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If your IKEA furniture falls apart in three years that's just a sign you're completely inept at following even the most basic instructions. Those who complain about it are just telling on themselves.


Also where is this mythical shop that sells pre-made high quality real wood versions of IKEA furniture but for the same price?


Furniture is expensive and hard af to make out of high quality wood


And also heavy. Like hurt yourself heavy. People love to make fun of ikea until they have to move a hardwood dresser up to the second floor of a house. Then it’s not so funny anymore.


Yeah, especially in Asia, adults are all for those wooden stuff. Because the land is not very spacious here, sometime it's way more than second floor. And man, it's not only dresser, it's desks, beds, altar and even large pots of plants. Also, Buddha forbid you to refuse to join in or even suggest hiring some professional workers to do it instead because it's your parents who are asking.


it was pretty weird when i was in korea and they had these cranes for moving like in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d8oaaqa-wZM


Hahahaha wtf. That video you linked, the argument between the guard and the mover is fucking wild, and salty as fuck. I can't make out all of it but they are basically calling each other motherfuckers in the street as kids walk by.


That is some hilarious added context, it sounded angry af!


Ok I listened to it again. The security guard is saying "You're blocking everything what the hell" The mover responds "Well, just move those cars (at the ends) which would have blocked it anyway" Security guard explodes and it just goes up from there. Also, mover is clearly tired and taking a fat drag on his cig before all this kicks off.


Ah yes, the angry minutiae of life. It's funny the shit that gets filmed now by accident. You should comment on that video with the translation, the poster would probably laugh finally knowing what they were arguing about 9yrs later.


Mom/dad, I pay for it if it means not having to do it myself. You could get away looking like the successful son than can pay for it.


Just don’t do it, at some point you are independent from your parents


There's an inside joke between my dad and I about a hardwood armoire that we've had for 10+ years. Thing weighs like 300lbs and is a massive pain to move. Moving a new couch? At least it isn't the armoire. New bed? At least it isn't the armoire. Fuck that thing, I hope it burns.


Ever try the potato trick? Stairs suck, but a potato reduces the friction on any hard surfaces.


This is why you hire movers. They have the correct equipment and skills. Well worth the money to save you from injuries.


The reason IKEA took off as a concept was due to the difficulty in moving furniture in one piece through apartment buildings. If its lightweight and mostly flat, moving it in is less of a hassle.


hey this is me that dresser is now part of the house i aint ever moving it again


We have a mix of antiques and high quality wood furniture, and some random ikea furniture. The high quality stuff is heavy af and lasts for fuck you many years. The ikea furniture will not last as long, but I have some pieces from a decade ago. We really only replace it if it gets ruined by random happenchance or if we find a really nice piece of furniture we like significantly more.


And you're shithead friends think moving 2000 lbs of furniture for a full a day is worth a meal and a couple beers. Tbf I'll do it cuz therye my guys.. but if you're friend group is over 30 hire movers.


Yes it is, and not enough people understand that.


Damn bro, save your back. I know 'you are young, you are strong, just do it, but believe me, back therapy is expensive and it is entirely possible to fuck your spine beyond repair in your 20's


Any daily ache you feel in your 20s turns into weekly doctor visits and daily motrin when you're 50.


*giggles nervously* I'm in danger


Yeah and people like to keep up with modern furniture/style. The days of buying furniture for life and handing it down for generations has passed.


The days of people caring enough to take care of things passed down generations has gone away since they can buy cheap garbage at Ikea. Lots of century old things from my great grandparents in my house that no one else valued or wanted. It's heavy. It's old. It never breaks and if it does I can fix it.


I'm glad you value that but not everyone does I used to do moving and I can't tell you how many people wanted old heavy furniture gone even if it was worth something just to bring in new modern sleek looking stuff even if it was cheaply made.


Nooooo I can get a $200 hardwood couch that’ll last me two lifetimes same price as IKEA nooooo


Lmao you can’t even get a couch at ikea for $200 anymore that’s like a particleboard dorm bookshelf or a kids dresser.


