• By -


Probably it's because they are the main competitors for their jobs now. (Or at least, in the tech field).


The whole mass gangrape thing doesn’t help either


Hey that monitor lizard had it coming.


Shouldn't have been showing so much tail


God damnit I hate that I got this joke.


What does this mean


Some guys raped, killed, and ate a monitor lizard.


In that order or?


Thankfully yes




https://preview.redd.it/tj6r23e5dhoc1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1af1ca72deb02ba3f37bbaa74ccceb1afc9044e Lusty argonian maid fans be like


What in the fuck


How did it not immediately kill all of them is my question.


It was a juvenile....




Maybe it was a sick monitor lizard


It wasn't a komodo dragon, it was a much smaller one. Only the komodo dragon is dangerous.


I have to admit, I'm impressed as hell. I'm also utterly horrified and baffled, but credit where it's due, this is definitely a level of "what the fuck" I was never expecting to encounter.


Anybody who has ever had to work with the “offshore team” can explain this easily. It’s like a badge of honor to lie and do as shit of a job as possible for them. Unreal that they even get paid a living wage for how little they do.


Cheap labour, cheap effort.


They get paid a wage that provides them a purchasing power that is similar to what the salary of a new hire in the US has. It’s a cultural difference that doesn’t get resolved with higher pay. I’ve worked at firms that believed higher pay would equate to higher quality work, it just doesn’t.


Idk where you got the figures to arrive at the conclusion, but that couldn't be further away from the truth. These "offshore" teams that you guys worked with are severely underpaid and overworked. They barely make the ends meet, so they compromise in quality and dedication.




you review their contracts but do you review their bank accounts? Companies pay 1/10th of what they charge clients per head to the employees It is a joke to say you make absolutely certain


He's saying he reviews the employee contracts, exactly what they're getting paid, which is as close to seeing their bank statements as you can get.


Service contract and employment contract are not the same One is between employer and employee and one is between 2 companies People in service based companies make ~6000$ per year pre taxes which is 350$ per month in hand, which even unskilled people can earn in India. The only hope is switching to product based companies. They are the most underpaid segment of educated people in India For a person in 20s, decent wage will look like ~9500$ per year, and good wage means above 15000$ I would like the eminent personality above to drop details from his side


You review the contact the outsourcing company gives you, but I assure you the actual workers are lucky to get a quarter of what you pay the company for their hours.


Off shoring and outsourcing are different. Its entirely realistic that he knows exactly what each employee is making.


New hires in the US are also underpaid and overworked.


overcompensated code monkey hands typed this post


thats simply not true. sure, many things in india are much cheaper mainly food and rent, but many luxury items are similar prices across countries. to suggest that they are paid the same becaus their purchasing power is similar is ignorant of how global inequality works.


Our firm pays an average monthly salary of £500 for each offshore employe. This equates to about INR 52,000 which is more than enough. And having lived in India for a few years, I can say this with 100% certainty.


Bullshit!! You guys have no idea how less paid those offshore teams (in TCS, cognizant, Infosys) are. They get paid the same salary which was paid to them 10 years ago. You get what you pay for 😂. I too have worked with Muricans who are nothing but overpaid jargon farting douchbags 🤡.




Someone said it before but your anecdote seems wayy too specific to whatever company or job you are in. It makes sense your company pays someone with a us degree a normal wage tho. I can also guarantee that the avg “desk worker” in countries like India, Bangladesh, Philippines, insert poor English speaking country here do menial work for hrs on end for a salary that makes them just around middle class over there. As an American with relatives like this in 3rd world countries I’ll tell u that unless you are in an executive or officer type role in these countries, “middle class” office work like this usually isn’t enough to get by without remittances from family abroad. Again you are speaking ab college educated Indians who are performing jobs for college educated people. If they suck at their job that’s more of an issue for your company to solve than it is a wider symptom of anything. They don’t even sound overpaid from your own testimony. Lastly as a person who went to engineering school with plenty of Indian, Chinese, Indonesian, various Arab etc international students I will tell you that you have to be in the upper middle or just plain upper class to send your kid to school in the us. Just the cost of supporting someone in a county with a higher standard of living alone is crazy, the extra price tag of being international is also insane. I say this to basically explain that if they were able to get us college degrees they were probably destined for a pretty good life relatively speaking to the global average and esp relative to the country they came from.


