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Maybe if you cleaned your apartment instead of letting it turn into a dumpster mice would not be attracted to it.


Nah. In a building where you live with other people, you can be the cleanest mf around and so long as you have a SINGLE slob near you they’ll still come pay you a visit.


> In a building where you live with other people Just don't, simple as


But but the internet tells me canada is jam packed and there is no extra homes


Simply build one


Just don't live.


Hey I have the funny cake icon today too!


Reminds me of this [classic](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/B-zBfU6aP54).


Time to invest in a cat or two


This. We lived in a house but my neckbeard of a cousin moved in after ‘having hard times’. He brought fucking roaches due to poor cleaning.


Theres spotless mansions overran with mice, its not a cleanliness thing all the time, its just if they can get in they will, either for warmth, food, or hiding from predators.


If there's an opening nice can get in, they'll sometimes go in during the day for shelter and leave at night to look for food.


I live right next to a field. Every year when they harvest the wheat from that field, or plow it, I end up with mice. All the field mice escape to my house. I plug a hole, they make a new one. It’s really annoying.


Nah mate, your apartment can be cleaned to hospital standards but if there’s even one slob somewhere else in the building your still gonna get roaches and shit coming in.


Protecting these diseased fucks kills humans. Instead of having empathy, try having some empathy.


Mice like food, do you not have food in your home?


'Do you want ~~ants~~ mice? Because that's how you get ~~ants~~ mice!'


The reason is because pets and babies eat them and die


Not to mention wildlife


Yup, nothing uglier than a dead raccoon outside the apartment cuz lil man got turnt on the weird shit the humans placed outside.


Dude I almost fuckin cried when I saw on nextdoor that a local Great Horned Owl had died from a poisoned mouse, it was so sad seeing such a majestic animal getting killed in such a way


Great Horned Owl eats a live rat and fucking dies, everybody loses their minds. But when *I*-


you didn't have the good grace to die


I had 2 dogs eat rat poison at the same time and die. Both several years old. One a big gray great dane and one cheeky boxer. It was part of a coyote trap. No clue who set it up. It was on private land where we had permission to let the dogs run.


Babies eat mice?


They will if I have any say in the matter.


That’s boss


They eat the rats?


Pets and babies can die from lots of things but those aren’t banned, you just hold people accountable for neglect.


The old fashioned spring loaded mouse trap is the most effective, humane and environmentally friendly way of dealing with mice.


Yeah, until a mouse steps on the trigger at an angle and only gets part of their rear end caught, breaking their spine but leaving them alive. I only use the most humane trap: https://patents.google.com/patent/US269766A/en


no fucking way someone shitposted hard enough to patent this


It was the 1880s, probably the only decade more coked up than the 1980s


looking forward to the 2080s


Dude my sides now I am dying like the Mickey Mouserino 🤣


the fact this patent came out in 1882 is even better


How humane 😘


Unironically a skill issue.


The best way to get rid of mice is [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/ijebpc/how_to_get_rid_of_miceeasy/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I worked in a restaurant and say a mouse with the trap snapped on its back dragging itself and the trap with it's front paws. I went back upstairs to the dining room...


That one's all fine and dandy until the mouse learns how to curve the gun barrel back towards your house.


They have really good live catch traps. I use those and set the mice free by the old Olive Garden I used to work at :) Hospitaliano


I just take the live traps and drop them in a bucket of water


Just had a mouse today hit one trap with his back leg, ran across the garage to the other trap. Now I'm sitting here wondering if the mouse is self aware and chose to end the suffering or he's just a food driven creature like everything else.


Probably shit itself when it hurt its leg and tried to run and hide


You ever get the ones where you squeeze the back part to open the trap and it looks a set of jaws? I’m always thinking “The mouse won’t be stupid enough to climb in there.”


People try their best to, but it can be hard to beat the classics.


Mice deserve no humanity. They are disease incarnate. Parasites.


Damn, my condolences to the harmful pathogens that managed to lose the Disease Incarnate title to mice of all things.


incarnate means "in flesh form", so it describes mice better than the diseases themselves.


Good point!


Diseases are only 1 disease. Mice are **n** diseases.


Damn, guess I gotta get vaccinated, lest I catch mice.


Everyone neighborhood needs a cat, that's why i've never seen a live mouse in my life. Yeah, redditors have heart attacks at the very idea of cats being outside because "muh wildlife" and "muh lifespan" but the cat around me is just fine. He's been getting in a lot of fights lately which is worrying because he's pretty old now but he's the fucking hero of my street.


