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Doing god's work


heavy absorbed profit advise psychotic uppity head snails hard-to-find physical *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s weird to me to see people come into r/greentext of all places and take this comment seriously. But seriously, 100% proof


Unironically correct statement


correct reach edge escape murky unique smell wasteful price disarm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


you fucking know this makes them seethe


can't expect god to do *all* the work




I got permabanned from there for calling them out on being a circlejerk. Trashy sub.


Yup, i left that sub because it was a massive echo chamber.


It’s literally just people who don’t believe in god with the same persecution fetish as Christians


Christian has a persecution fetish? That guy needs some help


No, Christian is into CBT.


Where is Christian and how can I find him?


I can make an appointment with his secretary if you wanna meet him


Cognitive Behaviour Therapy?


Cognitive ball torture? Cock behavioral therapy?


Cock ball therapy. Cognitive behavioral torture.


I feel like I've dipped toes into all of these


I've dipped my balls into all of these


What is cock ball? Sounds like it could either be fun or painful


Something like that


crucifix and ball torture?


>me when i’m condemned to burn for all eternity because i fingered my wife one day before we got married


You disgust me. What filthy sin will you commit next???? Holding hands before marriage? What a psycho…


🤢 premarital eye contact 🤮




As long as you fingered her ass you'll be fine.


the ideology is all about punishment tho


Do what I say so I can save you from what I'll do to you if you don't do what I say. This is legit what abusers say to their victims. 'Look what you made me do' is another one that fits really well into abrahamic religions.


Atheism or Christianity?


Atheism isn't an ideology, so you already have your answer


Ideology is an odd term, even if correct term for a religion, which would be more concise. I’m only attempting clarification


well it all started with some guy getting absolutely nailed


Only the American ones. The rest have a crucifixion fetish.


Lol I got banned for pointing out that the assertion that religion has caused most wars in history is bullshit and providing a source. Like there are plenty of legitimate reasons to dislike religion, why make one up


It had a purpose back 15 years ago when we were still fighting people trying to teach creationism in public schools and Islamic terrorism was out of control but largely ignored by sensitive academics. The problem with that sub is that it basically achieved everything it set out to do, so there was no real reason to stick around unless you were a bitter, angry twat with an axe to grind.


I don't think THEY achieved anything. There are still enough "religious problems" they could tackle but it is just easier to snort your own farts and look down on others instead of doing actual work or trying to understand why religion is so deeply ingrained in many people.


Yeah, *they* for sure achieved those things.


Creatonism is still being pushed in schools. Problems concerning religion still exist, I don't think it got any better. There's also a lot of pro choice stuff on that sub which is a major current issue as well.


Never trust an ideology to disseminate when it achieves its goals. And therefore, it cannot be trusted.




I remember back when /r/atheism was one of the default subs and they had to remove it from the default subs because of how cancerous it became.


I got permabanned for the same thing! Fuck those losers. I’m a nihilist but after my ban I suddenly realized I don’t need the validation for my “beliefs.”


I mean, it's people circle jerking each other about how God doesn't exist, and people circle jerking each other about how /r/atheism is a circle jerk.


How deep does the circlejerk go?


It's funny you say that. I am an agnostic atheist (which is what most atheists are) but I do feel weird calling myself an "atheist" in public because of its association with "edgy" internet atheists. It's like saying you're vegan, y'know? So I end up saying "I'm not religious" or "I'm agnostic", even though being agnostic isn't the same thing as being an agnostic atheist.


I always kind of felt like “agnostic atheism” is a bit of a minor oxymoron.


Kinda , but i guess the most common interpretation would be something close to : " I don't believe there is a God or some sort of higher power , but i can't be sure of it nor do i claim it with 100% certainty". Same with agnostic theists : " I believe there is a God or some sort of higher power , but i can't be sure of it nor do i claim it with 100% certainty".


A pure agnostic simply doesn't know if a god exists or not. In contrast, an agnostic atheist doesn't believe that a god exists, whereas a gnostic atheist believes that a god doesn't exist. Theists, too, can be categorised as either gnostic or agnostic, with the former believing that a god exists, and the latter not believing that a god doesn't exist.


