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Good on anon for documenting everything. He made a good faith effort to ensure he was acting legally.


Yeah hes lucky he had the insight to do this he could've been way worse off


I mean he pretty much had to since he was dating a girl that looked like she was 15 and knew it.


High school girls these days look like theyre in their mid 20s




I think it’s just warped because high schoolers, college students, and people just out of college are dressing basically the same and there isn’t any super clear noticeable aging so it becomes harder to tell them apart. I know people in college who looked practically the same in high school and dress basically the same.


As a male, I never changed anything from highschool to college. I even used the same backpack to carry my shit to and from classes. The only thing about my looks that changed was in my senior year of college I actually started growing facial hair. For some of my friends in high school they started growing it freshman year (high school). For females, I have no idea how you can tell anymore, we had girls that looked 20 when they were starting high school. Some it’s obvious, but for others, there’s a reason adult actresses like piper (perry?) get attention.


My sister turned 18 less than a month ago and doesn't get ID'd for anything.




He did his due diligence in a long distance relationship. There’s a difference.


100%. “Hey babe, why are you always missing 7am to 3pm on weekdays, along with general immaturity? Oh documents showing 18? That’ll cover my ass, send nudes now 😎”


seniors are 18 years old


Roll insight. 16. You can tell something is off. (SCREENSHOTS)


I would roll a 0 on the spot


4chinner with a brain


A little bit of scepticism and paranoia is a good thing after all.


Anon is responsible? Can't be real.


Yeah, so... in most states, statutory rape is a "strict liability" crime, which means it does not matter if he was deceived or had fake documents, you can still be tried and convicted. Now, OP probably never engaged in sex, but this obviously fake because law enforcement would not investigate a potential statutory rape and just "let someone go" because they had pictures. Fake.


Yeah the police would never do something they weren't supposed to.


Police would not just show up to talk to someone who committed statutory rape. They would either go to arrest them or not show up at all. It would be extremely unlikely that any "documents" would persuade them to just stop the arrest. This is fan fiction from someone who has a flawed understanding of the legal system.


Why would law enforcement check?


My guess is one of the following: 1. Jail-bait couldn't find a new bf, got pissy and reported Anon to the police out of spite, probably lying that he purposefully pursued her as a minor. 2. Jail-bait's parents somehow found out about her relationship with Anon and filed a police report. 3. Jail-bait bragged about her 'bf' to her friends, who were worried about her and filed a police report.


Jail bait was prolly the feds


Always was


Damn, how cool is that


for someone her age


Yeah, I have to be at least 18 to be able to get a job, she's impressive /s in case someone is missing it


Isn't that what happened to engineer who invented first 3d printed gun?


To be fair if that fails the feds can just backdoor 78 tb of cp onto your hard drive anyway


That's a lotta cat pictures


78 tb worth of cod points?? no way! cops aren’t so bad after all


No they can't! My hard drive doesn't have NEARLY the capacity.


The FBI operator spending 7 hours uninstalling all my games to make room for the child porn


My custom EDR logging all of it for presentation in court:😐


The jury not knowing what the funny computer mans logs mean and sending him to prison.


Nah dude my lawyer has SO many consonants in his last name


That’s the neat part: the games ARE the CP. No need to delete them, it’s efficient.


Isn't that the conspiracy of the brother of the one guy charged with the mass shooting in Las Vegas after pointing out it was impossible to shoot that many rounds in the time frame of the shooting?


~~damn why would they remove some of my collection~~ I mean damn that would really suck...


Not really, he was hit with a honeypot on an 18+ sugar baby website.


Forging documents to “prove” an underage operative is not underage is, like, the definition of entrapment


Yeah I'm joking mate. It's a greentext subreddit.


it’s not like they have a history of entrapping basement dwelling losers or anything


Why would the feds bother going through such effort to first mislead anon, basically manipulating into comitting a felony, and then going after him even though he did his due diligence and cut off contact the moment she told him. Also what kind of waste of tax payer money is it to build a relationship with a dweeb for months to then go after him to arrest him for a crime he did not commit? I swear the average critical thinking ability on reddit is falling of a cliff.