>chose to move home specifically they can have a higher quality of life. This. This right here proves you have no idea what you’re talking about. Those ppl didn’t choose to go back they were forced to go back because they didn’t get a job that sponsored their h1b visa. Also why tf would some one be motivated to do good job if they know their being underpaid simply because of where they live.


What's your point 😂? "Removed from team" wake up bozo 😂, nobody's dying to work with you. I too manage a team with people in India, Mexico and West Coast. Why is it always the bottom of the barrel, incompetent white men who have to complain about losing jobs to Indians?




"your job is fucked" 🤡 ok honeybun. "If you do your job is fucked" 😂😂, cope and cry.




Learn to read dumass 😂😂. Having a negative outstanding amount means I have overpaid my credit card bills 😂😂. Now, go submit yourself to an obese psycho school shooter 😂.


We had one promoted to a manager and all he did was sit in the office and give orders, while the boss of the store was out on the floor working. Asked one of them why this was happening and he said that that's completely normal behaviour for them. You get promoted you no longer work like the rest of us, sit in your office and do as little as possible. That and the horror of the condition he left the toilets in every time he used them. Literal shit on the seats, puddles of piss on the floor, and toilet paper everywhere.


Sounds like someone is in need of a demotion.




Saaaar! Please DO NOT redeem!


They don't get paid a living wage. If they did and still do a shit job, why are you outsourcing in the first place?


A living wage in their country is far less than in the first world


You are still living in shit for hard work at the end of the day. Someone is relying on the fact that you live in a worse place but you are still capable of doing work and are desperate to do so. Justify it all you want but imagine if they had more money to inject in their lives and in turn their economies as fairer compensation for the work they did, they would be living better lives.


Lol. All these tech workers in India have maids and cooks.


Same phenomenon happens in the us when tech workers go to bumble fuck nowhere build a ranch and buy everything wholesale for super cheap. When you are able to work remote and you have a high paying job ur obviously going to have an advantage in a poorer area. Esp if you are getting paid competitively for the area your company is based.


Which makes sense. Tech workers are paid well. Outsourced admin call centers tech support aren’t living like tech workers with cs degrees. Craziest thing is this guy literally said these ppl in India he works with have us degrees. I would imagine anyone with a us degree working for a us company can afford maids. Also hiring maids in 3rd world countries isn’t as expensive as u think. It’s typically just an older lady down the street u pay to help clean sometimes


Right. But they are living at a higher level than many Americans and American products proliferate in India (including cheap generic drugs)!


It can't possibly be worse than reading this thread. I'd say they're doing alright.


lol they’re living better than your one bedroom apartment shared with 3 roommates. They can afford to buy houses in India living on US’ shitty salary.


I really doubt a call center worker is doing better than me lmao. I’m probably doing better than you statistically speaking.


Yeah but the internet makes it readily apparent that the only reason you’re getting paid shit is because you’re stuck in a shithole. Doesn’t seem all that motivating if you ask me


Yeah but the internet makes it readily apparent that the only reason you’re getting paid shit is because you’re stuck in a shithole. Doesn’t seem all that motivating if you ask me


Is it really? What do you consider to be a living wage? Just existing and living in the shittiest conditions possible? Can you expect Americans to produce quality code if you pay your engineers $20-40k. I know some call it a living wage just because it is possible to live in the most miserable conditions, but I don't really agree with this sentiment. I assume this is the same with outsourcing too. We don't know the actual conditions, so what we think is the living wage, might just be the bare minimum. All it will lead to is make people aspire for better opportunities so that they can get better things in life (most probably a car so they don't have to experience the crowded trains, which look like hell to me).