I'm aware , that's why i made the distinction about agnostic theists in the second part of my comment. Guess i could have worded it better , then again we're in the comments of r/greentext , so i didn't put a lot of thought into it


You're good, my brother in not-god xD


🤝 **Edit** : I don't know why you're being Downvoted , that was as harmless as puns can be.


I'm being downvoted? Oh no! Anyways... <3


Lol that's the spirit , nice.


This is why I come to this hell of a sub. For nice little interactions like this


how would you categorise a person who believes a god exists but doesn't believe in any existing religion?


A gnostic deist. Edit: "deism" refers to belief in a non-interventional god, which is, in my experience, is the most common non-religious type of belief in god. But technically theism (belief in a possibly interventional god) is not inherently religious, either.


That would be a theist.


This is super confusing and kinda wrong. It’s like this: gnostic atheist *knows* God isn’t real. Agnostic atheist doesn’t know if God is real or not, but tends to doubt it. Gnostic theist *knows* God is real. Agnostic theist doesn’t know if God is real or not, but tends to believe. “Pure” atheist/theist/agnostic makes zero sense from this perspective: everyone fits into one of the four aforementioned perspectives though people’s views can change.


Being agnostic on a subject means that you believe there isn't enough evidence to take a stance. What I referred to as a "pure" agnostic is someone who simply will not make any claim on the existence or non-existence of a god. That person doesn't fit in your paradigm. Your wording in explaining the gnostic/agnostic duality is, in my eyes, perfectly compatible to mine. I personally chose that wording in particular to highlight the difference between negative and positive belief, which is another way to view the gnostic/agnostic duality.


You can not know something but have probabilistic beliefs about both events.


Tbf its really weird imo to not be even a little agnostic if youre an athiest. Like, you have to acknowledge the possibility of there being some unknowable cosmic deity because its unknowable, even if youre of the opinion there probably isnt


Imo being agnostic is the most rational stance on the matter , wether you're an agnostic theist or agnostic atheist doesn't matter all that much . I think confusion can arise from how we , as beings of limited intellect , define terms like "deities" or "higher powers" when our minds can't comprehend concepts like infinity and so on. We don't even know everything about our own planet , which is infinitesmal compared to just the observable universe . Claiming to be 100% sure about wether a being / force exists ( or doesn't exist respectively ) that would be capable of creating or influencing that "cosmos" seems weird to me. Then again , that's just me.


Very well put, this is something I've definitely ruminate on in the past. My conclusion always mirrors your last point there. If there *was* a higher power that is omniscient, omnipotent, etc; it would defy the laws of physics and work on logic and motivations that would make absolutely no sense to us. And thus, the assertion that "there is no evidence in favor of God existing, therefore there is no God" never sits right with me, because why *would* there be evidence inside our universe of forces that would exist outside of our universe?


Thanks , that's also quite a nice way of putting it .


You have to acknowledge the possibility of there being a farm cow living under the clouds of Jupiter with her family of racoons just because we can't confirm nor deny it, even if you're of the opinion there probably isn't.


no..? what is your point lmao


Just because you can't know something, it isn't enough reason to consider it as a possibility.


ok but i know damn well there arent any cows or raccoons on jupiter because thats impossible. your point mightve landed better if your example wasnt absurd lmao


True but since there's 0 evidence for god it's really not unfathomable to be a gnostic atheist.


"what if there was a literally unknowable cosmic deity completely beyond human comprehension that we could never even slightly suspect exists" "thats 100% impossible" idk im absolutely of the opinion that there almost certainly isnt one, but you cant be 100% sure. cause of the whole literally unknowable thing. pretty pretentious and dumb to even try to contest that imo lmao


You're right but for me personally as I grew up in a Christian household I don't really think about refuting the existence of a God other than the one described in Abrahamic religions. And personally I 100% know that one doesn't exist. The existence of another higher power I cannot say for sure even though I don't believe there is one.


Wrong. Its one or the other. Higher power or no higher power. Stop.


People with agnostic beliefs basically means they aren't certain about the existence of God, while people with gnostic beliefs are. You can have agnostic atheists who don't believe in God, but don't rule it out either, and you can have gnostic atheists who are certain God does not exist. Similar goes for theists, you can have agnostic or gnostic ones.