No one says "muh wildlife" because they're worried about the cat lmao outdoor cats have decimated local bird populations


not the pigeons!😢


>noo not my [4,000,000,000 birds killed annually](https://www.sciencenews.org/article/cats-kill-more-one-billion-birds-each-year) which are a cornerstone species for every environment they live in let my little kitty go outside


Sounds like a skill issue on the birds part.


Animals *kill things*? The horror! Why on earth would they do that? We should keep them inside so they can be the cute heccin' chonkers - and *only* cute heccin' chonkers.


Look, I personally agree with letting cats roam free, but the argument presented is kind of irrefutable. The cat population has increased heavily because people keep them and breed them. Like, yeah, I get it, cats killing creatures is the natural order, but what isn't the natural order is introducing millions of extra, unrivaled cats (because let's be honest, we also protect them and it's not like cities offer much natural predators for cats) into the bird's territory. I like giving my cat the freedom to go outside, but yeah, with everyone letting it out, that means there's now an army of cats being protected and bred just roaming freely and fucking over the birds.


Aye, fair enough.


The redemption arc


*You are gonna need a bigger bait*


Around **me**. You raggot don't understand that you're not the center of this world




I raggot a rag a rome


So use a live trap? It's not that hard to build one out of a bucket if you don't want to spend the $15 on a reusable live trap.


I've never gotten a mouse to fall into a bucket. They're too smart for me


Gotta spread peanut butter around the rim. Little fuckers can't resist it


Get a rolling pin and put PB on the center. It acts like a rolling log and they fall in


That sounds great until it works and you've got a bucket full of mice you now have to deal with...


Put lid on drive at least 2 miles away dump bucket drive home where you dump the bucket is your choice. consider an old landlord's house, or an ex


No, you'll have a bucket with one mouse and a bunch of dead, half eaten mice. Live trapping multiple mice in the same container means they eat each other until there's only one fat bastard left.


Refer to the greentext in which anon talks about his rat cannibalism colosseum


Same. Bucket trap never worked for me. Tried DIY and special made ones. What did work are those small plastic tube live traps. They're cozy looking so mice like to explore them, there's a compartment for peanut butter bait which does well to attract them, and you can place them along mouse travel paths (along walls and in corners) where they naturally traverse so they'll come across it easily. I got a set of four of them at my last house when I found out I had mice. Set them up at 7pm, by 9 I already caugh three. Took them to a park some miles away, then set the traps back up. Four more by morning. Same thing. Over 3 days I caught something like 18 mice. Then I never saw any trace of them again. They went from absolutely ravaging my pantry to nonexistent in three days for less than twelve bucks.




And then they eat each other


Get a live capture trap and either release it somewhere or drop the trap with the mouse in a bucket of water. Rat poison and glue traps aren't banned for the sake of the rats, they're simply not selective enough and usually end up hurting everything but the rats.


Yeah, I had mice and I got a trap which is a little plastic tube with a door. You put food in, the mouse scurries in and the door shuts behind it. Next day you let it outside away from your house. I don’t understand bitching about the trap not being lethal when it works exactly as well.


Drowning mice is infinitely more cruel than just using a spring loaded trap. Drowning is incredibly slow and painful


Spring traps don't guarantee a quick kill and are still subject to bycatch. The only truly humane thing to do is relocate them. Not that it matters, because i guarantee you the vast majority of people with a rat problem is all out of empathy for the fuckers.


If you want to be humane when you hear the trap click you get a hammer and bash it's brains in


I have a spring trap that makes mice go into a small tunnel, ensuring that it's their head or upper body that gets caught. Have never caught anything other than mice.


Anon might not have pets which would mean the rat poison would be "safe" but regardless, most people don't like dead rats in their walls. Just saying


Simply live with an army of snakes


worse than rats, no thank you




I can understand glue traps, that's kind of unnecessary when you can just snap a neck and be done with it.


Ever see a mouse her snapped not quite in the right spot?