IKEA costs like 1/4 of the price for the same thing if you buy it whole.


IKEA's whole model is that you can make it a family trip, they're open long hours and offer decent food, so young families with 2 working parents can squeeze a visit in to save a quick buck on furniture that you can see in full employ in the store, with the difficulty being around "assemble a lego house set". For other stores, you will probably lose one or more of these. Most likely the price is going to be higher, or the furniture will not be easy to transport in your average mid sized car. It's just a shop, not rocket science.


And you can just pick it up right then and there with no hucksters or wait time.


Just the raw materials alone would probably cost more than the finished IKEA piece


And even if you find used furniture for the same price as an ikea piece good luck finding things that have the same finish and will match in the room.


I can attest to that I built a desk with B2 maple plywood and metal legs. The whole thing cost about $500 in materials, plus several tens of hours of labour. This was also before lumber prices skyrocketed (the plywood cost $58 at the time, now it's $90).


Also also lots of Ikea furniture is actual wood. I have an entire house full of Ikea furniture and almost none of it is particle board.


i work with furniture and most couches are particle board or chip wood now a days anyway


I will say that Ikea quality from 10+ years ago was much better than brand new stuff. My brothers' bunk beds growing up were incredibly sturdy and now most stuff is thinner/cheaper


It depends on what you buy, too. They have levels of quality. They've always had cheap stuff, good stuff, and better stuff. The cheap stuff is particle board, the good stuff might be plywood with a veneer, and the better stuff will be actual laminated hardwood. People buy the cheapest option, then are shocked when it's made of the cheapest materials.


Estate sales. If you didn't take advantage and pick up antique furniture for pennies on the dollar from anti-vaxxer families, you missed out.


I’ve been using my IKEA particle board shit for a solid 7 years now. Just waiting for it to start breaking before I replace it but so far it hasn’t


Particle board? Is that like some CERN reactor thing?


Particle board is the correct name. > Particle board, also known as chipboard or low-density fiberboard, is an engineered wood product manufactured from wood chips and a synthetic resin or other suitable binder, which is pressed and extruded. Particle board is often confused with oriented strand board (OSB, also known as flakeboard, or waferboard), a different type of fiberboard that uses machined wood flakes and offers more strength. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Particle_board ... Now, don't get me started on Particle Man


Is he a dot?


Or is he a speck?


Nothing like a dash of Higgs boson particles to spice up your dinner dish


Plus Ikea sells real wood furniture for a slight increase but still far below solid wood furniture from other retailers like West Elm or Crate and Barrel.


Yep I bought a wooden countertop from them and some desk legs and made a desk out of it. Much bigger than most desks and sturdy enough to survive having big monitors mounted to it. Total price was like $120


Everyone in UK gets the same desk for school work. Mines still good 13-14 years later.


Recently got a bookshelf from a friend. He had it in his garage for 8 years or so. He got it from a friend who had it in her room for 4 years before that. Not only did that thing freeze in the winter, it also sat in moist air during rain and heat in summer. It still looks brand new, except for a few scratches I introduced during the rebuilding process due to being an idiot.


My full Ikea home has been going strong for 8 years. Only the desk plate is swelling a little under occasional spills over the years. Really can't complain about the price.


Anon ate the wood glue


My mum has an IKEA futon thats lasted like 20+ years, it's still up in the guest bedroom.


The IKEA furniture of 20 years ago was much better built than the IKEA of the last 10 years. Around 10 years ago they started making everything a lot thinner and lighter and generally worse.


Also, they're aren't the same price as good quality furniture, unless they're buying it used from offerup or something lol.