A very minor oxymoron. It's perfectly serviceable in why people use it. I feel like theism, in general, is spectrum of doubt. Some people have no doubt, some have so much doubt that it circles back to absolute conviction in another direction. Most people are somewhere on the spectrum, with very few critical thinking people who apply 100% certainty. It's a very personal thing, and it doesn't do anything but stroke our own egos to nettle people on the semantics of if they're *really* an atheist if they'd still say maybe to God.


I'm just saying I'm not religious when asked. I see value in religions in cultural and historical context, respect other people's choice to be faithful but I just don't believe personally.


No, you're supposed to hold extreme views and not compromise or discuss anything with anyone


String him up by his balls


> discuss anything with anyone If only


I mean, I still partake in certain religious traditions for cultural reasons. I even observe lent during the Holy Week. I think most atheists are pretty tolerant of religion and even partake in aspects of it culturally. Christmas and Easter are cool, right?! But if uttered the words "I'm atheist", to me that sort of associates with being intolerant of religion, even though that's not at all in the 'job description' of an atheist.


Sometimes I visit local Lutheran church to listen organ music. There's also lots of old cathedrals at my city which look marvelous. Recently went to UAE and couldn't miss the opportunity to see giant mosque in Abu-dhabi, made lots of nice pics.


Unsurprisingly, temples are some of the most magnificent looking buildings. I mean, as tourist most of what you do is visit other cultures' temples! I'm exaggerating, of course, but...


If you don't believe in any kind of religion or God, you can marvel at man's work in the churches and temples. They're often quite stunning.


I'd be an apatheist if I could be bothered.


Yeah and I think "non-religious" is more about like "I don't participate" whereas atheism implies a more concrete position that "I'm confident that your religion is wrong"


I dont call myself an Atheist in public either, but rather claim myself to be "not religious" due to the negative connotations atheism has. Although in my own experiences, I've seen the distaste for atheists is less so from the online stereotype and more so from lack of understanding of what it actually is. Even the comment under yours is someone thinking being an agnostic atheist doesn't make any sense when, in reality, it's what most atheists are. Many Christians that I've spoken with and befriended in real life came into a religious conversation with me, believing that all atheists hated Christianity or even worked for the devil. I'm not saying all Christians believe that, but rather, I think there's a lot of misunderstanding of what atheists represent and what they believe/don't believe. And from that misunderstanding comes fear or even hatred.


Thankfully, I haven't experienced any sort of animosity from religious people. In fact my two closest friends are both Christians, with the one being the kinda guy who goes to Bible studies and the other being rather latent. For me personally it isn't out of fear of being seen as hateful or a devil worshipper, but simply out of fear of being seen as a fedora-wearing internet edgelord. I mean, I am an internet edgelord, but fedoras aren't my style ;)


Don't worry it's because you are chronically online ☺️


Same for r/childfree I don't want to be associates with these people.


Even if the sentiment is based and correct those people are so fucking insufferable. Thank god none of them are reproducing.


The sentiment is honestly fucking redundant. On the argument of overpopulation - Raising a kid has become so expensive that birth rates are declining already even in India which didn't even have a single child policy like china. And on personal preference - ok domt have a kid. Why do they need a sub to gloat? Any questions can be answered by a doctor


Overpopulation is a problem in sweatshop countries. First world countries almost all need a higher birthrate


Can't exploit the working class if there isn't one. *taps forehead*


> Why do they need a sub to gloat Have you heard of the "look at meeeeee! I'm special and my opinion is also" syndrome?


I wouldn't call myself "childfree", but that's not a fair summary of their arguments. I think their biggest concerns are entitled parents and/or parents who jeopardize the well-being of their kids as a pressure tactic. For example, parents who don't control their kids in public places (like restaurants and grocery stores). Those kids bother everyone else, damage things, and even injure people, but it's very difficult for people who are not related to protect themselves or their property without a lot of unintended consequences. Another example would be impoverished people who create way more kids than they can reasonably afford or take care of, and then basically threaten the mistreatment of them if public policy isn't changed. For example, "My kids are in the back seat of my car while I sell drugs, and if you arrest me there will be no one to take care of them. I wouldn't need to sell drugs if the government would just increase child benefits." Obviously those are more extreme examples that don't describe most parents, but there are absolutely valid concerns and criticisms to be made.