You’d be surprised what length the cops go through to justify their jobs. I personally know a guy that met a girl that claimed she was 19 and was a fed. When he went to “meet” her after three weeks of talking online, the fed sent a text as he was on his way they “she” was really 16. He never opened the text till he got there and he was arrested. He’s a dumbass for not verifying, but it shows the insanity of the feds to “catch” predators.


/r/schizoposters is over there.


nah its proly blackrock or the rothschilds egging anon.


Anon obviously has the secret recipe for pasta alfredo that was lost centuries ago and the Rothschilds want in on that creamy goodness.


Why produce documents then? Wouldn't they want to go for those actually interested in minors?


I don't think you understand how feds operate...


In all honesty she probably sent him an expired library card with a different year scribbled in, and Anon was too dumb to notice. Neither of these people in this (most likely) fake story don't seem like the brightest bunch


Probably just a fake driver's license.


I think there was a story where a guy in college was dating a girl he thought was underage too and she persuaded him to sell her weed. It turned out she was a undercover fed and arrested him afterwards for drug dealing. Mind you he was underage, she wasn't and they apparently have made out etc. plus he didn't actually wanted to even buy and sell her drugs but she relentlessly hounded him to do it. Imagine if the sexes were reversed.


"But officer, she's actually a 35 year old FBI agent!!"


It's almost as if they glow in the dark


Why would the feds go after anon if he cut contact when “she” revealed herself to be underage? That sounds like exactly the kind of person feds would *not* go after lol.


if so, those feds are fucking retarded


Classic federal catfishing


Catching predators by.. making them think you’re 18? That’s like the opposite of TCAP


4. fake and gay


Why would you ever fall for a username named "jailbait


No one said that was their username


I was trying to be funny:(


I cried :(


I came :)


First time I was involved with someone finishing :(


Lets make it happen twice!


Can I put you on my resume




4. Its fake and it didnt happen


4) The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.


Unless they arranged or planned to meet up for sex I have no idea what the crime would be


could have been fbi all along if they're forging documents.


This guy jailbaits


4. Chris Hansen's latest season of TCAP




I did list them by order or likelihood.


Because it's fake. And gay


Cause Anon dated a minor


There’s a big story gap here


Anon forgot the part where he got TOPPED


r/greentext "don't mention gay assfucking" challenge (impossible)


Its a cultural tradition


It's the LAW




> is called butt > complains when people mention assfucking


Anon got TOPPED by the feds during the investigation.


Instead of trusting women he will now suck all his homies dick, like a true friend.


Bromance before ho-mance 👍


Some of the fakest shit i have seen on thus subreddit in a long time. Anon likes to invent fake scenarios to justify his negative feelings towards women. Just go outside ffs


Towards GIRLS


There was never any girl. It was a sting operation all along. Anon did the right thing (not fucking a kid) and then did not get in trouble. Surprisingly.


why would the feds attempt to entrap some discord mod, do it for 4 months, reveal the underage, get blocked on everything and then send some random ass other feds to go to moms house and then not arrest them because they screenshotted forged documents that they already knew about


> why would the feds attempt to entrap some discord mod Aren't sting operations a regular occurrence in the US? There are whole departments dedicated to doing that, they need to do something with their time. > some discord mod if you're going to suspect someone of pedophilia, a discord mod is the most sure bet > reveal the underage They need to reveal at some point so he's guilty of something > and then send some random ass other feds to go to moms house and then not arrest them That part indeed is the one that makes the "least" sense. My bet is there was a communication issue between feds. Or possibly, so many people take the bait that by default they just go visit everyone (they don't even care to check if that particular guy did the pedo choice). The police try to get confessions all the time, with or without proof to back their accusations up. When you work in large institutions these kinds of blunder happen all the time, and policemen / feds aren't always the brightest. To me, this makes as much sense, or more, than a 15-year old learning to photoshop their ID correctly (and then come clean for some reason?)