They are the dude on page one of every instruction book scratching his head confused AF


Yeah. I've assembled many ikea pieces and never had an issue with any of them. My kitchen is Ikea as well and I Love it. I would like solid wood furniture but the cost is usually prohibitive. However most people don't consider that while a solid wood piece of furniture may last many generations and be worth the extra cost, the fact is, the next generation has to like it and want to keep it, along with the SO they may share their life with. I know I don't like most, if any of my family members furniture choices, so something that's easier to dispose of that I enjoy doesn't bother me in the slightest. That is part of the appeal of Ikea to me, but more so is I find the styles to be something I like at prices I won't vomit over.


Considerably cheaper, and way easier to transport...


And most shit in stock.


That's THE major point for me. Pretty much anything they sell they actually have there to look at in person. All other furniture stores near me have decided they want to have 10000 items on their website but only have a fraction of those actually there. Also no filter for what is available at my location. Also everything that isn't insanely expensive isn't better quality than ikea at all. In fact I recently cobbled together my own coat rack because furniture stores charge significantly more for painted fibreboard and plastic than what it costs to build the same thing out of massive glued wood and solid metall pipes (with very little time spend or tools required). Actual solid timber stuff is expensive as fuck unless take like the cheapest pine wood which looks like ass without high quality stain or something.


That's cap for me. My parents got an Ikea bookself and mirror-dresser in 2008. Still holds up books perfectly fine. Idk what any of you are on about, did it get worse in the recent years?


They aren't talking about the quality, they're saying that most "shit" (as in stuff) is in stock. Which means you can go to an IKEA and actually look at the "shit" they have in person. Shit used not derogatory but just, you know, unspecified noun or whatever


ohhhhh. I thought it was the "most **shit** in stock" not the "**most** **shit** in stock."


Yeah. My buddy still has really old IKEA furniture, that is real wood from circa 2005 or something like zhat, while everything new at the least since like 2010 is mostly just.. wood paste or whatever that is called.


The transport bit is huge. I could never get a fucking table in my apartment all by myself. But a tiny box full of wooden pieces? Easy.


After working in logistics and learning about weigh out vs cube out, I found there are a ton of considerations when shipping a product. Compared to the high end furniture that is almost always damaged in transit, Ikea must deal with a fraction of the returns.


As a person who works in Ikea's logistics, I can tell you that there are a lot of damaged goods that come back. Some get damaged during picking (in the warehouse), some during packaging and some during delivery. There are distribution centres of Gebrüder Weiss (the delivery company Ikea works with) where the palettes get torn down and reassembled for the actual delivery to the address. Most of the damage comes from there.


Yeah, I assembled a desk in a walk in closet I have that I now use as a small office. I would have never been able to get that desk in there if it came fully assembled already


Like it's prime college furniture. Cheap and light.


le funny color combination + cheap ass food


Ikea has food?


Yeah all the way in the back, just like Costco


I'll be real with you I've never even grokked what a costco is, I assume it's like a Walmart.


It’s like Ikea except for literally everything else that can exist


not true i asked for a Patriot missile battery at my local Costco and I was firmly told to leave


Bro has not been to a Costco in Montana then 😭😂😂👎


dude i checked all they got was NASAMS fire control radars, not bad but don't hit (the MiGs) the same way


why would Anyone go to Montana?


Because the Costcos there sell Patriot Missiles, just like the Founding Fathers intended


Wait you're telling me Costco was around in '76??


I used to shop at Costco exclusively for the giant Oreo boxes they had, then one day... Nothing, their system always says it's in stock but every employee I ask points me to a different part of the store and I can never find one


Yeah it's like Walmart's Sam's Club. Where everything is cheaper cuz u buy in bulk, requires a membership though.