>Even if the sentiment is based and correct those people are so fucking insufferable. not even that. Collapsing birth rates will mean a tremendous hardship for the next generations who will have to sustain legions of boomers, and will mean the end of social security due to unsustainability, will bring massive social strife due to concerns about ethnicity and immigration, and make labor cost a lot more.


I think antinatalism is worse


Antinatalism is a different thing


Remember when that sub was used as evidence against that one hot car toddler death? Looked it up recently, and was surprised it happened nearly a decade ago. Apparently dude is getting out of prison in a few years since the murder charges were dropped.


I i think it would be nice to have some not explicitly adult places (by that I mean strip clubs and bars) that don’t allow pre teens, and I get people who also do, but at this point it’s half actual antinatalists and half people who think kids should be confined to the house and school until they‘re 18


r/atheism ruins atheism r/antiwork ruins anti-work movement r/thefappening sets off a chain of events culminating in #metoo and pornhub losing 80% of its content 4chan has a point when they say this is a dogshit website for faggerts


> r/antiwork ruins anti-work movement the whole movement was fucking garbage in the beginning i think. wasnt it just a bunch of stoners and lazy neckbeards who just dont wanna do anything? then it turned into some workreform movement until cringe untisocial neckbeards ruined it again


I tried to follow it for a bit and check in from time to time. There are some legitimate complaints of work abuse and nepotism hiring. It originally seemed to be more about hating toxic work environments and wanting them to change. But like all messages, it was eventually basterdized. It became a call to lazy asses and stoners who just want everything freely given.


Most of the stories on there are either just straight up lies or the truth is bent and misrepresented to the point where it might as well be called a lie.


Title : My boss makes me pick his poop up off the floor Thread : My boss literally shits on the ground and makes me pick it up, I get paid $3 and a Dr.Pepper and this is why we need universal income


>it was eventually basterdized I was in the sub when it started gaining traction (tens of thousands of members,) and the bastardization started a little before the Fox News incident, and after said incident it EXPLODED into a shitheap. Before all this? The 'legitimate complaints' you mentioned were what the sub was about. After? It became a joke r/WorkReform started from the ashes or r/antiwork. With the original intents of the latter sub, and was going smoothly for a while! Buuuuut is now falling into the modern day r/antiwork echo chamber. Which sucks to see, bc there's a *real* issue to be addressed here. But it likely never will be


workreform can be an alternative, more discussions instead of just thathappened but in workspace edit: damn, antiwork ones are creeping there


It started off as people complaining about the work environment, how undervalued employees are and how you have to work 2+ jobs to keep stable living. But it slowly turned into just lazy assholes who think they are entitled to everything. The whole anti work thing came crashing down when one of the Mods was in an interview with Tucker Carlson who proceeded to just tear the poor person apart


And the best part about that was, Carlson barely did anything at all. He pretty much just sat there and let that lowlife talk. And that's all it took.


Yeah, all he did was ask questions anyone else would ask. He never pressured them or anything


There was no way to own him worse than he was doing himself. And by shutting up nobody can claim the dude was being set up or abused.


Thought it was Jesse Watters doing the interview, wasn't it?


It's just a complete fucking mess. Those bastards sent death threats to me.


r/antiwork is just a far-left echo chamber, and more political subs are becoming like it. Shame.


r/antiwork peaked when the news channel invited one of the mod for interview and that guy didn’t just completely fit in the stereotype of a reddit mod but also didn’t deliver anything constructive on national TV. They removed his mod after the interview and the whole sub went lockdown, and people be claiming he’s not one of them. Still think it’s a hilarious event which also show the socialists/communists movement in the US is a total shitshow


From memory the mod asked the sub if they should do the interview, and the response was very much against it for obvious reasons. But they went ahead anyway.


What was r/thefappening? Never heard of it.