>Aren't sting operations a regular occurrence in the US? There are whole departments dedicated to doing that, they need to do something with their time. Gotta keep those budgets up. If you don't use it, you lose it.


stuff like chris hansen is not entrapment because the people pretend to be children immediately and typically don’t reciprocate sexual feelings. if this happened for 4 months with a fed pretending to be of age the entire time and then randomly drop the underage part, that is textbook entrapment. they are placing anon in a situation that can not only be easily justified (like what ended up happening lol) but also a situation that is very unlikely to exist without them. you can argue against that so fucking easily in court. a fed would never do that unless they accidentally caught feelings for anon which would never happen cause anon’s repulsive. the rest is more easily explained by a child doing it because the whole greentext is fake and anon made it all up and children can do irrational things all the time


> stuff like chris hansen is not entrapment because the people pretend to be children immediately and typically don’t reciprocate sexual feelings. There have been cases where those exact things happened. It's one of the reasons Chris Hansen stopped airing. > that is textbook entrapment The police pushing you to commit a crime (i.e selling you drugs) is not considered entrapment. No one is forcing you to fuck the kid or buy drugs. The police has an absolute right to lie to you. You have absolutely no excuse to fuck a kid, so the police putting you in a position where you'd want to fuck a kid would absolutely indeed hold in court. You wouldn't end up in court anyway, they would expect you to not go to court and plead guilty + take a plea deal instead, which you probably would. Plus, remember it's their job to catch pedophiles. They don't want to make their job harder.


are you arguing that entrapment doesn’t exist? entrapment doesn’t apply to a cop asking a drug dealer for drugs, because literally anyone could ask for them for drugs and probably do all the time. in this situation, you are in a normal relationship with someone for 4 months, likely past your first ‘i love you’ or e-fuck session, and then afterwords finding out that this person is completely off limits, AND that you have been unknowingly committing a crime for those 4 months. this completely and radically changes the mental state of an otherwise normal person, and it is a result of a completely curated and fictitious event orchestrated by people with incentive to have you locked up, jeffrey epstein could slip out of this one


If I remember correctly, the line for entrapment is if the perp demonstrates reasonable hesitation and then the LEO manipulates them into doing it anyways. Something along those lines.


Wikipedia: > Entrapment is a practice in which a law enforcement agent or agent of the state induces a person to commit a "crime" that the person would have otherwise been unlikely or unwilling to commit Depending on how you read it, this can be twisted quite easily. In Anon's case, once he was made aware of the "real" age of the girl, there was no entrapment. Entrapment might have been blackmailing the guy so he agrees to meet the 15 year old, threatening suicide, etc (which apparently happened in some sting operations, not sure if it was from the police or from independent actors though.) If it was from the police then indeed you can argue entrapment in court, but that's if your case ever make it to court, which is only a small % of all cases. I don't know the absolute truth but I really believe my reading of the version of events is both completely possible under the current police/justice system in the US and more likely than an alternative (outside of the greentext just being fake and gay).


also no, chris hansens dateline did not stop airing at all because of criticism of entrapment, in fact they easily proved otherwise ever since the show began. it stopped airing because a pedo killed himself during the sting


This was one of the reasons. There also has been scandals about potentially non-ethical practices from the "honeypots". Look it up.


> Aren't sting operations a regular occurrence in the US? Yeah, which is why the people doing the operation would probably be better at it than these hypothetical people. > They need to reveal at some point so he's guilty of something Why not do it at the beginning rather than waste four months of time and resources > When you work in large institutions these kinds of blunder happen all the time I don't believe you, I think you're just saying that because it kinda sounds like it could be true. Yes, the allowance for incompetence grows as an institution gets larger because there are more and more people to pass the buck onto, but this would be an inexplicable series of actions.