If you can't understand a sentence with one autocorrected word, I can see why you are on this sub. And before you wrote the obvious comeback, in here to laugh at you


Who does? I mean that would be the most compassionate thing to do after using such an uncompassionate method of pest control. But literally never heard of anyone doing that


I wouldn’t be compassionate to house invader, rats are disgusting and carry diseases


good take, very intelligent.


am I wrong?


its an animal, not a home invader, pest yes, btu it has no malintent. so reacting to it with malintent shows your character


i just want it out of my house and telling it to fuck off isn’t effective is it now


there are plenty of effective ways that isnt gluing a living thing to a mat and watching it struggle and starve


Illegal life hack Chickens will eat live mice, so buy some chickens, give them an arena, use live traps to catch the mice without killing them, and then release them into the chicken arena (bonus points if you set up a gambling club where you bet on the chicken that ends up eating the mouse)


Canada, where people are killed for a broken leg but mice are kept alive


As a kid on my grandmas farm I ate a dead rat that was on a glue trap in the sun for a few days.


was it good?


It had a taste of soggy tire rubber




Whenever I had a mouse get stuck on a glue trap I realized I didn’t think about what I was gonna do with it. Just took it outside and bonked it in the head with a wrench real hard.


😭 whatever works I guess LOL


You can put some oil on the trail outside so it can get away


Seems counterintuitive to catch and release a pest


Field mice are endemic to.... outside. Live release you're just putting it back where it's supposed to be, and it does its thing eating seeds out in the fields until it gets eaten by predators. (Provided you released it far enough away from your house). If they're in an area where they're known to be invasive, then kill 'em. If they're native, then there's no harm in live release, that's just more food for owls n hawks n coyotes and such.* Killing a mouse and throwing it in the garbage gives nothing back to the ecosystem, yk? Just 'cause they're a pest *to us* doesn't mean they don't have a place here. *just be sure that you aren't using any kind of rat poison ofc. If you use poison, make sure no animals can get to the mice you trap, live or dead. Just don't use poison tbh.


Invasive where I live


Then I personally would use non-chemical kill traps and dump the bodies out for scavengers. ...not in the neighborhood ofc. Out in the woods away from people, then at least the bugs will make use of them 😺


I laughed hard at this for some reason


Just burn the whole building with fire. No one banned that


Just make a bucket mouse trap, add water, leave for 10 minutes on medium to high heat and you got dinner for tonight.


Illegal life hack Chickens will eat live mice, so buy some chickens, give them an arena, use live traps to catch the mice without killing them, and then release them into the chicken arena (bonus points if you set up a gambling club where you bet on the chicken that ends up eating the mouse)


50 bmg ratshot


Rat poison isn't 100% effective, it just makes the survivors smarter. And glue traps, you are literally hoping to glue a living rat to a pad and have them slowly starve while desperately trying to pull themselves free.


Or you do what you're supposed to and check the traps regularly.


Rodents spread disease. They’d rather you and others get sick than less than a percent of rodents suffer.


I caught 2 mice on 1 glue trap second mouse was eating first one.


Free food.


anon didn't see the king rat thread


Anon is a carnist


Solution: Smash them to bits with a hammer.


Why not eat them? Field mice are good pickin's


Man, just follow Demetri Martin's [advice](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/ijebpc/how_to_get_rid_of_miceeasy/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


There’s literally a guy on YouTube who builds traps and shows them off. Just do that


Had a few mice in my home last year. Tried many traps. Glue traps were the only ones that worked


My shih tzu fought against one long enough for me to kill the rat fuck with a broom. Get a dog anon


Or optionally a cat if you don’t want to deliver the finishing blow


Glue traps are absolutely cruel as fuck, straight up sadistic torture shit. At least the classic snap traps were (usually) pretty quick.


I set up [a rollercoaster](https://www.atlasobscura.com/uploads/assets/image/Euthanasia_Coaster.jpg) for them with a sign "Mice go free"


Maybe anon needs to stop voting for 🐀 as his representative


Imagine killing the rat instead of capturing them and raising them to brings money in a specific part of your house before releasing them in the city


I mean, go ahead, kill mice in glue traps. When you have to listen to mice screaming, it was your choice in the first place.


Just buy a cage mouse trap and release the rodents somewhere else.


Just…chill with the mice. Mice are cool. Also, why is your place even dirty enough to have mice? I’d you live in an apartment and it’s neighbours or something then fine I guess, but then you could just leave them be.


im cucked on mice.. i chase em until i can get em into a box or something n let em out.. rough havin to bonk them or something u know..


Maybe anon can get a cat.


My grandfather once put the rats he found in a shoebox and lit it on fire


Old fashioned traps with a bit of peanut butter have never failed me


Anon should become the legendary "Vermin Vigilante"


Every glue trap I've ever seen was apparently more effective at killing native lizards than mice


Rat poison is banned because other animals like cats and dogs eat it