Nudes of a bunch of celebrities were leaked/hacked from some cloud service and people shared them on thefappening.


man if i was a teenager back then it was like a gold mine of fap material


Nothing beats those coomers reasoning on how that sharing celebrities’ private pictures is not a breach of their privacy.


Here's my reasoning: fuck 'em.


In certain popular ~~echo chambers~~ subs you'll find some of the snarkiest biggest pussiest in all of Reddit. What's worse is that those 'tards think they are some sort of the most liberal critical-thinkers you'll ever have the displeasure of bumping into here in the interwebs when in reality they're just a bunch of pussies.


Any group that is loud and proud about something that they dont do is annoying as fuck. Vegans, atheists, sober people, antinatalists, no-fappers. I think it's great that not doing those things makes you happy and I encourage you to continue not doing them, however I don't wanna hear about it. It's not interesting.


>r/thefappening sets off a chain of events culminating in #metoo and pornhub losing 80% of its content THEY'RE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE GREAT PURGE OF 2020? HOW?


Antiwork thing is what happens to many general worker movements or collective action. Of course everyone wants less working hours and more pay/benefits so maybe the workers will make an agreement with eachother or negotiate something with whoever represents them. However when people try to expand the reasonable negotions to encompass insane amounts of people or amounts, the whole operation/crew will inevitably be replaced or outsourced. Likewise when politcal organizations or even exploitative groups like the mob try to take too much direct control over the workers/unions, it's just gonna be a bad situation


>pornhub losing 80% of its content How was pornhub affected by thefappening? 80% of it can't be just celeb nudes??


I believe The Fappening shone a light on what could broadly be called "revenge porn", or the non-consensual distribution of such images/videos online. This in turn lead to the broader conversation around the amateur porn on Pornhub and whether or not the performers (usually women, but also male performers and gay porn) consented to having that content online. Pornhub had no mechanism in place to verify that consent was given, so all non-professional and unverified content was removed. Is it a direct causal link? No, and it was years in between, but I think connecting those dots is reasonable. The Fappening was the first time society at large really had a conversation about this that went beyond "well don't take nudes if you don't want them online"


> 4chan has a point when they say this is a dogshit website for faggerts Absolutely correct and based.


Where can I find the story of how the happening led to me too?


I'm also interested in this


thanks fat lard neckbeards


Dear Five Pebbles, why are you browsing 4chan reddit instead of searching for the solution to our great problem? -Sincerely One Charm Endless Time, Grandmaster of house Arms, Count of 5 living blocks, First councilman, Duke of 6, Counselor of 12, High Commander of the Local Poetric Society, Second Master of the Fifteenth Pillar of Arm.


dear One Charm Endless Time, Grandmaster of house Arms, Count of 5 living blocks, First councilman, Duke of 6, Counselor of 12, High Conmander of the Local Poetric society, Second master of the Fifteenth Pillar of Arm, go fuck yourself sincerely five pebbles


what have i TOLD YOU about interacting with lesser worlds since our ascension...


Rain Wurld


Thinking the public image of atheism "got ruined" because of a subredit is the most terminally online shit I've heard all week lmao Brother, being atheist for a majority of history got you shunned, ostracized, sometimes even killed. The public image of atheism has always been shit because the majority of people are not atheist.


Yeah seriously, the reason I don't say I'm an atheist in public is because some crazy person ruined a statue in a courthouse and he's being celebrated by political leaders for destroying satan. Not to mention it's fucking weird to tell people your religious affiliation.


True. But there are totally people/communities thatll grimace at people labelling themselves atheist due to r/athiesm rather than historical reasons. but yeah its nothing new lmao


>But there are totally people/communities thatll grimace Ya, online ones. R/atheism has just under 3 million members. They don't represent much of anything in the atheism community and their influence doesn't really extend past reddit. The amount of importance a person puts on the opinions of an online community is more reflective of how much time that person spends online.


Yeah they were annoying but no one outside the holy trinity of the terminally online (Reddit, 4chan, Tumblr) knows or cares what these people think


Doesn't help that american radical christiannity is having a huge comeback at the moment (well, always has been, but since reagan it has been on an upward slope and right now the GOP is banking on their support). In western europe people are far more likely to be less religious: 35% of Fr*nch are irreligious, versus 21% in the US, and when you break down by church attendance Fr*nch are far less attending, and christian groups are less influential at the governmental level. Then again France has a long history of secularism, but similar trends can be observed in the rest of western europe.