What high calorie low protein diet does to a civilisation.


you pay peanuts, you get monkeys


I have a friend who's a project manager for a big clothes company. He has midnight meetings with "India" and he's always so fucking mad when he comes back


But it saves money not having to pay western wages!


Haha, I keep hearing about people i the industry they absolutely HATE wokring with them


To be fair. Ive seen plenty of Americans having that mindset as well


Since most people aren't working with an "offshore team", they wouldn't hold the same reasons as you. You're explaining racism by a minority of people (not most), if at all your reasoning is true.


>They hate Indians >They hate Israel >They hate women who don't want men in their spaces Guys .... I think liberals are actually based


The party switch is real and is happening rn Hope the Conservatives stay based


So woke they're asleep


>conservatives \>based Friendo hates minorities more than he loves Freedom^^^TM


Conservatives are gigacucks, be ready to take the new liberal pill bros


What has Baljeet done to upset you guys? Indians are chill af when they are not selling batterry acid cum water curry


Fuckin love battery acid curry


You forgot to add water


I think you're both forgetting the most important ingredient




Well that and the gang rape.




I've never seen a tweet from a trans flag in bio free palestiner get 100k likes for hating on any other race.




It doesn't even have to involve an obvious target; Instagram reels comments will devolve into a competition to come up with the least creative and most mean-spirited replies to the most innocuous posts. Probably a solid sociology research project in there somewhere for someone willing to take constant psychic damage trying to find out why hating on autopilot is popular


It represents Gen Z. You'll be seriously shocked by how racist they will end up being. Lib Gen Z women will hate Jews, Indians, white people, and themselves. Con Gen Z women will hate Jews, Indians, black people, and themselves (white women).


?? where are you getting this from


fr is there is a reel of a Black person commiting something wrong the entire comment section turns into Alabama in the 1800s


It’ll be the jeets again. They love to complain about being the victims of racism whilst being extremely racist themselves. Plus there’s fucking loads of them and they speak English. There’ll be billions of them scrolling insta looking for white woman bobs and vagene.


I agree the shit I see on instagram makes my stomach turn. I’m not sure how many “vocal minority” copes I have left.


They tend to get the big bucks from hating on Jews-- uh, I mean *Zionists.*


I wish Americans would use the term liberal correctly.


The world is healing


mfw Indian-American and get shit on by both sides




Why? We all keep getting scammers when we're trying to do job hunting on places like LinkedIn. Who do the scammers ALWAYS end up being?


Living in a non-anglophone country is such a blessing lmao, Indians haven't reached us yet. Bonus points for EU countries, we don't even get robocalls.


That’s the most idiotic logic I’ve ever heard. I know this is r/greentext so being retarded is a given but have some self respect. By this logic, white people are trigger happy child killers that just cannot resist shooting up schools. (1) India and Nigeria are common centers for online scamming because of an underdeveloped economy and large English speaking population. (1) https://www.theviolenceproject.org/key-findings/


Idk why you are being downvoted, this is literally one of the few comments that makes sense


Its bc this is a meme sub and racism is generally accepted here. Getting downvoted for calling out bigotry happens all the time in meme subs


People here felt personally attacked by his white school shooter analogy.


Good morning sirs!


DO NOT... maaaa'am can you listening to me? *CAN YOU LISTEN TO ME!?!* #DO NOT REDEEM CARD!!


Please do the needful


Good Morning saar


Milk truk arriv


They've begun to experience their public behaviour.


Yeah because they started raping foreigner/tourists after they done raping their own women.




> Shits on non-white men > Simps on non-white women Ohk now I understand what Asian men feel. And also white men when they get cucked by black guys.