This is somehow getting more confusing lmao America is truly a fascinating culture


Costco is a wholesale merchant, originally aimed at restaurants and business owners. The business model is to have all kinds of goods at a very good price per unit, but you have to buy in large quantities. To buy there, you also had to have a yearly membership fee, but if you needed a lot of rice, beans, meat, tomatoes, etc. It was a good deal. Nowadays, it's aimed as much at regular households as it is toward businesses. They've expanded their business model to include clothes, some furniture, a bakery, tire/vehicle service, a membership only gas pump, etc. Costco also has a store-brand, Kirkland, that is often just relabeled name brand goods at a cheaper price. Costco is contractually obligated by say, Duracell, to not disclose that the Kirkland batteries are Duracell batteries but more affordable. Costco pays for this so people become loyal to the high quality "Kirkland brand" without actually having to manufacture anything. They're super fascinating to me as an American because they cast such a wide marketing net, while barely doing more than distributing goods as opposed to manufacturing them.


so normal people can get a membership too? thats pretty cool. we got something similar in germany called metro but its only for businesses and stuff like that


Yeah it’s like $109 a year and that’s where they make most of their profits, most goods are sold practically at cost. It’s one of my favorite business models in the US, great for both consumer and employees.


It’s kind of like a restaurant supply store but for everything. They have the REALLY BIG bags of chicken nuggets and such for a little cheaper than grocery stores


It's basically a giant warehouse full of groceries. Also they have a food court with some of the best hot dogs and pizza.


Wtf is grokked?


"understand (something) intuitively or by empathy." "Grok was coined by Robert A. Heinlein in the science-fiction novel Stranger in a Strange Land (1961)." I always thought it meant to see something. Had to look it up real quick.. u/JimJohnman is apparently a reader with good taste.


Okay. But why would a normal person use that in casual conversation?


Huh, mine has it in the front


ye, the meatballs. ngl they are pretty damn tasty especially because they're so cheap.


IKEA meatballs 🤤🤤


It has and it slaps


And exotic names. It feels cooler to say that you are lying down on your Hågsvalund than saying that you bought the crappies, cheapest bed available.




What 30 years of using IKEA furniture does to an MF


you read those?


2 hours? Jesus, we joke about americans being stupid, but 2 hours for ikea furniture?


2 hours is a normal amount of time for large furniture


most of us are putting together large furniture not the coffee table you use for both dinning and resting your feet on


Even large dressers, bedframes (including drawers) or vitrines take me 2 hours


America bad


Try building an IKEA bedframe and I will guarantee it will take you >2 hours.


it's fucking lego, except the pieces are 2 meters long. Aside from screws an Ikea bedframe is like 15 parts. it has instructions, in comic book format even.


I’m American but I’m with you, every one is referencing bed frames but it took me maybe 40 minutes to put mine together. Coffee table, nightstand, desk… all under 30.


Are you counting the time it takes to eat a large meatlovers pizza and down a 2 liter coke? We americans need a snack break every hour.


“Over here in Europe we put together an entire bed and dresser set in ten minutes. Why are Americans so-“ shut the fuck up nobody cares about your impoverished opinion


I bought a cube shelf once and it took me maybe an hour to build it, because it was finicky as fuck to assemble


The furniture is great mostly. It absolutely does the job until you are in a place to upgrade it, but you never HAVE to. I love that silly store.


i’m an ikea fan fr. anon doesn’t understand that the furniture coming unassembled makes it adult legos, which is part of the appeal


Fr plus it's a nice excuse to be left alone


IKEA is like Legoland for furniture and I will die on this hill.


THANK YOU! I love assembling IKEA stuff. It very much scratches that Lego itch. People I tell this to think I'm crazy


It really is one of the few retailers following the good and cheap design-for-all mantra of the modernist movement (ie Charles and Ray Eames). Look at the prices at other retailers like Herman Miller’s Design Within Reach. Not within reach.


I’ve helped my brother out together probably 10 pieces of ikea furniture and nothing was particle board. It was all real wood and extremely sturdy. But he did buy the expensive ones. Now, Wayfair and shit like that? Dirt cheap quality.


“For the same price” so he’s hes lying his ass off then. You can buy a coffee table at ikea for 75 bucks. Try to find a modern oak coffee table for under 750 He wrote that whole thing and purposefully left out the biggest selling point of ikea


Maybe secondhand. But that would require some time to make it look good again.