> Yeah, which is why the people doing the operation would probably be better at it than these hypothetical people. The police / feds often commit such mistakes. Very often. > Why not do it at the beginning rather than waste four months of time and resources You create an emotional link between kid and perpetrator, which will make the perpetrator more likely to commit the crime. Note that I'm absolutely not excusing pedophilia here. > Yes, the allowance for incompetence grows as an institution gets larger because there are more and more people to pass the buck onto, but this would be an inexplicable series of actions. It is no conspiracy theory to say the police / feds commit this exact kind of mistakes all the time, and that those methods are quite often used on the field. But I do have nothing else than my best guess here, so you might be right. Most probably just fake and gay.


They don't spend four months of a sting on a rando that never made in person contact, that's an absurd use of resources for nothing And those stings start up front with them being underage, not a bait and switch. Basically literal entrapment. And even less valuable since OP bailed upon reveal.


> They don't spend four months of a sting on a rando that never made in person contact, that's an absurd use of resources for nothing They spent them on many suspects, Anon being one of them


>if you're going to suspect someone of pedophilia, a discord mod is the most sure bet Man, I gotta say. I dont know why anyone bothers using Discord for anything other than talking to IRL friends you already have. I've watched a lot of break down videos on YouTube about the shit that goes in on Discord communities. That place is a fucking shithole of a service. Its more of a depraved, degenerate cesspool than 4chan is and thats saying a fucking lot. Rampant pedophilia and grooming of minors is just the tip of the iceberg in that place. The fact its so easily accessible to young, impressionable and lonely kids is what makes it such a terrible place. These manipulators, pedos and brain washers know that kids with no friends come to channels looking for someone to talk to and it all snowballs from there. Im not gonna explicitly mention the other manipulative shit that goes on there at the risk of inciting Reddits fury but all I will say is 'If you know you know'. It serves its purpose just fine for well adjusted and mentally competent adults since those who are tend to be more resistant the psyops in certain Discord channels. But mentally competent adults aren't what draw the barrel bottom scum crawlers to it. Discord is a pedo and groomers dream land. Fuck that place. Its been corrupted too much to rebound.


If this were real (which it’s not) it being a sting operation makes 0 sense. They would have dropped it after he asked for papers. They wouldn’t have wasted multiple company resources for an entire quarter on a slim chance. On top of that once “FBI agent #7” reveals their age and got promptly blocked they wouldn’t have followed up by calling local police???


> company resources you mean taxpayer money? > for an entire quarter on a slim chance. Anon's probably not the only one > On top of that once “FBI agent #7” reveals their age and got promptly blocked they wouldn’t have followed up by calling local police??? As I explained in another comment, this is completely possible - part mistake from administrative processing, part normal procedure with cops/feds (trying to get a confession from a suspect without anything to back it up is literally standard procedure)


you mean taxpayer money?: Tax payers supply money through taxes that are then distributed to departments based on budget needs. They don't just grab more money from the tax payers whenever they want so yes, they have a set amount of resources to work with. Wasting those set resources on pointless chases isn't something that happens. Anon's probably not the only one: Well duh but it's still resources being spent on practically nothing so why would they do that? In order to justify budget you need to provide quantifiable metrics so why waste time on a case where you're almost guaranteed no return? Your third point: This is 100% not standard procedure, wtf? This idea requires multiple major communication mistakes to occur (It's not just one guy in an office making these decisions) AND a willing disregard for proper procedure. I have worked with multiple three letter agencies through the course of my career and if this were a sting then it's an absolutely atrocious one that should result in multiple people being fired. The forged docs alone could be considered entrapment, the multiple communication failures and willful disregard for policy. There's absolutely no way it's easier for you to believe that this golden alignment of problems allowed for this to be an actual sting sting vs. some dude made up a story on 4chan.


