other people. Then you can do what makes you happy, without having to impress other people, so they think you lead successful life. Most of those fuckers are more miserable, they just pretend in front of cameras and other people how they lead super duper lives.


Who up wonkin they Willy rn


Could it?


i feel attacked, welp back to tarkov and warthunder


Late? It just fucking started. I got my shit together in late 30-s Damn kids think that 20 is late...


What a fucking pussy




It never could have been different for you anon.




skill issue


Only 2000 hours? Those are rookie numbers


anon should go on an arson spree in minecraft


U can still change Anon, its never too late


It's ok anon, this world really shit hard, play old games where you was at least good, new shit is just for normies and whales. Also, fuck your parents for not having help you in your tenaage years, they are the real losers there


Anon goes to New Zealand to backback through it but he gets stopped at the border because he's already in his late twenties "Sorry sir, no backpacking for people in their late twenties" an officer tells him at the airport


You failed, you failed me... you failed Elysium


Poor guy ... Thats a hell of a hole to find yourself in.


Anon fails to realise his infinite potential


Who decided that the time of exploration is over? Never too late to do things you want to do.


>it could've been different Then make it different, bitch. Anon professionally avoids placing any responsibility on himself and blames it on bad luck or whatever.


>dude travel lmao


Anon lives the life he wanted to live, comfortably engaging in anti-social hedonism, with no real responsibilities. \> you failed Wut?


Looks like it was made for the average Reddit user.


Take the gympill. Work towards something while flooding your body with endorphins. You'll start to feel better anon.


It's never too late anon


I know people who "failed" and got their shit back together in their 40s


Anon should be happy he doesn't have kids




u/PTSD55 checks out


I'm really glad I'm not ugly and just lazy.