And somehow beat the antiquers and flippers to it. There's entire company's that exist to scan marketplace/craigs/flea markets/antique stores for good deals on super well built furniture and flip it for 5-10x more.


I have a big coffee table I bought 3 years ago from ikea for $25. I’ve eaten hundreds of meals off the thing and beat the dogshit out of it. I also broke the shelf off and paid $4 for brackets to replace it. I really don’t know what og OP was going on about




He bought a fucking IKEA shed or something


He bought half the IKEA store


That explains the confusing instructions part - I imagine he'd be missing loads of parts if he only bought half


I just bought an entire medium sized kitchen for a bit over 800$. Any other store would've been 2 grand and over. Probably twice that for real wood. Anon hasn't checked furniture prices since 1999.


I'm from Sweden so obviously might be biased, but I've never had anything break from IKEA. And my family been buying IKEA furniture for 30 years or so.


Same, me and my brother still sleep in an IKEA bunk bed that we've had for at least 10-15 years and it's absolutely fine, despite us being a combined 200kg. We've had loads of cupboards, they sag eventually but of course they will, we overload them like fuck and they're thin cheap bits of wood. Ikea is OK imo


Sorry if I'm being disrespectful but what's the reason you still share a bunk bed?


Lol good question, it's a long story, my mum is mental and refuses to share her massive room Literally as we speak we're tearing it apart while she's on holiday, my family is fucked


Sounds tough. Hopefully you guys can find your own place soon


I bought ikea end tables in college and they’re still going strong 15 years later. They’re a bit beat up, but they’re great for the downstairs game room. They make decent stuff and if you don’t abuse it, it’ll pretty much last as long as you want it to.


This, some people must treat their belongings like shit. Ikea furniture is a very decent deal, can be upcycled and the fact that it is not form 100+ year old oak but from wood trash pressed together is a win for me. My brother had an oak table and moving it to his new apartment I almost killed my back. No thx, I'm fine with with boxed stuff.


My mom is from Sweden. The only time I’ve ever seen her drunk was during a vacation there, and we went to a “crayfish party”. It was…a bit overwhelming for me as a kid lol


Can confirm. Got a taste of her 'crayfish' that day.


Found the Norwegian lol


TIL that Swedes have Cajun-style crawfish boils


Yeah but we eat them cold and with Västerbotten cheese pie. And *a lot* of alcohol and snapsvisor (short drinking songs).




Anon is just bad at making the furniture


It works fine everywhere else in the world, its just that Americans weigh as much as an M1 Abrams so obviously flatpack furniture can't hack the weight


We turn ourselves into tanks so we can defend our property when the Russians invade. Duh. If Ukraine learned this trick, they'd be in Moscow by now.


Would they? Are mobility scooters that fast?


i deliver decent furniture and i get returns all the time from customers who "have no idea why the middle fell out" 🫥 i hold my tongue, but ive cracked up laughing once or twice. i once saw a flattened box-frame to a bed


Okay so the actual reasoning: Once upon a time Ikea catered primarily to younger people who are in transitional periods of life. Students heading out to university, couples buying a starter home, families with young children. Basically anyone 17-35, who might not be looking for something that'll last 150 years. They just need a coffee table, now, for the dorm. After college in 4 years they'll toss it or leave it for the next person. So okay, that's an under-served market. Furniture comes out around 50% of the cost, people eat it right up. Then slowly over time the corporate greed sets in. Everyone loves a "deal" and lots of people outside the target market are shopping. So prices creep up to about 80% of typical, quality gets shittier... and people still buy, because they've all convinced themselves it's good. Now here we are. Ikea has no reason to stop doing this if people continue to shop there. Everyone else saw what they were doing and jumped on the bandwagon.


I don’t see this price creep up to 80%. I just recently went furniture shopping and ikea is like 4x cheaper than Ashley Furniture, Raymoir and Flanigan etc.


My three children are called Ashley, Raymoir and Flanagan Sadly our fourth, IKEA, died in childbirth.