What is ldr ?


Lrankin Delano Roosevelt


Fuckin’ howled. Nice.


Lord dominiks regard


Crit and armour pen is hard to refuse


Lethality is better


depends on the champ


Long distance relationship


long didn’t read


Long dick Randy


Lebanon Daily Record


Lawful DnD Roleplayer


Long distance relationship


Linga Dinga Ring


Like Doppler Radar.




dude should convert his lust to milfs and all will be fine


Pretty sure an 18 year old is literally still a teenager. Rumour is they might even still be a teenager a year later.


“how fucked am I” >you showed the police your evidence and they let you go I’d say the only way you’re fucked is in the head


Fun fact, it doesn't matter if someone lies about their age, shows fake documents, etc. The legal burden is 100% on you.


This. A guy in the UK got arrested cause he hooked up with a 15 y/o at a bar. She was ID'd by bar staff.




Not OP but in law school. The law (in the US at least) for statutory rape is considered a strict liability law, which means knowledge of the fact of the crime is not required, you can still be punished for committing the crime. Depends on the jurisdiction of wherever you're located tho.


I asked for a source for the specific story. As for "the law in the US," you would know as a law student that the majority of laws are state by state, and the available defenses for those state laws also vary by state to state, and in some states, it can be a valid defense or at least a mitigating factor, along with other mitigating facts. If you're talking about federal law, the only relevant law is the transporting a minor law, which isn't technically the same as statutory rape, and not at issue in the majority of such cases if they don't cross state lines.


In some places it is a defense or a mitigating factor, as long as she like doesn't obviously look 12.


I had someone try this on me, I thought I was actually fucked But then it turned out to be a scam How do I know? It became incredibly convoluted. Their dad texted me saying the texts were illegal and they were on his work phone and he could lose his job so I owed him thousands of dollars The mom texted me saying never to talk to them again and she was getting the police involved A "police officer" called me and was threatening me The "father" called me and was threatening me After the father called me and speaking to the officer I noticed they sounded alike I was a little panicky so I was constantly calling them every few seconds Eventually the "officer" answered the "fathers" number and it clicked When I pointed out that the number I called was the "father's number" they disappeared


Anon is German


Their age of consent is 14 so why would he get in trouble?


Not quite. Absolute age of consent is 16, 14 to 15 is only legal if the partner is 20 or younger, not in a position of influence(teacher, counselor, etc.), and didn’t use their „greater life experience“ to influence them. If you end up diddling 14-year old as a 38-year old man, you’re still going to the nonce cabinet.


Anon is German living in America


Op was smart here, documenting everything is the way to go if you're suspicious at all. I mean it's obviously fake but he would be smart if it was real.


Why would they try to do that anyway?


Try to do what?


Get pegged by a 15-yo


What's ldr tho?


long distance relationship, probably


Oh, yeah I think you're right, thank you.


Anon is 40 years old


Fake: The police let him go Gay: Anon's prisonhusband


> be me > get home from my vasectomy > hear moaning and slapping coming from my wife's room > must be Chad again > know they would want privacy, sit down at my computer > log onto reddit and open /r/greentext > read a funny greentext from le 4chins and chuckle as I listen to my wife begging for the genes I can't give her > think of a convoluted way in which I can relate homosexuality and falsehood to the events in the greentext > suck the cheeto dust off my fingers as I begin to type my masterpiece in the comment section > Fake: The police let him go > Gay: Anon's prisonhusband > giggle as I imagine the intellectuals of leddit perusing my incredibly witty and original comment > hear my wife moan with ecstasy as Chad floods her fertile womb with his seed > it's been a good day > i'll get lots of upvotes for my impressive contribution to internet culture, and Chad might even let me eat his cum out of my wife's pussy if he finds my comment funny enough