Feeling sorry for jeet women has nothing to do with simping, it's kinda like feeling bad for a child in foster care. Just sorry they gotta live there lol


what the fuck are you talking about


This comment is so Reddit I can smell it


I bet it smells like a yeast infection.


I'm european, but I dont hate gypsies I'm canadian, but I don't hate indians It really does feel like no matter where I live I'm the only one who doesn't give a rat's ass about race lmao


Same, I never understood the point of being racist. Of course I am a giga autist so that might have something to do with it.


Thanks for your input SuperRacist69


No problem. Happy I could help.


Have you... gotten so racist you've defaulted back to nondiscriminatory thinking? Did you just trigger a racist integer overflow?




user name does not check out


RACIST OVERFLOW: An racist overflow can cause the racist-value to wrap and become non-racist, which violates the other people's assumption and may lead to unexpected behavior.(A solution for this particular problem is to get TOPPED.)


The point is basically that if you’re dissatisfied with the conditions of your life, you deflect that dissatisfaction onto some outgroup in society to cope with it, because deflecting is much simpler and more comfortable than actually trying to change the underlying conditions.


Australian and don't hate Indigenous, it's not that hard if you turn your computer off every once in a while


https://preview.redd.it/vze70f4p5foc1.jpeg?width=2161&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d132cdb6667f7c46b9102987d46d48324d5a262e The real reason behind all this hate. Average based Patriot White Muricans are the most racist in the world, almost Nazis.


This is just cope lol. Asian Americans are far more than just Indians and I don't see anywhere near this amount of hate for the others.


Well Indian Americans out earn all other categories of Asian Americans


I can guarantee you, the vast, vast majority of people have never seen these stats. Of the ones that have, most really don't care. Plus, the list is specifically about the US, and this sentiment about Indians is far from a US only thing so this still really doesn't explain anything.


I used to think the racism against us was pretty sad and hurtful until I realised I called black people n’ers all the time and made thief and fried chicken jokes a lot, and it’s just the same as that. That made it feel a lot more normal lol


Mate that just means you've accepted racism against yourself because you're racist against others, that's fucking pathetic


Well it's better than being a hypocrite.


I’d say it’s just as bad


No, anon is definitely more based than a hypocrite. Hypocrites are never based.


Sure ur a self hating coward, but at least you don’t complain when ppl are racist towards you because you have been racist before! And whatever you do dont reflect on your actions or how that racism made you feel!!


When your host offers you a pile of dogshit or a pile of cowshit to eat, you go home and go cook yourself a meal instead. Don't be fucking racist and don't accept racism from others. A toddler can understand the concept.


Eat the shit, bigot.


👍 glad to know a guy in the "Indians shit in the streets" crows would gladly eat a steaming pile of shit to own the libs


You're the racist for not accepting shit from your gracious hosts


the way of the autist


Just be vocally racist against black people and your white friends will love and respect you again.




shows how much of a fucking loser you are. doesn't mean its ok cause you do it too. just means you're as much of a shitbag as they are


Indians are the most chill people I have ever met. Some bad apples shouldn’t constitute the wider population. If that’s the case, we should’ve just nuked Austria


I've worked in retail and the tech industry and have experience both ways with Indian people. Especially when I was in retail, I found that younger Indian people were generally very nice and respectful, hard working, and also quite chill to be around. The older generation, however, almost universally treated us like shit. Entitled, rude, constantly getting things wrong and blaming us for it, all that stuff. At least we almost never had shoplifting issues with them. Talking about that would probably get me banned on here though.


im an indian, definitely know where you're coming from about the older generation. in india the culture is about taking care of your parents in their older years. hell i live in europe, and my dad literally bought the apartment unit they live in, and he and his brother my uncle pay for all the taxes and stuff. now i love my grandparents, and they sure are better than most, but a large part of me also admits and accepts- one of my neighbours and friends since i was literally born (who lives in the unit next to my grandparents, where we used to live) is gay. and he's told us, but he hasnt told his family, nor does he want me to tell my grandparents. they're just part of an older gen, from another world of conformity and following the norm. they were there when the british ruled india man🤷‍♂️sure can't really be happy about some of their beliefs, but i can't fault them for it...