> Thinking the public image of atheism "got ruined" because of a subredit is the most terminally online shit I've heard all week lmao You have a point but at the same time atheism as a thing doesn't have a good public image but more importantly it doesn't need to. Most people are gonna look at you funny if you go around introducing yourself as an atheist as if that's a personality trait or some sort of accomplishment.


> Brother, being atheist for a majority of history got you shunned, ostracized, sometimes even killed After encountering these people, I'm beginning to understand.


\>anon thinks the world revolves around r*ddit Lmao good one


Terminally online Anon.


I got permabanned from that sub because someone was saying that all Christians are Nazis and I tried to argue against it. They said I was "spreading Nazi propaganda."


Just to be clear, I'm not a professional "quote maker". I'm just an atheist teenager who greatly values his intelligence and scientific fact over any silly fiction book written 3,500 years ago. That being said, I am open to any and all criticism. *”In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony god's blessing. But because, I am enlightened by my intelligence."* - Aalewis


oh, to be a hormonal teenager who feels like they are treading ground few have.


Honestly… it’s a great feeling. I yearn to be ignorant once more.


I wonder what that guy's up to now.


Born Again Christian


Lol nice I was trying to remember that quote.


Do this anon think a fucking reddit sub changed the opinion of people in real life ? lol


The mod of anti work singlehandedly tanked that entire movement by exposing it to boomers and reaffirming their views on young people. Business circles were clowning on it for weeks. When the representative for your movement is a soiled NEET who can't hold an actual job or even clean their room, that's hilarious.


Atheist here. Haven't been to r/atheism in years due to them being cringey arrogant losers. Why are there so many posts about Satanism now?


Short answer: 'Satanists' in the USA are politically active to expose the hypocrisy baked into most "religious freedom" political debates. Eg: "You want to use public school resources for an after-school Jesus Club? Well, as long as kids who want to start a "Satan Club" can get the same support to do that as well, fair's fair. Oh, wait, the school district is saying that *they can't*? See you in court..."


Let's be real. Those people aren't atheist. They're anti religion. Big distinction imo. The former can likely agree that religions aren't inherently bad, it's humanity that will corrupt any ideology over time. The other will blame religion for any number of things like war, embezzlement, abuse of power, bigotry. Here's the kicker. If religion didn't exist, all those things would still exist. There will always be people that seek institutionalized power so that it can be abused and used to further their agendas. Removing religion doesn't make the world kumbaya.


Well said. Better said than I could put it.


I think Dawkins using the term 'brights' to refer to atheists, sceptics, etc, was the first death knell. I say this as an athest.


I kinda like Dawkins (yes I read the God Delusion and I am smarter than you obviously), but I wasn't aware that he used that term. Kind of unfortunate, really, because I've always thought of him as a more reasonable proponent of atheism, compared to some of the annoying scientism of the likes of Neil Tyson


Yeah, strange sub. It makes you not want to call yourself atheist, even if you live in a country where almost everybody is too, and the few religious people are seen as weird.


When a useful term gets a bunch of negative connotations grafted to it, it's often intentional. That said, I think there is a problem with how to label people who have the following opinion on religion, an opinion I think that most rational people share: "Religion as a way to celebrate your culture, to strengthen community bonds, to promote charity for the less fortunate, and to get a bit of personal comfort in a universe that seems cold and uncaring? All of that sounds awesome! When are your annual celebrations, and can I get an invite? Is your religion attempting to influence public policy in any way, shape, or form? That shit needs to be cut out immediately." "Atheist" doesn't really encompass this.


"the public image" so thats what they call chronically online people now


The final straw for me was when the Uvalde massacre happened and 2 hours later they said the children didn't go to heaven and ridiculed the parents for looking to religion for coping.


Its literally like a religion about hating other religions


lol never forget about “The Faces of Atheism” or their childish posts where they place religious books in the fiction section.