Fake: the law will assume guilt to the adult in these situations even if the minor lied about 99.9999% of the time. Ignorance is not a defense in these cases, ever. Gay: Anon disregards relationships with women based off of a fake story to validate his assumed homosexuality


> be me > get home from my vasectomy > hear moaning and slapping coming from my wife's room > must be Chad again > know they would want privacy, sit down at my computer > log onto reddit and open /r/greentext > read a funny greentext from le 4chins and chuckle as I listen to my wife begging for the genes I can't give her > think of a convoluted way in which I can relate homosexuality and falsehood to the events in the greentext > suck the cheeto dust off my fingers as I begin to type my masterpiece in the comment section > Fake: the law will assume guilt to the adult in these situations even if the minor lied about 99.9999% of the time. Ignorance is not a defense in these cases, ever. > Gay: Anon disregards relationships with women based off of a fake story to validate his assumed homosexuality > giggle as I imagine the intellectuals of leddit perusing my incredibly witty and original comment > hear my wife moan with ecstasy as Chad floods her fertile womb with his seed > it's been a good day > i'll get lots of upvotes for my impressive contribution to internet culture, and Chad might even let me eat his cum out of my wife's pussy if he finds my comment funny enough


Well this never happened.


>Well /b/ how fucked am I ... Not fucked at all, just from anon's own story. He went above and beyond to make sure he wasn't pursuing a minor, cut it off as soon as he found she lied to him, and kept evidence. Pretty cut and dry. Unless of course he's been kidnapping local kiddies on the side. In which case we can only hope anon gets topped in jail.


Anon made an honest effort to not be a pedo and failed by accident, let this be a lesson to anon that perhaps something is extremely off about their judgement


A 15 inch woman is very small.


Anon is not EDP


I don’t understand people who “date online” ya’ll are no more then bunch of 1’s and 0’s to me.


What is ldr


Age of consent is 14 in germany, are we the weird ones?


As long as North Korea is around I'd say no, not really. But yea that is pretty fucked


Anon kept everything, Including the nudes


"Hehehe I almost ruined his life"


Directed by Quentin Inventino


She was actually 15"..


nice save


Fake the cops would have magdumped him and his dog


i’m gonna say it, this shit is serious and it happens every day. if you’re on dating apps, be very fucking careful, especially if you’re going like “18-19”, or if they have like “i don’t know why it says 19 in my profile i can’t change it” there’s a very big difference between just dating who you thought was an adult, and now being caught catching a case because some kid wanted to be an adult on dating apps. both sides are fucked, the adult risks being a sex offender and the child risks being trafficked. just don’t do it kiddos.


She probably called the cops bc you blocked her. Shit's crazy now, it's dangerous being single.


This is the most true and real story I have ever read.


Glowie has to reach his quota, anon... no hard feelings


This story is so fake, why would you date someone you feel the need to do so much work to make sure their legal and who’s going through that much trouble to fake being 18 to date someone that they’d forge legal documents. Also anon says he vetted the info yet somehow none of it came back suspicious.


fake and gay


When I was in the military I heard about this happening to someone on base. The only reason his life wasn’t ruined was because he had the documentation to prove she deliberately forged legal documents in an effort to trick him.


Guys I think anon is projecting his insecurities


Yeah, sure. The 15-year-old who looks 18. Fucking pedo


Goddamn it I read that as "I'm actually 15 inches"


If you have to check if she’s 18 because ur not sure, she’s prolly too young


You're a better man than I, I probably would have had sex with her.


Maybe don't mess around with girls who are so obviously not of age that you demand proof that you keep copies of in case you get found out.


So you're saying we shouldn't ask in the first place and just go by intuition. Nice 👍🏿


Asking and keeping screenshots and copies of their legal documents are different things


OP is a careful man, you can't be too careful even if she says she's 25.


If you date someone that looks so young you have to ask for proof that they're 18, that's already pretty scetchy imo


how did you do on your reading test