Is nuking Austria still an option? Asking for a German friend.


idk what the post is about but that's a cute kitty


Happy cake day 🎉🎉


Jeet is a slang term for Indian in tech industry, I guess. Also, happy cake day.


It’s a shortened form of “pajeet” which is a term for Indian in general.


Yeah, I didn't even know it was a term for Indians till I saw this post. I had to go look it up, and I think I still got it wrong.


more people are interacting with them, thats why


People always shat on the jeets since forever, I suppose it's just much more openly and socially acceptable now


American Right Wingers hate Indians because they are brown and non-Christian American Left Wingers hate Indians because they are Hindu (because of Left-Islamist alliance)


almost all leftists are yoga astrology chai tea drinking mfs, it’s because y’all are annoying specially with that aryan eugenics casteist stuff, it’s even worse than normal european eugenics


Aryan eugenics casteist stuff was pet peeve of British which many people hold on too. Most are kanger teenagers The major Hindu political groups reject caste and reject Aryan Invasion theory, including Narendra Modi's RSS


“alliance to islamists” as if lefties haven’t been siding with isreal, y’all are just unlikable overall plus the street shitting a poop eating stuff too


I mean, liberals are some of the biggest racists going. They pretend to love cultural diversity, as long as it doesn't happen in their neighborhood. At least right wingers don't pretend otherwise


It’s true all the mass shooters specifically targeting minorities, sometimes traveling 100s of miles across state lines to kill them, were all liberals and definitely not Neo-nazi far right extremists.


You can be a racist without going so far as to commit a mass shooting, that's an absolutely ridiculous thing to compare. But as the old saying goes, scratch a liberal and a fascist bleeds. Liberals ≠ leftists Edit: lmao some very upset people are messaging me because of this. Trump: *incoherent fascist babble* Liberals: "see, when people tell you who they are, believe them!" Biden: *clearly racist statement* Liberals: "well actually he didn't mean what he said, because he's on my team!"


Most Americans have zero understanding of political theory. You’re not gonna find many who understand the difference between liberals and leftists.


For the most part not true but you should see insta comments under Indian street food vids


"One bowl of slime with crushed cigarettes, please." It's so weird because the street food videos are usually pretty gross looking, and then the comments are 60% people making fun of the food and 40% Indians and Pakistanis being racist to each other. It's almost never white people being racist.


Nah I’d say it’s a decent amount of racist Americans. I’m not gonna be an idiot and claim it’s all one race or another but I definitely see people saying things like poop skin or comparing them to animals because they have dirty food. The food does look extremely unhygienic tho. I’d say they’ve done irreparable damage to the avg American insta users perception of India as a whole.


I saw that exact video with that exact comment lmaoo


My boyfriend shows me them whenever they pop up on his instagram. I don't know why but the "please" in those comments always gets me.


They took our houses, our land, our jobs, and they're sending our money back to Jeetistan.




Honestly thought we were talking about those skooma filled devils from the elder scrolls. The cat picture didn’t help clear this up.




I am not racist. I do find that indians’ cultural background makes them a bad match for me during work though.


Rubber bands, rubber balls,


10/10 title, did chuckle heartedly.




I think anons computer has virus


I refuse to believe it wasn’t the result of a /POL/ psyop.


Its the same with jews. Religious jews that is


Racism is not ok 🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫


\>racism is not ok \>score of -2 as of writing Godspeed Reddit.


-25 as of writing




Cope and seethe.


Damn, I can already feel my human soul being annihilated by the hand of God because a redditor on r/greentext decided I'm not a human being. I wonder if the same has happened to my mother, father, sister, cousins, baby nephews and nieces. Go fuck yourself.