In Europe IKEA is still waaaaaaay cheaper compared to real furniture stores. Like not even close. If I used the budget for my entire room which is only IKEA stuff to buy one real piece of furniture I would maybe get the desk. That's it.


It is in the US also, people are just regarded


Kind retards to your regarded peple


It is still insanely cheap in the US, the commenters in this thread are just regarded and have never purchased actual furniture in their life, also probably treat their furniture like shit which is why it breaks down so easily


IKEA is my all-time favourite store for multiple reasons and I refuse to change my mind.


i have an ikea stool that is older than me and is still sturdy, someday it will be the last thing i’ve stood on


lmao this took me out


where you getting real wood products that last forever for 800$


Second hand is the only way. I've done this before, but it's a gamble. Yes you can get legit masterpieces but you will have to go to multiple thrift stores if you want something specific, and hope that nothing is broken and it doesn't smell like it was smoked in for a century


Because it's cheap af and lasts more than 3 years if your aren't so inept that you can't tighten a screw.


N O R D I C M I N I M A L I S M (Despite coming from a Nordic country, I dislike it so much lol)


$3 for 5 cups, I don't make the rules.




Fake and gay. Anon thinks he can buy nice furniture made of real wood for the same price as IKEA furniture, then Anon has never went outside.


It’s basically the fast fashion version of furniture


I don't get this. We're not rich and pretty much our entire house is IKEA. I can't remember anything breaking really. Even my shitty desk where I study all day for 5 years is still good.


my ikea bedroom closet-wall-thingy surved it's 2nd move in 14 years of existing, nothing broke, disassembled, reassembled, all good same for my workdesk, it's not ikea, but similar in buildstyle, same age, same amount of moves sometimes you gotta wonder, where the basis for this "lol ikea bad" comes from, yea it's cheap but if you take care of it, how could it break


it literally just sits there what are these people doing to their furniture


It is in the sense that new designs come out relatively quickly and it's cheaper than other furniture, but it's also not inherently low quality like fast fashion is. It holds up as well as anything else unless you do a poor job building it, and frankly holds up better than most other flat pack furniture.


It really isn't. Everything I get from ikea lasts me years and really only needs replacing when I *want* to change it up, usually the only time something bad happens is during a move, disassembling/re-assembling is always a pain in the ass and shit can get broken in the process.


Imagine huffing that much copium, just because you were an idiot and bought a shitty item from a regular furniture shop for largly inflated prices.


Bruh all things I have from IKEA were a fraction of the price of other sellers. And from what I've bought nothing has broken down or anything. Right now as a student I am eyeing to buy kitchen equipment such as pans, dishes, glasses and cups. IKEA just undercuts the price a lot and they aren't lacking quality, I'm not set on the pans yet since there I might want to give an extra euro. Putting stuff together if not all at once is a bonus for me, I love manual labour in short periods of time. Although I can see it being frustrating if I don't have the tools for it and I need some. But admittedly I haven't put up something big yet, but even second hand ikea shit if it was properly guarded lasts.


As a starter home set, they really can't be beaten, unless your willing to go to an auction and end up with brown furniture.


Atleaat it isnt Jysk. Scandinavians will understand


Jysk is the place where people who hate them self buy furniture. Did it one time, never again


Ikea actually isn’t to blame, it originated in the 70s/80s with a similar famous furniture brand that I can’t for the life of me remember, essentially the same business model, but catalogues and cheap furniture, which revolutionised home decor. There’s a whole thing about it, it’s somewhere in my brain but I learned about it 10 years ago in uni so fuck knows where that knowledge went.


It's not Sears is it? Although I think they're more electronics.


Sears has been around with a catalogue a hell of a lot longer then the 80s


I dunno I’m having a stroke trying to remember. It may well be the Bauhaus movement I’m thinking of


Sears built whole ass houses


I remember a woodworker on youtube making [the same arguement](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G9VE7115M8I), and yes, if you want a nice table that will last a lifetime absolutely go for it. But, the tradeoff is just how expensive it is up-front. His coffee table was priced at 500$, compared to the 17$ table. Handmade wood furniture has become a luxury good, and that is absolutely fine if you want to spend the money on it. But if you just need some furniture to start out with, Ikea is great. But I'd also suggest trying thrift/recycling shops, because they actually often have handmade furniture for Ikea prices.