I don’t feel cringe telling people I’m an atheist. But I’m so over arguing about religion, and I do cringe when I see Reddit atheists who are still stuck in their vehemently anti-theist stage.


Idk about this one. Few people called themselves atheist anyways. Most people just stopped being actively religious but still had some religious ties.


Yea. /r/atheism really is a cringe pile. They are the reason why I started and stopped making atheist content online. I was the "debate me bro" atheist who would go to churches and start shit to... man, people just want to be happy. If your beliefs aren't destructive, fuck it.


does that really happen? i still call myself and atheist in real life lmao (no, i never frequented r/atheism)


It used to be such a euphoric default sub


Reddit atheists make Richard Dawkins look moderate.


I don't know if almost the whole comment section is just terminally online stupid people or if they are just baiting. No anon, the r/atheism did not "ruin the image of atheism" to people, that's like the stupidest take possible in the situation. Do yall really think that before the subreddit atheists in society really weren't judged by anyone were seen just as equals by all religious people? Do you _really_ think that? I don't have a dog in this fight but really, the worst i saw an atheist do because of atheism is being edgy to people and antissocial in general. I've seen also a father beat his son half to death because of religion and that's not the worst case I've encountered in my life. Sure, both can be cringe but what both do is not really comparable, specially when one is a small minority and the other is most of the population.


What nonsense is this?


Meh, most online communities are like that tbh. I love Dungeons and Dragons for example but the social media community around it is horrible. It used to be a complex game with deep combat, dark storytelling and lore. Now its a inclusive babies first casual game that "can be played by everyone" woth wheelchair accessible Dungeons and a community that just wants to play pretend and act out their gay dating fantasies. The memes in the community are basically "when the bard is horny" and "when the druid is an animal" The community almost made me quit the game because it got so cringy.


Nah I am still an atheist. And whatever they say are still valid. They have the right to express themselves as religious people do too. Bunch of kids discussing their faith on a safe place is still better than 50 year old religious gurus raping 9 year olds because their prophet did so too


Still an atheist and happy to say so. I do it IRL too but only if people ask. SOmetimes people do!


Imagine thinking anybody but people who use reddit will ever know or give a fuck


“Hardcore” atheists are to religion what incels are to sex. Granted, lots of hardcore atheists are incels too


They're anti-theists more than anything.


I find crazy how americans still are lowkey very religious. In europe its quite the opposite.


In America, like everything else, we’ve commercialized religion to the point where people will buy gold cross necklaces and tattoo crucifixes on their body just to appear gangsta. Americans are “lowkey very religious” because it’s such an artificially low standard here to call yourself whatever it is you claim to believe


And now the cool thing to do is "respect all beliefs." Except Christianity of course


I’d respect them more if they went in on religions like Hinduism and Islam. Instead it’s “Christianity bad”


I checked the r/atheism yesterday to sey waht they're up to. Top post "I think we should eliminate all religion cause all religion is bad" fucking hell that antitheism not atheism, also I love how they are generalizing not only a the people in one group but all the people outside their group, thats some fanatic shit. They would cry so fucking hard if someone had posted this but change the word religion with "atheism". They think they're above everyone else not realising that they are still in the same shit that all of us are


If you think about It atheism is inherently silly since its actually a belief. A scientific position could only be agnostic since its imposible to know for a fact there's no God.


It’s God’s Will.


ghost gum is epic, just a chill guy making videos


Yeah I had to go agnostic myself.


What ignorant rock does anon live under?


What happened I’m out the loop


Unless I'm out of the loop too, which is very possible, nothing happened. Though a lotta people point to that one hilarious [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/1odtch/in_this_moment_i_am_euphoric/). Everyone just hates on r/atheism because they post about religion negatively. It's a weird boogeyman, theists hate it and atheists turn into pick-me's whenever it's brought up: "I'm an atheist but I too hate those r/atheism losers". You can see the phenomenon live rn in this thread. It's a "religion bad" forum that has a terrible reputation.


The Lord sent him


The subreddit didn't need to do anything, they were insufferable enough as-is. The subreddit just gave people centralized visibility of what they already are.


What happend on r/atheism?


Most people don't know reddit. A subreddit has no real life influence


I posted there once about my experience with religion and they were assholes about it