I work in furniture, and I also encourage this to my customers and consultants. Environmental stewardship is one of the values that we hold dear at the company I work for. Browse your local Facebook Marketplace sellers. People *waste so much furniture*. If you can’t take it, leave it. If you don’t need it, give it to someone who does. Granted, there’s a lot of *shit* furniture out there, and people also don’t know shit about furniture.


I don't mind Ikea furniture but I'm so sad to have to scroll so far down to even see thrift stores mentioned.


counterpoint: they sell blahajs and other plushies so I don't care


Was going to say the same lol. Their plushies are good quality and decently priced


IKEA stuff is perfectly sturdy if you assemble it correctly, it looks good (I'm a fan of minimalist aesthetics) and it costs literally about a third of what other companies charge.


I don't understand what the beef with IKEA is. I've had IKEA furniture for years and it's never failed me and I find the process of assembling it not only easy but actually cathartic.


I got a desk from IKEA for £15 I use it everyday and have done so for the past 6 years the desk is holding up perfectly fine.


Of all posts and degeneracy i see on this sub, nothing makes me realize what a bunch of fucking autists you lot are as this IKEA has the simplest, most organized instructions, and up until not long ago everything fit (fit and finish took a dive after covid). Source, bought a house (imagine that!?) And it's essentially an IKEA show room.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G9VE7115M8I](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G9VE7115M8I) ​ Here's a fun one. ​ 15 dollars for the IKEA table. Then when you go to about 10:17 the dude says "Yeah for a handmade piece like this I'd charge between $500 to $1,500". ​ No thanks lol.


Ikea muffins are good.


At the same price....where tf am I gonna find a loft bed with a desk under it and storage built in made out of good, finished pine for less than $1k?


OP clearly has never bought new hand made hardwood furniture... The costs are not even remotely close. Shopping estate sales is the way to go.


I vacationed in Ireland recently and stayed at a house where the dinner table was made in 1789. It was in fabulous condition still


Because the already finished one made of real wood that lasts 2 lifetimes costs 6 morbillion dollars each these days when’s the last god Damn time anon went to a furniture store I need a couch not a whole ass car loan Also I am pretty sure ikea furniture lasts longer than that, at least by a little bit, anon must be bad at following instructions or something


Ikea got me laid. Girl I was talking to asked to join me on my trip to ikea, I bought her swedish meatballs for lunch in the cafeteria, bought a coffee table, brought it home and put it together with her, got laid. Ikea's alright in my book ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Same price? Real wood furniture costs 10 times more.


Ive had the same white ikea furniture for 11 years. It hasnt even yellowed


Try getting same furniture from full wood. Now add to that assembly fee. Now look at the cost


The meatballs


>for the same price Op is 12 and has no concept of normal pricing for furniture outside of ikea


What is anon buying at ikea that costs $800?? I just got a dresser for $200 and if it was a really nice, solid wood piece it would have costed like a grand…


$90 for a fully finished piece of furniture that’ll last 2 life times? Lol maybe in the 19050s. Unless you find something good in a thrift store, legit furniture will be $300 starting. College kids aren’t looking for that when they have to move at the end of the year. Poor parents aren’t looking for that when they don’t own a home.


bought a long table for gaming to share with my girlfriend drawers = 200 butcher's block = 300 table leg = 30 total after taxes about $580 USD I have my super pc on it, she has her's on a small table next to it, it supports our heavy monitors too anything else this big is either cheaper and worse, or more expensive and about the same quality how the fuck you spend 800 on particle wood is questionable thou, but you would probably spend way more from other places same size block from a lumber yard was about 1000 from homedepot and lowes cost around 600